ID checkers keep underaged on their toes By owry Boitz Senior Reporter Neither rain nor snow nor sleet nor fake ID’s shall keep them from then appointed rounds. This is the creed of the ID check ers, those who stand at the front door of bars to make sure only those aged 21 and over are admitted. Sheldon, a UNL junior majoring in pre-physical therapy, said his job at the front door of Iguana’s, 1426 O St., was pretty easy. “It’s not too tough, as far as pick ing out the ID’s,” Sheldon said. A checker who goes by Pierre at Morgan’s Upstairs, 1409 O St., agreed. “Most of the time I just sit on my butt,” Pierre said, “It gets dull at times.” But the task of checking to make sure all patrons are at least 21 years of age is an important one, Sheldon said. By state law, any establishment serving alcohol to anyone under 21 will be fined $5,000 dollars; the ID checker who failed to catch the fake will be fined $500. “It’s pretty much my call,” said Pierre. “I can only get into trouble if a minor gets into the bar.” Sheldon said, “Whoever is going to get into this bar has to get through me first.” Jeff, a doorman at the Watering Hole, 13210 St., said checkers looked at more than just the birthdate. Travis Hoying/DN Plarra chocks a patron’s ID at Morgan’s Upstairs, 1409 O St. “Most of tho time I Just sit on my butt,” Plorro said of Ms Job. Each doorman has his own tricks to see through fake IDs. “Body language is a lot of it,” Sheldon said. “Sometimes I’ll ask when they graduated, what their as trological sign is, stuff like that.” Other techniques involve the ID itself. “The state seal on the driver’s license becomes distorted if tampered with,” Jeff said. “Usually you can tell right off. But Jeff said even he could be fooled. “The bad ones are really bad, and the good ones are so good, you can’t tell,” he said. What happens to someone with a counterfeit ID varies from bar to bar. “We always confiscate the fake ID,” said Sheldon. “I’ll usually get about one to three a night. “I’m very rarely threatened. Most of the time people will give me a little bit of crap, but that’s it.” Jeff has been offered bribes. “I’ve had people come back and offer me money to get their ID cards back.” At Morgan’s, Pierre said, he just sends them on their way. “If they come back with it two or three times, then we take it,” Pierre said. “There was one time that I had six people vouching for their friend’s age, but the answer was still ‘no.’” Being a frequent patron — called a “regular”—at a bar can sometimes get you in without showing an ID. “If they come here really often,” Pierre said, “and I’ve seen them a lot, I won’t check their ID’s.” “I don’t always check the regu lars,” Jeff said, “but I always check new ones coming in with the regu lars.” Iguana’s is a bit more persistent, Sheldon said. “We always check,” Sheldon said, “even people 55 or 60 years old. We check regulars, and even people who have been in the bar and left.” After the Nebraska-Colorado game, Jeff said he had a brief run-in with one of the Comhusker football players. All three have a simple, two-word reply for people who say they left their driver’s licenses at home, in the car or even inside the bar. “No excuses.” r THE WHY HOME KkSss STRESS If stress is getting you down, you need "Letting Go Of Stress" - a cassette tape by Dr. Emmett Miller & Dr. Steven Halpern, one of the country’s best ^^ selling stress reduction tapes. 3231 S. 13th In the Indian Village Shopping Center 421-1701 Hours M-F: 10-7 Sat: 10-6 Sun:12-5 "SINCE 1986 YOUR FIRST CHOICE FOR INTERESTING MUSIC & BOOKS" Ready FqbJour Deadtime St Coming January I3th To A Crypt-Plex near You Mary Riepma Ross 8£®i&gs&3g&&&&$8Si83$^gg^ College of Fine & Performing Arts Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery & Sculpture Garden 12th &,R Sts University of Nebraska-lincoln 402 472-5353 "VANYA' IS MAGIC! Fiercely funny, touching and vital!" -Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE loilSMALLE ON 42nd STREET I January 5 - January 15 11 ★★★★!' -Jetf Craig, SIXTY SECOND PREVIEW 1 SISKEL & EBERT Up!” A Miarious Look at the Over-the-Counter Culture All Rights Reserved. January 19-28 Bring in this ad and you'll get two tickets for the price of onel I / SIMPLIFY YOUR Lire/ SPENP HALF A PAY STARTING YOUR JOP SEARCH. WORKSHOPS: RESUME AND COVER LETTER WRITING INTERVIEWING JOD SEARCH RESOURCES CAMPUS INTERVIEWS AND RESUME REFERRAL SATURDAY. JANUARY 14. *50 A.M. - 1230 P M. OR SATURDAY. JANUARY 21. *30 AiA. * 1230 P.M. CITY UNION ram CAREER SERVICES e Service NIGHT SERVI *££?&$ m- ■ v ::•;•• *#■* $***5TO* ^WSSK^Wi***®*®* Departure-Times DepartureTimes fLvrnanHam ;TMUR.;ONtYil •.-3* AW- ■**>& «%r.':?:»■'» Night Shuttle Service is a student fee-supported service of the Nebraska Unions. •v j