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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1994)
Classified Wednesday, December 7,1994 i 472-2588 Page 11 FOR SALE 000s 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computeis 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 StereosfTVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles SERVICES 100s 100 Adoption 105 Alterations & Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service 120 Bridal 125 Catering 120 Child Care 130 Cleaning/Laundry 131 Cleaning/Households 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas 148 Hairstyling 150 Health & Fitness 153 Insurance 155 Instruction/Tutoring 158 Job Placement 160 Lawn care 165 Legal Services 173 Music Exchange 175 Photography 178 Pregnancy 180 Priming & Copying 182 Recycling 183 Religious 185 Rentals 188 Tanning 190 Tattooing 193 Travel 195 Typing & Resumes NOTICES 200s 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising JOBS 300s 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships HOUSING 400s 400 Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX: 472-1761 8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union MOOR Street Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0448 5 Bicycles For Sale New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands Wheel'n & Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 436-1477. 10 Books For Sale 30% of cover price paid for most used literature books. Page One. 206 N. 13th, 474-6316 Are you getting enough Momv for your textbooks? BOOK BROKERS Tart book Exchange Service. See our ad in the Announce ments section 210. 40 Misc. For Sale Pulp Fiction Natural Bom Killer posters. Kurt Cobain,R.E.M. Calend ers. 1,000's of CD's, posters, and plastic objects.... Recycled Sounds. 824 P. St Hay Market 478-8240. Buy, Sell, Trade. Videos Body Building Videos for trade, you may view them before hand, Call 402-553-3886. evenings. 70 Ticket Exchange 4 Orange Bowl Tickets for sale. Call 489-9967. Orange Bowl Package $999/person includes round trip air, Omaha to Miami, 4 nights hotel accomadations, rental car and game ticket. Contact Gold Coast Tours, 1-800-872-3049. Round trip ticket, Lincoln to San Diego, December 15 thru January 5th, dates changeable. $229. Call 466-9043. Wanted: 2 or more volleyball tickets to Friday's Qame vs Colorado. Must be reserved seats: Jeff, 436-9451. Wanted: Orange Bowl Tickets We Pay Top $ (305)529-8585 Annie’s Travel Orange Bowl Tickets! Call t-800-305-4691. For Sale: One-way airfare, leave Lincoln to Spokane, Jan. 3. $200, 484-7281. Orange Bowl Package for Four:3 nights at Miami Marriot, 5 nights in Key Largo, 4 orange bowl tickets. 4 orange bowl parade tickets, Rental car, $3800. Private Party, 305-238 90 Vehicles For Sale 80 NISSAN STANZA Auto, air, power everything, AM/FM cassette. New tires. 48K. Excellent condition. $7200 OBOAfter 4pm 467-1699. '84 tan Vokswagon Rabbit, runs well, 2-doors, 5-speed, air and heat. $400. Contact Wendy 464-7252. 1989 Pontiac GTA Trans-Am, white with grey leather, 350 V8, T-tops, loaded, excellent condition, $11,000 OBO, Call Scott 291-5835. 1987 TOYOTA PICKUP 4x4. RED, A/C, PWR STER, CHROME, STEREO AND MORE. $4999. CALL YAZ, 477-6249. 1983 Cougar, charcoal gray. Great school car. Asking $1500.465-4020, leave message. 200s Notices 210 Announcements ‘"Congratulations to all of the Graduating Seniors of Delta Sigma Pi. Best of luck in your future endeavors. _From the Members of Alpha Delta Chapter w Golden Key Holiday Social Thursday, Dec. 8th 630-8:00 p.m. at Godfathers Downtown (Upper Level) Take a break from your dead week studies and come get to know the other members ot Golden Key Honor Society. 3&2 Year Army ROTC Scholarships For All Disciplines Now Available. If you have a 2.5 G.P.A. or above, you may be eligible. Full tuition at UNL, plus up to $450.00 for textbooks. Call 472-2468 for more information. Adventure Training Leadership, management & adventure training offered to freshmen & sophomores without obli gation. Call Army ROTC, 472-2468 for more information. Are you getting enough Money for your books? BOOK BROKERS are a com plete textbook exchange service. We match buyers with'Sellera. No coat or obligation for listing your Call now and save. 43S-SAVE(7283). ASUN Election Parties are forming! If you are interested in running in the Spring ASUN elections Sign the list In the ASUN office 115Nebr. Union Beer sweatershirts available from L-XXX. Miller. Budweiser, etc. Ask for Jeff or leave a message, call after 5pm. 1-800-871-5646. DEAD WEEK Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week. Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURMG FINALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class. Quizzee are acceptable. Stop by the ASUN office. 115 Nebr. Union with questions or complaints or call 472 Holiday Clothing Drive Dee. 5-15 Now Is the time to dig Into your closets and contrfoute to needy families inllncolnl All dona tions are welcome, and win be taken to the Malone Center, the Rape Spouse Abuse Crisis Center, the Friendship Homes, the Peoples City Mission, and YWCA Job Outfitters. Donations received In the Women s Center and the offices for Student Involement on City and East Cam puses. Please help brighten the holidays for others. Drive is sponsored by the Women's Center. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON |^35JhIwoI!?nc!Sor5u5I!reI?!Ss535r 1 lt-1 1 “Well, It was a private table.” DON’T READ THIS Unless you want to miss the deadline to place an ad in the last Daily Nebraskan of the semester. We must receive your ad by 2.00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9th. Cal 472-2588 or stop by our office. 34 Nebraska Union. Join the International Welcome Team!! Time again for International Affairs (IA) to recruit Wel come Team (WT) memebers for our Spring 1995 New International Student orientation. For years, WT has been helping new international students to settle down In Lincoln and to start their academic careers more success fully. We are looking forward to working with another fantastic group that leads our new students into the U.S. academic and cultural systems I Orientation in the Spring 95 start Monday. January 2 and finish Saturday January 7,1995. If you sire available during this week and willing to come and help the new students, please come to the IA office and sign up for an appointment with Yenbo. Please sign up as s6bn as possble. Deadline: December 8 1994. January is normally a cold season in Nebraska, your warm welcome and assistance will make a major difference. Any further questions, please call IA or Jessi ca at 472-5358. Remember-Ring Take James Dean and Birthday Ring home for the Holi days. James Dean Rina $2.99, Cards for every occasion $1.99. P.O. Box 463, Grayslake, IL 60030. Student Assistants for the 1995-96 Academic Year are Needed. These full-time students provide support, assis tance, and education for students wing in the residence halls. We're looking for motivated people with well-developed communication skills. Information sessions are being held on Thursday, December 8th: 3:00-4:30pm Neihardt Blue TV Lounge 6:00-7:30pm Selleck Continental Dining Room 8:00-9:30pm Harper Lobby TV Lounge 8:00-9:30pm Abel North 24 Hour TV lounge PleasecaULasley Eateraat472-3880with any questions, or if you can't attend ona of these sessions. 215 Meetings Australia/New Zealand Study Tour Information Meeting. Thurs., Dec. 6 & 7, Nebraska Union. 530p.m. Cali 472-3353 or stop by CBA 209 for more information. CBA Student Advisory Board Social/meeting P.O. Pears Wednesday 12-7 at 530 pm DON’T READ THIS^ Unless you want to missthe deadline to place an ad in the last Daily Nebraskan of the semester. We must receive your ad by 2:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9th. Call 472-2588 or 6top by our office, 34 Nebraska Union. Pre-Dental Club Christmas Pizza Party Thursday Dec. 8th, 7 pm. Dr. Kuster's House. 8430 Ponderosa Dr. Maps posted around. PLEASE bring dues ($5.00/semester) ft going or not call Scott 436-6116. See You There! PRE-VET CLUB Meeting. Wednesday, December 7th. 7:00 p.m. at ECU. A representative from Ross University will be spewing. 220 Greek Affairs ACACIA Congratulations to Jon Scheve and Wayne Knisley, the new Intramural Pitch Champions of UNL. , Your Acacia Brothers Congratulations to Jeff Johnson for being selected to study abroad in Amsterdam. The Men of Acacia BE'F Congratulations to the newly elected executive board risen, Troy Rost, Matt Rise, Nate members: Brian J Hyde, Drew Beers, lyan Waltke. The Men of Beta Sigma Psi X<D Congratulations to the new elected exec.. Alpha-Dan Hoss, Beta-T. Gorham, Gamma-A Luces, Delta-C. Holmes, Epsilon-J. Ward, Zeta-D. R. Bloomquist, Eta J.C. Binge, Rush-S. Shuchman, J. Kinter, M. Zmarzly, Social-S. Clines, N. Vacek, Alumni-C. Lee, Phil.-J. Manson, IFC Rep.-B.J. Kriegler. Congratulations, Danielle Winscot, on your engagement! Congratulations to the new Chi Omega Executive Board: President, Lana Steinhausen; Vice-President, Karen Starr; Secretary, Sue Baran; Treasurer. Cindy Kamphaus; Personnel, Anna Baeder; Panhetlenic, Kelli Miller; Pledge Educator, TrlclaKoch;Rush, Amie Haggar. Thanks to the past execs for a job well done! Congratulations to the new Ambassador officers: Kristen Davis, Vice President and Jenny Wilcox. Secre too, Jill!), and to Tricia Koch, -r—*— — Board President. ra>B Congratulaions to our new officers! President- Kristin Eberhardt, Admin. VP- Kristin Warner. nriW7CUi9i\H rincu I OKU vr- AAllUtW r-JIIIIJTS, mvr* USTie Herron, Panhellenic- Suzette Emmons. Asst Rush- Kely Smithey, Omaha Rush- Amy WiBiams. Lincoln Rush-JBI Hemmer. Asst. Treasurer- Kim Jarecki, Cortes. Secre Gunderson. Asst Social- Angle Sauer. Merit Chair Keley Perkins, Rituals- OeAnna Frenk. Asst. Rituals Julle Greenamyre, Pace- Steflanie Dittman, Pledge Ed Mandy Noyce, Asst. Pledge Ed.- Tracy Thompson, Loy alty Circles- Katie Kenagy, Scholarship- Angie Richter, Asst. Scholar.- Laurie Choat, Parliamentarian- Jen Seykora. Historian/Crescent- Jule Johnson. Sister link KatrinaThomsen. Asst. PR- Laura Riley. Activities-Steph Preissler, Alumnae Relations- Heather Krier, Philanthro py- Michelle Dreesen, Standards- Nicole Richter, intramurals- Stacey Long. Magazine- Mick! Warrick, Song- Andrea Leising. Recycling- Laura King. Little Sisters of the Scarlet Rose Congratulations to our new officers: Secretary: Janelle Husman, Treasurer: Rebecca Johnson. Social Chair: Jeni Gordon. Ideas Chair: Carma Richmond. Birthday Chair: Erika Freeman, House Appreciation: Becky Carlson, Historian: Crystal Waterman, Co-Historian: Jen Ford, Intramurals: Jen Folger IN Congratulations Chaps, Omar, Cowan and Bargstadt on receiving King Pin. The Men of Sigma Nu |245 Lost & Found FOUND: 11/25, City Union Copy Center, pair of glasses with case. Call 472-6898. FOUND: One men's Wedding band in Teacher's College Technology Center. (120 Mabel Lee Hall) Come to coumputer Tech. Center to identify. Found: pair of glasses. Silver frame with black on rim. Claim a| DN. FUTONS...FUTONS...FUTONS -TOWN CENTER SHOWCASED St ’V->^45*0>StLtacoln,475-6690 '/ I Lincoln's Largest Selection of Futons & Accessories Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson thanks For HELPING ME MAIL Ml EETTER TO SANTA. THOSE BIG ENVELOPES ONLS WOLD a couple Humored PAGES. THATS WHY I USED A BOX. I HOPE SANTA DOESNT THROW HIS BACK OUT WHEN HE GET5 IT. ALl I CAN SAT IS, '(EAR SANTA HAD BETTER BRING EVERYTHING ON _ MS LIST.' I'VE ^ BEEN EXTREMELY ) > GOOD AU.YEAR'// jQ WHAT ABOUT THE NOODLE INCIDENT ? NO ONE CW PRONE r DIP THAT*' ft. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0815 ACROSS 1 Tear 6 Tender preceder 11 Steal 12 Habituates 14 One minute to one 17 Iranian coins 18 Beings: Sp. 19 Red or White follower 20 “-in the Wilderness,” 1974 film 21 Rubinstein or Schnabel 22 Swiss canton 23 So-so grade 24 -throat 0> u! £ U 25 Cuts back 27 Grin measurement 29 Aboveboard 30 Exaggerated praise 32 Impulsive one 35 N.M.’s Caverns 39 Others, in Toledo 40 Homes for hogs 41 “These-the times...” 42 Actress Hagen Irish assemblies -breve Part of a lemon Erskine and Essex ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 47 “Annie Gwendolyn Brooks book 48 Twenty minutes later than 14 Across 51 Annul 52 Chant 53 Type of dovetail 54 Lethal loop DOWN 1 Oscar winner in “The Divorcee" 2 Full of ups and downs 3 Guns a motor 4 Anne Baxter role: 1950 5 Postponement 6 “I will-mine - eyes ..Psa. 121:1 7 “—•- Talking,” J. Rivers book 8 Lombardo and Forget 9 Prince Valiant’s son 10 Off-duty time 11 -day (prescription direction) 13 Makes cords in fced 14 Small amount 15 Teamwork 16 Live 2i Gobbled s s s 24 Faro cards 25 Lidos 26 Miller and Landers 28 Mexican dish 29 Takes on 31 Sudden descent Grieve Reach Police stratagem 36 Umpire’s call 37 Francis or Dahl 38 Diplomat Silas: 1737-89 Glossy cloth Because of Choir members 46 Moussorgsky’s “Pictures Exhibition” 47 Concerning 49 Julie-, Norwegian actress 50 Up: Comb, form