The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1994, Page 12, Image 12
Classified 472*2588 Tuesday, December 6,1994 Page 12 TEMPORARY WORK $5.00 Per Hour During semester break we will have many openings Daytime hours Miscellaneous Warehouse duties, stocking, packing and some data entry work. 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday and 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday WE HAVE A FEW IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Apply at NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY, INC. 4700 South 19th Street Lincoln, Nebraska AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER THE KORN POPPER At 1417 N Street is now hiring full-time and part-time help. Hours are flexible and will work around school schedule. Call 474-5818 or apply in person at 14th & N, ask for Chad. voimsmaF a $*v*i SOUTH PADRE ISLAND PANAMA CITY BEACH S DAYTONA BEACh"1 | KEY WEST | VSTEAMBOAT VAIL/BEAVER CREEK • PER PERSON DEPENDING ON DESTINATION / BREAK DATES / LENGTH Of STAY. f-SOO-SWNCIIAS* TOLL raw iNroGtafATnoN & WSSSVATIONS Need Immediately 6 Good people, flexible hours, great pay with rapid advancement PT or FT. 441-0800. Opportunities Unlimited! University of Nebraska Foundation Phonathon looking for self-motivated students to raise money by phoning alum ni of the University of Nebraska. Students must possess good communication skills, ability to work at own pace and a positive attitude. Training will begin the week of January 9; working hours will be part-time evenings and possible weekends. Starting wage-$Sfhour plus incen tives. If interested, call 472-2151 (daytime) or 472-8833 (after 5pm) and ask for Kristin. Part-time Microfilm Processing Clerk for Output Technol ogies located in Linocln Trade Center. 4 daysAweek, flexible hours. Starting pay S5.25/hr. Will train. Call 423 0077, ask For Dave or Michele. Part-time front desk clerk AND part-time porter hours available. Competative wages, free meals. Apply in person at the Airport Holiday Inn, 1101 West Bond. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Phone rep. Hourly/commission, $300-$500fwk. Part and full-time. No experience necessary Will train right per son, 489-5760 Positions available for January CHILD CARE TEACHER ASSISTANT Part-time positions for before and after school program. Responsibilities: assisting site supervisor with activities, interaction with children, and assuming site supervisor responsibilities as requested. Requirements: Six months related experience. Qualified candidates must have good communication skills. Request application form from: Family Service, 601 South 7th Street Lincoln, NE 68506. If you require accommodation to apply or interview, please contact Veda at 441-7949. Family Service is committed to a pluralistic working environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Oppor tunity Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation has openings for After School and Before School recreation positions. To start January 3,1995 thru June 2,1995. Before School hours: 7-9am, M-F; After School hours: 2:30-5:45pm or 3:15 5:45pm, M-F. Plan and conduct activities for elementary children. Pay rates: S4.80-$5.0Q/hr for After School and S5.00-S5.20/hr for Before School. Apply at Playground Office, 1225 F St., 2nd floor, 441-7952. EOE/AA Retail, phone sales, data input warehouse openings. Apply in person, The Fort, 5601 S. 56th Street. Roofers Laborers and experienced needed. Good pay and bene fits. Apply at AJ Roofing, 610 W. P, or call 476-7905. WANTED: STUDENT CUSTODIANS Campus recreation is now hiring student custodians for morning hours only, Monday thru Friday. Apply at the Campus Recreation office in the Campus Recreation 310 Child Care Needed Childcare worker needed. 2 boys. My home. 10am- 6pm Dec 8-Jan 31, 1995. $7/hr. Must have current drivers license and background check. 489-0373, 489-0407. Needed in our home babysitterfor 2-yr-old twins, Tuesday & Thursday, 8am-5pm, $4/hr. Starting Jan. '95, call 421 I Give the gift of life this holiday season. IF Donate life-giving plasma and earn up to $45 a week. ^ Your precious donation will help those in need. 6? Call for an appointment today. Jf AHi^i-BioMedicalCenter yy, *T / l ZlOOj 300 South 17th Street _ Offer applies iqjew customers only. mm* 0-CS2 Computer Professionals OPEN HOUSE West Telemarketing will be hosting an open house this Wednesday, December 7, from 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for Systems Development and II Data Processing professionals. Food and beverages will be served. || West provides software professionals with a state-of-the-art develop ment environment including the following: • Individua PC worksiahons running Windows connected to our centralized computer sys • A compute- system dedicated to development • A state-of-the-art Cl-ent-Server application environment using relational dataoase tech nology • An array of Winoows basea support too's such as E-maii (v.a our Area Network), flow charting software on -hoe technical horary via CD-ROM. text editors, word process | During the open house, we will be having one-on-one and group tours conducted by our department managers. To familiarize you with our growing organization, West corporate overviews will be provided by ■ Human Resources representatives. West is currently offering a $3000 HIRING BONUS for experienced || programmers ($1500 after six months of employment and $1500 on || the one year anniversary). |^j Several positions at all levels of experience are currently available as $1 a result of our continued expansion. We look forward to seeing you on II Wednesday, December 7 oetween 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. For more || information, please call our Human Resources department directly at || 571-3200. I IT ■ mtuAtarmm corn»unon Report to Systems Development 3290 N. 93rd Street Omaha, NE 68134 The Mott Retpeeted Name In Telemarketing eoe Part-time in home nanny needed. 15-20 hrs/week Com petitive pay, experience and references required. Call 320 Work Study Jobs Work Study to include clerical responsibilities. 15-20 hrs/ wk Must be able to work at 7:30am. Monday-Friday in the Public Relations Dept to begin January 9. Minimum wage 400s Housing Publisher's Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising tor real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on en equal opportunity basis. 400 Roommates 2 roommates needed to help rent 3-bedroom house. Low rent. Call Joe. 475-6311 Female roommate needed ASAP to share nice 3-BR 2 BA apartment at 31 st and Old Cheney, $205+1/3 utilities. Call Wendy at 421-1309, leave a message. Female roommate needed for January 1st, can move in sooner to share two .bedroom apartment 5 minutes from campus Nice neighborhood. Non-smoker $185 plus 1/2 utilities. Call 476-9115. Leave message. Female, non-smoking roommate to share nice 3-bed room apartment, close to East Campus, $175/month, +1 / 3 utilities, Call Tami or Katie at 467-2672. M/F Roommate needed Jan 1 for Convient Large 2BR. Nonsmoker, Share with Grad Student Call Tom, H-476 6657 or 0-472-9324. M/F roommate needed Jan 1. $159/month + 1/5 utilities. Ask for Carmen, Kirk, Mike or Mike: 476-9459. Need 1 male to share 3-bedroom. Non-smoker, close to campus, pool, patio, free-parking 1/3utilities+rent 438 Need 1 -2 female roommates for second semester. W/D, $135/month, very close to campus. Call 476-2778. Non-smoking female roommate wanted to share 2-bed room on 18th and C. $160 plus 1/2 utilities 474-4492 Responsible non-smoking roommate to share 3-bedroom house, near South Washer/dryer, C/A, hardwood floors Quiet residential. 5 min. to campus. $200 + utilities 474 6654 Roommate wanted to move in immediately or for next semester. Cozy 4 bedroom house close to campus with 3 great roommates Call 477-4604. Roommate wanted: 1531 N. 22nd St 4 blocks from campus $162 50/month + utilities 435-0866, ask for Mark or Ryan. 420 Rooms For Rent FREE ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR HELP WfTH A LARGE FAMILY. MUST HAVE OWN CAR. 467-5668. 430 Houses For Rent ***2834 Starr. Very nice, 4-bedroom, 2-bath. Parking. Near campus. $650. 432-0644, 432-6644. 2215 Sheldon. Real nice. Three bedrooms. Garage Basement. Near campus $550.432-0644,432-6644, 2314 Holdrege, real nice 4-bedroom. 1*1/2 baths, ga rage, near campus S650, 432-0644, 432-6644. 3 bedroom plus study home near UNL. Washer, dryer, dishwasher, Central ale. Rent now or second semester $625. 423-1535 5-Bedroom house, 2-bath. Just remodeled, campus close. Washer/dryer hookup. Call Phoenix Properties Management, 474-5327. Available Now, 1941 L St 11/2 story, 2-bedroom house, walking distance to campus, double occupancy, $400 + utilities. 423-1053 or 423-6323. 440 Duplexes For Rent 11th &F. New York style loft Unique two bedroom. Spiral staircase. Skylight Pets-$30. $570. 423-4560 2-bedroom, walking distance to East Campus, two blocks to inter-campus bus. Available nom. 432-3511. 450 Apartments For Rent IIIIS50.00 move in Special'll! 640 South 20, Newer 1&2 Bedroom, Laundry, bus, $344-up. 475-7262. ***2423 B*** Super two bedroom, good neighborhood, washer and dryer available, no pets. S380. 475-9704 1256 S 26th, 3-bedroom, roomy and nice, laundry, no pets, $475. Call 466-9526 Available Jan. 1 2221 R, walking distance to campus, 2 bedroom, all utilities paid, $400, 435-6811; 470-3161 Available after 1/1/95. 1945 L St One-bedroom apart ment nice with formal dining room, living room, laundry area off bath, $300 * electric. 423-1053 or 423-6323. Available Now, 401 S. 20th. Efficiency apartment close to campus. $225 * electric. 423-1053 or 423-6323. urana New Nearing completion, delux 2-BR, 2-Bath, intercom entry, ceiling fans, mini blinds, some with decks, courtyard |uiet, NO PETS. S495-S52S 711 Benton (off North 14th Kiene Park Apartments, 477-7684. Close to Campus Efficiencies, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments now avail able. S230 and up. 484-8600 Century Management Co. East Campus 3-bedroom, 1&3/4 baths, W/D hook-ups, $525-850 477 2600. Management One Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured building. $235-1260. No pets. Call 477-3648. Female to live in with elderly woman, room and board in exchange for some care, wages for additional care. Call 464-3074. FREE RENT in Carriage House Apartment in exchange for 20 hours/week of housekeeping in gracious old Lin coln home. 476-7979, Susie. IMAGINE YOU IN YOUR NEW HOME Avail. Dec. 1st 1 & 2BR apts 2504 Vine St 1 BR heat paid, top floor Close to campus, and bus route. $330. 4300 Comhusker Hwy BEAUTIFUL 2BR, 1 or 2 bath Neutral color scheme Ceramic floors, white appl. Bright and warm Some with w/d hookups. Must see and HEAR them $500-550. Cherry Hill Management 489-48S7. Large 1-bedroom, off-street parking, ALL ELECTRIC & FREE CABLE, laundry, no pets, $330,521N. 25th St Call 477-7174 Large 4-bedroom. ALL UTILITIES PAID. Just redone. 946 S. 12th. $780. 430-9012. New Apartments on UNL Campus with free parking. 17th & Holdrege. Efficiency, 1 and 2 bedroom units available for second semester. Non-smoking building, laundry room, controlled entry, UNL shuttle stop. $325-475/ month. 477-6578. Newly refurbished apartment, 1301 N. 33rd St, 3-bed room, Hvingroom, full-bath, off-street parking. Heat paid, 438-5465 One bedroom basement apartment near south area, $325/month, utilities paid cable included, non-smoker, 476-0802. One-large bedroom apartment for lease transfer for 2nd semester, ASAP. 24th & T. $300/month, all utilities $40 budget plan, 435-4344 or 308-536-3215 REDUCED!! Studio-3330 P St Heat paid, only $220. 2-Br. 1120 E St Heat paid. Only $320 Studio-1107 L St Heat paid, only $260 Phoenix Properties 474-5327 Statehouse Suites One-bedroom and efficiency apartments. Newer building. Close to campus. No pets. $225-8300 1824 M Street 438-313Z Two bedroom, four blocks from East Campus. Low utili ties. Parking. One year lease. $350/month. 477-0855. WE WANT YOU! to work at the DN! The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for artists, copy editors, photographers and reporters for the news, sports and arts & entertainment sections for the spring staff. Pick up an application at the DN office, 34 Nebraska Union. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all Federal regulations pertaining to the same. 115 Bicycle Service 135 Computer Service 136 Data Entry 148 Hairstyling 150 Health and Fitness 153 Insurance 155 Instruction/Tutoring 165 Legal Services 170 Misc. Services 178 Pregnancy Lincoln