The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1994, Page 11, Image 11
Classified Tuesday, December 6,1994 472-2588 Page 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX 472-1761 H AM-4 30 (jm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln Nebraska 6R5R8-044R $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.16 each additional word. $.76 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree toassume liability for all contents of ail ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 5 Bicycles For Sale New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands Wheel n & Deal'n Bike Shop. 2706 Randolph. 438-1477 10 Books For Sale Are you getting enough Money for your textbooks? BOOK BROKERS Text book Exchange Service. See our ad in the Announce ments section 210. 13 Clothing For Sale 6 Formal dresses Not prom-like, very elegant, knee length, 1V2 price, $40-$50 each, sizes 5 and 7. Call 488 4030. 40 Misc. For Sale Pulp Fiction Natural Bom Killer posters. KurtCobain.R.E.M. Calend ers. 1,000's of CD's, posters, and plastic objects.... Recycled Sounds, 824 P St Hay Market 476-8240 Buy Sell, Trade. Videos Body Building Videos for trade, you may view them before hand, Call 402-553-3886, evenings. 65 Stereos/TVs For Sale VCR w/remote, $85 excellent condition. Also, COLOR T V.. $75. 466-8520. 70 Ticket Exchange 4 Orange Bowl Tickets for sale. Call 488-9967. Annie’s Travel Orange Bowl Tickets! Cad 1-800-305-4691 For Sale: One-way airfare, leave Lincoln to Spokane, Jan. 3. $200,484-7281. Orange Bowl Package for Four. 3 nights at Miami Marriot, 5 nights in Key Largo, 4orange bowl tickets, 4orange bowl parade tickets, Rental car, $3800. Private Party, 305-238 8149. Round trip ticket, Lincoln to San Diego, December 15 thru January 5th, dates changeable. $229. Call 466-9043. 90 Vehicles For Sale '90 NISSAN STANZA Auto, air. power everything, AM/FM cassette, New bras, 48K, Excellent condition. $7200 OBO After 4pm 467-1699 1989 Pontiac GTA Trans-Am, white with grey leather, 350 V8, T-tops, loaded, excellent condition, $11,000 OBO, Call Scott 291-5835. 210 Announcements ***To all Members of Delta Sigma Pi, Best of luck on your upcoming finals! Golden Key' Holiday Social Thursday, Dec. 8th 6:30-8:00 p m at Godfathers Downtown (Upper Level) Take a break from your dead week studies and come get to know the other members of Golden Key Honor Society 3&2 Year Army ROTC Scholarships For All Disciplines Now Available. If you havea 2.5 G.P.A. or above, you may be eligible. Full tuition at UNL, plus up to $450 00 for textbooks. Call 472-2468 for more information. Adventure Training Leadership, management & adventure training offered to freshmen & sophomores without obli gation. Call Army ROTC, 472-2468 for more information. Are you getting enough Money for your books? BOOK BROKERS area com plete textbook exchange service. We match buyers with sellers. No cost obligation for listing your books. Call now and save. 438-SAVE(7283). ASUN Election Parties are forming I If you are interested in running in the Spring ASUN elections Sign the list in the ASUN office 115 Nebr. Union Beer sweatershirts available from L-XXX. Miller, Budweiser, etc. Ask for Jeff or leave a message, call after 5pm. 1-800-871-5646. DEAD WEEK Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURING FINALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class. Quizzes are acceptable. Stop by the ASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union with questions or complaints or call 472 DON’T READ THIS Unless you want to miss the deadline to place an ad in the last Daily Nebraskan of the semester. We must receive your ad by 2:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9th. Call 472-2588 or stop by our office, 34 Nebraska Union. Join the International Welcome Team!! Time again for International Affairs (IA) to recruit Wel come Team (WT) memebers for our Spring 1995 New International Student orientation. Foryears, WT has been helping new international students to settle down in Lincoln and to start their academic careers more success fully. We are looking forward to working vyith another fantastic group that leads our new students into the U S. academic and cultural systems! Orientation in the Spring '95 start Monday. January 2 and finish Saturday January 7,1995. If you are available during this week and willing to come and help the new students, please come to the IA office and sign up for an appointment with Yen bo Please sign up as soon as possible. Deadline: December 8 1994. January is normally a cold season in Nebraska, your warm welcome and assistance will make a major difference. Any further questions, please call IA or Jessi ca at 472-5358. INNOCENTS SOCIETY Attention Junior* The Innocents Society, the UNL Senior Honorary recognizing outstanding scholarship, leader ship, and service to the University is now accepting applications for 1965. Applications available at Office for Student Involvement (200 City Union, 300 East Union) and Vice ChanceMor for Student Affairs (124 Admin). Remember-Ring Take James Dean and Birthday Ring home for the Holi days. James Dean Ring $2.96, Cards for every occasion $1.96. P.O. Bom 463, Grayslake, IL 60030. STUDENT ELECTION INFORMATION SESSION The ASUN Electoral Commission will be conducting an information session to explain the ASUN Election Rules and to answer any questions. Tuesday* Dec. 6 5:00 p.m. ASUN Office -115 Nebr. Union THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON “You ever get that urge, Frank? K begins with looking down from 50 stories up, thinking about the meaninglessness of life, listening to dark voices deep inside you, and you think, ‘Should I?... Should I?... Should I push someone off?’” Traffick Jamm II! December 9th Doors open at 9pm, 18 & up 1st Avenue 1st and Comhusker NOW YOU KNOW!! 215 Meetings Student Education Association Elections Tuesday, December 8,5:30pm, Henzlik 53. All members be sure to come and vote for officers for 19951 Australia/New Zealand Study Tour Information Meeting. Thurs., Dec. 6 & 7, Nebraska Union, 5:30 p.m. Call 472-3353 or stop by CBA 209 for more information. DON'T READ THIS Unless you want to miss the deadline to place an ad in the last Daily Nebraskan of the semester We must receive your ad by 2:00 p.m. Friday, Dec: 9th. Call 472-2588 or stop by our office, 34 Nebraska Union. Pre-O.T. CLUB Pre-OT meeting December 6th at 7:00pm in Henzkik room 201. Mindy Barnes COTA and Sandra Fritton OTR from Madonna Rehab will be guest speakers. PRE-VET CLUB Meeting. Wednesday, December 7th. 7:00 p.m. at ECU. A representative from Ross University will be speaking. Sigma Tau Delta Christmas Dinner, Tuesday, Dec. 6th, 5pm. Meet at YiaYia’s Pizza. 1423 O St 220 Greek Affairs . An Congratulations to Brent Karstens, Treasurer of Universi ty Ambassadors and Todd Grabenstein, Vice President of Block & Bridle. The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma AY Congratulations to the New Executive Officers: Presi dent, Bret Bailey, Vice President, Scott Choquette; Sec retary, Henri Jung; Treasurer, Jon Aemi; Rush Chairman. David Vincent; Chapter Relations, Mike Quinn; House Manager, Justin Roche; Social, Brock Hoegh; Scholar ship, Dillon Bloedom; Membership Development, Russ Lawton; IFC, Brent Patrick Swift The Men of Delta Upsilon Fraternity Rush Spring 1995 semester applications available NOW in Room 332, Nebraska Union. 245 Lost & Found FOUND: 11/18/94, in the AM a calculator outside of the Health Center, please call 475-4470 in claing. Found: Red earmuffs near south side of Bancroft Hall Claim at DN. FOUND: Sports watch by Harper, Schram, Smith Tennis Courts on 11/27. To claim call 436-0271. FOUND: 11/25, City Union Copy Center, pair of glasses with case. Call 472-6898. FOUND: One men's Wedding band in Teacher's College Technology Center. (120 Mabel Lee Hall) Come to coumputer Tech. Center to identify. 230 Student Government STUDENT ELECTION INFORMATION SESSION The ASUN Electoral Commission will be conducting an information session to explain the ASUN Election Rules and to answer any questions. Tuesday - Dec. 6 5:00 p.m. ASUN Office - 115 Nebr. Union 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted ACCOUNTING Paid internship. Junior, senior and MBA business stu dents. Professional health education consulting firm needs accounting assistant to work with management and CPA in designing, maintaining and operating com puterized accounting system. Responsible for day-to-day operation. Flexible schedule. See internship office for job description, company profile and application. Deadline: Friday, Dec. 18th. Apply early. The Buffalo Beach Corn Clerks, afternoon and nights. Apply in person, Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd and O. LOCAL DELIVERY. Full or part-time. Must be available over the semester break and into spring. Straight truck experience helpful, CDL not required. Apply Lincoln Lumber, 932 N. 23rd. Make community action a part of your daily life. Be apart of the environmental and consumer rights movement If you have strong communications skills, can be enthusi astic, and are motivated this job may be for you. $7/hour weekdays, $8/hour weekends. For an interview call Hudson Bay Company 476-1010,11-3pm, M-Thurs. Nationally-known publisher of educational materials has two part-time openings In its software division. Needed: Technical Support Meticulous, computer-literate person with a pleasant telephone voice and attitude, and strong DOS, Windows, and/or Macintosh skills. (No programming experience necessary.) Spend four hours per day (11:00am to 3:00pm) helping customers install and run our education al software. Salary commensurate with experience. Editorial Assistant/Graphics Our product development group needs someone with a good command of the language, and some experience working with computers. Experience with graphics pro grams (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, etc.) a plus, but will train the right person. Four hours per day, mornings preferred, but we may be able to work around your schedule. Call Vickie or Tammy at 423-5050 to arrange an Inter view. We are an equal opportunity employer. Earn Fast X-mas Money Help wanted immediately for temporary full and part time help to do light dusting of surfaces. Work begins on Friday, December 2. Various day and evening shifts are available M-F. Apply Thursday, December 1-Wed., De cember 7at Signature Professional Cleaning. 3300S 0th, 421-1133 for directions. EXCELLENT PART-TIME FOR STUDENT BUS PERSON $6.00/HR. TO START Three nights a week, 5 p m.-11 p.m. Must be neat, dean, willing to work. Tam O’Shanter, 105 S. 25th, no phone calls. Housekeeper Full time housekeeping position wanted at large apart ment complex. •attractive benefit package •flexible scheduling -$6.0Qfftour Please call Fountain Glen Aprts. 436-3452for information Immediate opening for lunch help this and next semester. Interior Design Students Divisions of University Housing has openings for possible two interior design positions, 12-20 hours per week. Duties will include research and design within University Housing. Applicants must be enrolled in, or have complet ed ID351. To apply, send resume to: University Housing Attn: Jason Johs 1108 Seaton Hall Lincoln, NE 68588-0622 Jon's Notes is seeking office assistants to work next semester. Interested applicants may apply at Jon's Notes, 1300 Q St, upper level Nebraska Bookstore, 476 8006. Julio’s is Cookin'! Now acepting applications for hosts, service, bar, and kitchen staff positions. Apply in person at 5600 S. 48 St SECURITY SPECIALIST Part-time 8am-4pm Saturdays/Sundays & Holidays Security experience or certification in law enforcement preferred, valid driver’s license Good physical condition with effective oral and written communication skills After 3 months of employment this PART-TIME position offers the following benefits.. ‘Medical and Dental Coverage ‘Educational Assistance ‘Paid Illness Hours Apply in person 9am-4pm, Human Resources Dept FIRSTIER BANK Human Resources Division 233 South 13th St Lower Level Lincoln, NE 68508 Jobline *434-1426 Equal Opportunity Employer Calvin and Hobbes I'M WRITING Ml CHRISTMAS LIST, HOBBES/ SHOULD I ADD ij ANYTHING R)RY0U^v - jc '~7T^' j^SfA HMM... I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING. / NOTHING?/ Nou doht , WANT ANY THING AT V ALL?'* I'VE. GOT A GOOD HOME AND A, BEST FRIEND. WHAT MORE COULD A TIGER WANT? rr by Bill Watterson IT MUST BE SAD BEING A SPECIES WITH SO LITTLE IMAGINATION. ACROSS i News; tidings 5 Keen 10 Precisely 14 “Thus with a kiss Romeo 15 Competitor at Meadowlands 16 River at Caen 17 Start of a quip 20 Ready 21 Goatfish 22 Sight, in Sevilla 23 Roll-call response 24 Cockatoo’s relative 28 Emulate Hans Brinker 30 Monogram of the “Adonais” poet 33 Become less harsh 35 Former ring king 36 Go looking for 37 Middle of the quip 40 Step (hurry) 41 Dockworkers’ org. 42 Reasoned out 43 Jackie Onassis, -Bouvier 44 Jimmy-, “L.A. Law” actor 46 “Night Music” playwright 47 Food in a birdhouse 48 M. Anderson’s “High-" 50 Memorable English composer 53 Soften by steeping ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 58 End of the quip 60 Grist for a soothsayer’s mill 61 Follow 62 Brogan or brogue 63 Require 64 Autumnal role fora suburbanite 65 Actress Harper DOWN 1 Tendril; strand 2 Gardenia’s attribute 3 Hoarfrost 4 Profound 5 Seed 6 Word on a Czech’s check 7 Etcher’s purchase 8 Soak flax 9 Certain TV hours 10 Sheer linen cloth 11 Viva-voce 12 Biographer Edwards 13 Dry run 18 Stately court dance 19 Preserve, as ham 23 Circle of light 24 Pyromaniac’s crime 25 Celebrate Alumni Day 26 Caine’s title role; 1966 27 Fissure 29 Gold measure 30 What “shalom" means 31 Assail 32 Airline data re flights, for short 34 Three-month term 36 Missile intercepted by a Patriot 38 Rove on the wing 39 Put on a pedestal 44 Brought to court 45 Michelangelo creation 47 Tolerate 49 Yellowish Digment 50 Tree-climbing mammal, for short 51 “All-,"1931 song 52 Busy as sss Small deer Caesura Relative of a twinge 56 Site of D. H. Lawrence’s home in N.M. 57 “-of Laura Mars,” 1978 film 59 Acid initials Edited by Eugene T. Maleska t