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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1994)
Buckle Up I It’s A Healthy Choice Nabneka Dapartmint of Health SPRING BREAK! Cancun from $499 1-800-235-TRIP SPRING FEUER! Speaker questions U.S. covert actions By John Fulwldf Staff Reporter A former CIA agent famous for his books exposing covert CIA op erations, spoke Tuesday night about his experiences during a lec ture sponsored by Latino & Latin American Studies. Phillip Agee said he resigned from the CIA after nine years of covert work because of his grow ing disagreement with the agency’s policy of working to control sup posedly free countries. “I began to see what I and my colleagues had been doing in Latin America for the CIA ... was noth ing more than a continuation of— at that time — nearly 500 years of genocide, exploitation, and politi cal repression,” Agee said. The United States has a long history of conducting questionable operations in other countries, es pecially Cuba, he said. Agee spoke extensively about the history and structure of the CIA. He said the CIA had three roles: foreign intelligence, covert action operations and counterintel ligence. Agee said the foreign intelli gence division affected Italian poli tics from 1948 to 1992. In 1948, he said, President Truman feared the communists would win the election. So $10 million was set aside to support the Christian Democratic party, he said. He said the Chris tian Democrats won the election and were in power, with the sup port of the U.S. government, until 1992. The covert action operations di vision, he said, was intended to manipulate institutions of power in foreign countries — the govern ment, military, police, trade unions and the media. Agee said the counterintelli gence division’s mission was to penetrate the intelligence services of other countries, friend or foe, and to spy on their spies. Another role, he said, was to prevent pen etration of the CIA by foreign spies. Agee blamed the Vietnam war on a failed CIA operation. He said it was ironic that the whole affair began when a doctor with the Of fice of Strategic Services — the predecessor of the CIA — saved Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh's life in 1940. The audience chuckled when Agee said Edward Langsdale of the CIA was sent to Vietnam to establish a new South Vietnam in an effort known then as “nation building.” Agee said that effort failed, and brought military advisors and eventually half a million U.S. sol diers into Vietnam. The CIA began a secret war against the Viet Cong Infrastruc ture, he said, which included an agenda of assassination called the Phoenix Program. He said the Vietnamese government had re ported the Phoenix Program caused 40,000 murders. Agee also blamed the prolifera tion of Stinger missiles in world arms markets on the CIA. He said the CIA in the 1980s, in coopera tion with Saudi Arabia, gave a to tal of $7 billion in arms to the Mujahideen rebels fighting the Soviets. Those arms included 1,000 shoulder-launched, heat-seeking, ground-to-air Stinger missiles. He said only 350 of those missiles were used in the successful effort to drive the Soviets out of Afghani stan, leaving 650 missiles unac counted for. Those missiles began showing up on the international arms mar ket, he said. CIA agents scrambled to try to buy up the remaining mis siles, he said, but were unsuccess ful. Agee spent a large part of his lecture spiking about Cuba. He gave a detailed history of the Cu ban Revolution, telling a story about how Fidel Castro swam across the Rio Grande River to get money for his revolutionary ef forts. Castro started with 12 men and conquered the 40,000-strong army of Cuban ruler Fulgcncio Batista through his strong recruitment. Attention Education Majors! 20% Off f* I everything in stock! I College Night at SCHOOL SUPPLY COMPANY Huge selection of idea books, supplies, and great gifts for kids! Thurs., Dec. 1 6-9 pm 1112 'O' Street 476-7663 DANCE at (Hueys Lower Levet of (funny's Compter 13&CI DOWN ENDED ^ thisday & h®ay Menu thjesday & m)Ay nshti TUESDAY & TODAY NKUT! DRAWS WELLS DOMESTIC BOTTLES • ••• Always HUSK1R HAU$ Beginning Friday & Saturday . *DJ dancing to the best dance music Friday 9-UPM •$.50 draws and •$2.50 pitchers Coupon good for ) $1.00 OFF ANY DRINK OR PITCHER Expires 12-30-94. One per person per night. 1140 "O" Street 476-9322 ■ mm warn mm m mm ■! ASUN approves resolution against higher fees By Mtlanto Brandwt Staff Reporter ASUN senators approved a state wide resolution Wednesday night uig ing the Legislature not to increase students finan cial burden. The resolution asks the Legisla ture not to de crease state aid to Nebraska’s col leges and univer sities or increase tuition and stu dent fees. The resolution was formed by student government leaders from Nebraska’s universities and state and community colleges at the Statewide Student Government Conference last month. The resolution must be approved by every student government by the end of the semester in order to present it to state senators in January. Association of Students of the University of Nebraska senators also approved a by-law change requiring student organizations to submit a one page letter as part of their recogni tion process. That letter must detail potential activities and the organization’s in tent. The by-law change was ap proved by a vote of 20-3. Bill Anderson, senator from the College of Arts and Sciences, said the by-law change would more clearly define the intent of student organi zations who wish to be recognized by ASUN. ASUN President Andrew Loudon said the senate’s constitution prohib its senators from changing the intent of an organization. He asked Anderson, who proposed the bill, if the by-law change would be a catalyst for senators getting in volved with a student organization’s content. But Anderson said the by-law change was neutral and should not affect what organizations can or can not do. “It’s simply a way for (senators) to know what they’re doing,” he said. “It gives no power to deny them or ganization status because of what they’re doing.” Two new senators also took the oath of office during the meeting: David Nosal, a graduate senator, and Travis Hopkins, a senator from the Nursing College. PowerbaU Continued from Page 1 bers from a field of 45 numbers and then the Powerball. Stephanie Titsworth, an em ployee at U-Stop Convenience Shop at 17th and Q streets, said ticket sales increased this week. Titsworth said that on an aver age day, customers bought about 30 tickets. Customers bought 375 tickets on Tuesday and 400 tickets before noon on Wednesday, she said. Titsworth said many stopped in and bought tickets on their way to work Wednesday morning. “Every single person who came in bought a ticket,” she said. Report Continued from Page 1 Regents first began discussing a separate college in September 1993. In October,'four consultants were hired, but they failed to provide enough information for a decision to be made on the college when they returned their report in March. Shortly after taking office that same month, Smith impanelled the second nine-member task force to gather that information. Task force members selected by Smith included: • Lee Jones, NU executive vice president and provost. • Del Weber, UNO chancellor. • Joan Leitzel, UNL senior vice chancellor for academic affairs. • Gene Koepke, UNK vice chan cellor for academic affairs. • John Chapman, director of re search-irrigation division Valmont Industries, \folley. • Lee Kearney, president of Kiewit Construction Co., Omaha. • A.F. “Tony” Raimondo, presi dent and chief executive officer, Behlen Manufacturing, Columbus. • Fred Choobineh, professor of industrial and management systems engineering; UNL Academic Senate President. • Dale Krane, professor of public administration; UNO Faculty Senate President. Task force members delivered the report to Smith on Nov. 11. He will bririg the report and his own recom mendation about a separate college to the NU Board of Regents in its Dec. 9 and 10 meeting. Regents are ex pected to vote on the proposal at that time. Engineering Continued from Page 1 • All additional operating costs, new buildings and equipment were financed by private donors. • The projected employment growth in engineering was centered in the Omaha area. The findings were based on a projected 8 percent engi neering job growth in Omaha in the next five years. In the report, Allen also found that since 1983, the number of engineer ing students declined by 12.2 percent nationally and by 32 percent at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In addition, 42.8 percent of recent Nebraska engineering students left the state after graduation, he wrote. The college at UNL also has the capacity to graduate an additional 70 to 141 engineering students each year, he wrote. Allen’s findings raised questions, however, for at least one member of the NU Board of Regents. Rosemary Skrupa of Omaha, who returned home from vacation Wednesday to find the report, said she questioned its impetus, timing, sources and presentation. “Whether he did this as a good will effort or whether there were other inducements, I do not know,” said Skrupa, who had time only to skim the report Wednesday. Alien could not be reached for comment Wednesday evening. Skrupa said she also wondered why Omaha engineering faculty members had not been contacted. Faculty members told her Wednesday that Allen did not interview them or use University of Nebraska at Omaha sources. “He did not balance the issue by checking with UNO, as far as engi neering is concerned,” she said. The report cites UNL research sources, an Omaha World-Herald ar ticle and other engineering journal articles. Skrupa said she thought all aca demic reports should include infor mation from every side. “When scholars lend their names to pieces of literature, it should be verifiable and it should be cross-ref erenced,” she said. “If you do an un biased report, you would talk to both sides of the issue.” Skrupa said she also was surprised “Idon't think this report is relevant at all. It appears to be one man’s opinion. ” m ROSEMARY SKRUPA NU regent that Allen sent the letter to Smith on Creighton University letterhead. Creighton, she said, is not involved in the debate. “I’m just curious why he would use that letterhead,” she said. “I’m quite confident that Creighton University is not getting involved in this issue.” But Skrupa said she thought the report would have little impact on the engineering debate and the board’s expected vote on the college next week. “1 don’t think this report is rel evant at all,” she said. “It appears to be one man’s opinion.”