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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1994)
MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system Including nrlntetonlySSOO. Call Chris at 600-289-5665._ NewCGA color monitor w/9 pin connector. $40 OBO. Call 438-5706. evenings. "^^CHEAPBEEf^^^ Convert any refrigerator into a kegmelser. For plans, send Jl 0 00 to Pub Club, PO BOX 6793, LINCOLN 4E 68506 0793, or call 486-3708 Pair of size 111/2 Heierlng ski boots. In good condition. Call 423-6925. VCR w/remote, $85 excellent condition. Also, COLOR T.V., $75. 466-6520._ FOR SALE: t Airline ticket. Round Trip Omaha - San Diego. December 25th - 30th. Cheap - $225. Cal 477 3582 (Jason) tor details._ ___ Round trip ticket to Los Angelos lor sale. December IB 31. $240, 436-9966. 1990 Mazda 323. 2-door hatchback. 5-speed, AM/FM cassette. Clean. $3750 or otters. 1987 Toyota Tercel. 2-door coupe, 5-speed, air, AM/FM cassette. Nice. $2950 or otters. Beers Aulo Sato*, 1647 8. Third. 477-6442. 1990 Pontiac Grand-Am Le. 4-door automatic, power steering, power brakes. 65,000 miles, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette, excellent condition. Call 464-0646 any time or 464-7766 bet or* 4. 100s Services ADOPT: Happily married couple eager to give your new born loving home, good education, financial security. Expenses paid. Please cal Vicki and Robert at 1-800 882-7035.__ ADOPTION A loving alternative We oiler counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children s Home. 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483 7879. Adoption A nursery lull of teddy bears and toys, a beautiful country home and two hearts full of love await vour newborn baby. Expenses paid. LegaVcontidential. Cal anytime, 800 748 9963^___ Pregnant-Considering Adoption? We can help. Cal: A Dream Fulilled Adoption Inc. tol Iras t-800-558-4529. DATA ENTRY Quality work at a reesonabia price. Holly Sexton. 466 3943. SpelBound Books 6 Gamas, tor all your gaming and reading needs. 905 N. 18th Would You Lika True Savings on Your Long Distance? Cal 441-9506.1 can he|> you aave on your long dtetance. Wedding Photography By Bob Burchaea. Special prices through December lift. Caff 477-2338 tor m appointment. PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT le a confidential having hand. ^B^tgnancy tsst, piNM caI us for appoint* Pspars. Theses, Dissertations. On-campus pickup and riAlkreni « t-m-- iSS a4 nOfy Resumes By Ann OuaNtv resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven result. 484-0778. Seers Resume Service Experienced protssatonei wrier. ONewsy Mai location. 10% discount wth student D. 484-8637. Resumes g&ag&saysiffiasms 200s Notices ?IM !& ln,E'S!teh »9. Can #3721 on Fima ol the Sound Era from 1930-1970, Check I Outl Attention Foreign Students! Sal K£ KTOitt”,0f *,rip B^Ird^^c.VakSxJifl'oftoVeotffieeMje^cdlafter 5pm. 1-800-871-5646. 8' laREEKS/CLUBS/ATHLETICS GET THE SERVICE THAT YOU DESERVEI Reserve )«ur spring vacation to South Padra Island todayl Group discounts lor six or morel t -600-638-6203. 1 ^ Havteg trouble getting your messages? Do you think votes maifeoxes are fust tor businesses? Wrong I Call today and establish your very own voice mailbox Tor the low cost of $7/rnomh. 466-4149 or 464-6706. Looking lor peopletogoto Vail, ColoradoJanuary t-7.For more Inlormatlon cal Malt 436-0119. Outdoor Adventures CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING IN COLORADO Friday, December 2 is the deadline to sign up for the Colorado Cross-Country Skiing Adventure. If you fee the beauty of winter, snowcapped mountains, breathtaking skies, and majestic forests, then this trip Is lor you. The trails ol Breckenrldge. Keystone, and Frisco Nordic Ar eas. along with Arapaho National Forest offer some ol the best winter ski touring In the world. The locus of this trip is to en|oy ourselves, exploring as much of the Incredible, snow-covered wilderness scenery as possible. The trip dates are January 2-7, f 995. This "winter paradise" awaits your visit! Sign up now at the Office ol Campus Recreation to reserve your space. For more Inlormatlon. call the Office ol campus Recreation at 472-4777. Remember-Ring Take James Dean and Birthday Ring home lor the Holi days. James Dean Ring $2.99. Cards (or every occasion $1.99. P.O. Box 463, Grayslake, IL 60030. _ Women’s Soccer Club Informational meeting lor new and old players. Nov. 30, 7p Rec Center TV lounge. Questions call, Sarah 436 Gef Involved lev next eemeeSer now! Habitat For Humanity Informative meeting Tuesday. Nov 29.630pm at Corner stone Church. 16th 6 U. Everyone Is welcome. AppNca tlons available lor next semester's officers. t i begfnnfno to boh iklli Christmas Formal! xn KA© Aon A0> KKr nBO Ar AAA December & 1994 ZAE Congratulations to Jason UyhHdal for baing atactad Traasurar o1IFC. ThaManOfSAE Z<t>E Congratulations to Scott Halm on baing atactad IFC Sacralary. Also, Bruca Bauar lor baing atactad Houaa Manager. Tha Man of Sigma Phi Epsilon To tha Kappa Kappa Gamma piedgas. Tha bowling was great, you guys bowl Ike no others, especially Malissa. From the Chi Phi pladgaa. Shannon J., Coma over to tha dark side. ~M"ewt ‘Gindrich FOUNO: 11/18/94, In tha AM a catcuMor outside of tha Haafth Canter, please can 475-4470 In claim. FOUNO: Glasses between MorriMHaH and MoaHsr Tower on Nov. 17. Claim at tha Daly Nebraskan offlca. 34 Nebraska Union Found: Pocket knits m a parking lot on East Campus 11/ tS. To claim ca» Ed. 478-1632.__ FOUNO. UNI student I.D. Thursday outside of Avery Hall. Coma to ON Office, 34 Nebraska Union, to claim THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON WANTED: HP41, HP42S, HP48. HP95LX, HP100LX. Call Rex. 467-0685 dally. 435-0992 evenings and week ends. 300s Jobs 7-ELEVEN Under New Management. H you are looking tor extra Income and need a lob that can work around your school schedule, apply at any location. We have open lull-time/ part-time 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. EOE. Attention Fluent Foreign Language Speakers!!! Telelinguists needed lor French and Spanish classes second sememter. No teaching certRlcate required. Please lax resume to 477-2377/Attention Sara. Billy Frogg’s Grill and Bar Now hirlngbar, cocktaiCcook, and dishwasher. All shifts. Benefits available. Will train. Apply in person Monday thru Wednesday 1 -4 pm at 826 P Street or caR 477-2171, ask for Rob. Busy tanning salon needs part-time help. 10-15 hra*. Evenings and weekends. Apply in person weekdays, 9a.m.-3p.m. The Tanning Place Inc. 333 N. Cottner. clerical” Entry-level position lor part-time office support person. Flextrie schedule, must be accurate, dependable and respect confidentiality. For Information call 489-7131 or send resume to: Personnel. PO BOX 80639, LINCOLN NE 68501. Do you enjoy seeing the sun rise, travel and the company of children all around you? For a part-time bus driving postion please call 421-6537/leave message. Doozy'6, Lincoln's newest deli style resturant, in down town Lincoln Is now accepting applications lor all posi tions. Pick up application at Nebraska Job Service. 1010 N. St. Furniture carry-out person needed. Must be able to lift over 50 pounds. Must be able to work afternoons and Saturdays. References required. Apply Family Thrift Center, 1745 0 Street. Help Wanted for holiday season at Gateway Mall. $5.00/ hr. We need someone to work some nights from 4-10, weekends, and the day alter Thank sgkring. Must have retail experience and be dependable. If interested call Cecils or Barry at 475-1235, leave message. IDEAL FOR STUDENTS Immediate positions available tor individuals who are, honest, dependable, and have excellent references. JOB REQUIREMENTS: cleaning, detailed following of service schedules. DAYS: M-F HOURS: 10-15 hrskh. [early evening). AVERAGE PAY: wtprox. $5-7/hr. START DATE: Dec. 1 ** you must be able to work over Christmas break** If you handle responsbllty well, would Ike to wear what you want to work and listen to your favorite music. Please call,477 1066/432-3369 for appointment/ interview. Jon's Notes, Incorporated Is seeking flier distributors. If you we interested In earning $5.00 for 20 minute handout, please apply at Jon's Notes, 1300 Q Street, upper level Nebraska Bookstore. 476-8006. La Paloma Accepting applications for: ‘Line cooks *WaHety ’Apply within 301 N. 8th. LaundryLand hiring tor Sam- 2pm. 2-3 shfts/week, $5 hr. Apply at 48th $ Old Cheney. Need: Sophomore/Junior to tutor a High School senior and sophomore In Geometry, AP Calculus, AP Chemis try, AP Biology and High School Chemistry. 3 days/week for 10 hours. Start ASAP, days and payment negotiated. Call 421-9234, evenings. Part time District Manager position The Lincoln Journal-Star Is recruiting an individual to fill the position of District Manager. Candidates should be mature individuals with good communications skills, who are people-oriented, and can motivate youths as well as Interact with parents and customers. This part-time posi tion Is Ideal for the college student who Is looking for a challenging opportunity and personal growth. Qualfica tions include being available by 230 p.m. weekdays, 9 a.m., Saturdays and some Sundays. Must be available to work approximately 30 hours/week, have own vehicle and Insurance, and possess a valid drivers license. Benefits include good hourly wage, bonus plan, mileage, and vacact ion/holiday pay. Apply In person at Lincoln Journal-Star, second floor, 926 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 by Tuesday. November 22. EOE. Part-time cashier needed. Must be able to work after noons and Saturdays. References required. Apply 1745 •O' St. Family Thrift Center. _ Part-time opening In futon and waterbed sales depart ment. Flexble daytime hours available. Town Center Showcase, 2645 O St. _ _ Part-time Stockers needed. t0-15hrs/week, flexible. Close to Campus. Glaser Ceramics. 464-6454. Production Labor AGP Pm Foods Is seeking Individuals to work 2nd shift from 330 p.m. to midnight with possble daily and week end overtime. Full-time with benefits Including vacation and shift differential for 2nd shift. Beginning wage $7.45 with $t.45 raise after 12 months. Job includes stacking bags of pm food up to 50 bs. and driving forklifts. No experience is necessary but must have high school diploma or GED. Work record must Indicate dependabil ity. Apply at Nebraska Job Service 1010 N Street. Lincoln. Ne. Monday and Tuesday the 21 st and 22nd of November between the hours of 8:0u a.m.-l 1:00 p.m. and 1 ;00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. NO PHONE CALLa PLEASE. _ EXCELLENT PART-TIME^ FOR STUDENT BUS PERSON S6.00/HR. TO START Three nights a week. 5 p.m.-11 p.m. Must be neat, clean, wiling to work. Tam O Shanter, 105 S. 25th, no phone caHs. FLEXIBLE HOURS Super Saver. 48th & 'O' is now selecting friendly cashiers. Part time hours are available for all shifts. Come join our team. You must be 19. See store director Kely Coday. Full-time/Part-time openings working with children. CPR and first aid required. Must be 19 years. The Kid Depot 421-7878 Roofers Laborers and experienced needed. Good P*y*nd bene fits. Apply at AJ Roofing, 610 W. P, or cal 476-7905. Rose Express Wholesale to hiring FT-PT floral processors. WII train. 4920 N. 67 St. Sulte-S Make community action a part ol your daily life. Be a part of the environmental and consumer rights movement. If you have strong communications skills, can be enthusi astic, and are motivated this job may be for you. $7/hour weekdays, $8/hour weekends. For an Interview call Hudson Bay Company 476-1010,11-3pm, M-Thuis. This it your perfect opportunity to perform a vitally needed service and to earn extra cash for the holidays. It couldn't be easier. You can earn up to $ 150 per moat b! We have a critical need for human plasma NOW to insure the manufacture of many life-saving products. NEW DONORS EARN $25 ON I st DONATION. RETURN DONORS EARN $20 ON 1 st DONATION (after three month lapse) ALL EARN $20 ON SECOND DONATION IN THE SAME CALENDAR WEEK ^^^^OPENTDAY^AWEEK^^^ Mon-Fri...8:00am-7:30pm Sat.9:00am-4:00pm Sun.10:00am-3:00pm Offer expires after the holidays. Earn more at University Plasma 1442 "O" Street Call for an appointment -8645 ii iWisS^ijliUlJ I !^=; __ __R3iP };T©WN center showcase! C 'X32645‘O’StLincoIn, 47*6690 ZJ Lincoln's Largest Selection of Futons & Accessories Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson WVE NEVER. HAD AN OBLIGATION, AN ASSIGNMENT, OR A DEADLINE \N ALL'fOUR L\EE.' '(DO UAVE NO — ^ R£SP0US\B\HT\6S ) I /VVZ-l at all / it must / A ~~ f\8EINICE!r-^ 'wipe. TUM" INSOLE^ ^SWRK OFF jqoa FPC£Ty TWE REAL PUH OF LWIMG WISELY IS THAT SOU GET TO BE SMOG ABOUT [Y. Crossword ACROSS 1 Sailor's mop sTree-climbmg civet 10 Margaret Truman’s "Murder at the 13 City in Kan. 14 Vest 18 Shutout spoiler it Admirer of Gallic people 10 Transport in Genesis io Clooney hit: 1955 20 Tall and slim 22 Suburb of Paris 23 Kind of barrier 28 Worn out 28 Corrective 31 Concealed 32 Telegram 33 The Charles's pet 34 Whoopi's role in “Ghost" 35 Kind of cream 38 Short-legged horse 38 Finished 41 Covered-wagon team 42 Hersey's town in Italy 44 Weigh down 48 Hot dog 47 Hunter on high 48 -Blanc 48 Hope-chest fabric ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0805 si Perrine and Bertinelli ss Baba, the woodcutter 86 Symphony in D minor composer 89 Orel's stream •o Casts out 61 Actress Witherspoon 62 Juan or Jose 63 Loco 64 Carpentry item DOWN 1 Prepare flour 2 Had on 3 Comical King 4 Tossed from side to side 8 Answer 6 Deadly pale 7 Emulate Phil Mahre • Part of R.S.V.P. 9 Forever, in verse 10 Order founded in Assisi: 1209 11 Walled town 12 Very dark 14 In a poorer state 17 Hand covering for Roman boxers 21 Role for Price 23 Canary’s cousin 24 Foretoken 29 Lvric Doem 28 .. grown by what it Hamlet 27 Native of Hesse 28 "The 1984 film 28 Make amends 30 Toil 32 Pallid 38 Rider of the rails 37 Louganis feat 40 Seine feeder 43 Take awav 45 Finely chopped 45 Eats greedily 46 Oscar-winning Borgnine part 49 Vientiane is its capital so Actress-writer Chase si Immense 32 Privy to 53 Yellowish gray 54 Three-handed card game 87 Alter follower ss Mount a diamond