Classified «»«. $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. 20’ Cadex carbon fber MTB. XC-Pro, Manitou III, Avid brakes. Lots of extras. Light. $1200. Dave 436-6126. New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheel'n 6 Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. See the '95 Fat City bicycles now at Cycle Works. Blow out prices on all 94 models. Lay away now tor x-mas. Cycle Works, 27 A Vine. 475-2453. MACINTOSH Compuler. Complete system including printer only $500. Cal Chris at 800-289 5685._ Packard Bell 386 80meg harddrive. IMeg Ram, SVGA moniter, printer. Braham Pal 464-6219 or 472-8989. Lice New: Papasan chair for sale, color new forest green cushion. $80 OBO. Call 486-0866 ask for Stephanie or leave message. m m_ SECOND CHANCE Everyone and everything needs a second chance, so come on in to Second Chance. 1640 O' St. to see all the things we have lor sale. Movies, cassettes, games, furniture, TVs, stereos and much more. We buy and sell. VCR w/remote, $85 excellent condition. Also, COLOR T.V.. $75. 466-8520. Wanted: Orange Bowl Tickets Will Pay Top $ 305-529-8565. f I_ 84 Vokswagon. New Paint. Good Shape. $2200. 488 4653. 432-4654 100s Services Adopt Devoted financially secure couple will provide love, secu rity to your newborn Large home. F/T mom, pets. toys, the best of life experience*. Pat/A11 800 270 9119. Expens es paid. ADOPTION A lowing ellet native We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fee* or obligations Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home. 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 3U, 483-7879. Pregnant-Considering Adoption? We can help. Cal: A Dream Fulilled Adoption Inc. tol free 1-800-566-4529. Service your bike now at Cycle Works, 27 6 Vine. Expert repair on all makes. Fast turnaround, complete line of accessories. Cycle Works. 475-2453 DATA ENTRY Quality W°rV 81 8 rea8onab,e Pric®- Holly Sexton. 466 SpellBound Books & Games, tor all your gaming and reading needs. 905 N. 16th PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping nrant 463 2f>099nanCy ,e**' plea#e ca* u* *or aPP°*nt Pacers. Theses, Dissertations. On-campus pickup and delivery. Holly Sexton, 466-3943. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nabmakan, baaamantolthaNabraaka Union Sears Resume Service Experienced professional writer, Gateway Mall location. 10% discount with student ID. 464-9537. 200s Notices Let’s Talk Women and Food Many women struggle with their unique relationship with food and eating behaviors. II you spend an Inordinate amount of time thinking, or worrying about food let's Talk! Nov. 16th noon-130pm The Women's Center 338 NE Union _472-2697_ Nurse Scholarships Fraahmen and Sophomore nursing students, cash In on good grades. Apply now tor Army ROTC scholar shipe. Call 472-2466. OUTDOOR ADVENTURES TRIP DEADLINES Wednesday. November 16 is the deadline to sign up for the Outdoor Adventures Cross-Country Ski Clinic Don't miss out on this great dime. Cal the Otllce of Campus Recreation at 472-4777 for more Information. PRE-SEASON BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Intramural Pre-Season Basket bal Tournament for both men and women is Tuesday. November 15. Don't delay! Enter your team now. Cal 472 3467 for more Information. Remember-Ring T*e James Dean and Birthday Ring home for the Holi days. James Dean Ring $2.99, Cards for every occasion St .99. P.O. Box 463, uraslake, IL 60030. Attention!! Eligible students planning to transfer to Teachers College must first attend a College orientation session. Bring your advising folder and a CMA to one of the sessions listed below: Wednesday, November 16, 1994 109 Henzlik Hall 3:30 - 4:30pm For more information, r—" fcw contact the Teachers | College Student Services Center, 105 Henzlik Hall THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON II •* An unnatural silence hung In the kitchen, and Spunky sensed that his arrival was unexpected. Semester at Sea! Representative at Nebraska Union on Monday, Novem ber 14,10am-2pm, Information table; 2:30, video. Room to be posted. Students Interested In Teachers College ATTENTION: Eligible Students planning to transfer to Teachers College must first attend a College orientation session. Bring your advising folder and a CMA to transfer day session on: Wednesday, November 18,1994 109 Henz Ilk Hell 3:30-4:30pm For more Information, contact the Teachers College Stu dent Services Center, 105 Henzlk Hall. THIS COULD BE YOUR LAST CHANCE... To spend an exciting summer In Oxford, England. What a great opportunity to study economics and the arts for four weeks at historic Oxford University. There will also be plenty of time to explore Bath, Stonehenge. Stratford upon Avon, And many other places. Don't miss out on this opportunity, attend the next information session: Tuesday, November 15 at 1 MO p.m. In CBA 138 Wed need ay. November 18 at 10:30 a.m. In CBA 138 For more details, contact: Kerry Brooks or Jennie Mills, CBA 138 or phone 472-2310. to Kansas City Intemation_Jrs has organized a one-day trip to Kansas City on Saturday, November 26. Guided tours of the city Include the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, an enormous museum with works at art from every culture and period of the world, and a visit to the first shopping mall In the U.S. In the evening you will see the beautiful Christmas lights aB over the cly. Cost of transportation and museum admission is $25 with student I.D. and $35 without student I.D. Food Is extra. The bus will leave the East Campus Union at 7:00am. Please reserve your space with payment at IA or call 472-5358 by November 18._ _ Women’s Club Volleyball Practice Monday. Nov 14,8-10pm and Thursday Nov 17. 6-8pm at Mabel Lee Hall. Questions? CaB Kate, 477 0573. ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS! If you want to gain a competitive advantage In: ‘Leadership Skills ‘Interpersonal Skills ‘Corporate Relations ‘Time Management Skills ‘Organizational Skids ‘Protect Planning techniques/strategies ‘Networking Skids Plus, receive these additional benefits: •One-on-one experience w*h one of Nebraska's best corporations ‘Greater networking resources *A "real-world" opportunity unmatched by any other In ternship. job or classroom experience ‘Meet new, exciting people and. *A $500 stipend Then, apply to become a Valmont Industry a liaison today! Applications are available In CBA138. Deaddne Nov. 16. For questions, call 472-2350/472-8838. Beer sweafershirts available from L-XXX. Miller, Budweiser. etc. Ask for Jeff or leave a message, call after 5pm. 1-800-871-5646. D oozy’s Lincoln's newest Dell-Style Restaurant opening soon in downtown Lincoln. _ Food & Personal Items Drive This week only! GNeto those In need. Any non-perishable food items, as wed as paper products and personal Items. Ad donations given to the Cdy Mission. Boxes lor dona tions can be found in the Women's Center and the Offices for Student Involvement In both the City Union-Room 200 and the East Campus Union-Room 3u0. Helping others brings hope! Having trouble getting your messages? Do you think voice mailboxes are just for businesses? Wrong! Call today and establish your very own voice malfcox tor the low cost of $7/month. 466-4149 or 464-6706._ Biochemistry Club Biochemistry Club meeting Monday. Nov. t4. 5:30 p.m. City Union. Room will be posted. CAMPUS RED CROSS MEETING Wed.. Nov. 16th at 6:00pm In the basement ot the University Health Center. Everyone is Welcometo attend! PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Parking Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, November 15, 1994 at 300 at the City Campus Union. (Room will be posted) Pre-Optometry Club Meeting Tuesday Nov 15 at 5:30pm City Campus Union. Room to be posted. Dr. Mark Colip from lllinios College ot Optometry will be speaking. Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Tuesday. Nov. 22 from 4-6:30 p.m. at UNMC College of Pharmacy. For details and to RSVP call 1-800-626-8431. Pre-Physical Therapy Meeting Tuesday Nov. 15. 7pm Unlv. Health Center, rooms A-C. Speakers: Linda Good from Mayo Clinic and Jennifer Ruth from UNMC. Student Education Association Meeting Tues, Nov. 15 5:30PM Henzlik 53. Topics: Communicating with Parents and Administration; Nomi nations for December Elections. IN Thanks to those who participated and attended 9trt> Night Just another smashing social success. See you all in ’iS. Aon Salutes ADPi and Lambda Chi for their impressive philan thropic efforts. You're our "pick of the month.* Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson A LITTLE V YKL T\GERS W\QM- CALL IT STRUNG, UGUTMlHG ARE YIE’/ QUICK REFLEXES. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska * No. 0730 ACROSS 1 Do sculpting • Complain 10 A man olthe cloth 14 Not native is "Othello” villain 16 Sea lion 17 Thales, Solon e al. 19 Without 20 Maintain 21 French printing dynasty 23 Fury 25 Four H R E sovereigns 26 Sidekicks 30 Live oak 33 Track shape 34 Arabia s Gulf of 35 Winged singers 40 Lust, envy, sloth, etc. 43 Exchange 44 On the briny 45 This often t thickens 46 Didn’t exist 48 Collections 49 Use a tiller 52 Social event 54 Shame 57 Landed property 62 Winglike 63 Va battlefield, also called Fair Oaks ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 65 Darnel 66 Redact 67 Director Lubitsch 68 Vice prin 69 Take out 70 The Little Colonel DOWN 1 Container for wine 2 Away from the wind 3 Split 4 Barkley's nickname s Weariness 6 Secret org 7 Latest fad . 8 Ripens 9 Faneuil Hall site 10 Plus factor 11 Bingo km 12 Marriage notict 13 Otherwise 18 Extend 22 Where Sorrentc is 24 Make beloved 28 Mail 27 Declare 28 Fluid rock 29 Snow vehicle 31 Desist 32 Set back from a margin 38 Cleo's snakes , 37 Irritate 38 Sheepshank, eg 39 Fast planes 41 More recent 42 Type of sail 47 Rubbed out 49 Marner or Lapham so Ivan and Nicholas 51 White heron 53 Former Turkish com 54 Dossiers contents 55 Yield 56 Malevolent i 58 Radial, e.a 59 Boleyn or Frank 60 Flardy lass 61 Padua neighbor 64 Hot time in Tours