Opinion Friday, November 11,1994 Page 4 Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln JeffZeleny.. Editor. 472-1766 Kara Morrison.Opinion Page Editor Angie Brunkow...Managing Editor Jeffrey Robb.Associate News Editor Rainbow Rowell.Columnist/Associate News Editor Mike Lewis...Copy Desk Chief James Mehsling.Cartoonist On guard Police pro-active on gang problem The Lincoln Police Department has taken a commendable, pro active approach to a potential gang problem in Lincoln. By admitting that gang activity docs indeed exist in the Capitol City, Lincoln residents and police will have a better chance of protecting the city before the problem becomes severe. Lincoln, which has been thought of as an overgrown small town, is changing. It seems police are trying to keep up with these changes. Lincoln Police Chief Tom Casady said Thursday that 153 police reports noted at least 23 different gangs in Lincoln. He said police would be stepping up their efforts to keep a choke hold on gang activity. Mayor Mike Johanns stands behind the police department and said additional funding was needed to combat the problem. “In Lincoln, we don’t need to reinvent the wheel (when it comes to policing),” he said. “But I hope the community is prepared for the needs we’re going to express.” Taxpayers may have to be willing to bite the financial bullet to help fight the problem, if they don’t want other bullets to start flying in the city. According to a summer 1993 cover of Time magazine that depicted teen-age gang members with guns in Omaha, one Ne braska city already is in trouble. We don’t need another. With a pro-active approach being planned by police, Lincoln has a better chance of remaining safe and keeping the gangs quiet. “Tonight we witnessed a miracle. Democracy has worked. We may not like the outcome, but we cannot deny the results.” —Jan Stoney, Republican senate challenger, after conceding the - election to Sen. Bob Kerrey. “We’ve known for a long time that I was a long shot We were prepared for a trouncing — and we were trounced.” — Republican gubernatorial candidate Gene Spence, after conced ing to Gov. Ben Nelson on Tuesday night. “That gives new meaning to the term 'Landslide Ben.’” — Lt. Gov. Kim Robak after hearing the gubernatorial election results on Tuesday night. “It’s a fragile thing, the trust that people have In you, and we lost It tonight. The entire Democratic party received a rebuke this evening.” — Sen. Bob Kerrey on the Democratic party losing control of Congress. “Allen Beermann has done an outstanding job in his 24 years. I wish to compliment him. I only hope that — I don’t plan to be there for 20 years — whenever I step down that people across the state will speak as kindly of me as they have of Mr. Beermann.” — Scott Moore, netvly elected secretary of state. “We’re excited to be the people’s representative. Hard work, right timing, anti-incumbency and Bill Clinton” led to the win. —Jon Christensen, newly elected Republican congressman for the 2nd District, explaining his win over Democratic incumbent Peter Hoagland. Staff editorials represent the official policy of the Fall 1994 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regenu. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. *' - - f The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. I liters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit material as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Letters should included the author's name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. Submil material to the Daily Nebraskan. 34 Nebraska Union. 1400 R St . Lincoln. Neb. 68388-0448. _ //) —-„___ T lo t^aAnnh M? Nm wftTiutsol C ho V\o^1 i H\° MsOoOO r\\r f m WTO) toR? pouriCAu , wo/ WZ\ U££// /JH 1HE ELECTIONS COlAVitWClALs AJ\^tW U , «teO«U l OUT.* I I Vi/i/Tl r V Mmi \\" 'v 7/ ^ Step forward I couldn’t help but be totally sick and angry after reading the Daily Nebraskan editorial on Wednesday. Your one-sided view on politics is frustrating and just plain bad thinking. The vote on Tuesday that put the Congress majority on the Republi cans was a mandate for change, and not for President Clinton’s change, either. The Daily Nebraskan said, “It’s a step backwards. It is an old plan that had 12 years to work and failed.” Not so fast there, you left wing crybaby. The Democrats have had 40 years of holding power in Congress, and look where it’s gotten us. It’s given us bigger government, higher taxes and people who want to depend on the government instead of themselves. Our senator. Bob K , talking about Peter Hoagland i lesday, said, “Peter has been counted out as much as Freddy Krueger has, and he comes back. But I say if Peter doesn’t win tonight, Freddy Krueger will.” Kerrey was referring to Jon Christensen. Look, Kerrey, the American people have realized that the Republican party wants a balanced budget and a crime bill with real backbone, not one with lots of pork. That’s not Freddy Krueger, that’s the American people. Give the Republicans 40 years, and we all will see this great nation move two steps forward and not one step backward like our liberal newspaper wants you to believe. Brandon Hein junior political science Foolishness Hello. 1 am a registered Republi can. My family tree has roots in Alabama and Tennessee. 1 was raised in the Church of Christ, a religion so conservative and fundamentalist that I have always accepted the fact that it is out of the mainstream. Now that I have confessed what a Satanic, child-eating, sheep I fornicating, sex-crazed, atheistic liberal I am, I need to say my piece before I leave Lincoln and go on with my life. (I was being tongue in-cheek in that last sentence, although you probably figured that out on your own, unless you arc a total dork.) 1 cannot for the life of me believe the foolishness 1 have witnessed in the DN over the past year. The labeling, the jeering, the blatant lack of civil disagreement and friendly rivaliy has been appalling. No, Jamie Karl, this Southern belle does not feel guilty for the slavery that thrived in my home land more than 100 years ago. 1 did not do any of it. Period. The fact is, however, we HAVE been left with a nasty mess to clean up. We are bearing the consequences of the sins of our ancestors. It is childish, incompassionatc, irresponsible, selfish and downright UN-CHRIS TIAN to sit back, fold your arms and say, “Well, I am not the one who made the mess ” That is a cop out phrase. Pure and simple. Tucker, 1 do not wish for any woman on the planet Earth to experience an abortion. I might as well wish they experience a mastectomy. I adore babies. I have two of the most beautiful babies in the world as my nieces, and I love them as if they were my own daughters. One of them felt so close to me that she addressed me once as “Momma,” and I had to explain a few things to her in the best way 1 could to a 2-year-old child. I have been a firsthand eyewit ness, however, to what occurs when a woman is forced to have a baby against her will. The consequences are atrocious. I worry about that child because I know his living environment. He’ll be in jail in no time, I guarantee, if he isn’t killed in some gang war first. This is reality. Do not ever, and I do mean EVER, confuse an unexpected pregnancy with an unwanted one. Women are smart enough to tell the difference. Trust me on that one. An unwanted pregnancy is a lonely, traumatic experience. Forcing her to have a baby against her will is akin to forcing her to have sex against her will. Both are intrusive, a violation of her own body. Just learn how to leave these women alone. I have known good women, good MOTHERS, who have had to choose an abortion at one time in their lives. You don’t know them, so I would appreciate it if you would stop judging them. Your hateful words are tnc evidence of your sheer ignorance of reality. “Judge not. that ye not be judged,” as the Bible says. I would criticize a few others, but they are no longer working at the DN. I have been lead to believe that the DN staff is actually a group of liberals conspiring to give conservatism a bad name. You know, the way Carol O’Connor used to do when he cloaked himself into the role of Archie Bunker. Call me paranoid. You’ve called me everything else, albeit indirectly. What’s one more name? Nancy Lloyd Lincoln The Daily Nebraskan wants to hear from you. If you want to voice your opinion about an article that ) appears in the newspaper, let us know. Just write a brief letter to the editor and sign it (don’t forget your student ID number) and mail it to the Daily Nebras kan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, or stop by the office in the basement of the Nebraska Union and visit with us. We’re all ears.