The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1994, SPECIAL ELECTION EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    NPPD lists 34 tasks
needed to restart plant
Public Power District officials on
Tuesday released a report outlining
what steps need to be taken before the
Cooper Nuclear Station near here can
be restarted.
The report’s list of 34 tasks ap
pears to be comparable to the tasks
identified by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, commission spokesman
Joe Gilliland said.
On Nov. 17, a nuclear commis
sion evaluation team and an industry
evaluation team will release their
preliminary findings concerning
problems at the station, Gilliland said.
The findings will include what has
to be done before the plant can be
The 778-megawatt plant has been
shut down since a current breaker
was found tied closed on May 25.
The problem could have rendered
backup diesel generators inoperable
during an emergency, the nuclear
commission said.
It was one of a series of problems
that led the commission to list Coo
per as having a “recognized negative
Management was changed over
the summer and in October.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
staff on Tuesday praised the manage
ment changes at the station on the
Missouri River in southeast Nebraska.
The meeting was the first public ses
sion since John Mueller took over as
head of the team of engineers trying
to get the plant back on line.
Mueller told the nuclear commis
sion that previous management lacked
clear direction. Part of the problem,
he said, was that Cooper had a history
of few problems, leading manage
ment to pay little concern to such
Joe Callan, the nuclear
commission’s Region IV administra
tor, said he could not speculate on a
possible date when the NPPD-owned
plant could resume electric produc
‘‘The exit meeting next week will
be a stark reminder of past problems
and brings to mind that there may be
more work before we can consider a
start-up date,” Callan said.
UNL Chancellor backs removal
By 9mmu McCarthy
Staff Reporter
UNL Chancellor Graham
Spanier said at an Academic Sen
ate meeting on Tuesday that he
supported the removal of Ray
Massey from a
UNL faculty
committee that
oversees a 4-H
sr Massey said
SitlATE he received a
UP letter from Ken
Bolen, director of Cooperative
Extension, last week stating he
had been removed.
During the meeting, Spanier
discussed the difficulties of bal
ancing free speech and the Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln’s com
mitment toward tolerance, sensi
tivity and diversity.
“I understand from personal
experience that one’s convictions,
conscience and philosophy some
times pose dilemmas at this junc
ture,” Spanier said.
Massey was removed from the
committee because of his unwill
ingness to follow the university’s
nondiscrimination policy, Spanier
Massey was free to discuss and
promote his views, Spanier said,
but he was not willing to follow
equal opportunity laws and poli
“I want to assure the members
of this faculty, and indeed all citi
zens of this state, that we will
continue to administer UNL in an
open and fair manner,” Spanier
said, “respecting the principle of
tolerance and following the poli
cies and procedures that have
worked so well for this university
in the past.”
In other business, Kenneth
Kiewra, an educational psychol
ogy professor, spoke to the senate
about the continuing need of an
academic success center.
“The average student here has
no place to go for academic sup
portive assistance,” Kiewra said.
He stressed the importance of
teaching learning strategies to stu
dents to help them get better grades
Don Wilhite, an agricultural
meteorology professor, and Doug
Jose, an agricultural economics
professor, addressed the senate
about a report prepared by the
Nebraska Coordinating Commis
sion for Postsecondary Education.
The report examines the ratio of
faculty to students on campus.
The ratio of students to faculty
is 13 to 1, the report states. Jose
and Wilhite said that ratio was
inaccurate, because not all faculty
members teach classes.
Faculty in the libraries, museum
and research centers don’t teach,
they said.
When nonteaching faculty are
removed from the figures, they
said, the ratio of studentsto faculty
is 19.3 to 1. Wilhite and Jose said
UNL needed more teaching posi
Two reports were submitted to
the senate, one from the research
council and one from the
Chancellor’s Commission on the
Status of People of Color.
The senate also passed two reso
lutions. The first resolution pro
hibited proxy votes on any senate
motions or elections.
The second resolution abolished
the Salary Study Committee and
instead started the Faculty Salary
Advisory Committee.
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