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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1994)
Classified Wednesday, November 9,1994 Page 15 ' anastudsnt organization ads. |4.00 per day for IS words on non-student ads. il5 each additional word. |.73 billing charge. Personal ads muat be prapeid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to pubHca ti0n'lhe Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any parson on the basis of ssx, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national 000 llie Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or rated any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper._ American ELF frame and atom, size targe, poflehed. $500, cal Mark at 469-5997 New and used bicycle*, expert repair on aN brand* WheeTn * Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randotoh.436-1477. Sea the 85 Fai CXy bicycle* now at Cycle Works. Blow out price* on aN84 modal*. Lay away now tor x-ma*. Cycle Works. 27 S Vine. 475-2463. Clearance books, all you can carry, 93. A NOVEL DEA. 118 N. 14ST. 475-8863. IBM PS1 and Okldala printer and software. 9500. CaN 436-6935. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system Including printer only »600. Cal Chris 1M0-266-6686. One Tandy Laptop LTI500. Used wary ittle. Also DM Printer. Asking $500. (402)3364566. or (402)336-2301. Huge Sale At kinds d furniture from 39 apartments. Building being demotehed, everything for sale. November 3-15. 226 S. 17th, 4354336. Lke New: Papasan chair for sale, color new forest green cushion. $80 OBO. Cal 486-0866 ask lor Stephanie or leave message. _ Mac. bedroom and bring room furniture, ktchen table, and bicycle for Bale. Must sal, cheep! Cal 438-4761. Sega Genesis Game System. 2 controllers, Sonic II. In original boa. perfect condUon, $75. Cal 4764493. For sale: One non-student basketbal ticket, minus KSU. isu games. WANTED: two tickets to Chief-Chargers game. 483-0323 after 6 p.m. 84 Vokswaaon. New Paint. Good Shape. $2200. 466 4653. 432-4654.___ 63 Mitsubishi. T red la 4-door, power everything, 100,000 miss, $800. Cal 436-6012 200s Notices HEALTH AIDES WbV* reaped a great harvest wUh Heath Alda* Bio youl Thank* lor at of your hard Work I You're greatly apprectared. Loire, Your Coordbiator* __April Barb. Ouana, Jaaon, A Mka. 3& 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarships Are Now Available For All UNL Disciplines. fy?i_hei»y2Jor1ree>wQJ»A,youm«yk»eaglM» i^LASKA EMPLOYMOa -Student* Neededl Fishing "*}*?• E"n “Pto QjyfM—♦ per month. Room and boardl Transportation! Mete or Female. No experl ence necessary. Call (206)545-4156 ext A57781. ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS! ^eedeShtesKt? * oomp*l,lv# •dv*ft»*0«ln: ‘Interpersonal Skits ‘Corporate Relatione ‘Time Management Skits ‘Organizational Skits :^!Svi^ns£t,#chnk,lJ^s'ra,#flU>* Pkj*. receive these additional benefits: •One-on-one experience wth one ol Nebraska's best corpora! ions ‘Qraater networking resources •A "reel-world' opportunity unmatched by any other in ternship, (ob or dassroom experience ‘Meet new, exciting people end, *A 8600 stipend Than, apply to become a Valraont Muatry'a Liaison today! Apptcatione are available In CBA138. Deadlne Nov. 18. For questions, cat 472-2360/472-8838. Bear sweatershlrts available trom L-XXX. Milter. B^dsreleer^Wfc^ihJor Jeff or leave a massage, celt alter Doozy’s Lincoln's newest Dell-Style Restaurant opening soon In -«-■»-| binnWi oowniown Lncom. Education and Culture A conference sponsored by ths Fubrlght Association. Teachers' College and International Affairs wtl bs held at the Wick Alum ni Center, 1 fth A R Street. on the University of Nebraska Lincoln campus starting at 830am on Fn day. November 11, and 9:00am on Saturday, November 12.1994. CONFERENCE » FREE ANO OPEN TO ALL. PLEASE JOIN US! For more Information, contact Joseph Stimpfl at472-6368 or Ed Nemeth el 472-3345. FREE COOKIES FOR ALL WINNERS! The deadline for Heart A SouVOrganization of the Month has been extended to FRDAY. NOV. 11II Oat you nom inations In to 200 Nebraska Union or 300 East Urtlonl Harper 2 *41 be sating Big Johnson, Coed Naked, and other similar shins tor $13. Can Jack for dot ails 436-9594 Involvement Team Applcattone for Involvement Teem Assistant are avaM abie at the Office tor Student Involvement, 200 Nebr. Union, 300 Nebr. East Union. Application deadlne Nov. 18. Quest Iona? Call Jason 472-8142 LANCER TICKETS UNL Hockey Club Rams Table In Union Tuee 8 Wad, S2.00/T)ckot LSAT -MCAT-GM ATGRE went to find out how you might do on the moat Important test you'l ever takefl? Come to the Kaplan Center at 10:00am on Saturday, November 12 for the FREE TEST DRIVE II Cel 476-7010 to Pre-register_ OFF TO OXFORD WE GO! It's never loo early to plan tor your next summed How about spending four fun-1 lied, axettng, and memorable week* In Eraland studying business and tha arts. Stonehenge. Beth. London,and Stretford arelustatewcf the pleoaa you can explore as part of tha Nebraska at Oxford p rogrem. Whd a greet opporlunly to asm 8 hours of 300/400 level credit In business and ths arts . Come find out how exdlng your next summer can bel Wednesday, Nevaeiker » el 1— aei. Thursday. Ncveeiber 1$ at 2— pjs. For more Information, contact: Kerry Brooks or Jennie MNS.CBA 13$. or phone 472-2310. PHILADELPHIA Thursday, Nov 10 Presented by Q.L.S.A. Show Time 7 30pm Room to be posted In Union 472-Sm44tor Info THS FAB MDI By GARY LARSON »»-■' .u-wumu*,,— u,u.*| “Your* up, Rod” VIRTUAL REALITY 100% Fait Year Return 1-800-658-S72S WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR ENGLISH MAJOR? Career planning and placement will give you ideas Thurs day. Nov. 10,2-4pm In the English Dept. Lounge, room 22ft (Andrewa) All Interested Wlalcomel_ 70’S Masquerade Party Friday November 11 the Clubhouse Rhetorical Society. In conjunction with KLDZ 95 FM WII hold a flavswkaa Mas qu wade Party from 7 pja. mkMghl In the Centenial Balroom In Nebraska Union. Advanced ticket sales wll be held between 11a.m .-2p.m. In the lobby of the Nebraska Union.For more Information, call Tony at 435-7885. Caah prizes for beat TV's coatumea. attnT PRE-VET CLUB MEMBERS Don't forget- 5th Annual Barn Dance/Hayrack Ride w/K State. Friday Nov. 8th, 7:00-777 Maps to Dr. Schneider's posted In Vet. Basic Science or meet In VBS parking lot at 6:15. Everyone welcome! Bring a friend! The Publications Board will meet 4 p.m. Wednesday In the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. Al are welcome to attend. UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Meeting tonight. Nov. 9,700 p.m. East Campus Union. Speaker Mark Vrtlska from Miss. State U. Topic: Manage merit of Migratory Waterfowl. Everyone welcomel EN Thanks Pat McGrath and Gene Wiliams for making Sigma Nu look good at all the home footbal games. EN Thanhs to the last Executkre Counrt. You did a fine job. Thanks to the men of FUI, for the weekend of Hot Tubbing) We had a hot A wet tlmel Also, thanks to Kappa Sig for making some mula with us before the gamel _ The Qals of Gamma Phi To the Women of Tri-Delta Thank you very much for hetolng to make Melodrama *94 a success. We appreciate all the hard work and effort you gave. The Men of Acacia Congratulations to Chandra Burtrum tor being selected for a Disney Internship In the spring. Good luck and have fun! Love, your Phi Beta Chi Sisters Congratulations to the new Sigma Nu officers. Commander- Marty Martin Lt. Commander- Cnris Maul Recorder- Jeff Beaton Treasurer- Denny Franks Pledge Trainer- Jason Cals haw Rush Chairmen- Greg Metschke, Rob Wlnans Social Chairman- Ryan Inman Alumni- Dan Okeberry Congratulations to Steph Ehlers (AXO) and Steve Stonebraker (Zeta Psl- Wesleyan) on their engagement. _____ The Women of Apha Chi Omega nB<D TWISTER TOURNAMENT Novstwhw 13,1334 2Mpa at the CoMaauai QuaaMowaT CaM Early at 433*173 IN STRIP NITE Looking For More in ’94 Thursday Nov. 13 Get Your Tickets Now! UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, November 9 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union INFORMATION AND ADGENDA AVAILABLE IIS NEBRASKA UNION STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Electoral Commit*ton Publication* Board Senate - Graduate Senate - Nursing Sexual Orientaion sub. Applications avalable at 115 Nebraska Union Deadline • Nov. 15. Tired of being taken for granted? Would you Ike a Idle romance, would you Ike to be pampered or maybe even spoted a little? Successful buslneesman-45 with many hobbies A interests has a situation that may Interset you I you're a female between 19 and 30. B Interested, please send snapshot and contact Info to: P.O. Box 264. Weep ing Water. NE 68463. Found: Big Black Shoe In front of ESPN tent 10/31.475 9119. Tom. Wanted: Used Piccolo. Can 486-8421. 300s Jobs I 1 GRANDMOTHERS Now hiring waitery and hoet/hoetees cashier. Apply any time. WII cal for interview. 6940 A St. -TOWN CENTER SHOWCASE^ , JO2645 ‘O’ St. Lincoln, 475:66987 ’ J I Lincoln's Largest Selection of Futons & Accessories | Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I WAS READING ABOUT HON COUNTIESS SPECIES AftE BEING PUSHED TOWARD EXTINCTION 81 NANS DESTRUCTION OF FORESTS. I C'W uw—r—I P»«w Syn<k<n | f SCtfETlMES I THINK. THE SUREST / SIGN THAT INTELLIGENT UPE EXISTS ELSEWHERE IN THE \ UNWERSE IS THAT NONE OF IT \HAS TRIED TO CONTACT US. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0726 ACROSS 1 Actor Tamblyn S Flick • Meet feature 12 Another forte of 1 Across is Baseball's Blue Moon is Informed about 1S Group character 17 Actress Copley it Barreled along it “The Song of the Lanier poem 22 Slugger Jose 23 Burns's refusal 24 Say further 27 Ex-Giant lineman 28 F.S U. site 31 Role for Stack or Costner 33 Kiki-, rock star 34 Shifts 35 Fla. city for spooners? 38 Fundamental 42 Composer Am 43 Zaire's Mobutu -Seko 47 Mont.'s state flowers 51 Recpt 52 Wee. in Ayr 53 Number of Disney Dalmatians 54 Drawing closer 58 Cerldom in SC? ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 59 III humor •i “-ao abhor thee ..Shak. 62 Actress Burstyn 63 River to the Baltic 64 -packing (dismiss) 68 Poet Lizette Woodworth 66lnd. city 67 Former Dodger pitcher 66 Latvia et al. DOWN 1 Pika 2 Lets go, in a melodrama 3 Boswell et al. 4 Sonnet part 5 Road hazards • Thought: Comb, form 7 Long cigar • Trick • Soothe 10 Producer director Fred 11 Outcome 12 India's Plateau 14 Old Testament book 20 U S.M.A. et al 21 Put the shot 28 “-Ring des Nibelungen" M-Moines 28 Finnish poet Eino 30 Views 32 Comic sketch 38 Freeze over, as a port 37 Certain ebb and flow 38 Buck and hind 38 Tot’s ammo 40 Objective 41 Ex-quarterback Ken 44 More wicked 45 Lacking a male heir 4« Ore city 44 Hungarian ballet master and family 44 Hirsch role in TV’s ‘'Taxi” so Piggy-bank owners ss Vexes S7 Weird so ..-clock scholar" 50 Cranberry so Mount-, in Greece