The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1994, Page 8, Image 8

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    Classified .»*.
Tuesday, November 8,1994 Page 8
secureieourtryhome. Oure—„
sister, let’s help each other during this difficult time
Expenses paid. Cal Jane and Jelt at 1-BOO-404-7774
1 Holt International Children I
Placement of children ot al races with families. AH
adoption services provided. 3201 Ft Street, 435-7467
Loving couple, would show your newborn tovt, security,
and ale time ot happiness Medical and legal expense*
paid. Catl 1-600-92B-2900. Please ask lor Liz or Tammy.
WII do alter it ions, ripper repairs, hemming. Mam re
pairs, act... Shirt*, dresses, slacks, •kfrts, jeans, and
coat*. Reasonable rates and doaa to city and scat
Blue* Bike a Fitness Six blocks from campus. New and
used bikes. Excellent repairs tor ad make*. New two
i locations U27S. 13th. 435-2322 and332l Pioneer* Blvd
488-2101. Open 7 days a week._
Servlet your bM now at Cyda Work*, 27 8 Vln*. Expert
repair on ad makaa. Fast turnaround, complete line of
accessories. Cyda Works, 475-2453
386 s 8 486S, Laptop* Print art, Lasers. ETCJJythe
Day, Week. Month. OR Semester. Rant, Leas*. OR Rant
to Own. Morv-Frl 10-6.477-2984
OuaMy work m a raaaondda price. Holy Carton, 496
fodlBouod Boons 4 Gamas, ter a» your gaming and
- - ftean Jhn y^iir, tT« mrr
American Family !ncuranc*‘Renter* Aula Itnma'
M^lth, and Life 1340 L,
"-Ti-mT-lr n—g » firtni tin luiui Till u. i
*"« iiU^pNy» WHm Bankruptcy. LindlofdTiniffl
P Amm if am wab av%H Quryiraa
4930 PrMriBftivB Aya
Quamv 14 vtirt
exptrwnc* pfovwnr^utta 484*07^J y
rTm "r r ,Tr"" "
1/ if--^
bMFt Hosume i^rvic©
10% discount with itudant 10. 464-9637.
Cycle Works Is now taking applcations for satapeople.
27th I Vine._
Don and Millie’s
Fabulous Food, Fast 8 Friendly
Bright, energenttc. fun pereonaHtea, to help run registers
or prepare orders. Work for one of Southeast Lincoln's
moat respected restaurants. Excelent hours for studnts
with short shits over both lunch and dinner. H you need
5 hours or SO hours a week ere may haws something for
you. Apply after 11 am.__
EARN $8488-10,800 NEXT SUMMER
Run your own business and gain valuable managerial
experience. t995_ management poaUorw avaHabls Jorj
nrntNM txpvnvncv. i sy.&.r-. nntiiwiiunai iw emww..
helping college students run their own business since
1981. Cel Ben at 1-800-643-3792.
Earn Fast Christmas Money!
Help wanted immediately for termporary ful-time and
part-time he$>, to do light dusting ol surfaces in a retail
store. Work begins on Tuesday Nov. 8. Hours are from
8a.m.-9p.m., Monday-Friday, various shifts are avail
able. Apply Monday Wednesday, Nov. 7-9. at Signature
Professional Cleaning. 3300 S. 8 St., 421-1133 for direc
Entrepreneur's Administrative AasMatd needed.
Gain valuable experience in marketing, P.R. and comput
er Industry. Must be: smart, fast learner, self starter, good
w/people. comfortable w/computer. phone and responsi
bly. $5/hr.. Part-time to start. Much more potential.
Sand resume: Illumination Labs, 139 S. 52nd, (10).
Firethorn Golf Club
We are looking for good
Part-time kitenen help.
We offer flexible hours
Good wages
Great perqs
Apply In person at 9301 Firethorn Lane
Call 488-6467
Ask for Roger^
Prairie Lie Center a accepting applcations tor part-time
fitness instructors. Must have strong background In exer
dse science or related tietd. Apply al 1305 S. 70th St.
Flexible Hours
Full-time, Part-time, days, evenings, weekends,
competathre-wagee. advancement, free lunches. Apply
In person: West O Dairy Queen. _
Now hiring wattery and hoet/hoetess cashier. Apply any
time. Will cal for Interview. 6940 A St. __
The Office for Student Invotvment a seeking a student
graphic artat. Responsitillies Include design and layout
using Macintosh graphics software programs. Must be
able to work w*h diverse peopa and meet deadlines. For
more Info, cal 472-2454. Appiicat ions available at 200 NE
Union. 300 East Union. Due by 4 pm Nov. 11.1994
Tha position a open to indlvtduaa with computer expe
rience using PageMaker 5.0/PC and patience. Because
the Daily Nebraskan supports a learning environment.
Individuals must be flexible and have the ability to assist
In producing page layouts. Tha position has limsed hours
but has potential. Position begins at 6 p.m. and ends
approx imatety midnight or completion of the paper. Hour
ly wage. For information or application. 34 Nebraska
Union, ask for Kitty.
J. Braggs
Women's clothing store a now taking applcations for
part-time Christmas hefc. Apply in person at 6420 O
Street or caN 467-2302, ask for Judy.
Laundry Land hiring for 7i30pm-1am. 2-3 shltsAwaek, 65
hr. Apply at any of our 4 locations. _
Lincoln Family Practice a seeking part-time office help.
Please cal 474-7445 alter 9am.
Lincoln Parks A Recreation has opening lor After School
Recreation leader. Plan and conduct activities lor ele
mentary children. Work location In northeast Lincoln. Pay
rale: 65.00/hr. Hours: 3:15-5:45 p.m. Monday-Frlday.
7^ EOE/!0TC>Und °nfc#-1226 *S*" 2nd ,k>0f 44 '
Full or part time. Hiring drivers for 1/2 ton pick-up trucks,
and straight trucks. COL not required. Apply Lincoln
Lumber Co.. 932 N. 23.
Mai room worker. Hours 2-6:30. Monday-Frlday. 65.00/
hr. Apply at Miter MaWng. 5609 S. 49th. _
Make lotsa money delivering for DominoS Pizza. We
need drivers to flH a tot of evening and late night hours. If
you can handle making cash evry time you work. Come
on down to Domino's at 1056 Saunders and III out an
application. EOE
Now hiring lull and part-time cashier* lor our 3 local ion*
day and evening hours available Please apply in parson
at Campus Corner, l7tfi8R.Nophonecallipleese.EOE
Part time assistant teacher 630a.m. to 9 or 10a.m..
Monday -Friday. Join our exciting early chldhood pro
gram. Little Kingdom. 5100 Old Chaney Rd
Customer Service Rep.
Part-time clerical position available lor an individual with
Ing ability. Position require* a high level ot
and veroal communication skills. Must be
d. Computer keyboarding skill* preferred,
idule lor thie position Is 15-20 hours/Meek.
Flex ble schedule wM cover Mon-Fri5-t0p.m.. weekends
630 am.-10 p.m. Apply 9-4 p.m. Monday- Thursday at our
second floor personnel office, 13th 8 N' Sheet, Lincoln,
First Federal Lincoln
13th & N* Street
Lincoln, NE
An equal opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer M/F
Immediate opening available tor In-house Tabs Sales
Coordinator. Must havestrong vefbal and written commu
nications skills tor business to business sales o< a med
ical device. Gel practical business experience and build
your resume. Must be able to work minimum of 18 hours
weekly, scheduled from 8-8. Monday-Friday. Hours can
be flexible around school schedule. Close to campus.
Cal Betti at 475-4002. from 8-5 Monday-Frlday. EOF.
Part-time cashier needed. Must be able to work after
noons and Saturdays. References required. Apply 1745
O' St. Famky Thrift Center.__
Part-time cashiers needed. Day time and evening posi
tions available 20-25hrs/w*ek. Apply at Drug Emporium
2711 S. 48th. No phone calls, please.
Phone volunteers needed.
Excellent experience lor Human Services Majors. Lincoln
Personal Crisis Center will hold a t day volunteer training
session. Sat., Nov. 12,9-430p.m. In the 1st floor Confer
ence room. Comm unity Mental Health Center, 2202 S. 11.
To register cal. 476-5171. and leave your name and
Metromall Corporation, a subsidiary ol R.R. Donrteley
and Sons Company and one of the nation's fastest
growing suppters of direct markekng services, has an
Immediate opening for a Programming Intern
Job responsbtlltles Include Programming on an IBM
mainframe; working with flowcharts; working with others
In a team environment, which requires good written and
vefbal communications sklta; must have the sbllky to
effectively document computer programs and PC experi
ence would be desirable with knowledge of TSO and JCL
SuaMled applicants may apply In person Monday through
Friday in the Human Resources Department at:
949 West Bond
Lincoln. NE 68521
Laborers and experienced needed. Good pay and bene
fits. Apply at AJ Roofing. 610 W. P. or cal 476-7905.
Russ’s IGA
Join our familyl We are now accepting applications for
part-time positions throughout our stores. Enjoy a great
work atmosphere and flexible scheduling.
17th 8 Washington
27th 8 Highway 2
_ _G6toijV__
el the
Hiring part-time 10- 2pm day shkts. Good starting pay. free
meals, perfect part-time job. Apply at the Nebraska Stu
dent Union Subway store.
Super Saver
Are you looking for good wage* and flexible hours? Stop
In and apply now for part-time positions throughout our
48th 6 O'
27th 8 Comhusker
_ _ 56th a Highway 2 _ _
Van Drivers
Van driers for YWCA programs. Morning, afternoon and
evening hours available. Must have valid driver s
Isoence. good driving record, and be at least 21 years old.
Position opened untl IHIod. Apply to the YWCA, 1432 N.
St an AA/EOE_
Various lull andpan time positions available, M-F. S-5pm.
Applications at 5001 S 16 St. Automated Systems.
Help needed to dean In Abel Residence HaH doing variety
of custodial duties Apply In person At Abel Maintenance
860 Njeth. EOE/A/T_
Seeking enthuelatlc people ToTTSb., selling team
In town lor the holiday season. Applications are being
taken thru the 12th in Gateway Mall
Sitter needed Irom 330-tom, M-F. My daughter Is 12 and
needs to be picked up Irom school daly. Experience
preferred. References Call Caroline: Days: 475 2803 or
Evenings: 469 8814.
Math/Stat Dept needs workstudy students. $4.66/hour.
Apply at 806 OWH. Ph 472-3731.
WORK STUOY students needed at Love Lttrary City
Campus and C.Y. Thompson Lttrary East Campus Day
a evening hours available. $4.60 $4 85per hour. Apply al
Love Library Room 108.472-3963.
Summer Work: Average student make* $5600. gains
great experience, and receives college credit. Cal Grant
« 423 7545 _
400s Housing
~ Publisher’s Notice ~
At real estate advertising in this newspaper Is subtea to
the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes I Nepal to
advertise any preference, llmtatlon or discrimination
based on race, color, region, sea. handicap, lamISal
status or national origin, or mention to make any such
preferences, limtalons or discrimination. The Dally Ne
braskan wll not knowingly accept any advertising lor real
estate eblch is h violaton of the law or discriminates
aganst sexual preferences Our readers are hereby
*t formed that all dwellings advertised are avalabie on an
equal opportunity basis.
Female roommate needed immediately to share a 2
bedroom. 2 bath apartment. W/D. fireplace, parking.
$155 ♦ 1/3 utilities ♦ deposit. 466-0287
Male roommate needed ImmedlaSely. ft 84.50 ♦ utMMet.
47th * HoWreae area, 2 bedroom, ibelh, parking. After
8 p.m.. 464-6822, Nate or Brian. _
Male roommate needed to share 3-bedroom, 2-bath
4»flment. 5236/month ♦ util Wet. Cal 474-2384. Please
leave message.___
Male roomrnme warned to eharenloe 2-bedroom apart
ment at 201 Adame. $280*1/2 utNWee, Move In mid
December, lease runs through beginning of May. No
deposit required. Non-smoker, but smokers welcome.
Cal after 5pm. M-F, 474-2388.
Needed: Female roommate to share home In Highlands.
Non-smoker, no pete. 477-7048.
Needed: Third roommate to share apartment at
Claremont Apartments. CaN Scott or Sam at 438-7240
ResponeMe non-smoking female to share turn. 2-bed
room apt, Rent-utNWes •$200/mo. 16 min to campus. No
pete. 435-3440
Roommato needed. Newer 2-bedroom apt near campus.
$182.50 * 1/2 utlltlet. CaN 438-4182. leave message.
Roommate needed lor nest semester. Close to campus.
Nice neighborhood. Reasonable rent. CaN Kristy at 438
**2832 Dudley. Very nice 4-bedroom. 11/2 bathe. Park
mg. near campus. *600.432-0644.432-6644.
2001 HoJdrege. Vary nice, 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bathe, parking,
near campus. *575.432-0644/432-6644
2200 Dudley. Very nice. 4-br, 1 1/2 bath, perking. Near
campus. $675.432-0644 or 432-6644.
236 N 33rd. Nice large 4-bedroom, Washer/Dryer, park
ing. near campus. *575,488-5446.
6301 6. 28th. New 4-bedroom. 2-balh. 2 stall oarage,
washer/dryer, appliances, avaltsbte now. *850. 435
2252 Sheldon. Newly remodeled, 2-bedroom upper unit
near UNL. *300. No pets. 488-6299
Available Immediately. 4426 Baldwin. 2-bedroom, appli
ances. No smoking or pets. (386* deposit* utlttee. 474
First month discount! Three-bedroom, washer/dryer,
itfopiace. erf! street parking, between campuses. Very
nice. Call 474-4659.1341 N. 22nd Si.
tm$60.00 mow* In Spadalllll 840 South 20, Nawar 142
Badroom, Laundry, bua, 8344-up, 476-7282,
1286 S 28th, 3-badroom, roomy and nioa, laundry, no
paw, 8476. dafl 488-9626.__
1402 N. 28th. 4-Badroom*. 2-Bath*. Cantral Air. opan
Nowrl $896. Jany, 4376328 ^
2-badroom, waiting dlatanca to Ea*t Campua. two bio >i
to Iniar-cwnpua bmt. Avalabla Dae. 1.432-3811,
Eaat Campua—3840 Huntington. Ttoo-toadroom. flrw
gjaoa, cantral air, parking, laundry, applancaa. 488
EfBcianclaa and ona badroom*. Naar campua. Sacurad
buidlng. 8235-8280. No pat*. Call 477-38487
Guaranteed Parking
on UNL Campus
17th 6 HokJrega. afUdancv 1 and 2 badroom unit*, non
smoking budding, no pat*, laundry, controiad antry, UNL
ahuttla stop. 8350-4/5/month. 477-8878
1A2 BR Apia Avail. Nov. lat, HEAT PAIO
1121 N. 28th. huga 1 BR, top floor, aharp apt., $350.
2920 P St. townhouaa, 2 BR, 11/4 bath, apHt laval with i
an aal-ln kitchen. Indry Included. $450.
2 BR townhouae, Juat Uka a home, apH level, beautiful
peach decor. $495.
2 BR. paint atHI freah, lower level, all appta, lota of doaeta
with WO hkupa. $500-$&20.
Cherry HMManageaient
holiday Decorations,
Quarter Off.
Bring in Your
i UNL Student ID for j
^co/ Off All Holiday
^3 /0 Decorations
-ri/aL Off Ail Non
OU7o Consignmenl
Home Furnishings
if | Junior League d
Thrift Shop H
2201 0 St.
All profits stay in Lincoln.
Hump Day
at the Bay!
Every Wednesday
College Night
19 & Up • 8:00-Gose
Extreme Enterprises
$3 Cover
$2 with Student ID
fCja $3 Pitchers
fl $1 Bottles
£<8- 50c Draws
I 1435 O St. * 477-3877 _
17th & Van Dorn
10% OFF
Any Purchase With Your Student ID
Offer good through 12/15/94
17th & Van Dorn 423-2431
Hours: M-F 12 8 Sal. 10-5. Sun. 12 5
Boog's Rock '/SJ RoD Boutique
With Student ID get
5% OFF Dr. Marten's
15% OFF Sale Rack Merchandise
52nd & O Street (South Side)
Mon.-Fri. 12-7, Sat. 12-6