Classified Monday, November 7,1994 Page 11 1/8 Pregnancy ■JjlijS 180 Printing 4 Copying ,82 Recycling sest isasr Ctoth*ng jg Tattooing Sure" 195 Typing A Resumes Jewelry , -■ Misc. For Sale Musical Instruments -■ Office Furniture 200 Rides Pets 203 Spring Break Trips Photo Equipment 205 Career Events Sporting Goods 210 Announcements Stereos/TVs 215 Meetings Ticket Exchange 220 Greek Affairs Vehicles 230 Student Government - 240 Personals 245 Lost A Found —- 250 Wanted 10 Adoption 260 Fundraising >5 Alterations & Sewing - 0 Automotive 5 Bicycle Service - 0 Bridal 300 Help Wanted 15 Catering 310 Child Care >8 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 30 Cleaning/Laundry 330 Summer Jobs 31 Cleaning/Households 340 Internships 35 Computer Service - 40 Entertainment 45 Gift Ideas _ 48 Hal'styllng 400 Roommates 50 Hea"J.AUness 410 Housing Wanted 55 *"fTS*j2'™*Pl,ng 430 Houses/Rent 58;M>P£*m•fl, 440 Duptex/Rsot g £2 «e 450 Apartments/Rent ®5 460 Summer Housing « 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 175 Photogr^thy 460 Vacation/Rent 490 Homee/Sale $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. - The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item-for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. Dailv 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street 68588-0448 r\i eorasKan ^ 472-2588 fax 472-1761 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM | Name _ | Address ____ I Phone --- Student Rates: $3.00 includes 15 words. Non-students: $4.00 includes 15 words. $.15 for each additional word. $.75 billing charge | Date(s) ad to run:-—— Advertising text: special repeal rates ana matures are avaiiaoie For information call 472-2588 8:00-4:30 p.m. Classified Advertising Deadline is 2:00 p.m. weekday before publication —— J THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ■ M — ■ m m m_T JAI “Whoa! Hera we go again!... Pony Express Rider Walks Into Workplace, Starts Shooting Every Horse In Sight. " 00s For Sale New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands Wheern ft Osal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477 See the *95 Fat City bicycles now at Cycle Works. Blow out prices on all 94 models. Lay away now lor x-mas Cycle Works, 27 ft Vine, 475-2453. Clearance books, all you can carry, S3. A NOVEL IDEA 118 N. 14ST. 475-8663. 286 Pakcard Bell computer. 1 MB RAM. printer, VG7 monitor, mouse, books, ft software, $800 or best offer Call 466-7663 after 530 PM. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system indudlnf printer only $500. Cal Chris at 600-289-5685. Wise, bedroom and Ivina room furniture, kitchen table and bicycle for sale. Must seif, cheapl Call 438-4781. VCR w/remote, $85 excelent condition Also, COLOf T.V., $75. 466-8520. 83 Mtaubishi.Tradia 4-door, power everything. 100.001 miss, $800. Cal 436-6012 100s Services ADOPT: OUR LOVING HOME LONGS FOR ACHILD TC LOVE. YOUR NEWBORN WILL BE CHERISHED FOR EVER AND WE WILL PROVIDE THE BRIGHTEST FU TURE. EXPENSES PAIO. PLEASE CALL BOB ANC JEANNE AT 1-BOO-269-6332 ADOPTION A lowing iftornetlvi Wo offer counseling and adoption services to help yoi plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees o obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children'' Home, 4800 Valley Rd. Suite 314, *83-7879. Doctor Daddy, Full-time Mommy. 2 year adopted daugt ter want to adopt your new bom child. We are familiar wit the adaption process and can provide a happy, tovlnr secure, country home. Ourdaugnter would lovetobeabi sister. Let's help each other during this difficult tim< | Expenses paid. Cal Jane and Jeff at 1-800-404-7774. Love And a good home are waling for your baby. Please ca Marty and Greg 477-5555. Loving couple, would show your newborn love, security and a life time of happiness. Medical and legal expense paid. Call 1 -800-928-2900. Please ask forTIz or Tommy Pregnant-Considering Adoption? We can help. Cal: / 1 Dream Fulilled Adoption Inc. tol free 1 -800-556-4529. Service your bike now at Cycle Works, 27 A Vine. Exper repair on all makes. Fast turnaround, complete line c accessories. Cycle Works, 475-2453 DATA ENTRY Quality work at a reasonable price. Holly Sexton, 466 3943. SpelBound Books & Games, (or all your gaming and i reading needs. 905 N. 16th Desperately seeking a Biology 101 tutor. Will pay $. i Please call Sonya, 436-8020. i PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping 1 hand. Free pregnancy test, please cal us for appoint • merit. 463-2609. Papers, Theses, Dissertations. On-campus pickup and ( delivery. Holy Saxton. 466-3943. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven resuts. 464-0775. i Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $16 plus tax. Umry pmormmrtmn, MMrnfni of rr># nmofwmmM union Sears Resume Service 1 Experienced professional writer. Gateway Mall location, 10% discount with student 10. 464 9537. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson SUDDENLY WITH A GROUND GEVSERS Of MOLTEN LAVA I TOLD VoA VECHH, HE ..THANQUIL IAT. CALVIN... SHADING RUMBLE, HE BLOWS SPRAV INTO THE HEAVENS/ THAT CHILI SPEWED IT SLV HIGH/ HE'S A LIVE „ v ^ . w ___- SAUCE WAS 1 ALL ACROSS ^ _ VOLCANO/ _ W! i'Vn ? I.WCL'T' ^ HOr.'^ THE TABLE! ] r CWG m SUSIE. WHAT D\D YOU ITi VER1 YRELAX. SUSIE. BR\NG FOR LUNCH TODM ? FANORHE,TOO, I 80UGHT >-- SO 1 DON'T THE. CAFETERIA A SV4\SS CHEESE WANT TO HEAR LUNCH TODAY. AND KETCHUP WUAT GROSS SANDWICH. TU\N6 lOU J | - i BROUGHT. ( IT APPEARS TOBE TUAj’S ^ OGAR BUTTS DriiJ V REAU.1 ? A GALLSTONE . OM GROSS. i «^urc rflhNlro' y I » Synd«c«W | | Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0724 ACROSS 1 Scarpia's nemesis • Child, eg. 10 Buzzards Bay hermit 14 Detest 15 Celestial headwear i*"From-to Eternity" 17 Dutch cheese is Opposite of written it Verdi opera 20 Theatrical scene 21 "Madama Butterfly" character 24 Pseudologists’ fortes 25 Slowly ! fermented drinks i 26 Put down 2« Less restrictive i 31 “Terrible" one 32 Northern seabird ( 33 Ventilate 36 Plotter pursued by Scarpia 40 Marquand's “H M. Pulham, 41 Ease 42 Film critic Rex 43 More hideous 45 Sudden spells of activity 47 Breakfast order 46 Country on the Caspian so She was “bewitched" in “Pal Joey” ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 13 Cartoonist Fisher is lax expectations 17 Earth is Idolize 10 World Series winners: 1990 11 Lunch order 12 Dissolves 13 A card not in a pinochle deck M Appear is Vast chasm DOWN 1 ID markers 2 Musette 3 0pen-and case 4 Cold-water fish s Red Sea peninsula 8 Lamb order 7 Mata 8 Verve 9 Traditional tales 10 Act like Tennyson's "Brigade" 11 States over and over 12 Passion is Some are spilled 12 Wet lowland 23 Support for Renoir 14 Singer Horne 28 Croupier’s cubes 27 Nights before holidays 28 Costumed social gathering 29 Of the moon 30 Ancient Greek ceremonial rite 32 Maldivian capital 34 News flash 35 Terminates termites 37 Respiratory rattles 38 Believers in rule by superior people 39 Algerian port 44 Expressionless 45 Theater sign 46 Jipijapa headgear 47 Open to view 48 Rhythm in verse 49 Muslim’s faith si A little grimace 52 Cabinetmaker's staple 53 Like Rizzuto s cow? 54 Some are liberal 55 Beetle Bailey s dinner 59 Socialite, lor short