The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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    GLC launches letter-writing campaign
By Mrtanl* Brandwt_
Staff Reporter
Student lobbyists will launch a let
ter-writing campaign this week in
opposition to the formation of a sepa
rate engineering college at the Uni
versity of Nebraska at Omaha.
Shawntell Hurtgen, chairwoman
of the Government Liaison Commit
tee, said committee members would
ask presidents of UNL student orga
nizations ta write the University of
Nebraska Board of Regents in oppo
sition to the separate college.
Hurtgen said students in Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln residence
halls and greek houses also would be
contacted to participate in the letter
writing campaign. She said she
thought many of the 5,000 students
living on campus would write letters.
She said she would try reach off
campus students through student or
The letter-writing campaign will
make a difference in the outcome of
the debate, she said.
“If anything, our efforts will help
educate people.” Hurtgen said. “We
just want students to know what’s
going on because (a separate engi
neering college) will affect them.”
GLC lobbyist Bill Snyder said the
campaign would be effective because
letters from constituents have affected
regents’ decisions in the past.
“It has been proven that (letters)
have put some pressure on them,” he
said. “When we write letters to them,
we will make sure they represent us.”
Snyder said Andrew Loudon,
president of the Association of Stu
dents of the University of Nebraska,
would assist GLC in the campaign.
In other GLC business, Hurtgen
said the committee would try to im
prove student voting turnout through
a three-part plan.
The first part, registration, was
completed in a registration drive ear
lier this month in the Nebraska
Union. More than 100 students reg
istered to vote during the drive.
Hurtgen said GLC also would dis
tribute a newsletter to students pub
lished by Project Vote Smart, a non
partisan organization that promotes
voting and educates voters.
Continued from Page 1
Cauble said Veskrna was on ad
ministrative leave so she would be
available to talk to investigators on
the case. The FBI recently talked to
\feskma, he said.
“I don’t know at what point we
will bring her back,’’ Cauble said.
The loss of Soflin and Veskrna
brings the university police force to
10 commissioned officers, Cauble
said. The force also has 15 commu
nity service officers, five corporals
and three sergeants.
“Officers are used to things like
this occurring,” Cauble said. “They
know they’ll have to pick up some
extra loads.”
Cauble said the department would
have to prioritize calls more than
usual because of the shortage of of
For example, he said, it may take
police 20 to 30 minutes to respond to
lower priority calls instead of the
usual five to 10 minutes. Police will
respond to urgent calls first, he said.
However, Caubie said the situation
bothered him because the department
would have to cut back on extra ser
vices, such as bicycle and foot patrols.
Caubie said it was impossible to
hire temporary replacements for
Soflin and Veskrna.
However, he said, two new offic
ers will join the staff in December.
Uf4 J_U I_.4*__M I- - __ r J
Continued from Page 1
“At Subway you can get bread,
ham, cheese and all that fresh stuff,”
he said.
Larmon said he figured Subway’s
construction was behind.
“When they open up, they’re go
ing to make a hell of a lot of money,”
he said. “If I were Subway, I’d open
up as soon as I could. I’d be thinking
dollar signs.”
Melanie McQuatters, a senior
music education major, waited in line
at Burger King Thursday. She said
she was waiting for Subway because
sue wameu someimug a mite
She said she’d rather have a Sub
way turkey sandwich than “grease.”
But not all students were con
cerned about Subway’s arrival.
Kate Flaherty, an English gradu
ate student, said she did not care
when Subway arrived.
“I rarely buy fast food,” she said,
while standing in line at Amigos. “I
do wish they had a Runza, though.”
Jake Mortvedt, a senior geology
major, waited his turn at Burger
King. Mortvedt said that he would
like a “regular sandwich” now and
then, but he was indifferent to
Subway’s delay.
u uucmi luumu me <uij, uc miu.
“I’d just have to w^lk somewhere
Korinek said the arrival of equip
ment meant Subway was “dam near
“We are anxious to get there and
anxious to open,” she said.
Though Subway is about two
months behind schedule, Swanson
said the wait was worth it.
“When the plywood is taken away,
you'll see a total remodel of that area
of the union.”
Senior Reporter Paula Lavigne and Staff
Reporter John FuhvMer contributed to this
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