The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1994, Page 10, Image 10
'81 Mazda RX7, grey with sunroof, some bodywork, $1100. 489-6710. 1984 VW Sctrocoo. 100K miles, silver, good condition. Must sell soon to best offer. Call 435-8670. Mitsubishi - cordia '86. great, sunroof, 2-door, 5-speed, cassette, 120k, no rust, runs great. Ask for $1200 or best offer. 421-1576 200s Notices ALASKA EMPLOYMENT -Students Neededl Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-96,000+ per month. Room and board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experi ence necessary. Call (206)545-4155 ext A57781. ATTENTION: International Students ISO New Election 94 Registration period for candidacy: Start-800 a m., Oct. 21.1994; End- 8:00 a.m., Nov. 4. 1994 at International Affairs. * The first debate for the presidential candidates wi II be held on the following date: DATE- 600-7:30 P.M. Oct. 31, 1994. VENUE: Union (Room »o be posted). Format of debates will be announced on Oct. 31 and Nov. 4 DATE: Nov. 4.1994. VENUE: Nebraska Union (Room to be posted). AGENDA: Presidential Debate, 4 p.m.-5p.m. ASSEMBLY OF VOTERS. 5p.m.-5O0 p.m. VOTE CAST ING. 500 p.m.-630 p.m. There are 5 Executives and 21 Committee positions open for this election. ISO Constitution and Registration forms of candidacy is available at International Affairs. For further information, call Kanlchl, Director of Elector! Com mission, 438-3829. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING- Earn up to $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & Full-Time employment available. No exp necessary. For Info call 1-206-634-0468 ext. CS7782. Asn Congratulations Pledges: Jeni Aim, Chad Anderson, Diane Bognich, Candace Bottort, Jenny Brabec, Mike Forlkamp. Jason Glover, Amy Hecke, Karen Hengen, Cheryl Knapp. Laura Lincugel. Maureen McCrudden. Gregory Sphon. Chad Pruess, Micheal Rappe, Susan Rief, Sandie Rouse, Brian Smith, Brent Stalder. Lynell Strong, Rhonda Tuler. Trisha Uhl. Kristine Rader. Have a great pledge semester. Active Members Apha Delta Chapter Friday, October 21 THEOLOGY FOR LUNCH 12 noon Brown Bag rteDrasNi union Fall Serlea: Roots of Violence in American Society This Week: "The Way Wa Are Leader: Graham B. Spanier ALL FACULTY. STAFF A GRADUATE STUDENTS WELCOME FYI Due to low registration numbers UNL Student Organiza tions will be unable to receive tree product samples, food, funraising ideas, and networking opportunities sched uled tor this weekend. The Student Organization Con ference has been canceled. The fate of future conferenc es e TBA. Stay Tuned. Get Free Red Shirts! New Student Enrolment Orientation Leader applications are available NOW at the (olowing locations: Culture Center. Office for Student Involvement (both campuses). Multicultural Affairs, All Residence Hal From Desks. Apphcatione are due October 24th! Come to an irdormetion 3a—ion: Time, Oct 4 el 4:00-Clty Union Thura, Oct 6 at 7:00 NMhardl Grey Room Wed, Oct 12 el 4:00-Cuflura Center Tu—, Oct 10 el 7:00 Ceet Union Thura. Oct 20 at 7:00-Clty Union Back Into Succooo! Homecoming Deadlines The following event registrations have a deadline of Friday, Oct. 21. Return alregistrations to the ASUN office, 115 Nebr Union. Office Display Banner Contest Wacky Olympics Howe* Theatre, 8.00p m.. Saturday. October 22, 'Unfin ished Business,' a one-woman play about the lie of Margaret Sanger, founder of American birth control move mem. Reservations. Planned Parenthood, 478-7521. INTRAMURAL BACKGAMMON Tuesday. Ocotber 25 is the last day to enter Intramural Backgammon. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recre ation For more Information, call 472-3467. JIT International Film Sunday 23 3,5.7,9 pm Mary Riepma Ross Theatre $3 Students. $5 Public Sponsored by the University Program Council INTRAMURAL 8-BALL POOL The last day to enter Men's and Women's 8-Ball Pool is Tuesday. October 25. Don't delay! E nter now at the Oh ice of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more informa tion. _ SAETOB Present Do It Sober October 24,1994 7:00pm AH welcome SKYDIVE Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center 464-2929. Women in Perspective: Let s Talk Series presents... Women & Body Image It you feel ambivalence with regard to your own body and would like to love and accept your body...Let's Talk. Monday, Oct 24th; noon-1:30pm The Women s Center 338 Nebraska Union 472-2597 WOMEN S WRESTLING Fitness or Competition, practice Wednesday. 7 JO pm. Campus Rec, Combative Arts Room. Questions call Bonnie 467-4124. Australia/New Zealand Study Tour Information Meeting. Thurs.,Od. 27, Nebras ka Union. 5 JO p.m. Call 472-3353 or stop by CBA 209 for more Information. A big congratulations to Alison E. and Ann H. on their acceptance to Teachers College. Way to 90 girts! Love, Your Trt-Delta Sisters ACACIA and AAA present Melodrama 1994 November 3-5 at the Se60teris Temple on Yolanda Ave. AHA Congratulations to Dawn Moody, Angie Leukina. Liz Veomett, Becky Dedlow, Jody Hoff, Ann-Marie Schultz, Nicki Schneider, and Laurie Hedrick on their initiation Into Golden Key. Congratulations to Amy Rowen on her selection a6 a member ot Student Foundations! Love. Your AXiD Sisters XQ Congratulations newly selected members of Student Foundation: Tirsten Brockmeier. Kendra Olson, Jill Plybon, and Anne Trumble. Alpha Gamma Siama and Lambda Chi Alpha—Get ready for an incredtole homecoming week! (DKT KA0 KKTKA WHh^hefcSXona Mission To Mizzou ’94 October 21-22, 1994 AG MEN ASA To Benefit St Elizabeth's Bum Unit TOWNE CLUB Congratulations to Johna Berner, Cindy Copley. Karen Dttzler. Pam Hansen, Amy Hoffman. Michele Hoffmeyer, Christine Inguanzo. Liz Kukuk. Heather Loken. Heidi Mahloch. Ann Schuller, Stephanie Sharp. Kristen Thiml|an, and Tracy Welshans lor their high scholastic achievement last semester. Good job ladies! Also, C congratulations to Kristen Thimiian lor being induct ed Into Golden Key National Honor Society. Love, your T.C. sisters Tired of being taken lor granted? Would you Ike a little romance, would you Ike to be pampered or maybe even (poled a little? Successful businessman-45 with many hobbles A interests has a situation that may Interest you If you're a female between 19 and 30. If interested, please send snapshot and contact No to: P.O. Box 264. Weep mg Water. NE 68463._ Row row row your boat, gently down stream-merrtly merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream. Women: Write to Box 80861, Lincoln. NE. 66501. To the incredibly sexy guy in the hot tub Wednesday. W»h I could have taken you home with met Hope your big day has been great. (P.S.- HBO could never do us just toe 1) Shelli FOUND: Black pouch with sport Items Inside on East Campus. 10/19. 472-1399. Reward. Lost camera tri-pod at Ed Weir Track. 6 p.m. Monday, October 10. Heavy duty, black. Cal Diane at KOLN-TV 467-9270. $6.00/Hr TO START BUS PERSON, MON-FRI I0am-2pm. Neat. dean, wiling to work. Tam O'Shanter. 105 S 25th St. No phone cals ♦GET PAID* If you re able to hold a good conversation you need to call about these positional Guaranteed hourly ♦ big bonuses! Average hourly -$8.00 with top producers making over $10 00/hr'! Fun. easy programs. Hours available from 9am 10pm. Great atmosphere. Terrific management team Very close to campus. Cal Personnel 434-2626 7-ELEVEN Under New Management. If you are looking for extra Income and need a job that can work around your school schedule, apply at any location. We have open ful-time/ part time 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. EOF A LA CHOPSTIX Lunch counter hetoer needed, weekdays. Free lunch. Apply in person at Atrium Food Court. 12th A N' streets. Assistant teacher, part-time, 230-6:00pm, M-F. Join our exciting early childhood education program. Little Klng dom, 8100 Old Cheney Rd. _ Billy Frogg’a Grill & Bar 826 P. Haymarket Now accepting applications for all positions: Bar, wait and cook. Join Lincolns newest service team and earn good money. Vacation and Insurance plan available. Apply In person at Ram ad a Inn from 1.00 pm-400 pm, Mon.+rf. Ask for Rob Bleachers Bar & Grill Be a burger master. Need 2 people to cut the mustard as a grill cook nights and weekends. Will train. Apply In person. Bleachers 56 & Highway 2. _ Centennial Mall Child Care is now taking applications for am assistant teachers. Apply 100 Centennial Mall North, room 140, Federal Building. COLLEGE STUDENTS Christmas Help Nowl $9.25-$10.00 Local branch of national corporation has part-tlme/full tlme entry-level openings. Flexible schedules, aB majors. For Information, call 486-6017. _ Community Living Instructor Developmental Services of Nebraska, Inc. is currently accepting applications for full and part-time community living stall teaching young men with developmental dis abilities. To include: skill acquisition training, assistance and support, community integration, hygiene assistance, and various household responsbilities. Minimum qualifi cations: 19 years of age. high school graduate or equiv alent and experience and/or college coursework in hu man services. (Bachelor Degree preferred) Must have reliable transportation and valid Nebraska driver's li cense. Must be willing to learn and able to employ emergency physical intervention. $6.25/hr. Plus attrac tive benefits for full-time. Various shifts available. For more information, call Lynn at 438-5659 Mon-Fri 9am 5:30pm, EEO/AA__ Crane River is hiring cooks and dishwashers. Apply in peron at 200 N. 11th. _'_ Custodial heber. 20 hours/week, 4-8 p.m.. Monday Frtday, $5.00/hour. Cal Fanners Mutual. Personnel Di rector. 434-8360. EOE ___ Dollar-Rent-a-Car Incorporated Looking for part-time rental agents. Day and evening hours. Cafl 474-3388 for Interview or apply at Lincoln Municipal Airport. Excellent for students! Don and Millie’s 5200 S. 56 St. Fabulous Food, Fast 6 Friendly Work Every Other Weekend Join Don and Mice's weekend buddy system Part-time positions available taking orders and running registers. Work one ortwo shifts per weekend, every other weekend along with one regular week night shift. Work for one of SE Lincoln's most respected family restaurants. Complete training provided. Line cook positions also available. Apply after 11am. Excellent part-time day/evening positions. Relaxed envi ronment, good base pay, bonuses, commissions. Please call 434-8150 for info, and appointment scheduling. EXPERIENCED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS earn $33.00-$46.00 per night officiating City Recreation Bas ketball. If interested call 441-7892. Flexble hours, day shift or evening/weekend shifts, ben efits. EOE. Apply to Waldo's. 824 S 27th. Help needed lor approx. 4 weeks assisting woman recov ering from surgery. 7:30-9am, 5-Spm. $100/week Meal preparation, light housekeeping, etc. Cal 467-3644. Immediate opening for bartenders and wait staff. Part time and full-time. Apply In person, Champ6 Sports Lounge A Restaurant 48th A Leighton. K's Restaurant buser, day hours. Monday thru Friday. 8am-3pm. Buser. part-time, nights and weekends. Serv er. Monday, Wednesday. Friday, make great money • 6am 2pm. Apply at K's. Kars Bear Daycare has full-time teaching position with three and tour-year olds 8-4 Monday-Frtday Apply at 720 Weslgste BtvtT__ LaundryLand hiring for 730pm-1am, 2-3 shifts/week, $5 hr. Apply at any of our 4 locallons.__ LaundryLand at 48th A Ok) Cheney Is hiring for 8a-2p. 2 3 shifts per we*. $8/hour. Lawn care personnel needed. Full or part-time positions avalabte immediately. Flexble Hours Must have dean driving record and new personal appearance. Cal 488 3637 to apply._ _ LIFE SKILLS TRAINER SUBSTITUTES Individuate to work on a substitute baste at residences in Lincoln, NE. Persons serviced are developmentaliy dis abled. Overnight stays may be required for weekday and/ or weekend hours. High school education or equivalent. Must be at least 19 years of age Rate of pay will depend on shift worked and If overnight slay Is required. Apply ai Region V Services. 1430 South St . Lincoln. NE. 68502 (MlcheleM402M71 -6400_.__ Lincoln University Club Now hiring experienced pert-time wart stall days. and bartenders-evenings. Flexible hours, meals Included. Ideal lor Uudents. Close lo UNL. Apply In person at 126 N 13th Sl?11th floor. Make $500>$1000/month On Campus Looking tor outgoing, sociable individual. Call Glenda al 421 -1066 lor a personal interview. References required. Models, Actors, Actresses , Needed I *nd fylal^s Noir Blanc Corp. (402)475-1865 NATIONAL FINANCE CO. Looking lor aggressive individual in tha Lincoln area to telemark et our company. Must have sales ex penance and like to talk on tha telephone Working hours are 330 630p.m. M-W-F.330-7a0pm;Tues.-Thurs. Starting pay $5 90* depending on sales experiance. Call Scott at 464 6321 between 10am 4pm lo arrange for interview. EOE. Rock at the Bay! with the Rockin' Fossils Fri & Sat 9-Close $3 Cover $2 with Student ID $1.25 for any Bud Bottles 1435 0 St. 477-3877 Looking (or students to assist with carpet cleaning pro duction work. Flexible hours. Day/evenlng/night hours available. Must have transportation. Call *89-4511 for application. ___ Need happy people to do easy evening phone work for local charities. Competitive wage. Relaxed atmosphere. Call 438-4003. __ Now hiring full and part-time cashiers for our 3 locations day and evening hours available. Please apply In parson at Campus Corner, 17th 4 R. No phone calls please. EOE Old Country Buffet Now hiring customer service, line servers, dishroom, and salad prep positions. Flexible scheduling, reduced meal benefit, part-time/lull-time positions available. Apply In person, 2241 ‘O' St. Part-time Engineering Position Opening Junior or Senior Mechanical E ngineering Student needed 15-20 hours/week. Ability needed In reading detail lay outs and arrangement drawings lor construction of Steam Generators, Burners and related equipment. Background to Include computer operations and knowledge of heat transfer. Interested applicants please contact Nebraska Boiler Personnel Office at 434-2000 or send resume and copy of school transcript to: Nebraska Boiler Company PO Box 82287 Lincoln, NE 68501 EEO/AA Employer Part-time help wanted. Tony's Comer, in Raymond. 783 3733._ Part-Time Sales Land 4 Sky has an immediate opportunity in retail selling. Would prefer an individual with a business or sales background. Approx 20 hours weekly; Sat, Sun and 1 evening. Interested parties should apply in person at Land 4 Sky, 5801 O' Street. No phone calls. Part-time office help needed. Answer phones, deal with clients at a law office. Typing and telephone skills are required. Contact Terry, 423-2614 __ Part-time waitresses 4 waiters for Retirement Communi ty. Hours: 4-7pm, 3-4 days/week, including weekends Good wages. Kathy 463-1010^ _ Person wanted to assist Montesson director with pre school age children, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday af ternoons. Call 489-8110. Plump Tomato Pizza Co. Available now. full or part time position, lood experience helpful. Apply at 16th and W, The Reunion Bldg. Russ’s IGA Join our lamilyl We are now accepting applications for part-time positions throughout our stores. Enjoy a great work atmosphere and flexible scheduling. 17th A Washington 27th & Highway 2 66th i -O' APPLY TODAY at 13th & E 1240 West O > 11 th & Comhusker With the holidays right around the comer, this is the perfect time to start saving some extra cash. Joining the Runza team could be just the opportu nity you are looking for. We are seeking individuals to fill part-time day and evening shifts. We offer: •Flexible working hours •Excellent wages •Scholarship program •Fun Atmosphere •Clean work environment •Paid vacation •Medical insurance •Advancement opportunities •1/2 price meals •AND MUCH MORI-! STOP IN AND APPLY TODAY! Hetail 6aies nep wamea. ran-ume evenings ana ween end hours. Experience prefered. Apply at The Pet Con nection, alter noon, Ask lor Kelly 423-2431. Sales Help needed Dedicated and sincere applicant requested for high qual ity home and audio sales. Part-time position. Come learn what customer service is all about. Apply at Custom Electronics, 56 0 St , Lincoln . No phone calls please. Small company needs mall sorters for full and part time. Call 434-7490 or apply at 1440 Yolande Ave. STUDENTS: Lawn work, mowing 20-45 hours/week. Part-time orfull-tlmeposltions. Drivers License. Call 423 3477, evenings. _ Super Saver Are you looking for good wages and flexible hours? Stop in and apply now for part-time positions throughout our stores. 46th & O' 27th & Comhusker 56th ft Highway 2 The New JOXX in Town All full-time and part-time positions available from floor sales help through management lor new sports gift store opening late October in downtown Lincoln. Relaxed at mosphere with competitive starling wages. Interviews will be conducted October 19,9am-9pm at 14010 St. or send resume and salary requirements to JOXX, Box 280715 Omaha 68128. Two part-time Stockers evenings and weekends. Apply In person, Drug Emporium, 2711 S. 48th St. University Child Care. Students to work Monday, Wednesday. Friday, 7-12. Call Tish, 472-2101, WORK WITH CHILDREN *Do you enjoy working with elementary age children? *Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relationships with children and their parents? *Do you like to plan activities? If so, the SR I/St Elizabeth Child Development cantor has a position available with school age children. If you can work from 7 AO-9 60am and/or 2:30 6:00pm, we have a position for youl Full-time potential during summer months. Call our Interviewing Center Todayl 486-6700 I I READY TO TAKE A BREAK FROM SCHOOL? Are you an experienced childcare provider who Is adventurous and would Hke to earn a very good salary while seeing a new part of the country? Call us today to discuss available positions for NANNIES NATIONWIDE! Requirements: non-smoker, good driving record, over 19. verifiable childcare reference, 1 year commit mem. Our office has been In Nortofc, NE for over 7 years and we will meet with you personally to discuss your opportunities. CALL NAN NIES OF NEBRASKA 402-379-2444 OR 1-800-730 2444. WORK STUDY students needed at Love Lbrary City Campus and C.Y. Thompson Lbrary East Campus. Day A evening hours available. $4.60-$4 85perhour. Apply at Love Library Room 108.472-3963. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice Al mal estate advertising In this newspaper Is sub/ect to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes I llegal to advertise any preference, Bmtatlon or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, lim tat lone or dtecrtnination. The Daily He braskanwP not knowingly accept any achrertlshg for real estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwePngs advertised ere evatabte on an equal opportunity basis. 11th a VanDom Area. $184 ♦ 1t3 deposit, utilities, and chores. Call Joe 421-3536 Female roommate needed ASAP to share 2-bedroom, 2 bath apartment in South Lincoln W/D. fireplace, guaran teed parking. $155 *1/3 utlltles ♦deposit. 489-0287. Non-smoking females to share 4-bedroom house. $125 $175/month and deposit and utilities. East Campus area No pets Available NovemberjL References. 466-6449 Responsible third n/s roommate needed for 4 bedroom house between campuses. Central air, garage, washer/ dryer etc. $200 with utlltles paid. 435-5576 Ask for Dave. (?lub of J?iaco(a Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help to work day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: • Great Wages Plus Gratuity • Flexible Schedule 9 Excellent Working Conditions 9 Free Meals 9 Full-Time Benefits... Paid Vacation, Health Insurance, etc. Apply in Person at 3200 South 24th Street Tuesday thru Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 600 p.m. TODAY 9:30 am - 3 pm BOB DEVANEY SPORTS * CENTER Shuttle buses Available on UNLCity Campus * Generous Parking REPRESENTATIVES FROM: ^•Local & National Employers •Nation-wide Graduate & Professional Schools L ^ a A _ _ _