The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1994, Page 12, Image 12

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Tuesday, October 18,1994 Page 12
300s Jobs
Lunch counter heber needed, weekdays. Free lunch.
Apply in person at Atrium Food Court. 12th & 'N' streets.
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT -Students Needed! Fishing
Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+ per month. Room
and board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experi
ence necessary. Call (206)545-4155 ext A57781.
Assistant teacher, part-time, 2:30-8OOpm, M-F. Job our
exciting early childhood education program. Little King
dom, 5t00 Old Cheney Rd.
BE YOUNG - HAVE FUN and stock Pepsi products on
Saturday and Sunday AM's and gain some extra “pocket
change. Pepei Cola Bottling Co. o< Lincoln has a limited
number ot openings for the position of weekend merchan
diser. Hourly wage plus mileage. Call 423-7330 (8 am - 5
pm) for interv lew or come out and apply at 1901 Windhoek
Drive. Equal Opportunity Employer
Billy Froga’s Grill & Bar
826 P. Haymarket
Now accepting applicaitons for all positions: Bar. wait and
cook. Join Lincolns newest service team and earn good
money. Vacation and insurance plan available. Apply in
person at Ramada Inn from 1 AO pm-4.00 pm, Mon.-Fri.
Ask for Rob
Bleachers Bar & Grill
Be a burger master. Need 2 people to cut the mustard as
a grill cook nights and weekends. Will train. Apply in
person, Bleachers 56 & Highway 2.
Centennial Mall Child Care Is now taking applications for
am assistant teachers. Apply tOO Centennial Mall Norlh.
room 140, Federal Building.
Christmas Hefc Now!
, S9.25-S10.00
Local branch ol national corporation has part-time/lull
time entry-level openings. Flexible schedules, all majors.
For information, call 488-6017.
Community Living Instructor
Developmental Services of Nebraska, Inc. is currently
accepting applications for full and part-time community
living staJf teaching young men with developmental dis
utilities. To include: skill acquisition training, assistance
and support, community integration, hygiene assistance,
and various household responsbitities. Minimum qualli
cations: 19 years of age. htgh school graduate or equiv
alent and experience and/or college coursework In hu
man services. (Bachelor Degree preferred) Must have
reliable transportation and valid Nebraska drkreFs li
cense. Must be wiling to learn and able to employ
emergency physical intervention. $6.25/hr. Plus attrac
tive benefits for full-time. Various shits avalabie. For
more Normal ion, call Lynn at 438-5559 Mon-Fri 9am
530pm. EEO/AA
I Mh Si b
1240 West O
11 th & Comhusker
With the holidays right around the
corner, this is the perfect time to start
saving some extra cash. Joining the
Runza team could be just the opportu
nity you are looking for. We arc seeking
individuals to (ill part-time day and
evening shifts. We offer:
•Flexible working hours
•Excellent wages
•Scholarship program
•Fun Atmosphere
•Clean work environment
•Paid vacation
•Medical insurance
•Advancement opportunities
•1/2 price meals
Part-time position available In the Journal-Star circulation
department tor a driver to deliver papers to various areas
ot the city. Company vehicle provided for deliveries.
Looking for a service oriented Individual who Is at least 18
years of age with a valid drivers license and a good driving
record. Requires approximately 32 hours/week;work four
ot six days Monday thru Saturday, 2:00pm-8:00pm M-F.
Saturday 6:00am-12pm. Must be able to work Sunday
5:30am-12:00pm. Applications will be accepted at the
Journal-Star Personnel Office. 926 P St., thru Wednes
day, Oct. 19 1994.
Lincoln Plating Company, the #1 plating company In the
nation, is seeking a part time desk-top publisher. Duties
will include designing charts and slides, developing la
bels and publishing handbooks. Familiarity with Windows
3.0; Aldus Pagemaker 4.0: WordPerfect 4.2, 5.0. 5.1;
Lotus 1-2-3; and Pixe Presentations a plus.
The successful candidate wi( have the ability to work 10
hours a week, morning hours. We offer a competitive
wage of $6.00 per hour wkh an additional $1.00 per hour
in tuition reimbursement. This In effect allows you to earn
$7.00 per hour.
If Interested *iply between the hours of 800 am and 4 30
pm at:
Domino’s Pizza Is Now Hiring
Domino s Pizza Is looking for delivery drivers to till all
shifts. If you have a car, insurance and an excellent
driving record Domino's wants you. Mo6t average $7.00
to $ 10.00 per hour. Apply at any Domino's Pizza location.
Don and Millie’s
5200 8.56 SI.
Fabulous Food. Fast A Friendly
Bright, energetic fun personalties to help run registers or
prepare orders. Work for one of Southeast L incodn's most
respected restaurants. Excellent hours for students with
short shifts over both lunch and dinner. If you need 5 hours
or 50 hours a week, we may have something for you.
Apply after It am.
Flexbie hours, day shift or evening/weekend shifts, ben
efits. EOE. Apply to Waldo's, 824 S 27th.
Lincolnsquare Food Court
Friendly, cheerful person to work counter over noon hour
weekdays, experience not necessary, apply In person 10
3,13 A O St__
Hiring first, second and third shifts. Dependability a must.
Personable and hard-working. Apply at Hardees. 2902
Comhusker Highway
Immediate opening available for In-house Tabs Sales
Coordinator. Must have strong verbal and written commu
nications skills for business to business sales of a med
ical device. Get practical business experience and buitd
your resume. Must be able to work m Mm urn of 18 hours
weekly, scheduled from 8-5. Monday-Friday. Hours can
be flexible around school schedule. Close to campus
Cal Beth at 475-4002, from 8-5 Monday-Friday. EOE.
In need of a student In Wild Life/Natural Resources to
work part-time In our bird seed store. Cal 423-7120, ask
for Vkkl, mornings only.
‘Do you love infants and Toddlers?
*Ara you ex died about the development of children?
‘Can you help parents appreciate the day by day growth
you see In their child?
'Can you Impact the growth, learning and achievement of
young children?
'Can you be a friend to young children? Do kids love you
because they know you care about them as individual*?
H bo . the SRt St. Elizabeth ChHd Development Center
has a part-time position available. Call today for an
interview appointment.
486-6700 In Lincoln
1 800 793 0450 outside Lincoln
Sunday 1-3pm
Monday Friday 8am-6pm
The Office of Campus Recreation Is currently hiring
officials for the Intramural Sports Program. Starting pay is
$5 an hour. If Interested please attend the folowtng
meeting held at the Nebraska Union:
VoUeybal Wednesday. October 19.430 p.m.
For more information call 472-3467.
Job opportunity position open at Cafe Europe for lunch
shift Apply at Barb s Place, 121 S. 13th, Lincoln Square
Food Court between 9-11 or 1-230.
fWtXy Club of J?ificaia
Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help to work
day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits:
• Great Wages Plus Gratuity • Flexible Schedule
• Excellent Working Conditions • Free Meals
• Full-Time Benefits... Paid Vacation, Health Insurance, etc.
Apply in Person at 32000 South 24th Street
Tuesday thru Sunday 9:00 am. - 6:00 pm.
New Donors $25 on 1st donation
•$20 on second donation within same calendar week.
Returning Donors $15 on 1st donation.
•$20 on second donation within same calendar week.
University Plasma Center
1442 'O' Street • 475-1358 Monday-Priday 8:00-7:30
Located at 15th a 'O' Street Saturday 9:00-4:00
Downtown YMCA needs service desk attendant after
noons and weekends. Apply at 1039 P' Street.
Knolls Country Club
We are now looking for Tuesday/Tnuisday or Wednes
day/Friday day wait or bus positions. Some evening and
weekend hours available. Shifts that will work with your
busy schedule. Cal 423-2843 or apply in person at 2201
Old Cheney Road. _
LaundryLand hiring for 7:30pm-1am. 2-3 shlfts/Week, $6
hr. Apply at any ol our 4 locations.
LaundryLand at 48th 8 Old Cheney is hiring for 8a - 2p, 2
3 shifts per week. $5/hour.
Lawn care personnel needed. Full or part-time positions
available immediately. Flexible Hours. Must have dean
driving record and neat personal appearance. Cal 488
3637 to apply. _
Individuals to work on a substitute basis at residences In
Lincoln, NE. Persons serviced are developmentally dis
abled. Overnight stays may be required for weekday and/
or weekend hours. High school education or equivalent.
Must be at least 19 years of age. Rate of pay will depend
on shift woiked and If overnight stay Is required. Apply at
Region V Services, 1430 South St.. Lincoln. NE. 68502
(Michele) (402) 471-6400.
Lincoln University Club
Now hiring experienced part-time wait staff-days, and
bartenders-evenings. Flexble hours, meals Included.
Ideal for students. Close to UNL. Apply in person at 128
N 13th St. 11th floor ___
Looking for students to assist with carpet cleaning pro
duction work. Flexble hours. Day/evenlng/nlgh! hours
available. Must have transportation. Cal 489-4511 for
Models, Actors, Actresses
FffntlM Midi Melts
Noir Blanc Corp. (402)475-1865
Looking for aggressive individual in the Lincoln area to
telemarket our company. Must have sales experience
and Hre to talk on the telephone. Working hours are 3:30
5:30p.m. M-W-F,330-74opm;Tues.-Thurs. Starting pay
55.90+ depending on sales experience Call Scott at 464
8321 between 10am-4pm to arrange for Interview. EOE.
Need happy people to do easy evening phone work for
local charities. Competitive wage Relaxed atmosphere.
Call 438-4003.__
New publication, Crime Alert Magazine, needs employ
ees for all positions. Apply In person 15pm, Mon-Wed
only at 927 M Street. Lincoln.
Now hiring fuN and pan time cashiers for our 3 locations
day and evening hours available. Please apply In person
at Campus Comer. 17th8R.No phone calls please. EOE
Old Country Buffet
Now hiring customer service. Hne servers, dish room, and
salad prep positions. Flexble scheduling, reduced meal
benefn. pan timeAull-tlme positions avalabie. Apply In
person. 2241 O' St.
Part-time Engineering
Position Opening
Junior or Sartor MachartcalEngmeer mg Student naadad
15-20 hours/week Atwlty needed In reeding detail lay
outs and arrangement drawings for construction of Steam
Generators, Burners and related equipment. Background
to include computer operations and knowledge of heat
Iran* ter.
Interested applicants pleas* contact Nebraska BoSer
Personnel Office at 434-2000 or sand return* and copy
of school transcrpt to:
Nebraska Boiler Company
PO Box *2287
Lincoln, NE 6*5*1
EEO/AA Employer
Part-time help wanted. Tony a Comer, in Raymond. 783
3733. ___ _
Phone rep. Hourty/co n mission. Part and full-time. No
experience necessary wil train right person. 489-5760
Plump Tomato Pizza Co.
Available now, lull or part time position, food experience
helpful. Apply at t6th and W. The Reunion Bldg.
Sales Help needed
Dedicated and sincere applicant requested for high qual
ity home and audio sales Part-time position. Com* learn
what customer service is all about. Apply at Custom
Electronics, 56 O St . Lincoln . No phone cads plaass _
Sidetrack Tavern needs door persons 6 waMery. Week
ends Pay Is good. Start now. Doug. 4*4-0568.
STUDENTS: Lawn work, mowing 20-45 hours/week
Part time or lull-time positions Drivers License. Cal 423
3477. evenings.
The environment plays a vital role In our Ives. Wien the
balance la upset some people tael there Is nothing that
can be don# We Blame*. Take the responsibility and
h*t> ue move toward change. You may be surprised how
much tun It can be and you get paid too (7/hr, Weekdays,
(8/hr Weekend* For an Interview, call Hudson Bay
Company. 476-1010, M-F. 11 -3pm
Van Driver
For YWCA Program*. Must haw* vaM drivers Icaoca.
good drMng record and be at least 21 years old. Poetoon
open until Aed. Apply: YWCA. !432 N Street. AA/EOE
•Do you en|oy working wth elementary aga children?
•Do you quickly bulk) friendly, supportive relattonshlps
rlillrlran iKwlr rvatwftle
wnn cnnorwn ma inwir par erne r
*Do you Mte to plan actMtlee?
I so. the 8MIS*. Oi*a» CMM PswslapaisaS earner
ha* a position amiable with school ay<* children. V you
can work Irom 7 00 9.00am and/or aJWJOOpm. we have
a poeUon tor you) Full-time potential during summer
Can our intervWwtno Center Today 1
.. ^Sunday. |nm
MOnuiy r rKjay t ^
Emyjcto. tufiervi** t^yr.i^lght houaa heaping. 7-10
Looking lor occMtonil evening end weekend child cere
provider (or a3yr. old and a Mam. If Interested please call
26 WORK 8TUOY student* neadad at Lova Lbrary City
Campus and C.Y. Thompson Lbrary East Campus. Day
LmraMbrary Room*IOa!^i?2-3t«3. *** **
133 00-J46.00 per night officiating City Recreation Bas
ketbal. H interested call 441-7892.
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
A* real estate advertising In this newspaper is sub/ect ro
the federal Fat Housing Act writ* makes
advertise any preference, limtatlon or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, familial
status or national origin, or Intention to make any such
preferences, lim tat Ions or discrimination. VtaDrthyNe
braskanwtl not knowingly accept any adverts hgtor real
estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers we hereby
Informed that all dwellngs advertised are avaiabie on an
equal opportunity basis. __
$50 Off First Month
Roommate needed for nice 3-bedroom house. Close to
campus. $ 191,50/mo*1/3 utilities. W/D A AC. Call Loren.
476-2235. _
Female roommate to share 2-bedroom apt., 22nd and F,
F/P, DW. A/C, $197*1/2 utilities. Call 476-9367, leave
message. _.
Female, non-smoker ASAP, $207.50/month plus 1/2
utilities. 2-bedroom security building, nice, dean, close to
campus. Call 436-6163. leave message
Two roommates to share brand new 3-bedroom, 2-bath.
with laundry room apartment. By 24th and S. $160/month
♦ 1/3 electric. One month deposit.OCTOBERFREEI 477
2001 Holdrege Very nice, 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 baths, parking,
near campus. $575. 432-0644/432-6644
2200 Dudley. Very nice, 4-br. t 1/2 bath, parking. Near
campus. $675, 432-0644 or 432-6644,
236 N. 33. Nice large 4-bedroom, Was her/Dryer, parking,
near campus. $575,466-5446._
5-large bedrooms* loft. Very nice. 2-bath, C/A, D/W. 633
N 26th. $625, 4696946._
6301 S. 28th. New 4-bedroom, 2-balh, 2 stall garage,
washer/dryer, appliances, available now. $850. 435
f bedroom, newly renovated apartment. Near city cam
pue. 2403 Lynn street. $280/month. $150 deposit. Off
street parking. Tenant pays gas 8 electricity. 488-2088.
1256 S 26th, 3-bedroom, roomy and nice, laundry, no
pets, $475. Can 466 9526 _
240 S. 26th. Newer, 2-bdrm.bu8 ln micro , double siding
door, balcony, leave message. 483-2357
3611 Holdrege
Large, 2-bedroom across from East Campus Gas fire
place. laundry facMUes, wafer 8 garbage furnished. Avail
able Immediately $520. Can 488-6299._
Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured
bulding. $23$$260 No pels. Cal 477-3648.
Remodeled 3 bedroom apartment, $375* deposit Near
Campus. New carpet, celling fans. Nice. 1 -402-558-8779
182 BR Apts Avail. Nov. 1st. HEAT PAID
1121 N. 28th. huge 1 BR. top floor, sharp apt.. $350.
2920 'P' St. town house. 2 BR. 1 1/4 bath. apUt level with
an eat-in kitchen, Indry Included. $450.
2 BR town house, lust Hke a home, spit level, beautiful
peach decor. $495
2 BR.paint stK fresh, lower level, all appla. lots of closets
with WD hkups. $500 $520
M«ta,nMha-up,oM(uMs,0aoorallon«l party waar, and
a»yowHalownnnaaOa. Sun#p,2331)43
Family Thrift Center
Ewytti«>j you aoad Ip Mk« your own irmperoiv*
Hello ween costume
[Grandpa John's
Paten, i
Haunted Barnm
and Haunted H
Hayrack Rides.
October 14, 15,21,22,
27, 28, 29: 6-IIp.m.
October 17, 23, 30: 6-9p.m.
4801 West Highway 34
Go four miles west of
1-80 interchange on west
Highway 34 toward Seward.
Studio-3330 P St. Heal paid, only $220.
2-Br. 1120 E St. Heat paid, Only $320
| J Studio-1107 L St. Heat paid, only $280.
1-Br 1120 E St. Heat paid, only $260.
1-Br 931 O*. only $285.
Phoenix Properties
ADOPT - former Nebraskans («*h Iamity to Nebr ), now
lying tn Overland Part*. K8, WM provide a taring, stable
and secure home for your newborn. happily married
professionals and will pay expenses. Please call Mfce
Benia coded at 913-451-3602
the adoption process and can provide a happy, taring
seam, country home. Our daughter would love lobeabtg
sister. Let's help each other during fh» difficult rim#
Expenses pakTcaS Jane and Jett at 1 BOO 404-7774
Pregnant-Considering Adoption? We can help. Cal: A
UfMHtl rUllwM AOOpttOn «IC. BwifW rWA/ WO
WIN do alerations. ripper repart. hemming, seam n
pairs, ad... Stotts, dresses, slacks, tarts, jeans, and
coats. Reasonable rates and dose to city and eas:
campus. Diana 477-4487.
38fi* a 496«. Lmwn, ETC. By (he
toOmn. Mon-Fri. 104,477-2994
American fmmiI* Iniu*af%e# RaMafa Auto. Home
SAi£&, Zagw f!Wn,
■ppt 478-mi _
<J«K(Ky Ho*y Sc*!00, 4fi<j3$43
Sears Resume Service
2^y«Jl£S3yo4i5«S5,r’ ** W"v‘*w•, 9Mm*mm'