The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1994, Page 11, Image 11
[classified INDEX 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing & Copying 182 Recycling it sesr ansr K 188 Tanning 13 Clothing j|° 20 Furniture™ 195 TyP|n0 * Resumes 30 Jewelry - 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments - 46 Office Furniture 200 Rides 50 Pets 203 Spring Break Trips 55 Photo Equipment 205 Career Events 60 Sporting Goods 210 Announcements 65 Stereos/TVs 215 Meetings 70 Ticket Exchange 220 Greek Affairs 90 Vehicles 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 100 Adoption 260 Fundraising 105 Alterations a Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service --1 120 Bridal 300 Flelp Wanted 125 Catering 310 Child Care 128 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 130 Cleaning/laundry 330 Summer Job6 131 Cleanlng/Househoids 340 Internships 135 Computer Service - 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas __ j49 Lwfha^rtneRR 400 ROO"1™*** 50 HeaHh a Fimess 4,0 Housing Wanted H ^SuTutnHnn 420 Rooms/Rent 55 '^Jir^orlng 433 Houses/Rent »58 440 Duplex/Rent « ciUtiBM 450 Apartments/Rent 460 summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 175 Photography 430 vacation/Rent 490 Homaa/W $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. I_I Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students , 00s For Sale 93 Glam Inguana mountain bto. 16*. $450 new, asking $350 080. 436-7954 Ask lor Sam. New and used bicycles, expert repair on aH brands VfteeTn « Deal'n BM Shop, 2706 Randolph. 436-1477. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system Including printer only $600. Cal Chrii at MO-266-5685. IIitoitycUHiB j ForwIUmPBi^ 386SX 30MHZ, 4MB RAM, 70MB HDD, 1.4MB ft 1.2MB FDD, 2400bps FAX/MODEM, 101 keyboard and mouse, Wndows and DOS, SVGA 14"monitor. only $500, 475 Uo9o. Papasan chair and couch for sale. 488-4145. 483?,&057 King size bed. Box spring mattress and frame. Ret Appraised at $4,000. Will sacrifice for $1,500. OBO. #420-1531, evenings. Pool Table, Coin operated. Great condition, includes accessories, $900, OBO, 435-3977. Two new Yamaha Secret EX 100 tennis rackets. List at $150, sell for $110 each with string, 489-4426. One year old, Pioneer VSX 502stereo receiver, 100 watts per channel. Pro-logic, surround sound, ft remote, $275. 435-8701. VCR w/remole. $85 excellent condition. Also, COLOR T.V., $75. 466-8520. Nwl four Colorado- Nebraska ticket* for 25th Anniversa ry Xall collect. 1-303-229-0584 before 11 p.m. Needed: 3 tickets preferably together to NE/CU game. Call collect (615)227-0973, evenings. Identify yourself: ticket holder. Needed: 8 NU/CU tickets. Will pay good money. Call 438 PLEASE HELPII need 3 NU vs KU football tickets. Call 474-1158 Must sell, going home. 85 Civic, 96K miles, A/C, New engine/tire. *1300 060.475-4101. 200s Notices AGRI. SCIENCES & NAT. RESOURCES STUDENTS Question* ???? Problems ???? Come and voice your concerns to your student representatives Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 4-Spm East Campus Union-room to be posted Attention Arts & Sciences Majors! A&S Student Advisory Board applications are due Oct 211 Pick up yours at the Office ot Student Involvement ASUN office, MCA office, and the A&S dean's office, 1223 OtdHall. Appfy Now'_ TIMEX FITNESS WEEK by Ocmh Spfsy 4 Concept N Rowers October 16-20 Schslutsa 6 totoriwUow at Campus necreHow, 472-3467 CRUISE SHIPS HIRING Earn up to *2.000+/mo. or Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel Seasonal A FuH-Tlmt employment available. No exp necessary. For info call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C57782. I EDUCATION MAJORS! Pi Lambda Thau presents Dr. Walters speaking on Outcome-Based Education. Wednesday. Oct. 19 at 7pm, Nebraska Union. Experience Life in the Mediterranean! Leant aH the details about CBA's new study abrosc program to Istanbul. Turkey. Open to all majors in all coleges ‘Earn graduate or undergraduate credit ‘Enjoy classes taught in Englsh ‘Live In the exciting culure of Turkey Information Sessions Tuesday. October 19th at 4:00pm Wednesday, October 18th at 4:00pm CBA Room IN__ FACULTY/STAFF INTRAMURAL SQUASH The last day to enter Men a * Women's FIS Squash it Tuesday. October 18. Don't delay! Enter now at the Off ic* of Campus Recreation Call 472-9467 for more Informs tkm. !■■■■■■ ■ ■ .. — THI FAB MM By GARY LARSON pAi‘5 Activities A m btJD q^o 'fiPW'MK- Li|l <?:Oo -»ao KOWMO tooo-12 oo fanviAK? fy' Vi2oo-z3oRm^r / f 2 30 - H 00 Aowfo‘ ^ H-oo-6>. soRpw ^■^- 7:00 AEWffO g 7:oo-4Q0 %MUb\ |q Qo- IQ 30 Hl O 3o -13 oo poo -1-36 * •&**&**->' * ■•*.•** **«**•*•'** FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS-GREEKS. GROUPS, CLUBS. MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST. SIMPLE, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION (800) 775-3851 EXT. 33 ___ _ GMAT-MCAT-LSAT It's not too late - do It today, sign-up fortheGMAT, MC AT, or LSAT class at the Kaplan Center. Call 475-7010. Hurrylll Classes are filling fasll Help Us Sell U-N-L The office of Admissions is currently seeking the assis tance of volunteer tour guides to share knowledge about our unlverlsty on Red Letter Days. If you are interested, come to a session on Wed., Oct 19 at 9.00 pm in the City union. Or call Mke at 472-4685. Homecoming Deadlines AH of the following events have a deadline of Tuesday, Oct. t6 by 4:00pm. Return all registrations to the ASUN office. 115 Nebr. Union. Participation form Hunker Howl WaMyball Lawn aiapiay INTRAMURAL 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL Tuesday. October fB is the last day to enter Men's, Women's and Co-Rec 3-on-3 Basketball. Don't delay I Enter yourteam now. Calt 472-3467 for mote information. INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL The last day to enter Men's and Women's Volleyball Is Tuesday. October 18. Don't delay. Enter your team now. Cal 472-3467 for more Information. Learn to Walk Backwards! New Student Enrollment Orientation Leader applications are available NOW at the following locations: Culture Center, Office for Student Involvement (both campuses), Multi-Cultural Affairs, All Residence Had Front Desks. Applications are due October 24th! Come to an Information Session: Tues,Oct. 4 at 4:00-Clty Union Thurs, OcL 6 at 7:00 Niahardt Gray Room Wed, OcL 12 at 4:00-CuMure Center Tues, Oct. ft at 7:OO^East Union Thurs, Oct. 20 at 7:00-City Union Back Into Success! Parents-Friends of Lesbians and Gays, 4th Tuesday, 7 p.m., Unitarian Church - 6300 A' St. PEACE CORPS Video and Information Sessions Tuesday, Oct 18 at 1:00pm in Nebraska Student Union PRAISE 94 Thursday. October 20,7-9pm at Broyhdl Fountain. Rain location: University Lutheran Chapel Basement. SKYDIVE Jump from a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center 464-2929_ Student Alumni Association and Campus Recreation WALLYBALL TOURNAMENT Co-ed tourney during HOMECOMING WEEK. Oct. 26-27. Open to all Greeks. RHA. and student organizations Entry forms are due Tue., Oct 18 at 4:00pm in the ASUN office. Mandatory meeting for all WaNyball captains Oct. 20,9pm. City Union. NO ENTRY FEE It s FUN and it s FREE!!!!!! T’ai Chi Beginning and advanced classes starting at Suzumejo ( soon. Cal 438-4341 for information. TIMEX FITNESS WEEK The Sixth Annual Timex Fitness Week, presented by Ocean Spray A Concept II Rowers will be held October 16 20. Events scheduled include: aerobics, step aerobics, water aerobics, nutrition assessment, body fat assess ment, triathlon(bke, row, stair), family fitness, cholesterol screening, blood pressure assessment, and the World s Largest Aerobics Clas6l Information for students with special needs will alsobe available. Prizes will be award ed including: Timex Sports Watches, t-shlrts. Ocean Spray Juice, and morel Pick up your full schedule of events at the Campus Recreation Center. For more Information, Call the Office of Campu6 Recreation at 472 3467._____ UNL MEN’S LACROSSE No practice Tuesday night. Practice Wednesday 5:30 7:30 Mable Lee, questlons-call Trevor 469-0059. WOMEN’S WRESTLING Fitness or Competition, practice Wednesday, 730 pm. Campus Rec, Combative Arts Room. Questions call Bonnie 467-4124._ WORLD’S LARGEST AEROBICS CLASS Come participate in the 'World's Largest Aerobics Class' when an estimated 25,000 students from 300 universities exercise across the country. This event will take place Thursday, October 20, from 12:10-12:50pm In the Fit ness/Aerobics Room of the Campus Recreation Center. Timex Fitness Watches win be drawn at 12:50pm. Must be present to win. Cal 472-3467 for more information. OUTDOOR ADVENTURES TRIP DEADLINES Tuesday, October 18 Is the deadline to sign up for the folowing Outdoor Adventures trips: Day Canoe Trip, Badlands Sampler, and Caving. Don't miss out on these great tripe. Call the Office of Campus Recreation at 472 4777 for more information. Attn: Pre-Vet Club Members Pickup raffle tickets at Pre-Vet Advising Center, room 112 Veterinary Basic Science Bldg. All members responsible for selling 25 tickets. $15 dues can be paid at same location. Any questions-call Tonya, 423-6091 or Randy 469-4570._ CJSA meeting this Wednesday, room 1105, Nelhardt at 7:30pm. Topic Is victoms of crime. Hope to see you there. Entrepreneurs of the Round Table Tuesday October 25th, at 530 pm. Have dinner with some of Nebraskas most successful Entrepreneurs. Stop by CBA 209 to reserve your seat today. Space is limited. Join Lincoln s First Field Hockey Club Information meeting Tue. Oct 25th at 6:00pm Rec Center T.V. Lounge. NU MEDS Meeting Tuesday the 16th in the Union at 6:30, room to be posted. There will be a speaker. ODYSSEY I Meeting tonight In the Union 6O0-be there! And don't forget your mentor/protege UNL Wildlife Club Business meeting Wed. Oct. 19. 7p.m. East Campus Union. Topics: fundraising, social events, and hands on activities. Everyone welcome! Row row row your boat, gently down stream-merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream. Women: Write to Box 60661, Lincoln. NE, 66501. AO A belated thank you to DU tor Inviting us over to Barbeque. We had a great time. , Love, the Iadie6 o( Alpha Phi College Republicans US Congressman Doug Bar outer 8pm, Wednesday, Oct 19 City Union, room posted FH Congratulations to our new pledge class officers for 1994 1995: President-Russ Ripa, Vice-president-Sam Beveridge, Secretary-Jason Schindler, Treasurer-Ctaik Jensen, Soclal-Mitch Schreiner, Project-Chad Buell. Work-Tim Vaugh, Co-Athletic Dlrectors-Greg Wlrtn and Tony Lanham, Jr. JFC-Rick Grady, Fundraising A4Am Reinhardt. Critics At Large-Justin Hardin ana HmH Edeal. Chaplain-Ryan Lutkemeier. Song & Skit-Tony Moravecand Brian Oxley, Utility-Blake Reigert, Assistant Utility-Lance Curtright, and Ambassador of Goodwili Brian Frederick. LEAD ON! KKr Congratulations to Melissa Curry and T asha Mohlman on becoming Univeristy Ambassadors! Love Your Sisters KE Thanks to the PI Phi's lor playing volleyball with us. Congratulations to Kappa Sigma/Phl Mu on their co-rec flag football championship. Under head coach Dennis Erickson. Mission To Mizzou ’94 October 21-22,1994 AG MEN AHA _ To Benefit St. Elizabeth's Bum Unit IIKO Congrats going out to: JJ Crouse lor being accepted on the Student Advisory board for CBA. Tim Moran for being accepted into UNL Ambassadors. For all the guys who played Saturday and got second in the Omaha's Air It Out Tournament. To the fine men of SAE, The wedding was beautiful. The ceremony just brought tears to our eye6. You guys looked great, but you looked even better with frosting on your facet Thanks for having us over. The Alpha Chi's To the Pi Phi Pledge Class: Thanks for coming over to help cheer on da skers and eat some za. FH pledge class Found: Green notebook for Natural Resources 100 found in parking lot just north of Mabel Lee Hal (green lot). C iaim at DN. ^ FOUND: Lady's Timex watch. South of Burnett Mall on 10 12. Claim at DN Office. ___, Found: Women s bifocals near Bancroft Hall. Claim at D.N.____ Reward. Lost camera tri-pod at Ed Weir Track. 6 p.m. Monday, October 10. Heavy duty, black. Cal Diane at KOLN-TV 467-9270. Calvin and Hobbes_ by Bill Watterson ftlklA DONA HI ROZ. W PARENTS CHANGED MV. ROS*m CANT Go AND NUAT Do UO LIKE TO VITHEIR MINDS ABOUT GOING NUAT ARE IF MOM YOU KNOW BE PAID IN ^-- OUT, GONE N3N\ BE HIDING TALKING FIND ABCUT WAT? ADVANCE ITS ROSALfH.' (ANSWER THE YOUR. SERVICES CALVIN’ SHOES, IGHT. , y_>*v J DOOR, Will GOODBYE. RIGHT3 tWPlEASE, V CALVIN? ! _ .. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0708 ACROSS i Homed vipers s Uruguayan money 10 Surrealist painter 14 Lean 10 Ward off to Black, to a bard 17 Theater box ta Second-story man ao Space at Vienna duo aa Anna Neagle’s title role: 1940 aa Furnace tenders aa-the music (accept consequences) 27 Tidings 20 Latin American knives 32 Hue for Gainsborough 34 Trawler’s haul 35 Affirmative reply 30-volente 37 Chanticleer 40 Inlet 41 Building wings 43 Punctuation marks 44 Typical Tom Mix film 40 Printing devices 40 Bird's beak so Fleming and Hunter •0 Money holders •3 Pile ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE M Poker player s prize »7 Entity M Ragtime dance •1 Expensive •a Rose’s lover •a Wear away M Yellowish brown M Raise M Woodland spirit •7 Card game for three DOWN 1A reference book a Brief a Categorize 4 Shoe for L. Bird • Meadowlands competitors • Oame Edith 7 Tennis-match , units • Sphere • Actor Erwin 10 Academic awards 11 Proficient ia Kind of shark is Regarding 1* Well-heeled M Piece of crockery as Refrains from eating as DuH pain • M Aerosol sprays M Type of sweater 50 Iroquoian Indian 51 Bum Si Lyrical poems ss Briton or Breton 34 Nincompoops SO Norse deity SO Irritate 4i Snide lough 40 Refers* 47 Soap unit a* Headliner 4a Man in a box M Toottipaste •a Writer-actor SJlft!? Allen aa Song for ft Papal crown MMeth ,e.g. aa Walk like 37 aa Truckler's word Across aa-la-la