The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1994, Page 12, Image 12

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Tuesday, October 11,1994 Page 12
Lifeguard needed, early afternoon and weekend hours.
Apply at the Downtown YMCA 1039 P St.
Part-time student for various maintenance duties. Flexi
ble hours, must be reliable and self starter. Call 489-6969/
after 6pm. _
Part-time Employment
Ogden Entertainment Service. DBA Pershing Auditorium
226 Centennial Mall South. Lincoln, NE 68508.
Now hiring part-time event set-up and custodial hep, day
& night shifts available, must be dependable and wHiing
to learn. Apply In person at Pershing Auditorium, Monday
Friday, 10am-4pm Business Office.
Nebraska Center
33rd & Holdrege
Part-time hours available in catering. Flexible hours:
days, evenings, weekends. Will train. Set your own
shedule. Apply at Catering Sales office, room t03 In
Need a bartender, Saturday nights. Apply in person for
position, Merle's Food & Drink, 8250 West 0 St. 474
6435. _
Now hiring full and part-time cashiers for our 3 locations
day and evening hours available. Please apply in person
at Campus Corner, 17th 4 R. No phone calls please. EOE
^The (Pountwj 0lub of J^iacoia
Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help to work
day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits:
• Great Wages Plus Gratuity • Flexible Schedule
• Excellent Working Conditions • Free Meals
• Full-Time Benefits ... Paid Vacation, Health Insurance, etc.
Apply in Person at 32000 South 24th Street
Tuesday thru Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
New Donors $25 on 1st donation
•$20 on second donation within same calendar week.
Returning Donors $15 on 1st donation.
•$20 on second donation within same calendar week.
University Plasma Center
1442 'O' Street • 475-1358 Monday-Friday 8:00-7:30
Located at 15th A 'O' Street Saturday 9:00-4:00
Models, Actors, Actresses
Females and Males
Noir Blanc Cmp. (402)475-1855
Part-time help needed at Ideal Grocery for afternoons.
Apply In person at 905 S. 27th, ask tor Larry.
Part-time clerk, evenings and weekends. Apply in person
at The Still, 5560 S 48. Must be 2t years of age._
Part-time evening help needed Immediately at our 70th A
Vine Street location. Apply at our South Store from 8am
4pm only. N Street Drwe Inn Liquors.
Plump Tomato Pizza Co.
Available now. lull or part time position, food experience
helpful. Apply at 16th and W, The Reunion Bldg.
Mow taking applications for bartenders and lunch wait
persons. Apply In person 808 P St. _
Wanted: Experienced bass player/singer. House band
variety, rock, country, blues. 477-0931
25 WORK STUDY students needed at Love Lbrary City
Campus and C.Y. Thompson Lbrary East Campus. Day
A evening hours available. J4.60-A4.85per hour. Apply at
Love Library Room 108.472-3963.
We have the calling
for you!
Telemarketing is one of today's fastest frowing, most exciting marketing oppor
tunities and you can become part of it as a Telemarketing Sales Representative.
As a member of our team you will be involved with telephone sales, marketing
goods & services for Fortune 500 Companies.
Temporary positions available,
expected to run through the
holiday season.
•Respresent a Fortune 500 Telecommunications Company
•Full-Time Day and Part-Time Evening Positions Available
•Casual dress code *No cold calling
Call our Job Hotline at 441-9898
to set up a confidential interview at your convenience.
a Cincinnati Bell company
Equal Opportunity Employer
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
At real estate advertising In this newspaper is sub/ect to
the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes t /legal to
advertise any preference, llmtatlon or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, tamllal
status or national origin, or Intention to make any such
preferences. Imitations or discrimination. The Dally Ne
braskan wtl not knowingly accept any advertising for real
estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences.
1 Female non-smoking roommate to share 3-bedroom
home. 67th & Holdredge area. $235/mo+ 1/3 utilities, t
month/deposit. 488-7867, 421-8221, leave message.
Female, non-smoker ASAP. 5207.50/month plus 1/2
utilities 2 bedroom security building, nice, dean, close to
campus. Call 438-6183, leave message.
Male room mate wanted (or nice 3-bedroom, 2 bath house,
10 minutes from campus. 5225/mo. ♦ 1/2 utilities, washer/
dryer plus garage. 476-6502
Non-smoking roommates wanted, share 3-bedroom
house. W/D. 1845 M Street. 5150-250 + utilities. 473
ROOMATE NEEDED (or nice large 4-br. Large rooms.
Basement, Bus route, laundry. 5162.50+1/4 utilities. Call
Larry 438-2476, leave message.
Roommate Needed
Newer 2-bedoom. unfurnished. Close to campus, laun
dry, parking. FREE CABLE, no pets, 5210. 1900 Knox.
Roommate wanted to share nice 2-bedroom apartment at
201 Adams. 5260 + 1/2 utilities. Non-smoker, but smok
ers welcome. Call after 5pm. M-F. 474-2388.
Two roommates needed for nice new house. 5200- Con
tact Jeremy evenings at 474-5262, leave message.
2200 Dudley. Very nice. 4-br, 1 1/2 bath, paiklng. Near
campus. 5675. 432-0644 or 432-6644.
2201 N. 31st. 2-bedroom, 1-bath, large yard, pets OK.
$450. 466-4267._
5-large bedrooms+ loft. Very nice, 2-bath, C/A, D/W. 633
N26th. $825, 489-6948. __
6301 S. 28th. New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2 stall garage,
washer/dryer, appliances, available now. $850. 435
2501 ‘E'. 2-bedroom with private entrance In newer 7
plex. New paint, wallpaper and carpet. All electric. No
dogs or cals. Ideal for graduate students $425.432-3686.
Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured
building. $235-$260. No pets. Call 477-3648.
Studio-3330 P St. Heat paid, only $220.
2-Br. 1120 E St. Heat paid. Only $320
Studio-1107 L St. Heat paid, only $280.
t-Br 1120 E St. Heat paid, only $260.
1-Br931 Oak. only $285.
Phoenix Properties
1&2 BR Apts Avail. Nov. 1st, HEAT PAID
1121 N. 26th. huge 1 BR. top floor, sharp apt , $350.
2920 P'St. townhouse. 2 BR. 1 1/4 bath, split level with
an eat In kitchen. Indry included. $450.
2 BR townhouse. just like a home, split level, beautiful
peach decor. $495.
2 BR. paint still fresh, lower level, all appls. lots of closets
with W/D hkups, $500 $520.
unerry riin
- _Ut..
sissff&s.Mr'*"• ***-“
Lincoln Criatoftognancy
ft- pregnancy MUlflMW counaaHng. Cal lor
4S30 Pfoynpltf
fa week.
• 1
Earn $25 today and $45 this week for your blood
plasma donations at NABI.
The NABI medical center will pay you up to $150 per month
for donating blood plasma. Your precious, lifesaving
donation will benefit those in need.
Col for an appointment t
n&u'BioMedical Center
the human touch
_ ___ Offer eppliet lo new cutlomen only.