__ ■ -I Sports ■ Berrlnger set to start Saturday against OSU, Page 7 Arts & Entertainment ■ Mercy Rule to release new album, Page 9 PAGE 2: Judge Ito bars L.A.'s 2nd largest paper New clot could end Frazier’s season By Pfk Sawiaon__ Senior Reporter The reappearance of a blood clot in T ommie Frazier’s right leg on Tuesday likely will end the football season for him this year. Frazier, who went to Bryan Memorial Hos pital for a routine check on his leg Tuesday, found that a blood clot had reappeared. Nebraska coach Tom Osborne said after practice Tuesday that the Comhuskers prob ably would be without the servicesofthe junior quarterback and Heisman Trophy candidate. “Frazier’s blood clot has reformed in the same area,” Osborne said. “I would say after this that his season is very, very questionable right now. It (this clot) is at least as big as the first one and maybe bigger. "You never say never, and we can’t put a target date on when he could return, but he definitely won’t be playing anytime soon. There is a reasonably good chance he won’t play again this year.” Frazier’s initial blood clot was discovered Sept. 25. He was released from Bryan Memo rial last Wednesday after being hospitalized for nearly four days. Tuesday night, Frazier was in intensive care and was not accepting visitors or telephone calls, Nebraska Sports Information said. Frazier’s doctors would decide whether sur gery would be needed to tie off a vein in his right calf, Osborne said. A smaller clot in his cal f might be causing the larger clot behind his knee to reappear, he said. “They think that some of that (smaller) clot has been spilling into the larger one, and that’s why the clot behind his knee reappeared,” Osborne said. Doctors knew about the smaller clot, Osborne said, but they didn’t think it posed any threat. Doctors will know today whether Frazier will need surgery, he said. Doctors will make certain that once they dissolve the clot, it won’t reappear, Osborne said. “It has to be a brand new clot, so it should dissolve without any complication,” he said. “He was on blood thinners, and it reformed without any trouble or reason. “I was surprised because I didn’t think it would reform,” he said. “I think everybody is pretty surprised. “You don’t see this happen very often with an athlete of this type without a massi ve hit. I’m sure he must have got bumped or something. People I talk to say this is pretty rare.” Frazier worked out without contact during practice Monday. He was admitted into an intensive care unit at Bryan Memorial after the pre-scheduled test Tuesday morning. “I tried to call him a few times (Tuesday), but I was never able to get a hold of him,” Osborne said. “Dr. (Deepak) Gangahar said his spirits were good.” Frazier knew several days in advance the clot might reappear, Osborne said. See FRAZIER on 8 Tommie Frazier teook Mack Hometowns Bradenton, Fla. Started as quarterbacks Oct. 24,1992 against Missouri, led Nebraska to a 34-24 win. Consecutive starts: 23 Awards: 1994- Heisman Watch Top Five Ust 1994- NU Orange Bowl MVP Autopsy raises more questions than it answers By PaPra Jaw—n Senior Reporter Preliminary autopsy reports show that a Lin coln man who died Saturday after a struggle with police did not have a pre-existing medical condition, a lawyer for the man’s family said Tuesday. Carlos Monzon said the preliminary results of the autopsy did not support the county attorney’s report that Francisco Renteria might have died of a seizure or from a pre-existing medical condition. Renteria, 30, died Saturday at Lincoln Gen eral Hospital. He was stopped at 24th and Holdredge streets by University of Nebraska Lincoln Police Officer Charlotte Veskma be cause she thought he matched the description of a man wanted on charges of violating a protection order. A struggle between Renteria, Veskma and Lincoln police officers later ensued. After the struggle, Renteria had a seizure and was taken to the hospital. Police later learned Renteria was not the man police wanted. The autopsy was performed Monday for the county attorney by Dr. MattliiasOkoye. Monzon would not comment on specific results of the autopsy. A second, independent autopsy was per formed Tuesday by a pathologist whom Monzon chose. He declined to name the pathologist. The preliminary results from the second au topsy had not been released Tuesday night. Monzon said he wanted the second autopsy to help preserve evidence in the case. Lancaster County Attorney Gary Lacey said he had no problems with Monson’s request for the second autopsy. “I don’t have any objection to the family doing an independent examination,” Lacey said. Monzon said the family would hold a press conference today to talk to the community about the incident and to thank the community for its support. The events surrounding Renteria’s death showed minorities were taken for granted in Lincoln, he said. "There is a problem,’’ Monzon said, “and that problem is a problem that could have been remedied. It’s something that can happen right here. If Friday was Mr. Renteria, tomorrow, who knows who it can be." Monzon said many people in the Hispanic community were fearful that the same thing would happen to them. "There is a lot of outrage, there is a lot of fear and there is a lot of hoping for justice,’’ he said. He also said that many Lincoln residents who were not minorities had expressed their See AUTOSPY on 6 A HORSE IS A HORSE IS A HORSE Shaun Sartin/DN Racahorsas at tha Nebraska State Fair Parle raca grounds hang thalr heads outslda thalr stalls Tuesday morning. The races are running new through Nov. S on Thursdays through Sundays. «% ROTC program to close at UNK By Wick Wlltg—i■ Staff Reporter When the ROTC program at UNK closes at the end of this academic year, enrollment in UNL’s program could increase, Major Greg Dibella said. Dibella, an assistant professor of military science at the Uni versity of Nebraska-Lincoln, said the Lincoln program probably would gain members that otherwise would have gone to Kearney next year. But he said he didn’t expect a significant effect on UNL’s program. “Do we expect the floodgates to be open ing?” Dibella said. “No.” The U.S. Army, which oversees ROTC, de clared a “deactivation position” at the Univer sity of Nebraska at Kearney in August. The army had been monitoring the program’s pro ductivity for several years. John Oseth, executive assistant to the UNK chancellor, said the Army thought the program produced too few commissioned officers and attracted too few high school seniors. The Army also decided the program had small numbers of students and graduates. UNK is trying to salvage what it can from the program, Oseth said. ‘fWe’ve asked the Army to reconsider,” he said. “If this program closes, you could drive from Lincoln to Denver and not catch a whiff of an ROTC program.” Oseth said the ROTC departure was one of many cuts brought on by sudden changes in world events, such as the fall of communism in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe. The Pentagon has put the entire ROTC pro gram under scrutiny, he said. Dozens of mar ginal ROTC programs were monitored for sev . eral years, including the Kearney unit. If the program dissolves as planned, Oseth said, the following would happen: This year’s seniors would be commissioned, or complete the program, as normal. Juniors would be allowed to “double up” on courses to be commissioned this year. Freshmen, sopho mores and juniors who do not wish to speed up the process can transfer, most likely to UNL. UNK might pursue a cross-enrollment ap proach, he said, in which students could enroll at UNK while taking ROTC classes at another location. Oseth said he would like to retain that option so UNK could remain involved with the pro gram. Dibella said the Lincoln program was in no danger of closing because it was the ROTC flagship unit for the state. *‘We are fine unless things would change drastically,” he said. Kearney is too far from Omaha to affect the University of Nebraska at Omaha, said Lt. Col. Joan Sisco, professor of military science at Creighton University. Sisco oversees the Omaha ROTC program that includes UNO. She said she did not expect the Omaha unit to close, because Omaha was large and two universities participated in the program.