The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1994, Page 8, Image 8

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Huskers fall to Creighton in OT I
By Todd WalK»nhor«t
Staff Reporter
OMAHA — In Nebraska’s inau
gural season of women ’ s soccer, there
has been only one team that has been
able to stop the Comhuskers.
The No. 20 Creighton Bluejays.
The4-2 Huskers fell tothe Bluejays
1-0 in overtime before a crowd of 337
at Tranquility Park. The only score of
the game came 7:37 in the first over
time period by senior midfielder Me
lissa Estrada.
Creighton coach Cathy Klein said
that the Huskers have definitely im
proved since the two teams’ last meet
ing j
“They’ve improved tons,” Klein
said. “I think they are even more pre
pared now.”
Klein said that Tuesday’s match
was pretty even.
“I think the score is an indication
of how much better they have got
ten,” she said.
Husker coach John Walker said
that one might think losing 1-0 in
overtime would not be too disappoint
ing fora first-year team, but that’s not
how he saw the loss.
“We’re here on that day to play
that team,” he said, “and whoever
plays better is going to win.”
Walker said that poor coverage
resulted in the game-winning goal.
“We made a mistake, and we got
badly punished for it,” Walker said,
“and rightly so, it was a bad mistake.”
Klein said that her team was pre
pared for a very physical game with
“We’ve been preparing for three
days for a physical match,” she said.
“We’ve been calling it a war.
“It was a reality check for us. We’ve
got to be able to compete, and this is
the first time we’ve been asked to do
Since this wasarematch, the Husk
ers were not able to surprise the
Bluejays like they did in their first
“There were no surprises at all,”
I said Klein. “Their intensity was great.”
Even though it wasa loss, the match
could help the Huskers down the road,
Creighton midfielder Melissa Estrada and Nebraska midfielder
Tanya Franck battle for the ball In the Bluejays’ HI overtime
victory. Estrada scored the game-winning goal.
Walker said.
“It’s good to play a top 20 team,”
he said. “It was a tough game.”
Klein said that people think first
year programs can not compete with
national powers, but they are wrong.
“They [Nebraska] could play Ohio
State; they could plav George Wash
ington; they could pjay Vii^inia and i
really, really give them atough time.”
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Continued from Page 7
football team. 1 don’t think we want to stay the
same, because everyone else that we’re playing
is getting better, so you better be getting better,
Osborne said Barron Miles still was ques
tionable after injuring his knee against Pacific
last week.
However, Miles’ ribs are giving the defen
sive back more trouble than his knee is, Osborne
Tight end Eric Alford will miss Saturday’s
game because of discipl inary problems, Osborne
Alford has four receptions this season, three
for touchdowns.
Continued from Page 7
the Huskers’ passing game.
‘‘We’re going to try to improve our pass
ing efficiency,” he said. ‘‘We’ve been trying
to do that all season. The more we improve it,
the more we’re going to throw the ball. 1
think the coaches would like to see us throw
the ball a few more times.”
Husker coach Tom Osborne said he didn’t
expect Nebraska to drop off just because
Berringer was starting.
‘‘We have full confidence in Brook,”
Osborne said. ‘‘Brook is a very good player,
and he’s been in our system long enough that
he knows what he’s doing. I have full confi
dence that Brook can go out and play well.
He has a good supporting cast.”
The 6-foot-4, 210-pound junior from
Continued from Page 1
Press-Gazette. McIntyre is taking his blood
thinning medicine for three months, but the
llth-year pro doesn’t mind considering the
seriousness of his injury.
‘‘When it comes down to it, especially with
a life-threatening thing like th is, you have to be
thankful it didn’t push on into something worse,”
McIntyre told the Press-Gazette on Sept. 16.
But Osborne stopped short of comparing
Frazier’s recovery time to similar situations.
Good land, Kan., said he already sensed that
support from his teammates.
“I really felt like everybody was behind me
yesterday when we found out,” Berringer said.
“Everybody was really positive, and I feel like
the team is behind me. That adds all the confi
dence in the world.”
Part of his teammates’ confidence in his
ability may stem back to last week’s 70-21 win
over Pacific, when Berringer completed eight
of 15 passes for 120 yards and tnree touch
Berringer said the extensive playing time
against the Tigers would benefit him this week
against the Cowboys.
“That will help me quite a bit, because the
game experience is valuable,” he said. “The
more experience and reps in a game that a guy
can get, it will help. I think coming off Saturday’s
game will help.”
because every case was different.
“1 heard on TV last night that some guy from
Green Bay was out for six weeks with a blood
clot,” Osborne said. “But then I know they
(Frazier’s doctors) have had some conversa
tions with some (physicians) in the NFL who
have had players with blood clots that have
been on blood thinners Monday through
“Then they take them off Thursday, Friday
and Saturday and play them Sunday. We’re not
going to do anything that is not recommended
medically. I’m not even speculating at this
point what course of action will be taken.”
American Heart Association