The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1994, Page 12, Image 12
Classified^ Wednesday, September 28,1994 I age 12 Lawn care personnel needed. Full or part time positions available immediately. Flexible Hours. Must have clean driving record and neat personal appearance. Cal 488 3637 to apply. I YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer youth vol- § leyball coaches. Apply in the youth sports office I at the downtown YMCA. 1039 P St. Martial Arts Instructor needed Immediately. Applicants should have a black belt. Teaching skills should include Kata, sparring, and working with children and adults. To apply, call Linda Ward at the YWCA. 434 3494 Move to Dallas, home of the Cowboys, young couple In Dallas Texas seeks qualified energetic responsable. mature, woman 18-30 as live In nanny for new baby. Minlmun t year beginning January. Light cooking and errands. Competitive salary. Please send resume and refrences, 609 Beacon HHI Coppell Texas, 75019. Or call 214-304-0804. Need a waitress live nights a week. Apply in person. Also, need a bartender, Saturday nights. Apply in person lor either position. 8250 West O St. 474-6435. New company opening in Lincoln. Hiring immediately for: Telemarketers Phone Room Manager Carpet Cleaners Top pay. pleasant working envirounment, and flexible hours. Cai 434-8150 or 434-8151. as lor Shannon Old Country Buffet Now hiring customer service, line servers, dlshroom, and salad prep positions. Flexible scheduling, reduced meal benefit, part-time/lull-tlme positions available. Apply in person. 2241 'O' St. --- Pwt-time or full-time room attendants. Day shift. For more information call 475-4400 or apply in person, Ramada Inn 2301 NW I2lh St. Part-time Cashier. Evening hours. Must be 21 yrs. E«» rience preferred. Apply In person at Minute Mart, 110 W Fletcher Ave. Part-time data entry position. Must type 40 a*>m. Excel lent wages, flexible evening hours 4p.m.-10p.m. Apply in person 8-4:30 at Allied Group Insurance, 5001 Central Park Dr, (50th A R St.)_ Part-time Employment Part-time positions avaiabie In sales and production. Flexble hours. Apply In person at Nebraska Spirit/Greek Shop. 1120 P Street. Part time service station attendant wanted. Call 474 0414.__ Part-time harvest hep, flexble hours. Eagle Coop. Call 781-2305._ Part-time opening for overnight delivery service. Hours: 530-830am, loading and unloading freight. Must be 21. Pay: $6.00/hr. Apply 2200 W. Adams. 474-7886 Part-time/Full-time in grain elevator during harvest. Call or apply In person. Emerald Farmers Coop 474-6631, 8800 West Haven Road. Referees Needed Volleyball referees wanted now. $7.50 per match. 475 0323__ Rogers Jewelers Opening new store In Gateway Mall needs full-time Office Managers and full-time Sales Associates. To apply con tact Kanie Hamilton. 393-3335 / 467-5991 _ Russ’s IGA Join our family! We are now accepting applications for part-time positions throughout our stores. Enjoy a great work atmosphere and flexble scheduling. 17th 8 Washington 27th A Highway 2 66th A ‘O' Earn while you learn! 1 CA5H for your PLASMA donation • New customers earn $25 on first visit (call for appt.) | - • Return customers cam $ 15 first donation of week and $20 for second donation within five days parking hassles- Park FRfili at the door! iBioMedical Center- „,.m) ^ the human touch 300 So. I7ih Sl CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT MAJORS LEIFERT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. Immediate full-time and part-time openingi for experienced A beginning concrete finishers, form setters, equipment operators (skid loaders, concrete saws, jack-hammers, etc etc), valid drivers license A personal transportation required. Premium placed on those who own theirown pickup trade. •WE ARE A PROFESSIONAL CON CRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY •WE ARE INVOLVED IN NEW RESI DENTIAL A NEW COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION AS WELL AS RESIDENTIAL A COMMERCIAL CONCRETE REMODELING •WE HAVE IMMEDIATE FULL-TIME A PART-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE •WE CAN PROVIDE OFFICE A ESTIMATING EXPERIENCE WE CAN PROVIDE FIELD EXPERIENCE IN: SITE LAYOUT •Blue print Interpretation •Elevation Interpretation 421-7165 FORM SETTING St SUB-GRADE PREPARATION EQUIPMENT OPERATION •Transit levels -Skid loaders •Concrete saws •Demolition equipment •Pouring St finishing equipment PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT •Workmens compensation lorn control •Safety program administration •Work crew dynamics St organization •Labor figure central St management -Scheduling FIELD RECORD KEEPING St INVOICING POURING St FINISHING PROCEDURES St OPERATIONS 3421 S. 7th, Suite A *°* POSSIBLE TO EARN $5000 - $6000 DURING THE SUMMER FULL-TIME SUMMER & PART-TIME DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. POSSIBLE TO EARN $11,000 - $13,000 *CO-OP PROGRAM PLANNED FOR FALL A SUMMER CHECK US OUTH1 Schlotzsky’s Deli Looking tor a part-time baker some afternoon and early mornings. Abo have an opening tor part-time day and evening positions. Weekends available. Flexble sched ules. No late night hours, no fried foods. 50% meal discount. Apply now at 12th and P or Gateway mall. 476 2224__ Special Events Photographers Must have own 35mm SLR camera, flash he<3ful. and reliable transport Ion. Photograph and help people have tun at Friday and Saturday night events. If you Ike parties, action, people, and photography thenput your camera to work, earn yourse* some money and have fun doing It. Call: Bob Olson 467-2577 M-F, t2-6pm ___ Student Worker Student to assist with basic office duties: receptionist. » copying, filing, cataloging. Computer skilb help .25-55.00. Apply at International Affairs Office, 1237‘R" St.___ STUDENTS: Lawn work, mowing 20-45 hours/week. Part-time or full-time positions. Drivers License. Cal 423 3477. evenings. __ Super Saver Are you looking lor good wages and Ilex tote hours? Stop in and apply now lor part-time positions throughout our stores. _ 46th A O' 27th A Comhusker 56th A Highway 2 The dietary department at Eastmont Towers has open Ings In the waitery stall. Excellent student hours, free meals. Approx. 20hrs/week._ Apply at 6315 0 St^ Wanted: German. French, and Spanish teachers for extra curriculum afternoon activity at Holmes School. 488 3197.___ _ _ Wanted: Reponaibla Individual lor tood service position at Harris Laboratories. Hours varied but mostly weekends and late aftemoon/evenlng hours. 10-25hrs/week. com petitive wage. Previous tood service experience hetpfull. Cal Loretta at 437-4856 _ WORK WITH CHILDREN *Do you en)oy working wkh elementary age children? ’Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relalionthips with children and their parents? •Do you Ike to plan activities? It so. the SRVSt. Elizabeth Child Development center has a position available with school age children. K you can work from 7.-00-9.00am and/or 2:30-6:00pm, we have a position for you I Fulltime potential during summer months. Call our Interviewing Center Today! 486-6700 Sunday !-3pm Monday Friday 8am-5pm L-Zj Childcare worker needed. 2 boys. My home. tO a.m - 5 p.m. weekends and some weekdays. $6/hr. Mutt have current drivers license and background check. 489-0373, Loving, dependable, responstole, experienced caregiver for children 3 days a week, flexbie. 53/hr/bonuses 421 - 2775. 25 WORK STUDY students needed at Love Lbrary City Campus and C.Y. Thompson Lbrary East Campus. Day A evening hours available. $4.60 $4 85 per hour. Apply at Love Lbrary Room 108. 472-3963 Internships: Juniors, Seniors, Graduates A Fortune 500 company (53rd Largest). Fortune's Most Admired Insurance Company. Best Sales and Marketing Opporlunty (Jobs 94), Best Insurance Sales Force (Sales A Marketing Management Magazine). NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Is currently Interview ing tor our InlemeNpprogram. We re looking lor Individ uate who are Intelligent, honest, sell starting, and career oriented. Please contact Brian IMckstrom at 483-7871. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice Al mat estate advertising In this newspaper to subject the federal Fair Housing Act, whkh makes It illegal to advertise any preference, IIm tat ion or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make arty such preferences, Ikntatlons or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskan w» not knowingly accept any advertlshg for real estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised are a va table on an equal opportunity basis. Mate roommate wanted for very nice townhouse. $175/ month. 435-4216. _ Roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apt. Available Oct t. Rent: $182.50 *1/2 utiHtes. Laundry, busline, and off street parking. Contact Tim. Sat-Sun mornings or M-W after 5pm. 477-8990. INice 4-bedroom house. 1 1/2 bath. Close to campus. Washer/dryer. Available immediately. Call or leave mes sage. 438-1136. $520.2-bedroom, 2-bath. Wafc to Ag Campus. No pets. 3412 Starr. 423 1402. _ 2200 Dudley. Very nice. 4-br, 1 1/2 bath, parking. Near campus. $675.432 0644 or 432-6644. 2313 SW 19th. New 5-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-stall garage, washer/dryer, appliances. C/A $650, available now. 435 7807^_____ 2760 W. Cozy t bedroom. Wood-burning stove. Ga rage. $375/month. 333-9718. 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 bath house 6 blocks from stadium. Washer. Dryer, Range, Refrigerator furnished. Central A/ C, shower Excellent condition. 438-1330. _ 5-large bedrooms* loti. Very nice, 2-bath. C/A, D/W. 633 N 26th. $825, 489-6948. im$50.00tti! Move In Spedall 640 South 20. Newer t 8 2 Bedroom. Pool. Laundry, $299 up. 475-7262. Jones Apartments 20/G 8 23/A. I 8 2 Bedroom w/balcony, C/A, dehwasher, laundry. 1235 S. 22nd 8 1615 Garfield. $330-405. 475-1449 _ Available Nov. I.Gradsludents/Ouiel types. 1 bedroom, utilities paid, second floor, remodeled, laundry. $310, 476-6007___ Efficiencies and one bedrooms Near campus. Secured bulding. $235-$260 No pets. Call 477-3648. Great for Students Nest to UNL, 1932 R. newer 2 bedroom, Central air. dishwasher, washer/dryer hookups, parking $410. 475 3H1._ Newer 2-bedroom. 506 S 25 St. Carnet, within mite of campus. Leave message at 463 2357. One Bedrooms Between both campuaea 2504 VINE ST, t bedroom, middle level. $330/month Available now. 2627 VME Sharp studio, perfect for you. $275. 1121 N. 26TH 1 bedroom, lower or top floor, huge bedroom $350-$365. 3220 APPLE ST. BEAUTIFUL. QUIET. 1 bedroom, lower level. $350. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 REDUCED!! Studio-3330 P St. Heal paid, only $220. 2 Br. 1120 E St. Heal paid. Only $320 Studio-1107 L St Haaf paid, only $2B0 1 -Br 1120 E St. Hate paid, only $260. 1-Br93t Oak. only $265. Phoenix Properties 474-5327 Remodeled 3-bedroom apartment, $390 * depost. Near Campus New carpal, ceiling Ians. Nice. 1 -402-556-6779 [ $$ EARN EXTRA CASH S$ 1 New Donors $25 on 1st donation •$20 on second donation within same calendar week. Returning Donors $15 on 1st donation. •$20 on second donation within same calendar week. University Plasma Center I 1442 'O' Street • 475-1358 Monday-Friday 8:00-7:30 V Located at 15th A 'O' StreetSaturday 0:00-4:00 J . _ Assembly positions available at leading manufacturing plant in northwest Lincoln. Earn vacation and holiday pay and receive weekly paycheck. Must be 18 or older. $6.10/HR. •Monday Thru Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. •8 & 12-hour shifts MSP Resources, Inc. 210 Gateway North 464-3225 Suite 436, Greentree Ct. Unkjue 2bdr or studio apt. near UNL. Cal after 530.477 Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient, t and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able. Pool, fireplaces and wood burning stoves. Profasionelfy managed $329-469/morrih. Call 476-6200 now. Great investment opportunity! A 1974 14ft x 72ft mobile home. Clean and affordable. Call or leave message. 475 5616