Study Group! “WHAT IS THIS STRANGE BOOK?" [A survey Introduction to the Bible] 9 00 PM Wednesdays Six Weeks Beginning Wed , Sept 14 CORNERSTONE 640 N. 16th St. Teachers College Teachers College Advisory Board is looking for new members Pick up an application in Henzlik loom 105 Deadline for submitting applications is September 23 The Department of Criminal Justice and the University Research Council are pleased to announce the visit of Dr Gennaro Vito, Professor and Chair of the Administration of Justice Department at the University of Louisville He will be making two presentaions that are open to the general public, as follows Thursday - September 15 2 30 pm • 3 30 pm 'Capital Sentencing in Kentucky" Student Union, UNL City Campus 6 30 pm - 7 30 pm "Drug Testing of Correctional Clientele" 1105 Neihardt Complex UNL City Campus TUTORS The Student Information Center has a list of tutors for student use Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Student Info Center, 116 Nebr Union UNL Baseball Club Attention old members and new Practice starting Sun 9/ 16 1 00pm Woods Park, 33rd & “O' TTTs Call Scott at 420-2055 or 421-6943 UNL MEN’S LACROSSE Practice Tues 9-10 45 and Thurs 9-10 45pm in Cook Pavillion Wednesday 3 30-5 50pm at the Mabel Lee Fields For more into contact Trevor, 469-0059 UNL Offices Junna Home Packets can picked up in tnese locations hsun office. Culture Center. Office for Student Involvement (city & east cam pus). Greek Affairs, Multi-Cultural Affairs. Campus Rec reation. RHA office, University Program Council, Alumni Assoc . and at the Vice Chancellor tor Student Affairs office Entry deadline Oct 21 Want practice writing? Need help drafting? Revising? Come to the Writing Assistance Center 129 Andrews. PH: 472-M03 Women’s Soccer Club Practice Tuesday and Wednesday at 3 30 and Thursday at 5 30 at Mable Lee Fields Any questions, call Sarah at 436 9049 Women’s Wrestling Practice Wednesday 7 30 pm. combative arts room. Campus Rec Beginners Welcome! Questions call Bonnie 467-4124 215 Meetings Actuarial Science Club Sept 15 at 7 00pm in the Union (room posted) Seminar on resume building New members welcome Biochemistry club meeting. Sept. 14th, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m , City Union Can you meet a CHALLENGE? Coma sea what Minorities In Agriculture. Natural Re sources and Related Sciences, known as MANRRS, is all about We have lots of challenges planned for this year All majors are welcome to attend our meeting Wed Sept 14 at5p rh , In the EastUnidn. room to be posted Hope to see you there! CBA SAB Meeting 5 30 Wednesday in the Union Circle K (A service organization) Meeting Sunday 7pm city union Room will be posted New members welcome EXPLORE THE WORLD WITH UNLI Attend a STUDY ABROAD information meeting Tues days at 6 30 pm, and Wednesdays at 4 00 pm Interna honal Affairs Center, 1237 R Street We ll see you there! Friends of the Deaf Community Club First meeting of the year Sept 14 7pm at Barkley Center Rm posted Join us with sign games Nebraskans for Peace Meeting Wednesday, Sept 14th, 7 pm. NE Union, room posted Parking Advisory Committee The Parking Advisory Committee will meet Thursday. September 15. 1994 at 3 30 m the City Campus Union (Room wtif be posted) ———— Meeting tonight, 8:00 pm NE Union, See ya there' Pi Mu Epsilon Math honorary Fall Pizza Party, Wed Sept 14th at Godfather's -12th & Q at 4 30 pm Anyone interested in Math is Welcome to attend I Pre-Dental Club Meeting 7 00 pm Thursday, Sept 15, room 11 of Dental College All majorswelcomel Pop served Questionscall Scott 436-6116 or Cameron 476-9670 Pre-physical Therapy meeting Sept 15,7pm,Univ Health Center, Rooms A-C, Speak ers from Kentuchy and Mayo SAAers Meeting Thursday at 5 00pm at Wick Center Hope to see you there! Society for Human Resource Management Meeting this Thursday in the NE Union at 5 30pm Every one welcome! Student Foundation Meeting Thurs , Sept 15 in the Union Officers will meet at 4:45 and all other members 515 Students for Moore Secretary of State Orgamzaitonal Meeting/Pizza Party, Wednesday, Sept 14th 7 00 pm, City Union, room to be posted UNL Ad Club Social meeting tonight, 6 00 p m Advertising Lounge in the Avery Hall Basement UNL Tennis Club Thurs, Sept 15 6 30pm Campus Rec TV lounge For more info call Laura. 436-9164 220 Greek Affairs OM Congratulations to our new phi class officers President Kay Tucker, Vice-President- Carla Ericksen, Secretary Kimm Hovseth, Treasurer- Jennifer Cooley, Social- Angie Watts, Philanthropy- Steph Seitz, Scholarship-SamChil es, Public Relations-Darcey Baker, Jr Panhellemc-Amy Gomez Good job at ATO Softball' We love you, the Actives Congratulations to Both Obrecht and Brent Holtgren on your pearling The women of Phi Mu To the men of Acacia- Thanks for having us over for the BBQ and game let's get together again! The Women of Phi Mu KA Scholarship Week Congratulations to the following KO’s who earned a 3 5 or above Ginger B , Deb B , lisa C , Terri G . Alison G , Amy H , Tami H , laurel K , Tiffany K , Jenny L, Carin R , Shari R . Karen S , Jen S . Nikki S . Susie S . Angie S . Jill S , Su*y T Susan T , Barb V . Melissa Z Sigma Chi Derby Days'are you ready'’ Triangle Little Sister Rush Come jorn us at our Formal Tea on Wednesday. Sept 14 at 7p m Please call Shelley 488-5616 for more info on meeting great guys and gals Congratulations to our new brothers Way to go Joe & Jed The Brothers of Triangle Congratulations to Theresa Phoehler on her job offer from the Ernst 6 Young Acct firm in Kansas City xa Congratulations, you outstanding Chi-O'sl Government Liiason Committee Chair, Shawntell NSE^Staff and Judicial Board. Karen Starr Internship with PameWebber. Julie Anderson Husker Hostesses. Angie Miller and Janna Quanng Wind Ensemble. Kneten Davis and Angie Miller Pledges You snuck away and left a mess -Hit we still love you cause you're the best* Glad you had a great sneak* love, the Actives Kick up those heels, boys Chi-O Silver Awayl September 23 DON T MISS OUT ON THE FUNI Greek Yearbook Staff Deadline has been extended to Friday. September 16 Applications available at Greek Affairs THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ' ■ ii n II 1 1 111 -1 "The problem, Mr. Fudd, Is that you’ve been having a subliminal affect on everyone In the factory. We’re proud of our product, Mr. Fudd, end there’s no company In the world that builds a finer skwoo dwlvuh.... Dang I Now you got me doing It!” FH KA0 Congrats to Ryan and Kelly on your pinning. Good luck and nave tun The Men of Farmhouse AIT AXQ MASTERS "94 Miniature Golf Tournament held Sunday Sept 25th at North 40 Golf Sign up by Sept 23rd Aon Here's to all those -A" division players who were such a big hit at ATO softball You really dominated the field Congrats AXiD pledges on a great job at ATO softball We re proud of you! Love, your AXiD sisters 230 Student Government UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, September 14 6:30pm City Campus Union INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE IIS NEBRASKA UNION 240 Personals c Thanks for the best year of my life. I hope there are many more to come Love, R I want a woman who likes Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand Box 60861, Lincoln, NE 68501 245 Lost & Found FOUND NE Drivers license Candace Hanson Contact the Daily Nebraska to claim FOUND Watch in Area 20 Lot behind Harper/Schramm/ Smith Claim at the Daily Nebraskan Glasses lost on East Campus In charcoal and pasley case, tortoise shell frames Reward 489-6049 or 472 1291 260 Fundraising FUNDRAISING Choose from 3 different fundraisers tasting either 3 or 7 days No Investment Earn $$$ for your group plus per sonal cash bonuses for yourself Call 1 -600-932-8928, Ext. 65. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted $$$ Flexible hours • unlimited income potential Position yourself for changes that are now happening The timing is right Recorded message 441-0800 7-ELEVEN Under New Management If you are looking for extra income and need a job that can work around your school schedule, apply at any location We have open full-time/ part-time 3-11 and 11-7 shifts EOE Attention Students We need your help, when It fits into your schedule Pay is $6.50 an hour With a small cleaning company Call or send schedule 432-5573 or 6316 Tanglewood Lane, Lincoln. NE 68516 _* Driver needed to pick up and deliver mail Heavy lifting required Hours 12-4 Monday-Friday. Apply in person at Miller Mailing, 5609 S 49th Female dancers, 19 and older, excellent pay and tips Apply Foxy Lady, 1823 O St. or call 435-5943 Food Manufactoring Plant needs production workers to work second shift 2:30p m-11p m M-F $6 82 per/hr Call 421-5529 to set up an interview Accounting assist. 2-3 hrs/day/flexible Data entry, filing, misc $6/hr UNL office located2bk>cksfromcitycampus Call Brenda for interview 472-9304 Are you a movie & game buff? Audio Visual Video Center is needing a customer service rep to join our team part time Must befriendly and outgoing and work well with the public Evening, weekend, and holiday hours Apply Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, 2301 N 33rd St Dress appropri ately Are you seeking a part-time position that is flexible with your schedule? Are you people-oriented? Community Alternatives Nebraska has openings for on-call positions to fill in when our full and part-time staff take time off The position involves assisting individuals with developmen tal disabilities in a residential setting Early morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight hours available Expe rience helpful but not necessary Must have high school diploma or equivalent and a valid Nebraska Drivers li cense Apply at: Community Alternatives Nebraska 5900 South 58th St.. Suite O Lincoln. NE 68516 AA/EEO $5 Hour Plus Incentives! Umverstiy of Nebraska Foundation Phonathon looking for self-motivated students with good communication skills and a positive attitude to work part-time evenings and possible weekends Starting wage-$5/hour plus incen tives If interested, call Manette (daytime) at 472-2151 or Kristin at472-8833 (after 5pm) to set up a phone interview 9.25-ENTRY LEVEL COLLEGE STUDENTS Due to expansion, a National corporation has 22 open ings, flexible full/part-time schedules. All majors accept ed, call 465-5455 ? JOB HUNTING ? APPLY TODAY AT MSP RESOURCES Seeking long-term factory workersto be placed at northwest Lincoln factories Various shifts available * ASSEMBLY WORKERS * CLEAN-UP * MEATPROCESSING * MIG WELDERS * TOOL 8 DIE MACHINISTS Positions are 40 hrs/wk Receive vacation and holiday pay plus weeklypaycheck Must be 18 or older MSP RESOURCES, INC SUITE 436,Greentree Court 210 Gateway North, Lincoln 402/464-3225 (EastofJ.C Penney's) EOE BUS DRIVERS LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Early and Mid-Aftemoon routes, approximately 4/hrs per day Must present current driving abstract when applying Salary $8.32/hr - benefits available for regular work as signments of 15/hrs or more Alcohol/drug tests will be conducted Apply Human Resources, 5901 'O' Street Centennial Mall Child Care now is taking applications for am teacher assistants Please apply 100 Centennial Mall North, room 140. (Federal Building) Custodial helper, 20 hours/week, 4-8 p m , Monday Fridey, S5 00/hour Call Farmers Mutual, Personnel Di rector, 434-8360 EOE daVinci’s 11th &“G” 434-7090 Now hiring for full and part-time in-store and delivery positions, also a full time closing position Company vehicle may be available for some positions We offer flexible scheduling, 1/2 price meals, paid vacation, free uniforms Apply 2-4pm Delivery drivers 18 years of age or older Must have good driving record Apply at any Little Caesar's location Friendly, detail oriented person needed Part-time for formal wear consulting Afternoon end weekend hours available Apply in person at Best Styles Formal Wear Northeast corner of 19th & 'N' Grain cart operator needed for fall harvest on area farm 789-7895 Great part-time job. Driving and warehouse openings Flexible hours CDL not required Call Michelle at 478-1432 Grisanti’s Looking for a few good people to join our family Come grow with us Excellent opportunities existl We offer flexible schedules Positions available * Day and Evenings Servers * Bartenders * Day and Evening Dishwashers Apply in person 9am-11a m and 2p m -4p m . 6820 O Street 464-8444 EOE Harvesting help PT Must have experience Call between 6-10 pm Keith 665-2464 Hashers needed for Sorority Wages include food and »S Call 476-9518 or 436-6295 Hashers to help with lunches and dinners at Sorority Wages and good food 472-1088 The Nebraska Club Now accepting applications for full or part-time evening dishwashers Apply Firstier Building. 20th floor 9am 9pm Hinky Dinky at 48th & Van Dorn is seeking applicants for daytime, afternoon, and evening sackers and checkers Please apply at the Courtesy Booth HOUSEKEEPING Weekend housekeeping positions available $5/hr to start Apply in person attne Harvester Motel, 14th & Hwy 2 423-3131 I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt Is looking for bright energentic people to join our staff part-time We offer a fun working environment and com petitive wages Ideal applicant must be able to work days and evenings, also over holiday breaks Please apply m person at 70th & Van Dom, Holmes Lake Plaza Only ten minutes from downtown, via Normal Blvd Instructors needed to teach German and French at ele mentary school level Call 489-0933 K’s Restaurant Need a great job that will fit your schedule? COOK. Part time, flexible hours Free meals SERVER. Part-time DISHWASHER, part-time Apply at K's, 1275 South Cotner Calvin and Hobbes OH MAW.' MOM WENT TO A PARENT* TEAQTER CONFE&N&I I'M AS GOOD AS DEAD. MlSb WORMWOOD vau TELL MOM Mi SORTS OF HORROR STOKES ABOUT ME' > WEIL, tT5 AIL A QUEST\OH OF PERSPECTTVE son, r think I SHOOED BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A LkWVER. PRESENT] AT THE MEETING. I WHAT ARE VOU GOTNG TO 5AS WHEW *A)R MOM GETS BACK ? by Bill Watterson NOTHING i BODOI, IF VOU AT ALL? THINK I’M EVEN GOING TO BE HERE, WRE CRAZ1/ JLJ1 1990 Umvtrm Prtu Syndicate f/y Crossword No. 0610 Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Stagg of coaching fame 8 Wall Street term 10 Sit 14 First fratricide is Ridiculous sham 10 Reign 17 Daniel Day-Lewis movie: 1989 it And others: Lat. abbr. to Painter's purchase 21 State policeman: Abbr, 22 Heirs, often 23 Fabled bird 28 Continuous 20 Golfer Peete 31 Mosel feeder 33 Russian saint 34 Pub drink 38 Tizzy 30 Battle of Hastings site 30 Clothes 41 A k a 43 Father 44 Tramples 40 R.I.P. notice 40 Chess pieces 40 Gist so John John to E.M.K si Ruthian weapon 82 Seedless grape ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE S 8 3 S C 88 S4 Still and all M Famed suffragist 87 “-agirir Speedy Der (Adenauer) Conform Tie up at a dock More fit Third of thrice Sothern and Rutherford 70 Philippine island 71 In the vicinity DOWN 1 Peak 2 Yucatan Indian 3 De Kooning medium 4 Show contempt 5 To the stern • A loser in 1912 7 In proper ratio • Oak start • Soak flax 10 Autographs blank forms 11 At great risk 12 Street talk 13 Slippery ones ia Waste fibers of silk 24 Card game 28 Like a yenta 27 Bullring cry 28 “Memory" musical * t s s 2« “Thanks-!" 30 Like some sleeves 32 Have the flu 37 Region Part of a dime Refiners Honest Kind of hand 4? “Over-" 82 Athenian statesman 53 Daughter of Tantalus 58 Claw 58 Doll’s cry 58 Let it stand 80 Yearn 81 Ancient Peruvian 62 Bambi, eg. 84 Former chess champ 65Dom. of Otto II: 973-83