BIKE MAINTENANCE CLINIC Learn proper bike maintenance and bike safety. The clinic will be held Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 6:00p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Cost for members and non-members is $5 and $7.50 respectively. For more information, call the Office of Campus Recreation at 472-3467. ^ Trouble with your Vision? Call the University Health Center s NEW Optometry Clinic at 472-7415 for more information or an appointment COME AND JOIN THE ENGLISH CONVERSATION PROGRAM The English conversation program matches U.S. and foreighn students possessing a common interest In gain ing a greater understanding of each other's culture and language. Once matched, ECP partners independently arrange for weekly meetings of an hour or more to participate in activities or conversion. Tutoring may be a part of the ECP relationship but the format used is relaxed converse ion rather than formal instruciton. It is an opportunity for you to expand your horizons, enhance your cross-cultural awareness,andto help others. Please come to International Affairs at 1237 to sign up or contact Yenbo Wu/Jessica Chong at 2-5358 if you nave ques tions. Cruise Ship Employment Where and how to get a great new job. Summer and year round work available. No experience necessary for many positons. Free room and board. Free travel and great adventures. 35-pg. booklets 14.95 guaranteed. Johnson Information, PO Box 1282. Dept f06, Newport Rhode Island. 02840 CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Attention students...Earn$2000+ monthly. Part-time, full time. World Travel. No experience needed. Call (602) 453-4651. EATING DISORDER SUPPORT GROUP Help is available H you have binged and purged or starved yourself Group meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:30 8:00pm at the Women's Center, 340 Nebraska Union. Any questions? Call Kns at 472-9428. EVENT STAFF The University Program Council is looking for individuals who would be willing to help with the upcoming Maya Angelou lecture on October 13. Please stop by 117 Union or call Chad at 472-8146. FAMILY EXTRAVAGANZA Septembers, 1994 6:00 p.m. • 9:00 p.m. Campus Recreation Center For More Information, Call 472 3467. FITNESS CLASSES Session I of Ihe 1994 Fall Fitness Class Schedule begins September 12. Six week sessions are scheduled in areas Including: Progressive/Low Impact Aerobics. Body Con ditioning. Water Conditioning. Step Aerobics. Spanish Aerobics. plus several others Claftes are frMng up fasti Sign up now to reserve your space. For more information, call the Office of Campus Recreation. 472-3467. For The UNL COMMUNITY Fifth Annual SERVICE OF CELEBRATION AND DEDICATION for THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR Sunday, Sept, 11 7:00 p.m. Cornerstone-UMHE 640 N. 16th St. Students, Faculty, Staff ALL WELCOME FREE Apply yourself at the EAST Union for a Free 1 LB. Bag of "HusKer M S M’s" GMAT-MCAT-GRE-LSAT Want to find out how you might do on the most important test you'll ever take/l Come to the Kaplan Center at 12:30PM on Sunday. Sept. 11. for the FREE TEST DRIVEIII Call 475-7010 to pre-register INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS SHOTOKAN KARATE This class will introduce the fundamental skills and tech niques in the art of Karate. Classes wiH be Tuesdays/ Thursdays from 5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. (optional day). Sept. 13 - Oct. 23. A second session of this class will run from Oct. 25 - Dec. 11 on the same days and at the same times Member and non-member costs are $20 00 and $30.00 respectively. Call the Office of Campus Recreation at 472-3467 for more information. CONGRATULATIONS RAFFLE WINNERS! The Office of Campus Recreation congratulates all the lucky winners in our free fall drawing. Lots of great prizes were given away including: basketballs, volleybalis, frisbees. soccer balls, discount certificates, and morel Here is a list of the winners: Katie Hamer. Angela Hansen. Juleen Hennings. Judy Hicks, Dave Koleis, Anne McCabe, Gabriel Mondragon. Ryan Nelson, Melissa Nootz, Michael Pfannenstiel, Ryan Plummer, April Sedlacek, Deb Sebeck, Steph Smith, a Patrick Trinh. Congratulations and see you all this year at the Campus Recreation Centerl CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn up to $2,000+/ month working on Cruise Ships or Land Tour companies. World travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.). Sea sonal a Full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For more information can I-206-634-0468 ext. C57781. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS JUDO This class twill introduce the student to basic judo skills along with the history and development of the sport. Classes twill be Mondays/Wednesdays. Sept. 12 - Oct. 19. from 530p.m. 630 p.m. A second session class twill run from Oct. 24-Dec. 7 on the same days and at the same times. Member and non-member costs am $20 00 and $30.00 respectively. For mom Information, call the Office of Campus Recreation at 472-3467. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS CERTIFICATION CLASSES The office of Campus Recreation twill offer certification classes in C.P.R. and First Aid beginning Sept. t4. For a schedule ot dasses. please come to the Office of Campus Recreation or call 472 3467 INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT -Make up to $2,000 $4.000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan. Taiwan, and S. Korea. Many employers provide room 6 board ♦ other benefits. No teaching background or Aslan languages required. For mom Nor mal ton cal (206) 632-1 (46 ext J57781. INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL MANAGERS The Manager Meeting for Men's and Womens Slow PRch Softball wilbe held Thursday, September 6. at 5:00p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Each learn must has one repre sentative present to be eligible for competition. Cal 472 3467 for more Information. BUSCH -UCtfT draft LaunDRY Land OFFER GOOD SEPTEMBER 1994 1440 N. 56-466-8353 1340 N. 27-474-5155 21st. & J -474-4363 -NEW LOCATION 48 th & Old Cheney - 423-5955 < ttiipoIt ipiml Ini nilc li i’i' i ("Jill.ii wash at .in\ Iik.iikhi "Sol liiiiid with .in\ oilu'i uttVi ( >nc ciiiipuii pet pci sun in li i hi sc In 11 (I STACK IT HIGH SELL IT CHEAP ROOMS ROCK BUSCH Rtf or MM. wm OLD STYLE Rctf or Uit< warm MK1ER HIGH LIFE Rtf orlM, warn $12.99 $&JS9 .$6.99 $8.59 Southern Comfort... 750 ml.$739 WU Turkey 101 Proof... 750 ml.SIL99 Toslf Aril Sranante... 750 ml.35.99 INTRAMURAL FLAG FOOTBALL MANAGERS The Manager Meeting tor Co-Rec Flag Football will be held Thursday, September 8, at 6:00pm in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one representative present to be eligible for competition. Call 472-3467 tor more information. Lawn Display Contest ASUN invites all student organizations to participate in the Homecoming 1994 Lawn Display Contest. Informa tional packets can be picked up in the ASUN office or at the Student Invovlment Offices, City and East Campus Unions. Registration deadline is Septmeber 23 NEBRASKA AT OXFORD You too can be one of the "Nebraskans at Oxfordl' Study business and the arts at Oxford University. The program includes more than just classes. You also will experience traditional English culture including punting on the River Thames, High Tea, attend a Shakespearean play and the Promenade concerts as well as explore London. Blenheim Palace, Hampton Court, and Stratford. Sign up now for this four-week summer session. Limited spaces available. An Information session will be held on: Thursday, Sept Sat 10:00 S 11:00am In CBA ISO You may also visit our information booth located In the CBA Atrium on Thursday, September 8 from t flO to 3:00pm. Or. for more information, contact: Kerry Brooks, CBA t38, or phone 472-2310. NEED A TYPEWRITER? There's one available for student use FREE in the Student Info. Center H6Nebr. Union NUMSA National s Day Celebration A pot luck party will be held on Friday. September 9 at 7:30pm in the Culture Center. Everybody Is welcome. Pregnant and considering adoption? Placed e child lor adoption? What: Birth mother support group When: First meeting Sept. 15th, 6:30 pm Where: UNL City Union, room 401 Provided as a community service of the Nebras ka Children's Home Society in cooperation with the UNL Women's Center. For more information call Cindy at 483-7879. Reproductive Rights & Low Income Women Lecture and discussion with Martha Davis of tha NOW Legal Defense Fund and Mary Wyckoff of the ACLU Southern Regional Office concerning women's economic rights, social welfare pokey, substance abuse during pregnancy and medic aid funding of abortion. Sponsored by UNI Women's Center. UNL Women's Law Caucus, and Nebraksa CM Ltoerties Union. Monday, September 12, satdjOOpm. Nsbrasto Union, IRoom SM Oafraalwnanf m fV nn tria i-f neff “SfWimfna SKYDIVE ^^^dpane Cal Crete SkydN - Student Organizations Where: Nebraska Union Plata When: Tuesday Sept. 20. 10:30-2:30 I you mased registering last Spring, stop in or caM the Office lor Student involvement. 200 Nfc Union. 472-2454 Reserve s booth to recruit members and advertise your organizations activities Hurry, reservations accepted until 5pm. Tuesday Sept. 13. Study Group! ‘WHAT YOUR MINISTER IS AFRAID TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE BIBLE” 9:15AM Sundays Four Weeks Beginning Sun. Sept. 11 CORNERSTONE run m i tut. fit TUTORS The Student Information Center hat a M of tutors lor student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, till out an application at the ASUN Student Into. Center, 116 Nebr. Union. UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS Applications available althelolto«rlnglocalions:Oft Ice for Student Involvement (City 6 East Campus). Residence Hal Front Desks 6 124 Admin Applications are due on Friday. Sept. 23 by 5pm to 124 Admin UNL RIFLE CLUB interested in position target shooting? Nationally ranked UNL Rifle Club * looking I or new members. No previous experience necessary. Practice Thursday at 6:30 pm, Rm. 2. M a N Building UNL Women's Soccer Club Meeting Thursday at 6 pm in the Campus Recreation TV lounge. Any questions call Sarah 436-9049 215 Meetings Arts & Sciences Student Advisory Board First meeting. Sunday Sept. 11. 6pm In the Union. Circle K Club, a service organization Is having Its 1st meeting Sunday, 7.00 pm. Sept. 11. Everybody Wet cornel In the Nfc Union, room wll be posted. With ques lions with Mamie 420-2467 Marketing Club First meeting Thursday. September 8,600pm, Union. Room TEA. Refreshments 8 Guest Speaker MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Lambda Tau meeting Thursday. Syt.6. at 630 pm el the Health Center; basement room F. Anyone Interested wetcomel | 1621 O Street | Phi Beta Lambda Mtg. (PBL-FBLA) Short Informational Mtg. Thurs. Sapt S, 6pm in Student Union (room posted) NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! (Casual Attlra) RUNNERS’ CLUB Info Mealing. Thurs. Sapt. 8,8:30p.m. Campus Rec T.V Lounge. For more Information call Mark 436-8843. SPJ Society of Professional Journalists first meeting Thurs Sept. 8 at 8 p.m. in Avery 217. Pizza and membership infc • everyone welcomel The German Honor Society DELTA PHI ALPHA Begins another year Now Members Welcome! (2 years college-level German or oqurv.) *• Meeting Thurs.. Sept 8. 7:00p.m. City Union (Room posted!) Mach Mit! Women’s Lacrosse: Mandttory meeting. Mon. the 12th of Sept., at 8.00. Located in the TV lounge of the Rec Center. All is welcome. If you are a newcomer or have any questions please call Maura at 436-0353 or Kristen at 467-1708 220 Greek Affairs Don’t forget - Applications for Greek Yearbook staff are due Friday. Sept. 9 by 430pm. FARMHOUSE KA0 on* of the top ten chapters in the nation. Also, congratu lations for achieving the second highest Theta GPA In the country. Way to gol KA0 announce its 1994 pledge Hall, Darla Hawthorne, Katie I _Katy Byrne, Kristy Becky Humphrey, Jennifer Johnson. Kyta Johnson, Kim lambrecht, Kelly sky Gould, Jonei Tiffany Jackes, Long, Jennifer Luers, Kara Marshall, Shannon McClinton, Kate MeEwen, Alison Meyer, Heidi Peterson. Beth Schaffart, Amber Schlichenmaior, Dana Shane, Leanne Sorensen, Amber Valasek, Courtney VanAnne. Racheii? Tacha. KA Kappa Delta's "superpledges wfl be holding a carwash at 40th A Normal, NBC lot, on Sunday Sept. 11 from 11 4. Donations accepted. Pinning Party? Room rental (available Sunday thru Wednesday) Great ralesl Call 43B-609S or 430-0992. ZAE (congratulations to our new Initiates Jeremy Barnett. Pet* Caputo, Steve Harry, Steve Long. Scott Lubeck. Randy Muntz. Sam Mur ante. Brian Nietsm. Doug Stevens. The Men ol SAE To our wonderful neighbors the Phi Delts Thanks so much for the good eats and gam* of Hollywood Squares. Now that we are on good terms will you guys please skip making your noisy early morning visits/ The women of Tri-Deka 230 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON SEVERAL COMMITTEES Check the ASUN office for current open positions. Applications available at I IS Nebraska Union Lost & i-ouna Bracelet/anklet chain found at intersection at 16th A Vina streets. Cal 436-8246 and describe to claim. FOUND: Apalr of glasses found 8/30 m the gravel tot aaat of the Cathar/Pound tanni* court*. Idantly at the ON office 34 Nebraska Union. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted $$$ Fienble hour* • unlimited Income potential Position yours art for changes that are now happening. Tha timing is right. Recorded massage 441 -0800. Aerobics Instructors Wanted!! CPR Cartfflcadon required, Ca* Cheryl, 466-7000 APPLY TODAY AT EAST PARK PLAZA LOCATION Are you interested In earning some aura cash In a fun working environment that has Ideal work Ing hours lor college students? East Park Plan Is only 5 minutes irom East Camp us I We are looking lor part time day help and wll offer the following beneftts lor your hard work: T textile working hours 'Paid Vacation ’Great wages ’Clean work environment ‘Advancement opportunrtes ‘Medical Insurance •Scholarship program *Eun atmosphere "ANO MUCHMORE" STOP IN AT EAST PARK PLAZA ANO APPLY TOQAYI Are you a movie 6 game buff ? Audio Visual Video Center 18 ••tvlce rap to join our town pari lime. Mtwl be friendly and outgoing and work well wlthme P*l*e- Evening, weekend, and holday hours. Apply TuoedarFriday. 10-5. 2301 N. 33rd St. Dress qtpnpH Are vou looking for a great part-time lob. Orkring and ►****• COL not required Cal Michele at 47*-1432. Attention Studei • need your heb. when I (to Into your t .50 an hour. With a small cleaning ot nd schedule 432-5673 or 6318 Tan Attention Students We need your hetowhen 11 to into your schedule Pay Is aartender* needed. Friendly, outgoing, modeled per ion. 10-15 hours/week. Evenings. Great experience Contact Pla-Mor Ballroom. 476-4090. * ? JOB HUNTING ? APPLY TODAY AT MSP RESOURCES Seeking long-term factory workersto be placed at northwest Lincoln factories. Various shifts available: * ASSEMBLY WORKERS * CLEAN-UP * MEATPROCESSING * MIG WELDERS * TOOL » DIE MACHINISTS Positions are 40 hrs/wk. Receive vacation and holidaypayplusweeldypaycheck.Mustbe !8or older. MSP RESOURCES, INC. SUITE 436,Greentree Court 210 Gateway North, Lincoln 402/464-3225 (East otJ.C. Penney's) EOE Big Red FootbalL Dr. Tom Corn Dogs at the State Fair, Ted and Wally's Ice Crsaml What more could you want From lie? Ohl You need a job too? Well, come to usl Carol Wright Sales Inc. We have a fantastic part-time Program on 2nd and 3rd shifts. You can choose a minimum Of any two nights up to five Nights (you must work the regular hours fisted). Order Fliers (4 00 to midnight) Machine Operators (3:48pm to 11:45pm I1:45pm to 7:45am) Returns Employees (345 to 11:45pm) We also have positions open Ful-time and part-time, Monday through Friday. For: Order Tskers-lnbound Only (Variety of hours) Data Entry Opertfors (4:30pm to 12:30am) Customer Service Reps (4:1Qpmto I2:t0am) Call for more Information On the part-time hours Available for the above We offer: Excetent working environment 8 holidays per calendar year Shift differential PA© WEEKLY Free parking Casual dress Air conditioned Apply Monday-Friday 8 00am to 4:00pm Evening applicants Accepted by appointment Carol Wright Sales Inc. 340 Appwcftth Road v LincoJn, NE 08528 (402)487-2887 EOE M/F/O/V WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU I Body Basics, Nebraska * largest fitness equipment looking for two delivery and assembly associ ales. The right person must be customer oriented, me chanica«y mdmed. and able lo lit *>pro* 100 be We offer a flexible work schedule that starts at $6.00per hour. 20-35 hours per week. Apply at Body Basics. East Park Plaza. 200 hr 66, Lincoln 466-44I t. BUS DRIVERS LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Early and Mid-Afternoon routes, approximately 4/hrs per day. Must present current driving abstract when applying Salary $6.32/hr - benefits available for regular work assignments of 15/hrs or more. AlcohoVdrug tests wil be conducted. Apply Human Resources. 590 f 0''3treet. COMPUTER OPERATOR I (Based on eqwrlenee Computer Operator II) MetromeM Corporation, eeubekflary of R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company and one of die nation a fastest growirsg suppliers of direct marketing services, heo Computer Operator I positions available Part-time positions art available working Monday through Sunday, flexble morning, afternoon, evening or overnight hours we available. Job responsbiitloe In dude monloring and operating high speed computer printing equipment. Qualified applicants must have the stokiyfo operate various primers; inteipersonal skits are necessary to deal courteously and etteciivety with a diverse group, hand and eye dexterity and physical requirements QuaMted applicants may apply In person Monday through Friday in the Human Resources Department at; METROMAIL CORP. AM R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS COMPANY 949 West Bond Lincoln. NE 66521 AN EQUAL OPPONTUMTY EMPLOYER muon 24 hour Job Line Is now available 402-4724677 HARVESTER MOTEL We are looking for qualify Individuals to INI our front desk positions Evenings and Weekends Apply In person at the Harvester Motet. 14th 6 Hwy 2. 4233131 Help wanted on local farm for led harvest. Call 7827695 HELP!!! looking lor a job wHh great DAYTIME hours? We eningslor the loHowmg hours: 21.1032230M ai Barb s Plaos. Lincoln Square Food Court. 121 sas.** F. Apply M WlKf s r muw, u 3 13 between 9 1! or 1-2 HOUSEKEEPING FT « PT positions now available lor weekends $5 per hour to stan Apply in person at the Harvester Motel, 14th • Hwy. 2. 4233131. * you are a well dressed Individual with ratal experience, carrying a light load this semester, Holway Formal Wear needs you. Some afternoons, some evenings, some weekends. Cal Jim or Kirk lor an appontment at 472 2262. LaundryLand now hiring. Various shits. Apply In person. 27th A Starr S6.00/hr. Lawn care personnel needed. Ful or part time positions available Immediately. Flexbie Hours. Must have *wn driving record and neat personal appearance. Cal 486 3837 k) apply. Local delivery, edl not required. Flexible hours. AppjyLbcoin Lumber Company JK N 23._