The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 26, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
ber board, which hears claims against
state agencies, could uphold the claim,
deny it or refuse to act on it. No hearing
date has been set.
I f the board denied or didn’t act upon
the claim, Hendry’s attorney, Mark
Rodgers, said that Hendry would file a
Richard Wood, NU general counsel,
said the suit was still far from court.
“The state claims board has six
months to act on the claim.... Beyond
Another student
parking hurdle:
metered streets
By Ann Stack
Staff Reporter
Students hunting for parking spots
close to campus may have more diffi
culty than in the past.
Parking meters have been installed
in areas where students used to be able
to park their cars for free—along 16th
Street from Vine to R streets and on S
Street between 16th Street and the Ne
braska Union, said A1 Lee, engineering
technician for the Lincoln Transporta
tion Department.
The city also has installed meters on
part of 17th Street, on W and Vine
streets between 14th and 16th streets,
and on the east side of 14th Street
between Vine and W streets, Lee said.
“This is a joint thing between the
university and the Lincoln Police De
partment,” he said. “We’ve had trouble
with people extending the time limits.
They’re only supposed to stay for two
hours, and they stay all day. Lincoln
police were having trouble ticketing
Lee said new meters also were in
stalled because people were parking
their cars for too long in loading zones.
The 10-minute zones in front of the
Cornerstone Church, for example, were
being used for much longer than the
allowed time.
“We just want to generally better the
area,” he said.
Now that the streets arc metered, Lee
wanted to remind students that it was
illegal to plug meters.
“It’s against the law in the city of
Lincoln to plug meters,” he said. “You
arc allowed to stay for the lengthof time
you pay for (the first time). Our intent
with the meters is to provide turnover.”
Lee said that in the past, students had
gone out of their way to fool the author
ities and keep from getting a ticket.
“For instance, on S Street between
the Union and 16th, the meter maids
would chalk the tires. Well, the students
would come back and erase the chalk,”
he said. “Now they can watch you park
at a two-hour meter, and if you’re not
back, they can issue a ticket.’’
Lee said no plans were in the works
to install more meters.
“There was talk of maybe metering
the old 10th Street, which is now Stadi
um Drive, and South T Street, but there’s
no decision on that yet,” Lee said.
fae ih ways
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the fact that the claim has been filed, I
cannot commenton anything else about
the situation,” Wood said.
In March 1993, Nebraska athletic
director Bill Byrne reported 33 allega
tions against Hendry’s Creighton base
ball program to the NCAA. Hendry,
who started coaching at Creighton in
1985, left after the 1991 season for an
office job with the Florida Marlins, a
professional baseball team. Wood also
said UNL was ready to go to court to
defend Byrne’s allegations.
“Right now, we’re just preparing to
move ahead and defend in court if that’s
necessary,” he said.
r,, ... .
Nebraska baseball coach John Sand
ers said NU’s claims of the Bluejays’
violations were legitimate, but he didn’t
want to comment on the suit.
“I will say that under the NCAA
rules and guidelines, our actions were
appropriate, and we arc willing to de
fend them,” he said.
The claim filed Wednesday, as well
as the lawsuit, is confidential until the
board hears it or until a lawsuit is filed
in state district court.
The Associated Press contributed to this
Page One
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