It's Husker Time I- I I To win the $50 Big Red gift certificate; | I fill out, clip & carry to the Big Red Department at Mebraska Bookstore. I I I I Your name:_ j Address:__ I City:_State:_ | Zip Code:_ [ Phone #: ( )_ Parent/Guardians_ I Address:_ ! City:_State:_ I Zip Code:_ | Phone #: ( )_ ■ I I Contest deadline September 2, 1994. Please only one entry per person. I __i A I I 1300 Q Street • 476-0111 Store Hours: Monday 9-6'Tuesday 9-6 • Wednesday 9-6'Thursday 9-8 • Friday 9-6 • Saturday 9-6 • Sunday 12-5 That means . • . time for the 1994/95 Original Big Red Collection Catalog. Get yours today l at Nebraska Bookstore \ and register to win I a $50 gift certificate for B Big Red merchandise. H This year, we've b|\ brought together some Byl new brands and styles H to offer you an even Hgl wider selection of i, b merchandise. In addition to the catalog, don't forget to shop the large i selection of i Big Red items \ in the Big Red A Department A at nebraska B Bookstore. Get your catalog today.