The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 11, 1994, Summer, Page 2, Image 2
Debate Continued from Page 1 Omaha and the state. An engineering college would fill a void in an otherwise attractive Omaha market, he said. Interested businesses now have to send theiremployccs down to Lincoln for schooling, he said. To avoid that, they could choose other markets like Chicago, St. Louis or Dcs Moines, Schulz said. And they arc. So far, the debate has been mostly within the university, but Schulz said that’s starting to change. “The entire Omaha metro area is becoming more and more interested in it as it goes along,” Schulz said. “I would say there’s a pretty good shot of it (a separate college) happening.” If the board approves the creation of a separate college* Loudon said, it would be sending a confusing mes sage to state senators. “We’ve got to look at the fact that funds are scarce in Nebraska,” Loudon said. “The fact is this is an issue where we (ASLTN senators) arc standing up and saying, ‘Hey, in January we’re going to have to go in front of the Legislature with a proposed budget— and it has to be a responsible one.’” She Loves Me As co-workers they clash, but as pen pals they swoon. Don't miss the best of ^ Broadway musical comedies. 4* 1994 Tony Award Winner July 28 - August 13 “The Perfect Musical!” New York Magazine For Tickets Call 402.472.2073 Nebraska Repertory Theatre • 12th and “R” Street • Lincoln, NE (RANK IT. Escape to Kinko's and crank out the work! • Computers • Laser Printers • Color Prints & Copies • Quiet Work Spaces 1201"Q" Street • 475-2679 330 N. 48th Street • 466-8159 kinko's the copy center UNL Tri-Delta charter members, 1894: (1st row, from left) Ada Dubois, Jo von Mansfelde, Anna Vore, Ellen Frankish, Daisy Bonnell, (2nd row) Maysie Ames, Dorothy Bacon, Sara Vore Taylor, Veda Wilson, (3rd row) Helen Reiley, Clara Bryant, (top) Duty von Mansfelde. UNL sorority celebrates 100 years of sisterhood By Rebecca Oltmans Staff Reporter Two hundred sixty women, rep resenting alumnae from eight de cades, gathered last weekend for a banquet honoring one hundred years of sisterhood of the Kappa chapter of Delta Delta Delta. — 44 The support of a close-knit group within a larger organization is the same as it was 100 years ago. —Tri-Delta Alumna Lynn Roper -*t The sorority is the fourth oldest on campus. It was founded in 1894 with eight members. The reunion attendees spoke at the banquet about everything from rolling up the rugs for dances in the 30’s to the ending of Ivy Day. the school yearbook, alumna Lynn Roper said. “The chapter really mirrors the lives of young women through the years.” Roper said. The sorority was located in a variety of houses before the exist ing building at 16th and R streets was purchased in 1926 for$40,000. The metal fence and gates around the house were given to the house by General John Pershing— the only male honorary member. Three of Pershing’s sisters were Tri-Deltas. A lot of history has been wit nessed inside the house through the years. “A group gathered around the radio in the Tri-Delta house, lis tening to reports of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (There was) gasoline rationing, sugar rationing and nylons were practically nonex istent,” alumna Jessie Lou Tyler Allen said. Some history of campus life has just started to change after decades ofcommon experience for students. Registration is described in a 1920 excerpt from the chapter’s history: “Registration at Nebraska pre sents a perfect chaos which finally evolves itself into hours of seem ingly endless lines. An official re port has not been made, but rumor has it that 7000 students registered this year.” Positive aspects of sorority life as well as membership have been steady throughout the years, Roper said. “The support of a close-knit group within a larger organization is the same as it was 100 years ago,” Roper said. Women attending the banquet came from as far away as Califor nia and Maine. Many have main tained close friendships forover 50 years, she said. Nebraskan Editor Features Editor Copy Desk Editor Photo Chief Cartoonist Graphics Artist General Manager Deborah D. McAdams Production Manager 472-1766 Advertising Manager Matt Woody Assl Advertising Managers Martha Dunn Publications Board Chairman Jason Levkulich James Mehsling Professional Adviser Amy Schmidt Dan Shattil Kathorlno Pollcky Amy Strut bora Diana Dorn Tim Hodogaard 436-8810 Don Walton 473-7301 », _ * »v/lviDt. n f f I iO I , . - The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144 080) is published by ihe UNL Publications Board, Ne braska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE, Monday through Friday during the academic year, weekly during summer sessions -Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a m. and 5 p.m Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Tim Hedegaard. 436-8810 Subscnption price is $50 for one year. 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