CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT! At Hudson Bay Company, we can otter you: excellent benefits, flexible schedules, friendly management, and a chance to make a difference. We pay $7/hour weekdays, $8 weekends. We talk to members of non-profit organiza tions, so we're searching for interesting, energetic, and Clerk position available at Comics' Ink 10-12 hrs/wk. 466 7786. _ National Corporation filing 14 ent^-level openings. Tem porary and permanent. Call 465-5455 to apply. articulate tot to 3 p.m. i people who prefer to sell ideas rather Sound inviting? You're invited to call 476 ter than 76-1010 11 a.m. COLLEGE STUDENTS $9.25 TO START Part-time opening afternoons only tor a receptionist with soma clerical duties and customer sales. Apply in person only. Miller Seed Company. 1600 Cornhusker Highway Part-time service station attendant. Evenings and week ends. Call 474-0414. \ Part-time Cashiers Weeded at the East Campus Unton. Oeydme. eyenlnq and weekend hours evadafate. Apply 914 Nebraska Eeet Union. Part-time custodial help Meadedat the EaotCampua Union. Weekday, evening. and weekend houre avadPMe. Apply et 314 Nebraaka Eaat Union. .*. . Part-time teacher's assistants naeded tor preschool. Flexible hours. Must have relevant expertence and coursawork. Reterences required. Wdiamsburg Village Child Development Center. 42J-5437, ask lor Lynnette. Donate Plasma and earn up to $150/month. 150 ♦ 1/2 bus. Call 476-0806 _ Non-smoking female roommate needed for 2 bedroom apartment. *t 60 plus ullhloa and deposit. Cal438-8484. Third roommate needed for tour bedroom duplex srith garage, laundry room, dishwasher, a/c, etc. Private bath Available August 15. *200.435-5576. Leave message. 430 Houses For Rent 210 S. 44th. Three bedroom. Formal dining. AN applianc es Garage. A/C. *650. Jerry. 437-6328. 354 N. 28th. Large 5-bedroom, double garage. $785/ 2274 Orchard. Large 6-bedroom, 2 baths. *875/month. Both central air. clean. Jerry 437-6328. 4 8 5 bedroom houses near university. No pets. Clean carpet. 4767774. _ _ 428 N. 28th. Remodeled 3-bedroom. $62S/month. 3210 ‘S'. 4-bedroom, 2-baih, rsc room. *650/month. Both central air 8 nice. Jerry 437-6328. Avaiebie now, ceiling fans, newly remodeled. 6bed room. *800. Call John at 5566778. $$ EARN EXTRA CASH $$ 1 New Donors $25 on 1st donation •$20 on second donation within same calendar week. Returning Donors $15 on 1st donation. •$20 on second domation within same calendar week. University Plasma Center NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 10:00 3:00 1442 'O' Street • 476-1358 Monday-Friday 8:00-7:30 Located at 15th a 'O' Street Saturday 9:00-4:00 shim New I’ c|iiipini"n( • kui; Wushers * \ ( • Tool I it hie • \ itleos • I \ s • I tills Mtenderi • I>r*>|»-<>tt I :iiiihIi > • Sn.u k Ihir LaunDRVLand OFFER GOOD JULY 1994 1440 N. 56 - 466-8353 1340 N. 27-474-5155 21st. & J -474-4363 -NEW LOCATION 48th & Old Cheney - 423-5955 oiipon "nod tor one tree refillin' "iish :H nn\ location Not yornl with :m\ other otter One coupon per person or household Campus Close, 4 bad room, wasber/dryer. carpal, $575. 236 N. 33rd and 1602 N. 28th. Available August 488 5446. _ Five bedroom ‘Queen Anne' Victorian. 2 full bathes, washer, dryer, dishwasher, central air. located on UNI Shuttle Bus route. Nine month lease fine. $695.423-1535. Six bedrooms. Walt to UNI. $700 plus deposit. No pats. 489-4393. 440 Duplexes For Rent 335 N. 18th. 2-bedroom $350. R.D. HWday Property Management. 4ffi t6>6.__ Four bedroom unis. 2440 Lynn. Near UNL. $575.435 5026 or 423-1371. 450 Apartments For Rent !!!l! 2504 VINE ST.!!!!! CLOSE TO CAMPUS IN BUS ROUTE 1 bedroom. $330. middle floor, ail apMancet. nice com plex. available now. 4300 CORNHUSKER 1 bedroom, $330-$375. lower 6 top floor available. Great neighbors • area wth pool. Available August 1st. WAVERLY 15 mHes east of Lincoln. 1 bedroom. $330-$365. all appiiancaa, quiet, near park, near shopping, available now. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 !!!!! LAST ONE !!!!! Available Aug. 1st 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH BEAUTIFUL & NEW All appliances, washer/dryer hookup, private deck. cwwnic floors. $550 WAVERLY 1 bedroom, tap or middle. Scenic view. Close to shopping and park. $330-365. Available Aug. fat. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 !!!!!$50.00!!H! Move-In JONES PROPERTIES 20th ft O' SUMMER LEASES 475-7282 or 400-MOO Newer t • 2 Bedroom $290 up Swimming pool. Central Air. Laundry. Fir# • Sound Resistant_ •Century Management Company* Elficienctes, 1, 2. and 3 bedroom apartments Some within waking distance to atmgus $230 and up. 623 South 18th Securty building, air and heal paid, new carpet and paint. $279-1315. 484-8600 1 bedroom, newty renovated apartment. Near city cam pus. 2403 Lynn Street. $280/month, $150 deposit. Oft street parking. Tenant pays gas $ electricity. 488-2088 1932 R Street, next to UNL. 28 4 bedrooms, central air. dahwaaher. washer/dryer hookups, parking. 1 year lease. $410-820. 475-3111 _ 2 bedroom apartment erasable August tst. ISOOKnoxSt. Close to campus. 4386795 ask tor Kim. 3 Bedroom j 5230 Leighton. Deluxe, 2 bath. $860 4975 Starr. W/D hook, 2 bath. $625 _No Pets. Available 9/L 466-9526 3501 BALDWIN 2-bedrooms Large, clean, nicely deco rated 4-plex. c/A. parking, laundry. $390 $446 483 4800 _ Available now. cellng tans, newty remodeled 3-toedroom. $395. 3-bedroom. $415 CaM John at 558 6779 CAMPUS CLOSE 2740R. Nicer two or threebedroom. Air . Laundry . Oarage $325-$428. Jerry, 437-6328. Close to Campus! Unfurnished 1 and 2 bedrooms in 24 plex. All electric, FREE CABLE, laundry, perking, no pets. $315, $330. $425 ♦. 521 N. 28. 438-5469 or 477-ft64. Colonial Heights 1.2 and 3 bedrooms avalabie. Amenttres to meet al your Knees and social needs. Short-term f CaM today, 421-3070. building. $235-$280 No pats. CaM 477 campus 7-3848. Secured ★ Last Ones! Walk to Campus 2 Bedroom. 2 Butts. HUGE, UNIQUE .Available now. $490. 4300 Comhusksr 2 Bedroom. (Beth. From $900. One-bedroom. Furnished, no pets, non smoking, water tree, and no leate.$2!0 ♦ deposit. Message 474-4473. weekends. Superior Place Apartments 1901 Superior Huge one end two bedroom apertmente evedUtb. CsN about our summer ipsclah. Hill Management 489-4857 ★ 476-3267