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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1994)
FOR SALE 000s aliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles SERVICES 100s 146 Hairstyling I Health S Pi 150 Health 6 Fitness 153 insurance 155 Instruction/Tutoring 158 Job Placement 160 Lawn care 165 Legal Services 173 Music Exchange 175 Photography 178 Pre 180 Printing 8 ( 182 Recycling 183 Religious 185 Rentals 188 Tanning 190 Tattooing 193 Travel 195 Typing A Resumes NOTICES 200s 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost A Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 100 Adoption 105 Alterations A Sewing 110 Automotive t15 Bicycle Service 120 Bridal 125 Catering 128 Child Care 130 Cleaning/Laundry 131 Cleaning/Households 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas JOBS 300s 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships HOUSING 400s 400 Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX 472-1761 8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0448 00s For Sale 10 Books For Sale Cruise Ships Hiring Earn up to $2,000+ per month on Cruise Shps or Land Tour companies. World travel. Summer A Full -Time employment available No experience necessary. For information, call 1-206-634-0468, ext. C5778. Paperbacks $.65 or 3/$1.50. All hardbacks on sale. 50*. off ALL summer. Creative Ideas. Where book buying is a Joy. 1233 F Street. 476-9313. _ 20 Furniture For Sale Apartment furnishings for sale: Desk, dining table. Bar B Q. etc. Leaving in August. Must sell. Call Rob at 464-1271. evenings and weekends Hide-a-bed, end tables, lamps, pictures, chairs,bookcas es, miscellaneousfurnishings Priced individually or package. 402-867-2004, evenings. King-size soft-sided waterbed for sale. Best offer. 421 7670. -rs 65 Stereos TVs For Sale For Sale: VCR w/remote, $85 excellent condition, works great. Also, COLOR T.V., $75. 466 8520. 90 Vehicles For Sale 1986 Honda Accord LX. Four-door. 5-speed. Air. Loaded. $4250 offers. Baer's Auto Sales. 1647 S. Third. 477-6442. QUICKAR Use your computer to see our ON-LINE inventory FREE. Modem >465-5277 (8,N,1).__ 100s Services 100 Adoption Happy, secure couple with loads of love to give is eager to adopt a second cnHd to share that love with. Please give us that chance and call Lynn and Steve. Expenses paid/ legal. I -800-598-9362 Pregnant? Want to tak with someone? Call Betty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 100 years of adoption eiperience Sincere couple offers love and laughter, family and church, financial security. Cal collect. 703-444.6824, John and Susan. God bless you. 178 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, Suite 121 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609 195 Typing & Resumes ‘Laser-printed papers, resumes: applications done also Spell/grammar-checking, minor editing Centrally local ed Dependable Call Vivian. 477-8417. All typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. July Jamm 94 12th and N streets, Downtown Lincoln Fine Ails, Food Festival, Kids Activities July 22-24, Gates ooen at 11 a.m. daily Street Dance: July 22-The Loved Ones and C J.Chenier July 23-Chris Cain and KoKo Taylor Presented by the llpdowntowners in sponsorship with Firs Tier. Lincoln Journal-Star, Lincoln Tolophono, National Bank of Commerce. Homo Real Estate, Homer's CDs and Tapes (Formerly Pickles), Lincoln Visitors and Promotion Committee, Dietze Music House, Douglas Theatre Company, Lincoln Arts Council, Norwesl DuTeau Chevrolet Cooper Foundation. Security Federal, Swanson Russell & Associates. Peoples Natural Gas, Downtown Lincoln Association Action Resumes at Sears You'll find quality work, personal service, and a satisfac tion guarantee. 464-9537. All types of word processing. Laser printing. $1.25 dou ble-spaced page. Call Dana, 466-4400. 200s Notices 210 Announcements Buying all books except test books: Bring us a box of books— Get $3.00 Gift Certificates PLUS Cash. 1233 F Street—476-8313. “ Diann: Nebraska Bookstore can make me namecards for my personalized or generic announcements. —Chuck FEMALE DANCERS Private Parties • Lots of Fun - 467-5666 Party for the Planet Nebraska Earth Firstl Benefit Thursday July 28th at TheHurricane 7 p.m. $4 at the door. Single? NEBRASKA FRIENDS newsletter. You + Kaplan = Success Don l trust preparation for your future career to the ama teurs. Call Kapiian at 475- 7010 and we II help you conquer ORE, GMAT, LSAT or MCAT anxietyl 240 Personals I'm a long-time student of Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. I’m seeking a woman who takes reality, ideas and herself, as seriously as I do. Write to P.O. Box 80861, Lincoln. NE 68501 0861. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted $7.50 per hour. Need female to make appointments at least 2 hours each week Call 436-6066. ATTENTION SUMMER STUDENTS: Nebraska Republican Party a looking for enthusiastic individuals who relate well over the phone. Pleasant working conditions in an exciting year for Republicans. Excellent bonus program. Cell Heather Vogler 475-2122 Sunday to Thursday 3 9p m Friday 1-5 p.m. ONLY Volunteer Recreation Assistants Volunteers will assist with special activities and loving care in a sate and healthy environment for children one evening a week. Contact Janet YWCA 1432 N. St. 434-3494 Aurora Ensemble a unique program of classical, new age & pop music Sunday, July 24 7:30 PM Kimball Hall Tickets $5 or $2 student available at the Lied Box Office, 402.472.4747. [r Become Part of the Family Room and board in exchange tor 3 hours/day of house cleaning ft meal preparation Monday thru Friday. Own room and bath but high expectations for good work. Call 476-7867 and leave a message to schedule an interview. CHANGE YOUR - ENVIRONMENT! At Hudson Bay Company, we can otter you: excellent benefits, flexible schedules, friendly management, and a chance to make a difference. We pay $7/hour weekdays. $8 weekends. We talk to members of non-profit organize tions, so we re searching for interesting, energetic, and articulate people who prefer to sell ideas rather than toasters. Sound inviting? You're invited to call 476-1010 to set up an interview Monday through Thursday 11 a.m. 3 p.m. COLLEGE STUDENTS $9.25 TO START - National Corporation tilling 14 entry-level openings. Tem porary and permanent. Call 465-5455 to apply. Delivery drivers and warehouse persons. Full or part time. Flexible hours. Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company, 932 N. 23rd. Do you need a job that works around your school sched e? If ‘ .. *. ule? If so 7-Eleven has open full-time/part-time 3-11 ft 11 - 7 shifts Apply anytime, and at any location. 70th ft Havelock, 66th and Leighton. 29th ft O, 13th ft E. EOE FACTORY POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW Summer ft Long-Term Jobe ASSEMBLY WORKERS Experience not required MIG WELDERS Must pass weld TOOL ft DIE MACHINISTS Degree and/or 2 yrs. experience desired 40 hrs./wk., vacation and holiday benefits plus weekly paycheck. Must be 18 or older. MSP RESOURCES, INC. Suite 436. GreerMree Court 210 Gate way North, Lincoln 402/464-3225 3225 (Eaat of J.C. Penney •) EOE Looking for an Individual to publish INsidar magazine on campus & manage local concert series. We finance start up costs. Earn SS-30/hour A gain valuable experience Great for marketing or advertisng major. Call (708)873 MANAGER WANTED For 94- 95 school year a! Dinosaurs, etc. (Museum Shop at Morrill Hall, a student-run business on campus). Need to work well with others and be responsible, creative and organized. All majors welcome. Call Hwee at 472-0090 lor more informal ion Ming Palace Wartery and cashiers wanted. Apply in person between 1030-2:30 or after 4:30 13th 8 L Street NEED A COOK! Friday thru Monday evenings. 5-1 f p.m Come and fil an application out. 8250 West O St. _ Notr Blanc Corporation Is now accepting applications for in-house photography Must have own equipment Appli can* must know how to develop blar* and white films and have an at* for fashion. Flexble tours. (402)4750855. Part-time nanny during school year 330p.m. to 6:30p.m. Two school-age children end one preschool at my home Cad 434-7000 a* for Lu. or 421-7842 and leave mes Mf_ Permanent/part time with (textile hours. Eqqanding res idential cleaning service of Preferred Lincoln homes. Thoroughness, quality, perfection in work required Ex cedent opportunity with progressMe wages 483-4335. Leave message Positions available mid August for Child Care Teacher Assistants Part-time positions available lor a be!ore and after school program. Responsibilities include: assisting site super visor wlh activities, interactions with children, and as suming site supervisor responsibilities as requested. Requirements include: six months related experience Qualified candidates must have good communications skids. To apply, an application form must be submitted. Applications are available at: Family Service. 501 S. 7th. Lincoln, NE 68508. If you require accommodation to apply or Interview, please contact Kelly Riley al 441-7949. Family Service is committed to a pluralistic working environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Oppor tunlty Don & Millie’s "The Home of the 99 Cent Margarita" 5200 S. 56th Street We're growing and need help in all positions. We otler great hours, flexible scheduling, competitive pay. and many benelits. Apply after 11 a.m. _ Electronics Technician, full-time, $7.50/hour. Must have transportation; mileage paid. Call 474-8822 for appoint Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation accepting applications now for positions beginning August 23 with Alter School and Before School Recreation Programs working with ele mentary children. Before School hours; 7-9 a.m„ Mon day-Friday. After School hours: 2:30-5:45 p.m. or 3:15 5:45 p.m., Monday-Frlday. May apply for either or both programs and as a substitute. Apply at Playground Office, 1221F Street, second floor. 441-7952. EOE/AA STUDENT WORKERS NEEDED Office o! Graduate Studies needs dedicated Sresponsi ble st udent workers to ass 1st with general office tasks. F or moreinformation contact Peggy Skeahan at 472-2875 or stop by 301 Administration Building._ Twisters Music & Gifts Twisters Is now accepting applications. Full and part time positions available. Apply at any location. 310 Child Care Needed College student to watch 8 and 11 year old boys for summer. My home. Refereneces needed 489 0681 I'm looking for a responsible individual to assist in the care of my children Monday thru Friday. You will need your own reliable transportation. During the month of August, your hours would be 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. During the school year, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. We live in a comfortable southeast Lincoln home. Lots of flexibility. Call days lor Phil 467-1234 or evenings 489-4997. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, tamilial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, imitations or dtscnmnalion The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers ate hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 400 Roommates Female roommate needed lor apartment at IBOOKnoxSt. $190 ♦ halfuliiaies. Available August 1st. Call 438-6795 Ask lor Kim. Male or temale roommate wanted. Clean, responsible, to share duplex doseto campus $200/month Includes washer ft dryer ft all utilities exceptphone Small pets OK. 475-8474. Male to share house. Private bedroom. $125 ♦ 1/3 utili ties Ideal torstudent South 25th and 0 Call 488-5942 Non-smoker to share town home Bedroom with bath, washer/dryer, off-street parking $250 plus 1/2 of an utilities. Must see. 474-0471. Nonsmoking mature upper class respontbie temale to share 2 bedroom near campus. Call Karen evening 478 9317.__ Non- smoking female to share new 2-bedroom apartment Half rent plus hal utilities. Cal Deb 435-4380 Non-smoking male to share 4 bedroom housa near cam pus. $ 156 per month ♦ 1/4 utitties. Call 435-7853. Share a duplex. Female, non-smoker, 2 bedroom. 2 bathes, fireplace, attached garage Jackie 483-4591 or 423-4897. WANTED: One to two temale roommates to share newer three bedroom house Located 66th ft Hoidrege area Prefer non-smokers. Reasonable rent plus share of utl ities. Call 488-7867 or 421 -8221. 430 Houses For Rent 210 S 44th. Three bedroom. Formal dining All applianc es. Garage. A/C. $650 Jerry, 437-6328. Four and live bedroom homes available August 1st. Ten mo.n,h « tease available Call 474-0779 Evenings 7 Si* bedrooms. WalktoUNL. $700 plus deposit. No pets. juj . ' mi JULY JAM CLEARANCE Clearance prices on selected items. Limited sizes, colors and styles. July Jam - Thursday »u *«», Friday & Saturday • BIRKENSTOCK • WILD SOLES • DEJA • STEGMANN CLOGS • WIGWAM SOCKS • UGG BOOTS p\,y)S 20% OFF All Birkikids Sandals r (children's Birkenstocks) FOOTLOOSE & FANCY 1219 P Street • Lincoln, Nebraska • 476-6119