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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1994)
Arts@Entertainment Nebraskan Thursday, July 7,1994 New downtown coffee shop offers food, entertainment Le Cafe Shakes aims to be ‘hangout’ for under-21 crowd By Joel Strauch Staff Reporter There is a new coffee and sandwich shop downtown known as Lc Cafe Shakes. Named after what can happen when you overdo it with their quality cofTee, this little cafe might give you the shivers. According to owncr/manager Reg McMcen, Le Cafe Shakes wants to be “asocial venue for the half of campus that’s not old enough to drink. “I want people to not think of this as a typical all-ages, teenager hang out,” McMcen said. “If there are a few teenagers in here, come in anyway. They’re not gonna bite.” Shakes, run by Duffy’s Tavern, opened its doors in May and have been getting a lot of people through them since, he said. “We get the downtown business crowd during the day and in the eve nings we get the people who arc out for a quick bite before the bars,” he said. Shakes serves up some rather unique (for the Midwest) bagel sand wiches. “The Big One,” with its un limited toppings, is quite impressive. “They’re catching on real big on the coasts,” McMeen said. “We’re just trying to keep up. “We intended on a small tftenu, but we ended up going to a full on sand wich kind of menu. “Bagels arc real versatile,” he said, “They’re a good canvas to work on.” Le Cafe Shakes has to be careful that their foothold doesn’t get too shaky with all the other coffee houses and sandwich shops downtown. “Hopefully, we’re striving for a different market than the other coffee houses,” McMeen said. “And our handmade sandwiches are far superior to every other product around here.” Shakes also has an entertainment edge. “We have a broad selection of live music and try to ha vcone to two shows a week,” he said. “We can get more expensive shows than Duffy’s because of a younger crowd. We have a larger general audi ence and no restrictions on alcohol,” he said. Shakes is adding to its ambiance with wall decor from local artists. According to assistant manager Paul Engelhard, who has two pieces up himself, “We’ve got mostly ab stract works by UNL undergrads or recent graduates.” If you are in the mood for an unusu al and tasty sandwich and a great cup of coffee to wash it down with, check out Le Cafe Shakes at 1418 O St. Jason Levkulicn/DN Le Cafe Shakes, a new sandwich and coffee shop, is at 1418 0 St. Film documents Clinton campaign Like the 1992 campaign that it documents, “The War Room” starts out slow and goofy, and ends up fast and goofy. Watching the film brings back many memories from the cam paign: how it began with in-fight ing among the Democratic nomi nees; how Ross Perot emerged on the scene, dropped out, and then came back; how Bush initially re sisted participating in a debate; and more. The main figures in the D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus documentary are Clinton campaign strategists James Carvillc and George Stcphanopoulos. Although Carviile and his wife Mary Matalin, lately of CNBC’s “Equal Time,” arc Washington’s couple du jour —featured in a current Vanity Fair magazine article — this film re veals the working relationship be tween Stcphanopoulos andCarville to be more intriguing. W hen Cl inton ’ s campa ign team finds out that one of Bush’s sup porters hired a Brazilian printing company to produce campaign post ers — rather than “buying Ameri can” — Stcphanopoulos calls Matalin, Bush’s Deputy Campa ign Manager, to get a response. We sec Stcphanopoulos tell ing Carville, “1 called Mary, and she said Ms this bad?’” And we sec the two laugh ing about it. The film focuses, appropriate ly, not on political rhetoric, but on behind-the-scenes images, on the comments made before and after a speech. For instance, the sarcastic lift of her eyebrows as she takes the podium reveals more about Gcnnifcr Flowers and her relation ship with Clinton than anything she actually said at her press con ference. After theGcnnifer Flowers scan dal breaks, Carville accurately de fines it as a turning point. He says to the Clinton campaign staff, “Whenever anyone with new ideas comes along, they try to ambush him. If they win this time, then they willwu,.cvcrytimc.”Clinton,sabil ity to survive subsequent scandals shows the truth of Carv illc ’s proph ecy. The documentary also reveals the surrealism of American poli tics. Watching TV cove rage of Perot dancing with his wife as the voice over announces that his by-then failed campaign cost him over $60,000,000,Carville terms Perot’s campaign “the biggest single act of masturbation in history.” Or we sec a rally, “Poultry Work ers for George Bush,” crashed by someone dressed in a chicken suit holding up a sign reading “Chicken George Bush Won’t Debate.” Despite all the rhetoric of this or any campaign, one thing that comes through is how comm itted and gen uine the people behind the cam paign are. WatchingCarvillc thank the staff near the end of the movie is almost as painfully emotional as watching one’s father cry. Our view of Clinton becomes distanced as the film progresses. An early scene shows an extreme close-up of him in a hotel room, drinking coffee and joking with his staff. By the end of the film, we only see him as the staff watches him on TV, or imagine his words as the stafT talks to him on the phone. Carville — an opinionated, down-to-earth Southerner, almost a Democratic version of Perot — emerges from the film as a potential future candidate with grass-roots appeal. Clinton, Hillary, Chelsea — in the few glimpses of them we get— come across as dorks, just as do most, if not all, of the contemporary political figures in the documenta ry. BuMhe viewer is left almost with a sense of affection for them: these arc our dorks, damn it. “The War Room” is showing at the Mary Riepma Ross Film The ater this weekend. —Jim Cihlar New videos shelves full of mostly obscure movies By Gerry Beltz Statt^ Reporter It’s another one of those weeks where hardly anything on the new release shelves played in Lincoln. We have one hilarious hit, a bomb and one film that had both good and bad re views, but did little business at the box office. The pick-of-the-weck is an excellent sci-fAirama from a few years back. All new movies were released on Wednesday. Grumpy Old Men(PG-13)—Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau team up yet again for yet another laugh-riot hit, this one taking place in a small, cold town in Minnesota. John Gustafson (Lemmon) and Max Goldman (Matthau) arc childhood friends-turned-encmics in a feud that has lasted for 56 years and comes to a head when Ariel (Ann-Margaret) moves to town and they both compete for her affections. Burgess Meredith also stars as Gustafson’s father, a role that proves to be quite hilarious. It’s side-splitting comedy from beginning to end (including outtakes during the credits). It’s worth going out of your way to find. Sugar Hill (R) — Rumor has that this one was so bad, the distribution company pulled in almost all the cop ies from the theaters after one week of release. It never played in Lincoln (pulled before it got here). The movie stars Wesley Snipes, concerning a drug lord who wants to quit the busi ness. Catch a rerun of “Matlock” in stead. Romeo is Bleeding (R)—a movie that received either really good re viewsor really bad ones. Thisonc also did not play in Lincoln, which is un fortunate considering some of the star power in the film such asGary Oldman. Roll the dice for this flick. PICK-OF-THE-WEEK — Jeff Bridges (currently starring in the cx trcmely-averagc thriller “Blown A way”) did some of his best work back when he starred in “Starman”, a story about an alien who crashes on Earth, and with the help of a widow named Jenny Hayden (Karen Allen), he at tempts to avoid the various authorities and malignant situations that arise. Bridges garnered an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for his performance in “Starman”, and it was well deserved. The movie itself is very solid, with a comfortable mix of comedy, adventure, science-fiction and drama. Go find it.