The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 23, 1994, Summer, Page 8, Image 8

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Stone Temple Pilots
Virgin Records
The Stone Temple Pilots are back in the
cockpit again. But they’re flying a lot mel
lower plane this time.
“Purple,” STP’s second album, is com
prised of a whole different spectrum of
music than the band’s triple-platinum debut
album, “Core.”
The first release from “Purple” was also
on the soundtrack to “The Crow.” “Big
Empty” is a laidback song with a great
refrain and fits in well with the 1 ighler aspect
of the album. Unfortunately, this song was
beaten to death by overplay on the airwaves.
The album’s second release (and easily
the best track) is “ Vasolinc.” A downer with
a great riff, it is also in danger of suffering
the same fate as “Big Empty.”
Delving past the songs that have been
overplayed on the radio, the heart of the
album can be reached. The first track,“Meat
Plow” has a distinctive “Core” sound to it.
Joined by songs like “Army Ants” and “‘ Un
glued,’” a short and fast blast of musical
energy, it gives the album its heavier side.
On the flip side of the intensity coin, there
are “Interstate Love Song,” a slow and pow
erful song with a really pleasing tune, and
“Kitchenware and Candybars,” a weird-ti
tled song with a catchy refrain.
A darker track with some really wacky
lyrics, “Lounge Fly” breaks up any pattern
that the album may be trying to establish.
“Pins in me / pins in me, in me you kill me
/ the lounge fly / the fly you bring me /1 think
I’m free / but the dogs they won’t release
— Joel Strauch
Souled Out Blues
electric blues... solos
are on a par with B.B.
King’s; his slide swoops
and soars. His gritty
voice choked with
passion, Luther delivers
a fever-and-chills
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One-name films top videos
A very lopsided week in the video
stores. Two monster hits, one film
that barely played here and another
that never made it here, plus a pick-of
thc-week for all the adrenaline freaks.
“Tombstone” — A very bloody
telling of the story of Wyatt Earp
(Kurt Russell) and his brothers, Mor
gan and Virgil (Bill Paxton and Sam
Elliott, respectively). They intend on
rebuilding their lives, but end up in a
war against the ruthless Cowboys,
who wear red sashes.
Great performances from Russell
and Elliott, as well as Michael Bichn
(“Aliens”) as the mysterious Johnny
Ringo, but the crown goes to Val
Kilmer as the ailing Doc Holliday.
His performance is absolutely hyp
notic, and well worth seeing.
“Tombstone” shouldn’t be buried
on shelves.
“Geronimo” — Surprisingly
enough, a film more concerned with
history than marketing. Unfortunate
ly, this didn’t keep the bigwigs from
putting the film’s true star down to
fourth billing.
The story of the surrender of
Geronimo and his refusal to be con
tained in a reservation or accept the
ways of the “White-Eyes.”
The movie is not just battle se
quences; it is about a struggle be
tween two different ideologies, nei
ther of which will bend in the least.
Although a great deal of the visual
spectacle is lost when seen on the
17th & 'N' St.
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small screen, “Gcronimo” is worth
“Six Degrees of Separation**—It
played in Lincoln for about two weeks,
and if you blinked, you missed it.
Featuring an Academy Award
nomination for Stockard Channing
(Best Actress), the film also stars
Donald Sutherland and Will Smith
(“Made in America”), following a
con artist’s dealings with a family.
Wasn’t here long enough to sec,
but the performance from Channing
was said to be incredible. Flip a coin.
“Gunmen” — This one never
made it here. A story starring Christo
pher Lambert, Mario Van Peebles,
and Patrick Stewart (as a bad guy, no
We have a search for buried trea
sure, but considering “Gunmen" was
never sent here, the quality is ques
summertime, thus necessitating a sum
mertime film.
Anyone out there ever go to sum
mer camp? Was it anything like they
had in “Meatballs?”
One of Bill Murray’s most hilari
ous performances, he stars as an offi
cial at a summer camp specializing in
pranks, bizarre antics, and more
pranks. Go find it.
— Gerry Beltz
Con artists not
related to UNL
From Stott Reports _
A number of individuals are claim
ing they are University of Ncbraska
Lincoln athletes in order to con peo
ple into buying magazine subscrip
tions, according to UNL police,
Ken Caublc, chief of UNL police,
said that these individuals, who arc
not afTiliatcd with UNL’s athletic pro
grams, arc soliciting people at malls
and possibly going door-to-door. They
are telling people that they arc
Corhuskers athletes who must sell
magazines subscriptions to cam their
scholarships, Caublc said.
UNL Athletic Director Bill Byrne
denounced the scheme. “We do not
condone any activity that misrepre
sents the athletic department or de
ceives our fans,” he said.