The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 16, 1994, Summer, Page 11, Image 11
Nebraskan PT A^TFTFD Thursday, Juno 16,1994 VL/AUUII liiiy 472-2588 _:_I 178 Pregnancy ?■ ' ' * J 180 Printing 8 Copying 182 Recycling 8§ «sr SSs 13 CkSSno jg}^ 20 f5T 195 Typing* Resumes 30 Jewelry - 40 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale -■ 45 Musical Instruments 200 Rides 46 Office Furniture 203 Spring Break Trips 50 Pets 205 Career Events 55 Photo Equipment 210 Announcements 60 Sporting Goods 215 Meetings 65 Stereos/TVs 220 Greek Affairs 70 Ticket Exchange 230 Student Government 90 Vehicles 240 Personals 1 I 245 Lost * Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 100 Adoption 105 Alterations 8 Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service 300 Help Wanted 120 Bridal 310 Child Care 125 Catering 320 Work Study Jobs 128 Child Care 330 Summer Jobs 130 Cleaning/Laundry 340 Internships 131 Cleaning/Households -■ 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment _ 145 Gift Ideas 400 Roommates 148 Hairstyling 410 Housino Wanted 150 HeaRh * Fitness 420 Rooms/Rent 153 Insurance 430 Houses/Rent 155 Instruction/Tutoring 443 Duplex/Rent 158 Job Placement 450 Apartments/Rent 160 Lawn care 460 Summer Housing 165 Legal Services 470 Mobile Homes/Ffent 173 Music Exchange 430 Vacation/Rent 175 Photography 490 Homes/Sale $3.00 par day for 15 words on individual studeni i and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. 00s For Sale Fuji Flair road bike. $350value, sacrifice $ 100.436-8805 Cruise Ships Hiring Earn up to $2,000+ per month on Cruise Ships or Land Tour companies. World travel. Summer A Full -Time employment available. No experience necessary. For information. call I -206-634-0468. ext. C5778. Paperbacks $.65 or 3/$ t .50. All hardbacks on sale. 50% oft ALL summer. CrealNe Ideas. Where book buying Is a Joy. 1233 F Street. 476-9313._ Summer Resort Jobs Earn to $ 12 /hour + tips. Hawaii. Florida, Rockies. Alaska, New England, etc. 1-206-632-0150 ext. R5778. Apartment furnishings for sale: Desk, dining table. Bar-B Q. etc. Lewring in August. Must sell. Call Rob at464-1271, evenings and weekends Ibanez bass guitar, stand, tuner. Peavey Basic 60 amp Barely used. Whole package: $500 o.b.o. 436-2665. Cindy. Gun Show June 18,19 Council Bluffs, Iowa. New National Guard Armory Saturday, 9-5, Sunday 9-4 Exit highway • West off 1-60 Toward CouncM Bluff* 1 and 1.5 mdoo weet on 6 than left Over 250 tables Info: 319-927-4182 For Sale: VCR w/ramota. *85 excellent condition, works great Also. COLOR T.V., *75.486-8520. 1992 Mazda Navajo; front wheel drive, two door, v6, T^ual transmission; 33,000 miles; excellent condition 402-566-2925. 1990 Toyota Tercel Two door coup. 5-speed. Air. 66K. Clean. *4250 oflers. Baer’s Auto Sales 1647 S. Third, 477-6442 QUICKAR Use your computer to see our ON-LINE inventory FREE. Modem #465-5277 (8.N.1). 100s Services Adopt: Art, baseball, music, and lots of love to give to a newborn baby. Family and good friends to share thlsjoy. Expenses paid.Please call Anne A Gary, 1-800-224 Pregnant? Want to tafc with someone? Call Betty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 100 years of adoption experience Sincere couple offers love and laughter, family and church, financial security. Call collect, 703-444-6824. John and Susan. God bless you. Four full-time or part-time openings near city campus and downtown. Licensed. Food program. Lots of fun and TLC. Call Sally at 435-7298. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite 121 _475-2501__ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. ‘Laser-printed papers, resumes: applications done also. Speil/grammer-checking, minor editing. Centrally locat ed. Dependable. Call Vivian, 477-6417._ Action Resumes at Sears You'll find quality work, personal service, and a satisfac tion guarantee. 464-9537. All types of word processing. Laser printing. $1.25 dou ble-spaced page. Call Dana, 466-4400. All typing needs filled a! Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave._ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. $15 plus tax. Dally Nabraakan, oaaamanl of tha Nabraaka Union 200s Notices Buying all books except test books: Bring us a box of books-- Get $3.00 Gift Certificates PLUS Cash. 1233 F Street -^176-8313 ' _ Celebration of the Indian Powwow Saturday, July 30. Meet at IA at 8.00 a.m. Return to Lincoln around 1:00 p.m. Sign up at IA by July 15. Native Americans have been on this land lor several thousand years. They have rich traditions and very color ful cultures. Winnebago Native Americans celebrate their powwow by having an kinds of Indlcan cultural activities. We will go to the Indian reservation and join the Native Americans In ail their activities, Including a dancing Son, food festival, touring the reservation, and ing In a seminar on the history and current status Americans in the U.S. . 4.. Transportation, registration and lunch cost Is $ 15/person. Haymarket Heydays June 23 thru 25 Great Food 8 Street Dances Sandy Creek Band - Friday night Lie Awake - Saturday night For Information call 434-8900 Visit the Omaha Arts Festival Saturday, June 25. Leave IA at 9:00 a. m.. return to Lincoln at 7:00 p.m. Sign up by Thursday, June 16. We wit go to Omaha to visit the Annua) Arts Festival and the Joslyn Art Museum. Atthe sametime, you can vtai the Lied Jungle at the Henry Doorty Zoo, claiming to be the largest Indoor rain forest zoo In the world. The annual Arts Festival In Omaha Is a three day event during the last weekend of June. Ai forms of art produc s are displayed for sale. The festival Is located In the Old Market area. Transportation and admission costs to both the museum and tothe zoo wii be $ 12. Lunch Is on your own If vou can volunteer to drive, please contact IA at 472-5358. Single? NEBRASKA FRIENDS, respectable and conti dential. 402-563-1875, 1-800-203-1895. INSTRUCTION CLINICS \ The Office of Campus Recreation will off er a Super Circuit Weight Training clinic this summer. The Super Circuit Weight Training clinic wHI be on Saturday. June 25 from 9:30a.m.-1! :30 a.m. Call472-3467 for more information. Intramural Sports Forfeit Fees The last day to pick up Intramural Sports Forfeit Fees is Friday. June 17, by 5:30 p.m. Call 472-3467 for more information. Who’s il Stupendo? You can find out at the Nebraska Rep's production of LEND ME A TENOR. Bring the ad from page 8 to the box office and when you buy one ticket you II get the second one FREEI POSITION OPEN PUBLICATIONS BOARD Daily Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Regents - hire the editor, business manager, and adviser. Pub Bd. acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents and serves £ as a liaison between the paper and its university constit- ^ uencies, paying particular attention to complaints against ■ the paper. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline: " 4:00 p.m., July 1. | 1 FOUND. Gold chain with gold cross In area 28 parking lot I on June 1. Claim at Daily Nebraskan office, 34 Nebraska a Union. I 300s Jobs i • •- i 11 Dental receptionist/assistant. WIN train. 1-4:30 p.m., I Monday-Thursday. Call 476-1954. _| Hiring for outside laborposWons. F ull-tlme. Starting at $6/ . hour. Call Tami at HEP INC, at 466-9400. | Light housekeeping and food preparation for older cou- I pie. Two hours/day. 3-4 days/week. Flexible hours, days. ■ 474-1095._ I Lincoln Public Schools Is looking for persons with expertise In a variety of ■ academic areas to work as mentors for highly gifted | students. Areas of particular need are: general math. I algebra, geometry, calculus, general science, chem- ■ lefry, physics, broiogy, computer science and foreign | language (especially Chinese and Japanese.) Requirements: ‘University level junior academic standing ‘Q.P.A. 3.0 or above ■ *15 University hours in one area (i.e. math, computer science, etc.) I JE9L To apply contact: Human Resources Office, Lincoln Public Schools, 5901 ■ O Street,Lincoln, NE 68510.402-436-1586 Those Interested must complete a mentor application, _ provide a copy of college transcript and set an Interview I with a Human Resource Office administrator. Now hiring delivery drivers. Call or stop by. Pizza Hut. \ 2652 Cornhusker, 464-4600. I _ 3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 Dailv 34 Nebraska Union I X 1400 R Street 68588-0448 | rsieDrasKan (402)472-2588 fax 472-1 ?6i ( CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Name - | Address _ Phone _1___ Student Rates: $3.00 includes 15 words Non-students: $4.00 includes 15 words. $.15 for each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Date(s) ad to nm:_..—- I Advertising text: Special repeat rates and features are available. For information call 472-2588 8:00-4:30 p.m. Classified Deadline: Wednesday, Noon Keep abreast of events at UNL with a Nelmfekan mail subscription r- n send $25/semester to: Daily Nebraskan P.O. Box 880448 Lincoln, NE 68588-0448 i | Name: I | Address:_ I | City: __ State_Zip_ | i ■ l__- 1