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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1994)
Nettraskan Pj ASSTFTFD Summer, 1994 VL/AUUII liji/ 472-2588 ATTENTION STUDENTS Nebraska Republican Party Is looking for enthusiastic individuals who relate well over the phone. Pleasant woiking conditions in an exciting political year for Repub licans. Excellent bonus program. Call Sam Fischer. 475 2122. Monday-Friday. 2 p.m.-5 p.m. FACTORY POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW Summer 4 Long-Term Jobe • ASSEMBLY WORKERS Experience not required • MIG WELDERS Must pass weld test • TOOL a DIE MACMWBSTS Degree and/or 2 yrs. experience desired 40 hrs./wk.. vacation and holiday benefits plus weekly paycheck. Must be 18 or older. MSP RESOURCES, INC. Suite 436, Greentroe Court 210 Gefrwwy North, Lincoln 402/464-3225 (Eaet of J.C. Penney e) EOE Part-time Food Service employment in a manufacturing facility. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Excellent growth for a team player. Will train. Apply at Sugar Spoon, 451N. 66th, #1A, 464-2829. TRAYLINE ASSISTANT Terrific part-time opportunity to assist with the assembly of patient trays, serving in the dining room, and clean up. Flexible hours, 5-9pm, weekdays, including some week ends and holidays, approx. 12-16 hours/week. Apply 8-4:30 Monday-Friday. Personnel Department Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital 5401 South Street Lincoln^NE 66505 Child Care needed for 2 children ages 8 and 4, in my home. Monday and Wednesday, 7:30-5:30 starting Au just^22. Must have own transportation. S4.50/hr. 483 Enjoy a variety of projects and taking with the public? Excelent opportunity for responsible student to assist with innovative conferences. Computer experience pre ferred. keyboarding essential Minimum lb hours/week starting a.s.a.p. Jvhour. Call Cheryl. 472-2844. Work study restricted. Looking for a great job when you get to campus ? If you are awarded work study, the libraries need you. We have positions on both City and East Campus; day,evening, and weekend hours available. $4.60 - $4.85/hr. For the best positions, apply Mid-August. Apply at Love Lbrary, Rm. 108,472-3963. Needed: Students with summer woik-study vouchers to work on projects to improve teaching at UNL during fall/ spring semesters. Clerical skills important. Macintosh experience preferred. No evening/weekend hours. Be ginning salary $4.55. Call Shelley, Teaching and Learn ing Center, 472-3079. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising In this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Nice houses availabtetorfall semester. Close to campus. 3-5 bedrooms. 432-0644.432-6644. .J!l' PART-TIME OPPORTUNITIES FOCUS ON THE FUTURE WITH LINCOLN PLATING COMPANY, a leader in the metal finishing industry and one of Lincoln’s most respected and fastest growing businesses. We are currently recruiting for part-time production positions offering a variety of working schedules. Temporary full-time positions are also available throughout the summer months. Qualified candidates must be able to work a minimum of four hours per shift and 16 hours per week. We offer a starting hourly waae of $6.00 plus a Tuition Assistance Program allowing you to earn an additional $1.00/hour toward your education. For the best opportunity and part-time employment, apply between the hours of 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, at: 600 West E Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68522 EOE Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0510 ACROSS #1 Napoleon’s 10 Ethyl trailer Grande- 11 Court i Leakey find 52 Cash ending maneuver? • Swiftly aa Adam’s 12 Meathead’s 11 No. of lbs., e g. apple-giver mate «Subtle M-Serpico" u Sioux tents '"■"• r ““,h°r ie First name in 1 s Osprey s ss Shell gear ieans gripper .7 Bustle «-PartofTLC it Paul Bunyan's so Mrs. Stork’s ** R®rt ° tS. cook post-trip 23Turk.shch.efs 17 What Mr. and comment? *4 Slope Mrs. Stork did9 M Asian festival *• B,°od. 20 -shadow condition: 21 -Darwinism "Somepeers Comb, form 22 River at Leeds M Old World finch 27 Fabricate 2jParkerof m Prow ending taSongdom’s football fame -Brothers 28-Dolorosa 70 Strata9ems M Mil. unit 28 Cartoonist 71 Kind of buster 31-Boy, Bushmiller down Harding's 28 Where the Airedale Storks went? 1 Minded the 32 Kind of track 34 Singer Bryant baby » Kola, e.a. M Change ot- »Wotdo. "Endinfllx aa One in an f »»•"«' aaCovTol S.R.O. 3 Live Cephalus audience 4 Comedienne 49 steadfast 38 Seventh-inning Martha 41 Cato's 204 ritual • Challenge 42 “I-war": 43Tooth: Comb. • Messed in form , A_t hnrkinn 44 Adverb in a 45 Poet Garcia h°Cin ° countable —-‘1899-1936 • Old man, in series 44 Mr. Stork's Bonn , 48 Berber, for one traveling attire? • Silver salmon 47 Muslim decrees I I I — ■ —*-—'——— - 40 Stinas M Oculus mundi 62 Fool . , s« Drome eo Actress Joanne preceder 64Fleur-de Nice to Come M £jnd of bow( es Tolkien Home to M Lollapalooza character so Swift horse 61 Zip !!!!!$50.00!!H! Move-In Special JONES PROPERTIES 20th 8 G’ FALL LEASES 475-7262 or 486-1000 Newer 1 8 2 Bedroom $299 up Swimming pool. Central Air, Laundry, Fire 8 Sound Resistant * Century Management Company* Efficiencies, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Some within waking distance to campus $230 and up. 476-2500 1-2 bedrooms, $315-$350. Newer building. South. Ideal for graduate students. 432-3686. Colonial Heights 1,2 and 3 bedrooms available. Amenities to meet all your fitness and social needs. Short-term leases available. - Call today, 421-3070. Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. —Se cured building. $235-$260 No pets. Call 477-3648. Put a Splash In Your Life at Willowhaven Apartments. Energy efficient 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able with fireplaces or woodbuming stove. Professionally managed Call 476-6200 now. Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartments available. Call about our aummer specials. 476-3287 I 1 Efficiency apartments close to campus. Air conditioning. $225. Contact Jim 477-4490. Northeast, Close to Campus 1.2 Bedroom apartments and town homes. Most utilities paid. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Claremont Park I Apartments 9th & Claremont Uniquely designed for student living. Close to campus and downtown. Available for August 1994. /A Call 474-PARK to reserve your new home today! -—-1 Hayward Place Students Ask your parents to Invest In A Condo! & Tax deductible No moving hassles from year to year Sfc/Vo more paying rent ftLive in a beautifully renovated schoolhouse Sic Live close to campus at 9th & Charleston For more information on units available for purchase, call The • Corporation Commercial/ Industrial Real Estate 5101 Central Park Drive, Lincoln, NE 68504 (402) 467-1234