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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1994)
Classified 472.2588 |I1 ["redken - ll I Hat™ Is I BAINDETERRE i{ i Get $3.00 Off Our Already Affordable Perms. , J- ■ Our regular price is $27.00 and includes a haricut. Spiral perms, long hair and specialty perms • I start at $37 00 All work is performed by students under the supervision of College of Hair Jo. | Design instructors Coupon Ejipires September 15. 1994. No other discounts apply ll! College of Hair Design ! TJl r shampoo" "j 11 J HAIRCUT STYLE | * -i | Junior Student Stylist - $5.50 (w/ coupon) 5 5 | Senior Student Stylist - $6.00 (w/ coupon) . I I I Adv. Senior Student Stylist - $6.50 (w/ coupon) T I All work is pertomed by students under the supervision of CoHege of Hair Design instructors EE | Coupon Expires September 15, 1994. No other discounts apply li ! College of Hair Design ! is ■ minmamMaBMMESBBMn " BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. ] Nebraskan CLASSIFIED 472-2588 Classified Deadline: Wednesday, Noon ^ -■ - — —. r—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ^ Dailv 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street 68588-0448 IN CDIclSKcLTL (402) 472-2588 FAX 472-1761 [ CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM • Name ___ Address__ Phone __ Student Rates: $3.00 includes 15 words Non-students: $4.00 includes 15 words $.15 for each additional word $ 75 billing charge Dale(s) ad to run:__ Advertising text: 1 . '_' '< ' ' \ £ K I Mmm mmm mm mmm »..? mmm m" mmm | Special repeat rates and features are available For information call 472-2508 8:00-4:30 p.m Classified Deadline: Wednesday, Noon $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 Wiling charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: Wednesday, noon. Weekday before publication. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nght to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability forall contents of all ads pnnted, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box 100s Services Pregnant? Want to tak with someone7 Cal Betty orCmdy Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valley Road 463-7879 100 years ol adoption e^iertence FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available Call for an aooolntment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite 121 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609 ‘Laser printed papers, resumes; applications done also Spell/grammer-checking. minor editing. Centrally locat ed. Dependable. Call Vnnan. 477 8417 Action Resumes at Sears You IIfind quality worfc.personal service, and a satisfac tion guarantee 464-9537 All types of word processing. Laser pnnting. $1.25 dou ble-spaced page Call Dana. 466-4400. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 12 years expenence. proven results. 464-0775. Everyone j^edsaPAAL. Slay protected with the R^AL, Quorum’s Personal Attack Alarm that blasts 103dB (min.) when you simply pull the pin Choose either the standard or sports model. Carry it to school, the mall, the park, wherever you go. RkAI. lets out a cry for help whenever you need it. And only Quorum gives you that kind of tech- Quorum noiogy and security Secumg i itr Contact your Quorum Independent Distributor at (402) 467-3754 Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $ 15 plus tax. Deity Nebreeken, basement of the Nebraska Union 200s Notices Become a member of the CBA Student Advisory Board. Applications will be out this fall. Delta Sigma Pi Let us be trie key to Unlock Your Future We are a Professional Co-ed BUSINESS fraternity For more information, contact Taml. 435-7466 Celebration of the Indian Powwow Saturday, July 30. Meet at IA at 8:00 a.m. Return to Lincoln around t :00 p.m. Sign up at IA by July 15. Native Americans have been on this land for several thousand years. They have rich traditions and very color ful cultures. Winnebago Native Americans celebrate their powwow by having all kinds of Indican cultural activities. We will go to the Indian reservation and join the Native Americans in all their activities, including a dancing competition, food festival, touring the reservation, and participating in a seminar on the history and current status of Native Americans in the U.S. Transportation, registration and lunch cost is $ 15/person. Join the Cornhusker Speech and Debate squad I Open participation in individual events, Lincoln-Douglas and Parliamentary debate. For information, call 472-6920, 472-3348 or 472-6059. Visit the Omaha Arts Festival Saturday, June 25. Leave IA at 900 a. m.. return to Lincoln at 7:00 p.m. Sign up by Thursday, June t6. . We will go to Omaha to visit the Annual Arts Festival and the Joslyn Art Museum. At the same time, you can visit the Lied Jungle at the Henry Doorly Zoo, claiming to be the largest indoor rain forest zoo in the world. The annual Arts Festival in Omaha is a three-day event during the last weekend of June. All forms of art products are displayed for sale. The festival is located in the Old Market area Transportation and admission costs to both the museum and to the zoo wiRbe$12. Lunch is on your own. If you can volunteer to drive, please contact IA at 472-5358. 300s Jobs Attention Sega Fans I We're looking for Students to serve as the on-campus Sega representative for the 1994-95 school year. Excellent pay. free Sega product. Call Michelle at (800) 783-4237 x32t for more information. CHECK OUT! •Do you have the need to associate yourself with a highly respected company? •Is the customer #1 to you? •Do you like a fast, Intensive work pace? •Are you a person who can be depended on? If you said "YES1*, and would like to be paid and reconized for hard work and results, MATRIXX Marketing would like to talk to you. Please call us at our job line, 441-9898 Call now or next fall if you are interested in an OUTBOUND SALES POSITION. MATRIXX MARKETING inc a Cincinnati Bell company EOE