Husker soitball team wants out of the cellar By Derek Samson Senior Reporter Nebraska softball coach Rhonda RcvClle has a tough task on her hands. Pumpinguphcr2l-29Comhuskers is a problem at this point in the season, she said. r-“You’re tryingto look for rcasons,to keep the teafn motivated,” Rcvcllc said. “We’re not play ing for any cham pionships or 1 postseason. With summer and finals coming up, it’s Revelle hard for them to stay focused But Revelle said she didn’t have to look any further for motivation than the Huskers’ position in the confer ence. The Huskers want out of last place, she said, and they have eight confer ence games left to accomplish that. “Now, we’re trying to accomplish personal challenges and minigoals,” she said. “One of our big things is we don’t want to finish in the cellar. That’s why this weekend is so impor tant.” Improving the Huskers’ 1-11 Big Eight record won’t be easy against the 38-18 Tigers, who are third in the conference. “Ideally, we want to gel three out of four, but I’d be happy with a split,” Revelle said. “Missouri is playing re ally well. I feel like we’re going into Missouri feeling like we have great odds. We beat them three out of four last year, and the teams arc basically the same.” The Huskers arc coming off of a doublchcadcr sweep of Creighton on -44 You’re trying to look for reasons to keep the team motivated. We’re not playing for any championships or postseason. With summer and finals coming up, it’s hard for them to stay focused. — Revelle Nil softball coach -ft - Monday. Missouri, 8-8 in conference play, won three out of four last weekend against seventh-ranked Oklahoma. The Tigers’ hard-nosed style of play concerns Revelle. “They’re real steady on the mound,” Revelle said. “They aren’t All-Amer ican, but they’re extremely steady and consistent. The thing that we’re really going to have to be aware of is their aggressiveness. “They run wild. They force the defense to make the plays.” But the Huskers can’t worry about their opponent or where they’re play ing, Revelle said. “What I think takes a lot out of a team is the third straight weekend on the road,” she said. “We goon our Big Eight weekends, and we get thumped pretty good. “We just can’t place that much importance on Missouri and what they’re doing. We have to do our part and focus on the task at hand.” Jon Waller/DN Nebraska assistant coach Paul Meyers argues with two umpires during the Comhuskers’ weekend series against Kansas. The Husker baseball team, coming off a doubleheader sweep over Missouri on Wednesday, will have to wait anotner week to take the field after its game with Creighton was rained out Thursday. Huskers sign nine wrestlers From Staff Reports _ . .Nine recruits have signed national lettersof intent to wrestle at Nebraska, Coach Tim Neumann said. Neumann said the recruiting class was comparable to the past two years, when Nebraska finished in the top five nationally in recruiting. “As a group, 1 feel very good about our recruits,” Neumann said. “Ath letically, it is probably the best class we have ever had. We were in dire need of help in the upper weights, and we s igned five great upper weight k ids that a lot of other schools wanted.” In the upper weight divisions: • Monte Christensen, who finished with a 129-9 high school mark at Fort Calhoun, will compete at 167 or 177 pounds. • Kenny Mbah, who won a state championship and was 37-0 last year at Hickman High Schoofin Colum bia, Mo., will wrestlt at cither the 177- or the 190-pound weight class. • Matt Holovach, who won a state championship and was 28-2 last year at Manhattan (Kan.) High School, will wrestle at 190 pounds for the Huskcrs. • Kalin Makawi, who had a career record of 170-7 at Raymond (Wash.) High School, will wrestle in cither the 177- or 190-pound weight class. In the lower weights: •Ryan Bauer, a 118-pounder from Bismarck (N.D.) High School, was 74-1 in his high school wrestling ca reer. • Jeff Nielsen, a two-time Class B state champion from Crete, will com pete at either 118 or 126 pounds. • Dusti n Morris, a 142-pound wres tler from Cody (Wyo.) High School, captured three state titles in high school. • Matt McDonnell, a 150-pounder, was a two-time state champion and had a career record of 157-16 at Ster ling (111.) Newman High School. “•Terry McCreary, fromChippcwa Falls (Wis.) High School, will com pete at the 150- or the 158-pound weight class. He posted a 102-20 h igh school record. The nine wrestlers will join Matt I n franca and Chris S tcelc, who signed with the Huskcrs in the fall. Nebraska Students Love These Tasty Hot Meals in a Pocket! 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