The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1994, Page 12, Image 12
CLASSIFIED 472-2588 Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, April 26,1994 *3327 S Street. One-bedroom, upper, closets.porch. No pets. $295+. 466-2167,464-8908. 3541 T. Very nice, 3-bedrooms, central air, convenient parking. $550+ utilities. Available alter finals, 467-2425. 450 Apartments For Rent !!!!!$50.00!!!U Move-In Special JONES PROPERTIES 20th 8 G SUMMER LEASES 475-7262 or 486-1000 Newer 1 8 2 Bedroom $299 up Swimming pool, Central Air, Laundry, Fire 6 Sound Resistant JHWALK TO CAMPUS!!! (Summer leases 6 Subleases Avertable) 1 BD'e Various NE Locations Unique Floor Plans, Central Air, Disnwasher, Patio Doors, Pool Most Utilities Paid, From $300 2 BD's, t bath. Modem Track Lighting, BEAUTIFULII UICOUNTYSHREUI Distinct t & 2 BD Apts. Designer Decor. 1 or 2 Baths W/D, Breakfast Bar. Private Patio. All Appliances. $495-$550 CHERRY HILL MANAGEMENT 489-4857 $240+. Neat and Clean, close to campus. Summer leases available. Century Management Company 476-2500. ”620 S 20th. Nice 1 -bedroom. No pets. 489-3550. leave message. 1 *2 bedrooms, close to downtown. Heat A A/C paid. From $250 a month. 477-7250 or 432-8733. _ 12th 8 K\ Clean, unique. 1-bedroom. $310 (Includes all utilities except electric and cooking gas). No pets. 488 4854.___ 1717 'J'. 2-bedroom. $340. Heat, water, and garbage paid. 1 year lease. 483-2034. __ 2 bedroom duplex, fireplace. 2 stall garage. Available May 1. Call 425-7349 or 483-7781. 2-bedroom. 2501 'E’. 1,000 square feet. Balcony. Secu rity building. Ideal for grad students. $450. 432-3686 r 2740 R. Three bedroom/two baths, $450; or one bedroom, $225. Air, laundry, parking. Jerry. 437-6328. 3-bedroom Claremont apartments. Sublease f or summ $575/month. Tom or Chris, 476-7746. 3023 "O' St. Two spacious 2-bedroom garden level apartments tor rent. Newer 4-Plex. central air, built-in microwave, dishwasher, garbage disposal^laundry facil ities, lighted parking, between ClNL City 4 East Campus es. Available May 1 4 June 1, 1994; $395/mo. + utilities + deposit. References preferred. Call 477-2779, leave message. __ 5 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS. 2252-60W, $325. 2-BR. Summer leases available. jHanegermnt One. 477-2600. 527 S. 25th #4. 2-Bedroom apartment, new blinds and carpet. Sublease, $380/month. Call 476 0235. 620 S. 17th. 1-bedroom. $290 + deposit. No pets. Heat paid. 469-7090._ Available April & midMay One and two bedroom. All electric. Carpet, air, laundry, parking. FREE CABLE. Nopets. $320 and $410*. 521 N. 25th, 1900 Knox. 435-7770, or 477-7664._ Claremont Parle Apartments 9th & Claremont f Never 1,2,3 and 4-br apartments close to campus. Avail able for summer of fall. Swimming pool, microwaves, dishwashers, balconies, 4 security patrolled. AVOID THE RUSHI Reserve your new home today. They're going fast, so hurry in to guarantee you a spot at Claremont. 474 PARK Claremont Park Apartments. 3 bedroom apartment avail able May 15 for summer sublease. Call 435-5328/474 7275._ Close to City Campus, 614 and 615 New Hampshire, two bedroom and seven bedroom apartments. No pets. 423 0369.___ Colonial Heights 1.2 and 3 bedrooms available. Amenities to meet al your fitness and social needs. Short-term leases available. CM! today, 421-3070. Furnished 2-bedroom. Kitchen, living room. Available May 1-August 1. $360. UtHIlies paid, deposit. 486-2649. JONES PROPERTIES 20th 4 G' SUMMER LEASES 475-7262 or 486-1000 Newer t 4 2 Bedroom $299 up Swimming pod. Central Air, Laundry. Fire 4 Sound Resistant Large 2-bedroom with dishwasher, dtsposal, central air. laundry, parking, $395. 726 'G'. 438-1/92. Large 2-bedroom Dishwasher. C/A, laundry, parking. %3ob. 722 G St. 435-6016. Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments. Energy efficient 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able with fireplaces or woodbuming stove. Professionally managed Call 476-6200 now. Dorm-like living 2 blocks from campus. Large bedroom $250. small bedroom $200. All utilities paid including cable. Washer/dryer, security locks, C/A. Call Al or Liz, 432-6540 or 474-4904; after 5:30, 464-5855. East Campus, )635 North 3!st. Super large one bed room, water, garbage, parking, a/c. $325.475-b wo. Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus^^-Se cured building. $235-$260. No pets. Call' Efficiencies. I and 2 bedrooms near campus. Available now and In May. $365-$420.475-1449^ Efficiency and one-bedrooms. Newer building, dose to campus. $240-$295. 1824 M St. 438-3132. May Openings •“Embassy Park Apts. 31st ft Old Chenney. Swimming pool. 1-2-3 bedroom. $385-$615. ‘••Pine Tree Apts. 231 Adams. 2-3 bedroom, $465-5595 •**515 8 535 West Saunders. 2-bedroom, $405-$440. ***1814 T. 2-bedroom, $440. 483-1130,483-6057 Nice large 2-bedroom. 724 N. 30th. Al utilities paid. Furnish*. Off street parking. $380.466-9085.464 5170. Nicel Large 1-bedroom, sub-lease for summer. 48th 8 Vine. Will nelp pay rent. References. 464-8484. SUMMER SPECIAL •No Deposit >nth Lease 3-month! All neat 8 dean 1- Bedrooms 931 Oak, Newer, $285. 2100 H' St., utilities paid. $260. 3179 'R‘ St., heat paid, $260. 1107 V St. Close to campus. $280. Efficiencies 120 S. 28th, smal. $180. 930 S. 16th, Close to campus, $230 2- Bedrooms 420 N. 24th, wait to Campus, $330. Houses 6-Br. house, a walk to campus. $795. nt reference* •Must have excellent I Call Phoenix Property Management, 474-5327. THE OLYMPICS CONTINUE Win a $ 1.000 Gold Medal Trip of your choice. Cali or stop by Amberwood Apartments, 40th 8 Hwy. 2.423-0978. "We Welcome Students” STAY 3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS ON US! Introducing Sartor Hamagn's Engagement Center, where you can select from the most up-to date collection of engagement and wedding rings. For a limited time, with the purchase of ANY engage ment ring, you will recieve a FREE three day-two night stay at your choice of these and many other diamond rated resort hotels. CASINO RESORT Mair^MllnivwlSMioiHcwttr Reno, Nevada m CLARION HARVEST HOUSE BOULDER. COLORADO 'n v Sheraton Palm Coast RESORT X Hilton Inn On Hilton Head Island SOUTH CAROUNA Spend a weekend on us! Stop in or call us for details. Who Could Ask For More! 12th & O St • Downtown (across from the Centrum) May & August Leases ast Campus. 3541 Baldwin Lame 2 bedfoom^iacB, antral air, appliances, parking, laundry. 4W-W16_ hree bedroom, near city campus, Ho'water, garbage, arking, lireplace, a/c. $400 - $450. 475-6128 y, no pets, elcome to' East campus, large 2 bedroom. Fireplace, all appliances, laundry, parking, available June 1. 4210 Huntington, $420,423-0902. 460 Summer Housing On-Campus Summer Housing 31 spacious, furnished rooms at Triangle Fratermiy. Washer/dryer, AC and utilities paid. Coed. Parking. Clean. Calf Brian at 436-0585. iXiPTION-Yearefutot st pa?assaasfi5?SKSS. !»sr*cs» 44-5023. _ fKgaas^-reTgaag manctally secure < 5S5S5EB55S@b ducation, and above aH, unlimited and unconditional oving, active mid-west couple wants to adopt aba**, tay at home mom. Warm home wth tots of trees and lay m nunw mum. iw«w »*•*** ^ TT’ rass. Waiting to share toys, books and laughter. Cal to dk. Pam and Bob. I 800793-4218 Can Nebraska Pregnant? Want to tafc with someone? or Cindy Iren’s Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7870 100 years of adoption experience »regnant? Worried? We can he*>. Happily married couple wishes to provide a loving home tor your baby. Legal and lonlidential. Cal Ann/Anthony 800-772-0204. Ve are a warm, loving family, linanclaly secure, with an ibundanee ot love and affection. Await your neatoom/ oddler. Expenses paid. Susie/Steve 1-800-484-7097 ;ode 1665. 115 Bicycle Sen/ice Hue s Bike 8 Fitness. Six block*from campus. New and ised bikes. Excettenl repairs tor all makes. Now two ocationsl 427 S. 13th. 436-2322 and 3321. Pioneers Jivd. 488-2101. Obi QStrwl 4714111 Greeting carts. gift wrap, bows, balloon deSvery. novel ies. jewelry, party favors, and muck more. Mera«tn ever. Mors thane bookstore. 148 Hairstyling NAIL SPECIAL!!! k new set lor *30, tills tor only$30, and Manicuras lor* 10. Do Me Right Salon. Cal 486-3808 ask for Ward Athey 150 Health and Fitness Learn to lose body fat! Vrite: Quantum Publishing, Box 57101, Lincoln. NE >8505. FREE Wormatfonl STRESS MANAGEMENT WALK - IN - CLINIC J11 UHC-CAP3.N01 k»rVMMf»*.To ‘ >.00 - 4:00 p.m. < Swedish Massage Therxpy ion this ad. 477-0138. Snidenl discount it you men 153 Insurance 155 Instruction Tutoring PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION SALES. Zagar" rAL AND 173 Music Exchange N»wlnn»illliL|(dtd8#w q, », rVuiaiAfi AaH Pi nfm rioyu UWlMon n ■ ^ Plua k>U oln*wpo«t*ra from th* U.K., G Frence. Posters InchMto Pink Flovd, U2,1 D*p*ch* Mod* Recycled Sound*. SX> »Heft ■ 8240. 178 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping Hand. Fr*« pregnancy lest, pleas* call us lex appoint men». 483-2609. 188 Tanning 3 tans IS Introductory offer. Suncapsule Tanning Cenler.Mr. Tom's. 14t7'0', 477-1362. 195 Typing & Resumes •Lasof-printad papws, iwimm; appllcartpns tto*a also. Spell/gram merchecklng, minor eomng. Centrally local <kLD spendable. Call Vfciaa 477-64 [7^ __ Action Resumes at Sears You-# Itnd quality work, personal service, and a sallsfac tion guaranlee. 464-9637. For affordable laser-printed papers and resumes, typed last and accurate, can Kristi at 4664753. Resumes By Ann QuaMy resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0776. Resumes 'z&ssxvxattcassnxs. Meed ton that New customers cam $25 on first visit (call for Return customers cam $15 fust donation of week and $20 for second donation within five days Stuff It Wttl C35t\ No parking hassles- Park FRE1£ at the door! dOHStC ptaSTHfll BioMedical Center 474-2JIS MO U 17* Si Uniquely Designed for Student Lifestyle CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS 9th and Claremont Streets ♦Breakfast Bars, Furnished Blinds ♦Private Patios/Balconies ♦Newer 1, 2, 3 and 4BR Apts. ♦Close to Campus & Downtown ♦Swimming Pool ^Fitness Facilities — Weights ♦Microwaves, Disposals, Dishwashers Avoid the Rush! ♦Security Patrolled ♦Efficient Gas Heat ♦Laundry Facilities and Garages Reserve Next Year's Home Today!! 474-PARK AVAILABLE FOR AUGUST ‘94