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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1994)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX: 472-1761 8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0448 $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for T6 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additionarword. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Weekday before publication. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 00s For Sale 5 Bicycles For Sale '91 Specialized Rock Hopper. 19.5" frame. Gray. 21 speed. Shimano LX components. $300 OBO. 436-0034. Wheeler 2000 Mountain Bike, black, 21-speed. 19.5" Frame, 26" wheels. Hardly ridden, less than 1 year old. $325. 438-6092, leave message. 13 Clothing For Sale Outdoor vintage sale, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Satur day- 50%oft instore merchandise. Ruby Begonias, 2322 O Street. 11-6. 16 Computers For Sale Mac LCII—color monitor, keyboard, mouse. Upgraded to 8 MB. Lots of extras. Great for graphics. $ 1000 OBO. 475 5691, ask for Connie. 20 Furniture For Sale Coach, matching chair 8 coffee table $75, Kitchen table/ 4-chairs $25. Metal desk $50. All or OBO. 466-8310 40 Misc. For Sale Energy tab—All natural, increased energy, faster weight loss, minimizes food craving. Call 24 hr. (800) 230-5556 to order. Getting married? Many purple and white wedding items for sale. Please caH 438-3607 if interested. 65 Stereos TVs For Sale For Sale: VCR w/remote. $85 excellent condition, woiks great. Also, COLOR T V.. $75. 466-8520 our good-toes. Until another semester. Until we meet again. Say thanks for the memories. Daily Nebraskan Personals Basement of the Nebraska Union DEADLINE 2:00 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 29 Second Wind has moved! • But you still can get the funkiest vintage fashions at their new location inside the St. George Antique Mall, 1023 "0" street. Get the same cool stuff at a different cool place. _ Breeze in and check it out! We want you back! • Tired of high utility bills? • Tired of a landlord who won't fix things? • Want someone to cook your food for you? • Tired of hunting for a parking space every time you go to class? • Want someone to clean your bathroom? • Not as cheap as you thought to live off-campus? • Tired of roommates who won't pay bills? • Would you like access to more computers? Consider living in the halls again next year. You can receive a $150 discount for next year. For more information, contact University Housing, 472-3561. 70 Ticket Exchange 2 Bob Dylan tickets, good seats. $40 lor both. Call 423 1243, leave message. One Northwest Airline ticket anywhere lor $300. Contact Molly at 436-7780. 90 Vehicles For Sale '87 Toyota Supra, Turbo, 5-speed, removable roof, secu rity system, sharpl Asking $7400—or best offerl 438 '85 Toyota MR2. White, sunroof, AC, low mileage. JVC stereo. $3700 OBO. Call 476-7205. 77 280Z restored. Very sharp. $1,750. Call 435-6732. 200s Notices 210 Announcements $750/week. Alaska fisheries this summer. Maritime Ser vices. I-208-860-0219. AA Cruise ships now hiring. Earn big $$$ ♦ travel the world (reel (Caribbean. Europe, etc.) Summer/permanent positions available Guaranteed successl Call (919) 929 4398 ext. C307. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT— Earn up to $8,000+ in two months. Room andboardl Transportation I Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206)545-4155 extA5778. ._ __ Attention All Students Please review your class sylabl and determine if there is a conflict with Dead Week Policy. If so. please contact ASUN Student Government as soon as possible at 115 Nebr. Union, 472-2581 DEAD WEEK POLICY Final examinations lor full semester classes are to be given ONLY at the regularly scheduled lime as published in the Official Schedule oS Classes or at another time DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all con cerned. The only examinations that may be given during the last week of classes (Dead Week) are: lab. practical examina tions, mrte-up or repeal examinations and self-paced examinations. Projects, papers and speeches scheduled for completion during the last week ol classes (Dead Week) must have been assigned in writing by the end of the EK3H TH WEEK of the semester. This refers to the project and its scope, but not the topic. _ X<D presents Sumo-Smash ’94 Sumo-Wrestling Tuesday, April 26, 7:00 p.m. Kabooms. 1tth»0 All ages welcomeli OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING —Earn up to $2000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or land-tour companies. Summer* Full Time employment avalabie. No experience necessary. For information call 1-200-634-0466 ext. C5778. Drummer and bass player looking for guitarist and vocal ist toplay originals. We need very open IndNiduats as well as very serious musicians. Travis 466-6677/Chris 466 7245. FACULTY/STAFF GOLF LEAGUE Tuesday. Apr* 26 Is the last day to enter the Men's and Women's F/S Intramural Go* League. Don't delay I Enter now a the Office of Campus Recretfion. For more ini or mabon, can 472-3467._ _ Get your Bachelor Cap, Gown. * Tasset a! NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE for only $14.96. NO RETURN NEEDED! Save yw^capfand gown as a keepsake. INh and O INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to S2.000 $4,000+/mo teaching basic conversational English in Jjv>an, Taiwan, or South Korea. No leaching background orAsian languages required. For info cai: (206)632-1146 ext. J5778 Information meeting* Tuesdays at 630p.m., Wednes - - t«ion* Attain, t»7 R Street SKYDIVE Jump out ol a perfectly good airplane. CaN Crete Skydiv log Center, *64 2929 ___ Study Abroad tetings. Tuet days a! 4:00 p.m internal* The last ON of the semester Is Monday, May 21 DonT miss the deadline to run a classified ad m that Issue- It's Friday. April 29. at 2:00 p.m Bring your ad to the ON office in the basement ot tne Nebraska union, room J4. The Subterranean Quanerty k a smal Her ary magazne dedicated to publishing writings and artwork that other wise may never be seen or read. Sample 32.OCV Subscrip lion $7 50 POB 57183, Lincoln. NE BM06-7183. UNL Horticulture Club 7:30 ejn. • 3 JO p.m. April 27 A 28 Poly Greenhouse, East of Plant Science ( an'l 111 all your .stuff’ in your car? We’ll move it for you! It's close to finals time and you're worried about how to gel all of your stuff home? Let the Packaging Store do it for you! S3 Custom crating and packing 03 We'll ship any weight (D Pick-up service El Packaging supplies 10% off with this ad ^PachaflinietnFfi 420-1292 »3340 S. 56th Sic. 2 Looking for an easy, affordable way to get your stuff home for the summer? We ll do It for yall The Packaging Store, 420-1292. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNER OF THE STUDENT FOUNDATION SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP: THERESA B. TRINHII A sincere thank-you to all who applied. This scholarship Is funded by the Trading Places program. Watch for it next fall —You may winl 215 Meetings AEAC Spring picnic, Peter Pan Park, 33rd & 'X' Street, 5:30pm. Plan to attendl _ College Republicans Elections tonight. Last meeting of the year in the Union, 8pm. _ ___ Finance Club The final meeting of the semester will be Wednesday, April 27 at 5:30 p.m. at Valentino's downtown._ Rodeo Club Team meeting tonight. Organize our weekend trip. Every one be there or call Mike. 700 p.m. at the ECU. Rodeo Club Banquet The banquet is Wednesday at 6pm at Mr. Henry's in Eagle. Remember: team meeting tonight. SCEC It you are a special ed major and want to make a difference, SCfcC needs youl Elections will be held Wednesday, April 27 at 6:45pm in Barkley Center, room will be posted. Sigma Tau Delta English honorary - last meeting of the semester is Tues day, April 26 at 200 p.m. in Andrews 229. STAND Barbeque at Holmes lake Wednesday 4/27, bring $2. We will meet at 6:30 behind the Health Center Union Board. Meeting at 5pm to discuss office space allocation. Room posted. 220 Greek Affairs axq Congratulations new initiates lor finishing 2nd place In the Phi Psi 500. Although things didnl go our way in the end. you guys are still number 11n our hearts. Love. Your AXO Sisters Also, congratulations to the AXO soccer team that came in 1st place overall for intramural soccer. Your Alpha Chi Sisters AAn Congratulations to the winners of the Alpha Delta Pi take aim dart tournament. Cricket 1st Theta Chi. Matt Canady and Scott Hudson 2nd-Wayne and Janet Dail 3rd-Triangle. Alan Olsen and John Horn. 301 1st Theta CM. John Lisa and Bill Finney ?nd Kappa Delta. Sue Ruff and Juke Swoker Hope everybody had font AfT Congratulations to Keith Banes. Dave Acheson. and Mark Frank— Qamma Gamma Award wtmers. We would also Ito to congratulate Scott Bun/— Greek Man of the Year. Your Brothers BZ'F Congratulations to Sean Peters on being elected Vlce P resident of PM Beta Lambda Congratulations to next year's Herbie Husfcer Way to go. Sparri_ X<D presents Sumo-Smash ’94 Sumo-Wresthm Tuesday. April 26,780 p.m. Katoooms. 11th 6 O Afl ages welcome)! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! Congrats to the new class of Phi Beta Chi! Shannon GentM. Jackie Kamtn. 6 Tonya Tyser Your Phi Bata CM Skiers Congratulations Beth O. on being elected President of AJChE (the Chemical Engineering Association) Wa are so Droud of vou I Love. Your KD Sisters KZ Congratulations to Andy T umer and Jenny Larsen (ADPI) on their pinning. The Mon of Kappe Sigma AXA Congratulations on winning the Mon a "A" Soccor Cham wonshp Vicious. Arpater, Moiler, Lichen, Zureh, Zoro. Bootle. Shiffy, Siedllkl Bnng on tho AII-UnivefsIyToumamentl The Mon of Lambda chi Apia Scott Thayer (TKE), Congratulations on your Disney Internahp Tho Mon of TKE XO Sumo-Smash H at Kaboom's 7:00 p.m. tonight All apes mmlcommll OPEN TO ANYONE!! Chi Phi Presents: SUMO WRE5TUMQ (as seen on M-TV) April 26 7:00 - 10:00pm $1.00 gets you in the door and for $10.00 YOU can put on the padded sumo suit and go for the victory! .All ages welcome. See you there! Kaboom's 11 th & O St. Proceeds go to the Lincoln Action Program To the Ladies of Chi Omega, Thanks for enduring Hurricane with us. We had a great time In the sun with youl The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma 240 Personals SINGLE GIRLS —HELPII I want to find a companion for a friend who believe* that not one of the fish in the sea could like him. Wrongl,' Vhat he doesn't have (money) he makes up for with humor and a great pair of blue eyes. If interested, PLEASE call Traci at 438-5607 before 5 p.m. to find out more. Thanksl 245 Lost & Found Lost: silver necklace with silver/gold cross. $10 reward. Please return to DN. REWARD: Lost cat In 7th S B area. Solid 8lack, no collar, answers to Sally. 475-8317 _ Rick Santen: I got your message about the Chi Omega Pin. The number you left was disconnected. Please call, 436-8620. 250 Wanted Wanted: One hundred students to lost 10 - 29 lbs. No hips, thighs, or butts about it. Doctor recommended. Call t -800 873-8960. P.S Thigh cream, too. WIB pay 30V. of cover price for most paperbacks used in Lit. classes. PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE, 206 No. 13th, (below Douglas 3 Theaters). 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted 60+ Telemarketing positions available FT ♦ PT. Flexble hours, paid training $5.50 hour. Apply Tuesday-Thursday 1 -3pm.ExpressServices,6031 S58thSuiteC. 421 -2100 7-Eleven hiring for managers, asst, managers, full-time/ part-time. 2- 10 and 10-6 clerks. We offer benefits, bonus es. vacation, etc. Apply at any location. 70th A Havelock, 66th & Leighton, 29th A O, 13th and E. EOE Are you a movie and game buff? Audio Visual Video Center Is needing a customer service rep to join our team part-time. Must be friendly and outgoing and work well with the public. Evening and weekend hours. Apply 2301 N 33rd St. and dress appropriately,_ BUM STEER STEAKHOUSE Lincoln's original Texas style steak house is accepting application tor part time service and kitchen staff. Applicatesshould be energtlc and outgoing. We offer top wages and flexble scheduling. Apply in person at 6440 O Street. __ ' YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer Youth Softball coaches tor the summer. Contact Youth Sports for more Information. 434-92)7. Carpet Cleaning Tech. Join a national company that offers top wages, paid training A growth opportunity. Immediate opening lor out going, sen-starter, valid drtas license A good driving record. Cal 486-4404 9-5. Cashiers Enjoy the small town atmosphere at Russ's 27th A HWY 2. Join our famly of dedicated cashiers. Must be 19 years old. See store manager Tom Nun. Clerks, late afternoons and nights. Apply In parson. Mite s O Street Drive-In. 22nd A O. College Students Summer Work $9.25 TO START International Corporation filing 32 part/tuU-time entry level openings. No experience necessary. Musi apply NOW. Start Before or after fatale. 466-6017_ CRUISE LINE entry level onboard positions aval table Greet benefits. Summer or year round 8(3-229-5478 (Florida). Customer Service Rep Pari-time. Immediate opening ter energetic person to assist wlh customer cals, schedule appts. A perform general office duties. Typing experience required. Cal Don & Millie’s “The Hum of tfw M Cent Mergerhe" 5200 S. 9Mh Street Wo rt growing and need heto In aN portions Wo oiler great hours, fiexble schedulng. competitive pay. and many benefits Apply rter 11 am. _ Driver positions available Mon-Frt. 2 6 30pm Apply In person. MMer Mailing. 5606 South 49th St. Ful and part-time summer employment. Branched Oak Marina m Branched Oak Lake. For more Mormafton. call 783-3311. Fui or part time farm help on large grain farm. Non smoking. Top wages. Close to Uncoin. 781-2064. Fun time summer, part-time during school Installing chain-ink and wood fence. 432-2650._ Grill help needed, noons and some evenings, $5.00/hr. Apply in person Sam 2pm.. Must be 21folder. Royal Grove. 340 W. Comhuskec._ Help needed Immediately. To do qualty and thorough *ork cleaning beautiful residential homes In Lincoln Flexible schedule. Good wages. Phone 48343%. leave message Housemother at NWU Needed for TM-*65 school year. Suite provided. Cell 421 3912.__ I Can't BeBeve H e Yegtat Is looking tor bright, energetic people to join our stall part time. Ideal applicants must be able to work this summer and mlo next tali Please apply m person al 14th A O', University Square. rt — — — — — — — — — — ^ Dance Contest Every Tuesday 9 p.m. 1823 "O" Street NO COVER