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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1994)
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USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS TOLL FREE 1-800-423-USAF Tonight!!! | Doors open at 8pm 6600 West O St. 475-4030 BE THERE! take Kdplcin and get a higher score... More students take Kaplan's courses every year than any other test prep company's. Call us today to find out why. 1-800-KAP-TEST June Test: Classes Begin April 27th KAPLAN The answer te the test question WE'VE RESTOCKED THE ENTIRE STORE! New Truckload Just Arrived... 1,000's of new items * \ Student faces arson charges From Staff Reports A University of Nebraska-Un coln student faces first-degree ar son charges after a Thursday morn ing incident at Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, 1433 R St. Justin Anderson, an undeclared freshman and ATO member, is ac cused of lighting a piece of paper and throwing it down a stairwell ol the fraternity. UNL Police Sgt. Bill Manning said that while nothing caught fire, smoke from the paper caused the fire alarm to go off, bringing firetrucks to the scene around 2:30 a.m. Anderson refused to talk to po lice to explain his alleged actions. Manning said. The act is considered first-de gree arson because it happened in a living unit and the building was occupied. However, because noone was injured and there was no dam age, the charge could be amended. Manning said. The charge is a Class II felony carrying a maximum of 50 years imprisonment. The minimum sen tence is one year in prison. Bike theft rash hits campus From Staff Reports Four bikes were stolen from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln City Campus in a 2 1 /2 hour period Tuesday night. Losses totaled more than $1,900. Wednesday night, another bike theft pushed that total to more than $2,250. UNL Police Sgl. Bill Manning said the number of thefts was un usual; and so far, police had no leads. “The most we ever have is gen erally one or two (bikes taken a day),” Manning said. “During the year, occasionally, we have days like that.” Pol ice reported bikes taken from Brace Lab. Mantcr Hall, Nebraska Hall, Love Library and Pound Hall. Manning said police had not determined if the thefts were re lated. CBS Continued from Page 1 business. Tadysak, who has a degree in busi ness management, said he hoped to obtain a job in a few years working in the office for the company that spon sors the tour. He said he wanted an office job to add some stability to his personal life while staying in the promotional tour business. David Alexander worked as a re tail stockbroker with Drcxal Burnham in New York before he started work ing on promotional tourk. Alexander, who works with sev eral different tours, said he had no dislikes about the job. He said the job had no stress and was a lot of fun. He also said he met a lot of people and saw a lot of the country. Several of the workers listed travel as an advantage, as well as a disad vantage, to the job. John Moran, who ran the trivia tent, said he joined the tour because it was a good opportunity to see the country and save money. Moran said meals were his only major expense. Moran said he liked living on the road, living in hotels, going out to cat and meeting college students. Josh Procaccini, who was in charge of the basketball tent, said he joined the tour partly because he liked the idea of seeing other parts of the coun try. “Living in hotels, someone else always makes your bed,” he said. However, Procaccini admitted that not being able to go home for three months at a time was something he disliked about the job. T adysak said the job interested h i m because each place was a little differ ent, and he had a chance to meet different people. While Tadysak said he didn’t sec too many differences in students from different regions, Wilson said there were definite differences. Wilson said West Coast students seemed to be more relaxed and laid back, perhaps because of the warm weather. However, he said the East Coast seemed to have a hard-working atmo sphere. He said there seemed to be a lot of wealth on the East Coast, dem onstrated by students’ dress and the cars they drove. The students in the South, Wilson said, seemed to be unfocused and wanting to leave to visit other parts of the country. He said the Midwest, in contrast to other regions, contained a lot of vari ety in student appearance and atti tudes. Wilson said students at UNL seemed to be friendly, curious and eager to participate in the tour. The same 13 men travel together for nine months, but all agreed that they got along well. Although most of the workers arc going to return next year, Moran is not. Moran said he was planning to take further classes in film. “I’m real glad to have done it. I have no regrets.” Endacott Continued from Page 1 verdict.” Two Sidney jurors interviewed by the Daily Nebraskan this week said contact with Endacott did not affect their decision. Doug Smith and Janet Volkmer, two of the 12 jurors, said their decisions were made with an open mind. “There is absolutely no connection between that prayer and ihc trial,” Smith said. “I based my decision on evidence, and I am comfortable with the decision 1 made.” But a Lincoln attorney, who re quested to remain anonymous, said the judge’s contact put the entire Bjorklund case in jeopardy. “The tragedy here is this was a slam-dunk case. It was a slam-dunk conviction and a slam-dunk death sen tence. And now it is fatally flawed and it’s going to make the legal system look bad,” he said. “It’s just a trag edy.” The attorney said that at worst, the entire trial could start over. “The defendant is guaranteed a free and independent jury,” he said. “By saying a prayer with them and joining with them, the judge crossed that line.” Helvic could not be reached for comment Thursday. Game Continued from Page 1 •get involved in,” he said. "'"Like any basketball game, there was a lot of fast-paced action. Both teams showed quickness, agility and athletic ability. And both teams ap peared to enjoy themselves on the court. Chad Kozak, a junior business ad ministration major, said playing for the Rolling Storm in the game was a worthwhile experience. “I think we need to do this more often,” he said. “1 had fun, and 1 think (the celebrities) did, too. This was something I couldn’t do in high school.” Terrance Badgctt, a forward for the Husker basketball team, said he felt the game served a good purpose. “ 11’s a w hole d ifferen t type of game. I came to meet some of the players, and just to support the event,” he said. About 75 people came to see the game, mostly to see what wheelchair basketball was all about. Jeni Rcichmuth, a senior pre-physical therapy major, was one of the specta tors. ‘‘I’ve heard about wheelchair bas ketball before, but I’ve never seen it,” she said. “I just thought it’d be inter esting.” ✓