The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1994, Page 10, Image 10

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    Are You Late?
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City Campus:
April 25 - April 28 8:30-5:30
April 29 - 8:30-5:00
May 2 & May 4 8:30-5:30
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Quartet affirms love for music
By Paula Lavigne
Senior Reporter _._—
Few groups have been around as
lonfLas the Fine Arts Quartet, founded
in 1946. And although the present
members have been together only since
1982, they have maintained the
quartet’s tradition of excellence.
Cellist Wolfgang Laufcr said he ‘
was the “link between the old and
new” members.
“In the history of the quartet, I am
only the second cellist,” he said. First
viol inists Ralph Evans and Efin Boico
and Jerry Horner constitute the rest of
the group.
Laufer, who said he disliked la
bels, said it was impossible to catego
rize their quartet as American or Eu
ropean, because he, a native Roma
nian,and Boicoare Europeans, while
Evans and Horner arc Americans.
This variety makes jhcin unique,
Laufersaid, while their love of music
makes them click.
“It’s as simple as that.” Laufer
laughed. “In chamber music, that’s a
primary concern because ifyoudon’t
have the love for this particular genre
of music, then it’s very hard.”
He said without the cohesivcncss,
the quartet would become “four people
with very strong egos.”
“You have to subscribe to excel
lence and keep working hard—never
mind that you arc the top,” Laufer
said. “It’s the kind of sound we’re
proud of— the melting of four instru
ments into one.”
While in residence it the Univer
sity ofWisconsin at Milwaukee, Laufer
said he had noticed an “explosion” of
chamber music quartets in America
during the past 15 years.
“There is so many groups and so
much chamber music being done that
even the remote places are getting
exposure,” he said.
Looking at it in business terms,
however, Laufer said it had a negative
“The market cannot give the possi
bility for so many groups to make a
living out of it,” he said, “that you see
tremendous attrition in many groups
that start to make a splash and after
two or three years, disappear.”
Sponsored by the Lincoln Friends
of Chamber Music, the Fine Arts
Quartet will perform in the audito
rium of the Sheldon Memorial Art
Gallery at 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are
S25 for the public and $5 for students.
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CALL 472-2588 FAX: 472-1761
8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday
34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street
Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0448
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DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m
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The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nght to edit
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5 Bicycles For Sale
Bicycle salel The Honker Hanger Bke Shop. 40th 8 A
Street.486 0323
Mountain Bike for Sale. 93 Giant Boulder, used only
twice. Excellent condition $375 OBO. Call 435-2324 or
Wheeler 2000 Mountain Bike, black. 21 speed 19 5'
Frame. 26' wheels Hardly ridden, less than 1 year old.
$325. 438-6092, leave message.
16 Computers For Sale
Amiga 2000,80 megabyte HD. colorprinter, hi-resolution
color monitor. MIDI interlace, much software, word pro
cessor, graphics, music, excellent condition. $1000
O BO 6431128.
20 Furniture For Sale
Coach, matching chair 8 cotter- table $75 Kitchen table/
4 chairs $26 Metal desk $50 All or OBO 466-8310
F umiture tor sale: sola, dark blue. $ 150; 2 twin bed frames
with box springs. $80 lor pair. Call 477-7955
40 Misc. For Sale
Energy tab— Al natural. Increased energy, laster weight
loss, minimizes food craving Cal 24 hr. (800) 230-5556
to order
50 Pets
For Sale: Fun. lovable. 12 week ok) golden retriever
puppy. A.K.A.. shots. $200 Call 438-1829
65 Stereos TVs For Sale
FOR SALE: Top of the Ime car stereo equpment Low
prices. 476 9777.
70 Ticket Exchange
Tickets lor Sale. Pink Floyd. James Taylor. Elton John
and Billy Joel. Ticket Solutions. 438-5966
90 Vehicles For Sale
'88 Mazda 323 4 door. 5-speed, air. am/fm, nice $2950
'87 Isuzu Pup. Pickup. 4 speed, am/lm. 75K. $2950
'86 Mazda B2000. Pickup 5 speed, air. am/fm/cass
$3250 offers Beer's Auto Safes, 1647 S. Third. 477
'87 Toyota Supra. Turbo, 5 speed, removable roof, secu
^system, sharpl Asking $7400—or best ofterl 438
1981V amaha Maxim. 9600 K. Black. E xcellent condit ion
$1000. Evening*. 477-0830
200s Notices
210 Announcements
$750/week. Alaska fisheries this summer. Maritime Ser
vices, t-208-860-0219.,
AA Cruise ships now hiring. Earn big $$$ ♦ travel the
world (reel (Caribbean, Europe, etc.) Sommer/permanent
positions available Guaranteed successl Call [919) 929
4398 exl. C307
$8,000* in two months. Room and boardl Transportation!
Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call
(206)545-4155 extA5778
That's what our volunteers desetvel To honor them for
National Volunteer Recognition Week, the University
Program Council will be hosting a recaption In your honor
If you have helped with a UPC event, please com* to the
UPS office at 800 pm. on April 26. Thank Youl
Attention All Students
Please review your class sylabi and determine If there is
a conflict with Dead Week Policy. If so, please contacl
ASUN • Student Government as soon as possible at 115
Nebr. Union. 472-2581
Pinal examinations lor fuN semester classes are to be
given ONLY at the regularly scheduled time as published
m the Official Schedule of Classes or at another time
DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all con
The only examinations that may be given during the last
week of classes (Dead Week) are: lab. practical examina
tions, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced
Projects, papers and speeches scheduled for completion
during the last week of classes (Dead Week) must have
been assigned in writing by the end of the EIGH TH WEEK
of the semester. This refers to the project and its scope,
but not the topic.
ATTENTIONII Last chance this year to attend a Teachers
College orientation session. Attend lor information only,
or bnng your advising folder and a CMA. (Students are
eligible to transfer to teachers College with a2.5 GPA and
no high school deficiencies)
Monday, April 25
107 Hsnzlik
Sunday. April 24, tO-4, Villager Motor Inn, 5200
O St., Lincoln. Free Admission. Door prizesl
Cash In a Flash at the Caah Depot Delayed check
cashing. The little brown house at 2u 12 South I0th.476
7212, Monday - Friday, 9:00a.m. to6.O0p.m.. Saturday
900 a m. - 2:00 p.m
CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING —Earn up to $2000+/mo
on Cruise Ships or Land-tour companies. Summer • Full
Time employment available No experience necessary
For Information call 1-206-634 0468 ext C5778
Tuesday, April 26 is the last day to enter the Men's and
Women s FrS Intramural Go! League. Don't deiayl Enter
now M the Office of Campus Recreation. For more infor
mation. call 472-3467.
S4,000*/mo. teaching basic conversational English in
Japan. Taiwan, or South Korea. No teaching background
or Asian languages required. For info call: (206)632-1146
•xt J5778.__
Jazz Fest VII
The world is in our hands.
The Lincoln community is invited to celebrate spnng at
Nebraska Wesleyans annual musical event. Featunng
Irie, John Walker. Hornithology. 8 NWU Jass ensemble
Sunday 24, 12-4 p.m. on NWU Campus, near 52nd
and Huntington. Free admission.
Sponsored by Union Programs and Nebraska Wesleyan
*1.25 well drinks A shots
7 p m-mid night Every Niqht
126 N 14th
l oaring iot an easy, arroroaoie way to gei your stun none
(or the summer? We II do it lor yall The Packaging Store.
NEW YORKI NEW YORKI A professional study tour
ottered by the College ol Human Resources and Family
Services May (7-2/ Field visits, museums and theater
and tine dining. Cali Or. Fayrene Hamoui 472-1582 lor
See Your Car Shine Agaml
University Ambassadors Car Wash, 40th 8 South St. April
23. 12 2:30. $5
Jump out ol apertectly good aiiplane Call Crete Skydtv
ing Center. 464-2929
Wanted: Leaders!
Share your leadership skills with othersl The Odyssey
Program is looking tor Mentors and Development Team
Members lor 94- 95 academic year. Applications avail
able in Office (or Student tnvohrement (260 NU. 300 East
Union, Culture Center). Due April 22 by 5pm
220 Greek Affairs
Sumo-Smash ’94
Sumo Wresting
Tuesday. Apnl 26. 7 oO p.m.
Kabooms, t tth 8 O
XQ Ars
You are warned, did you prepare? Hurricane Zets
smashes Lincoln this Saturday
John 8 Joel.
Thanks lor playing with us at the SandBash. You were
Thanks, TC Ladies
A Phi and Sigma Alpha Mu,
Great |ob during Greek Week. It doesnl get any better
than 1st placet
^ The Men ol Phi Dell
Thanks lor the "trip" to Hawaii. The Luau Iasi Friday was
_ _ Thank you. TC Ladies
axq Aon
Riverboat ‘94