The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1994, Page 8, Image 8

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Husker men,
women face
crucial games
From Staff Reports
Nebraska men’s and wom
en’s tennis teams face an impor
tant weekend when they travel
to Ames, Iowa, for matches with
Colorado Saturday and Iowa
State Sunday.
The men, who are 6-13 over
all and 1-3 in the Big Eight, arc
coming off a big weekend after
going 2-1 and upsetting the re
gion’s second-ranked team,
Wichita State.
Men’s coach Kerry
McDermott said the Huskers’
seed in next week’s Big Eight
Championships will be deter
mined by this weekend’s out
The weekend is just as cru
cial for the women, who stand at
9-7 overall and 2-3 in the con
Both the men and women
conclude their regular season
with the matches in Ames.
Continued from Page 7
style because of shoulder problems.
The submarine style spelled suc
cess for Bellows, who has been used
strictly in relief in college.
“My game is getting ground balls
and double plays,” he said.
Bellows said he cherishes the role
of closer.
“I love it ” he said. “I get more
appearances now. This way I get to
throw every day.
“Coach Sanders told me at the start
of the spring that 1 was going to be the
closer if 1 did well.”
Bellows has performed well
enough to keep the job. He picked up
a save against Kansas State Wednes
day and two saves over the weekend
in the Huskers’ three-game sweep of
Oral Roberts.
Bellows said he was throwing his
best ball now, and the whole Huskcr
team, with the return of All-American
Troy Brohawn, was also play ing well.
“We’ve won our last (seven) games,
and we just have to lake the rest of the
week with the same attitude.”
NU nitcher learns his art — again
By Trevor Parks
Staff Reporter__
Nebraska pitcher Craig Sanders
had to start all over after having
arthroscopic knee surgery before last
Sanders, who suffered torn carti
lage during the prcscason last year,
said he had to learn the art of pitching
all over again.
“This past weekend, throwing in
the bullpen, 1 picked up three or four
things that I didn’t remember from
before,” he said.
For now, Sanders said he’s just
happy to be on the mound, even though
this season hasn’t gone like he had
hoped it would.
Sanders has a 1 -1 record, including
a win over Northern Iowa. In his five
appearances, Sanders has given up 20
Craig Sanders
John Sanders
hits and allowed 27 walks in 17 in
Although he hasn’t pitched a lot,
Sanders said, he’s starting to get in the
“I’ve struggled,” Sanders said.
“(Seventeen) innings in two years is
not a lot. I still need to fine tune some
things that arc rusty.”
Sanders said he was just happy to
return even though he didn’t come
back in top shape. . „
“It was fun throwing again, ne
said. “I appreciate practice time a
little more.” , _ ,
Nebraska coach John Sanders,
Craig’s dad, said the knee surgery
really set his son back.
“He’s starting all over again, John
said. “He’sstruggled in spots,but he’s
ready to accept that challenge.’
Sanders went 3-2 with an ERA of
just 3.00 in his freshman year. He
struck out 34 while only giving up 17
runs in 48 innings.
“He’s stayed focused, given what
could be a situation,” John said.
“That’s not something that’s the eas
iest to do.”
Craig said he hoped to turn around
his performance before the season
Continued from Page 7
game 14-4 and the second game 15-1.
Sanders said the Huskers could not
afford a letdown against Kansas State.
The Wildcats aren’t as bad as they
played on Wednesday, Sanders said.
But Nebraska isplaying well, part
ly because of the return of All-Amer
ican pitcher Troy Brohawn, Sanders
Brohawn returned to the lineup on
April 1 after missing 25 games with a
broken foot.
Sanders said Brohawn’s presence
had added confidence to the team.
“It’s helped us mentally, but the
main effect has been on the field,”
Sanders said. “We have been playing
well in all phases of the game. Brohawn
adds to our pitching, and on Wednes
day, we played flawlessly.”
In the two outings since he re
turned, Brohawn has pitched 14 in
nings; has surrendered five hits, six
runs and four walks; and has struck
out 21 batters.
The junior left-hander pitched six
perfect innings in a 5-3 win over Oral
Roberts on April 8. On Wednesday,
Brohawn, 2-1, held Kansas State hit
less for 5 1/3 innings in the first game
of the doublchcadcr.
“H is being here gives other people
a feeling of relative security,” Sand
ers said.
Huskers win one;
2nd game delayed
From Staff Reports_
The Nebraska softball team
missed a doublchcadcr sweep
over the University of M issouri
Kansas City when the second
game was suspended.
Nebraska won the first game
11 -3 and was leading 9-2 in the
nightcap when rain stopped play.
Just before the game was to
resume, a person collapsed in
the stands. Emergency person
nel arrived and the game was
Continued from Page 7
Muhammad said, “but I felt uncom
fortable because of my ribs.”
His liver is healed now, he said, but
the pain in his ribs persists.
Muhammad, who visited the doctor
Wednesday afternoon, said he did not
expect to participate in any heavy
contact until fall.
“It should be OK by then,” he said,
“but I reallydon’t know. I have played
with pain before, but never with a
serious injury.”
To make up for lost time,
Muhammad, who will be a senior in
the fall, will spend the entire summer
in Lincoln—hundreds of miles away
from his home in Compton, Calif.
He spent last summer in Compton
and was fortunate to return. In July, he
was shot in the buttock during a dri vc
by shooting. The bullet, still lodged in
his buttock, narrowly missed vital
organs. That allowed him to make a
quick recovery.
With all that behind him now, the
Huskers’ most productive receiver
from a year ago is itching to get out on
the turf.
“Everybody will be working hard
this year,” he said, “because we know
what we have to do to get back to
where we were last year. And that s
where we want to be this year."
Muhammad led all Nebraska re
ceivers last year by hauling in 25
passes for 383 yards and three touch
downs. Behind him were split end
Corey Dixon and tight ends Trumanc
Bell and Gerald Armstrong, who all
“We lose a lot just from the ability
that they have to make the big play."
he said.
That’s not to mention their leader
ship in the locker room, Muhammad
Muhammad said he needed to add
leadership to his game this season.
Three juniors and two sophomores
make up the rest of the top returning
“We have got a lot of young re
ceivers this year,” he saidf “Those
guys arc going to need somebody to
look up to, and I’ll be there for them.”
Hey, she was out ’til
3:00 a.m. last night!
How’d she do. this?
I’ll bet ebe
spent a fortune!
5he’s gonna wreck y
the grading curve
for the rest of us! -
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