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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1994)
Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, April 13, 1994 Classified Page 11 472-2588 Cellular Phones ARE affordablel Emergency/Security clan only $14.95/month. Easy payment and phone leas jpg available. LT8T Cellular Agent. Must be 19.432-805C for appointment. Congratulations to the International Student Organization on being named the March Organization ol the Monthl Also. Congratulations to Jason Jokerst ot MASA, March Heart 8 Soul Winnerl CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING—Earn up to $2000+/mo on Cruise Ships or Land-tour companies. Summers Full Time employment available. No experience necessary For information call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C5778. Ain Congratulations to the Following Actives: Highest Active GPA Susan Doerr, Most Improved GPA-lau. Highesi Pledge GPA-Chul, Rose King and Queen-Dave Benson and Dawn Merritt, Scholarship winners-Rochelle Anlers, Kara Breitbarth. 8 Susan Doerr. Outstanding Active Audra Semin. Outstanding Pledge-Kristl Peterson, Pledge Parents-Teri Angusttn. Wendy Pellatz, 8 Rosalyn Lee. _ IMA MEETING TONIGHT! O' Biown s MPA Presentation Tonight ' bpm ' City Union Pnwter Room Seo you the'el INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000 $4.000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea. No leaching background or Asian languages required. For Infocall: (206)632-1146 ext. J5778._ INTRAMURAL EVENTS The Men s, Women's, and Co-Rec Powerlifting Meet will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 13 and 14 in the Campus Recreation Weight Training and Condition ing Room. The Men s, Women's, and Co-Rec Air Rifle Contest will also be held the same days at the ROTC Rifle Range in the Military and Naval Science Building. There are no advance entnes for these events. Sign-up is at the site on the day of the event. F or more information, call472 3467 or pick up aflyer in the Office of Campus Recreation. Looking for an easy, affordable way to get your stuff home lor the summer? We ll do it foryall The Packaging Store, 420 1292. SKYDIVE Jump out of aperfectty good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv ing Center, 464-2929 Students, Faculty, Attend the LARGEST business networking Social Event of 1994. Friday, April t5. Rock N Roll Runza, 4:30-6:30 Study Abroad Information meetings. Wednesdays at 4 00p m Interna tional Affairs, 1237 R St. Summer Resort Jobs - Earn to $t2/hr. ♦ tips. Locations include Hawaii, Florida, Rocky Mountains, Alaska, New England, etc. For details call: t-800 807-5950 ext R57 78 The GMAT is Changing... Tmd out how at a tree seminar at 10:30am on Saturday April 23rd. sponsored by Kaplan Test Prep. Call 475-7010 topre register. Learn how to test your best on the GMATII UNL Night With The Royals Omaha/Kansas City Royals at Rosenblatt Stadium April 21. 6pm Tickets $5, T-shirts $8. On sale Wednesday through Friday from 10-2 In the Union UNO Aviation Institute Pre-registration update Lincoln classes available Call 554 3424 or t 806-858^8648 WANTED: LEADERS! The Odyssey Program is seeking leaders for the 94 95 school year Mentor applications are available in the Office lor Student Involvement (200 NE Union, 300 East Union), 8 Culture Center. Development Team i lions available to assist I Due Date: Friday. April ivemem union, uw ter. Development Team appica I In the^wogrammmg of Odyssey 215 Meetings Campus Red Cross Mmeeting Wednesday April 13th at University Health Center. 6 00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend I Actuarial Science Club Meeting Thursday Aprri 14 at 6:00 p.m. in tha Nebraska Union. Room posted. Casually Actuary speaker. Re freshments. All new members welcome Bisexual Discussion Group Tonight, 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 234 ol the Nebraska Union Contact Erica at 472 5644 for more information CBA SAB Meeting Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. in Neihardt Blue T V Room. Performance following until 8.00 r The GMAT is Changing... Find out how at a tree seminar at 10:30am on Saturday. April 23rd. sponsored by Kaplan Test Prep. Call 475 7010 topre register. Learn bow totest your best on the GMATII UNL Night With The Royals Omaha/Kansas City Royals at Rosenblatt Stadium April 21, 6pm Tickets $5, T-shirts $8. On sale Wednesday through Friday from 10-2 in the Union UNO Aviation Institute Pre-registration update: Lincoln classes available. Call 554 3424 or 1 806-858-8648. WANTED: LEADERS! The Odyssey Program is seeking leaders lor the 94-95 school year Mentor applications are available in the Office lor Student Involvement (200 NE Union, 300 East Union). 8 Culture Center. Development Team applica lions available to assist in the programming of Odyssey Due Date: Friday. April t5. 4:00pm Campus Re^loss Mmeeting Wednesday April 13th at University Health Center. 6 00pm Everyone * welcome to attend I Actuarial Science Club Meeting Thursday Aprd 14 at 6:00 p.m. In the Nebraska Union Room posted Casualty Actuary speaker Re freshments. Ail new members welcome. Bisexual Discussion Group Tonight, 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 234 of the Nebraska Union. Contact Erica at 472-5644 for more information CBA SAB Meeting Wednesday at 545 p.m. in Neihardt Blue T V Room Performance following until 8:00. I Friends of the Deaf Community Club Mandatory meeting/officer elections, Wednesday 7:30pm at Barkley Center, room posted. Interested in Physical Therapy? P.T. Assistants speaking, Thursday April 14th. 7pm, Health Center Conference rooms A C. PRE-PHYSICAL THERAPY CLUB. New members welcome! No fee. Parking Advisory meeting schedule tor 3:00, Thursday April 14th. At City Union Rpotn TBP. Rodeo Club Important meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m at the State Fair Coliseum. Last meeting before the big rodeo. SAA This is our last meeting and we will recognize the seniors. Meet at 5:00, Thursday, in the Neihardt Blue T V. lounge. STAND ELECTION TIMEI Meeting Wednesday April 13th, 8pm in the Union. Room will be posted. TCAB There will be no meeting on the 14th, but we will have a meeting on the 21st. 220 Greek Affairs AXQ Come on Baby Light My Lyre Spring Formal '94 AXQ Congratulations to Betsy Adkins for being elected to secretary of CASNR advisory Board Congratulations to Missy Girard for being elected as President of CASNR Advisory Board and also being elected President of the Pre-Vet Club. Good Luck and cong ratulations to Staci Stovall on making the NU Dance Team. Aon Congrats to Amy Davis and Tami Johnson for making the UNL Dance Squadl We re really proud of youl Your AOII Sisters ATTENTION GREEKS: Summer work. Make $470/ week Interviews being held today and tomorrow, April 13th 8 14th, 4:00pm and 6:00pm at Hamilton Hall Rm 121 Be prompt If conflicts, call 477-7266 South western Co. xo Congratulations to Bro Mike Ledford 8 Laura Jacobsen (TC) and to Bro Kelly Henderson 8 Diana Sieben on their engagementsll Congratulations to Bro Chuck Lee on his appointment to the Greek Judicial Boardl The Brotherhood of Chi Phi Congratulations to Towne Club's 1994 1995 Officers: President Amy Hoffman, Vice President-Tracy Welshans, Secretary-Karen Ditzler, Treasurer-Amy Hotfmeyer, Standards Board-Becky Chaudhury, Philan thropy Ann Schuller, Pledge Educator Alison Knudson, CoSocial Jennifer Stewart, CoSocial-Joy Elliott, Histori an Liz Kukuk, Purchasing Agent-Heidi Mahloch Love, your TC Sisters Congratulations to Laura J on your engagement to Mike L. Love, your TC Sisters Ar Congratulations Trish Cieslik and Travis Gieslorecht (DTD) on your pmningl Love. Delta Gamma Congratulations Any Stratmen and Ryan F razier (DTD) on your pinntngl Love, Delta Gamma Congratulations to Megan Multin the new Mortar Board VP T Love. DG T<DB ATA Sandbash '94 P O Pear s April t6th 8 17th. Call Heather 436 9497 or Dave 436- 7929 to register Sigma Chi Fight Night April 16th, 7 p m. 4-H BuMdlng at Stale Fairgrounds. Sumo-Smash ’94 The Ultimate Battle OPEN TO THE PUBL1CII The Natives Are Restless 1 xcu Congratulations to Bro Mike Ledtord 8 Laura Jacobsen (TC) and to Bro Kelly Henderson 8 Diana Sieben on their engagements!! Congratulations to Bro Chuck Lee on his appointment to the Greek Judicial Boardl The Brotherhood of Chi Phi Congratulations to Towne Clubs 1994 1995 Officers: President Amy Hoffman. Vice President-Tracy Welshans, Secretary-Karen Ditzler, Treasurer-Amy Hotfmeyer, Standards Board Becky Chaudhury, Philan thropy Ann Schuller, Pledge Educator Alison Knudson. CoSocial-Jenniter Stewart, CoSocial Joy Elliott, Histori an Liz Kukuk, Purchasing Agent Heidi Mahloch Love, your TC Sisters Congratulations to Laura J on your engagement to Mike L. Love, your TC Sisters Ar Congratulations Trish Cieslik and Travis Gieslorecht (DTD) on your pinningl Love. Delta Gamma Congratulations Any Stratmen and Ryan F razier (DTD) on your pinningl Love, Delta Gamma Congratulations to Megan Mullin the new Mortar Board V.P.T Love. DG T<DB ATA Sandbash '94 P O Pear s Apnl 16th 8 17th. Call Heather 436 9497 or Dave 436-7929 to register. _ Sigma Chi Fight Night April 16th, 7 p.m, 4-H Budding el State Fairgrounds. Sumo-Smash '94 The Ultimate Battle K OPEN TO TflE PUBLIC!! The Natives Are Restless -1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON rnmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i. 1.1 mi.. 230 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Positions open on 29 campus wide committees and for the Senate position to represent the Div. of Continuing Studies. Applications available in the ASUN Off ice, 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline for all positions is April 15. 1994 _ UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, April 13 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 240 Personals Cindy, Amy, Lisa, How did you like the doughnuts? \—n Kristine A Erica gave me apiece of gum. thanks. Save me 245 Lost & Found Lost: Chi Omega pin. Reward. Call 436-6620. Lost: Gold A Silver Anne Klein watch, between the Union A Library. 4/11. ttam. Sentimental value, substantial reward. Please call Stacy. 423-6771. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted Needed: Truck driver for custom grain harvest, through November. Must be able to drive tandem truck; will help obtain CDL. Farm and mechanical interest helplul Good wages plus room and board. Great opportunity to save money Call for information sheet. 466-3859. Mark Heil Harvesting. 60+ Telemarketing positions availiable FT + PT. Flexible hours, paid training $5.50 hour. Apply Tuesday-Thursday 1 -3pm. Express Sen/ices, 6031 S 58th Suite C. 421-2100 APPLY TODAY AT RUNZA 13th &E Are you interested in earning some extra cash In a tun work environment that has ideal working hours for college students? Are you a motivated individual seeking part time job opportunities? It so, Runza is lor youl We otter: •Excellent wages ‘SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ‘Ad vancement opportunities ‘Health insurance ‘Flexble hours ‘Paid vacation *1/2 price meals ‘AND MUCH MORE Stop in and apply today at our 13th * E location 11 Are you currently living in Lincoln but will be moving to Omaha tor the Summer? We need outgoing sales asso ciates to work in our Old Market stores (Wild Things and The Howard Street General Store) dunna the summer. Applications being taken at Thingsville, Gateway Mall, today until April 30. Assistants in wood specialty shop. Experience In wood working and knowledge ot tools required. Full* part-time. Flexible hours. Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd. Attention Students! Gain valuable experience and get paid. The Lincoln Journal Star has two part-time temporary classified ad visor positions available immediately, through Septem ber. You will be helping our customers create effective ads to sell their items through the pages o( the Journal Star Classifieds. In addition, you will gain valuable experience working on various special promotions throughout the summer. This position requires an outgoing personality, pleasant phone voice, PC/typing skills, and a highly motivated individual with a strong work ethic. Previous telephone and/or sales experience preferred. Perfect for the college student. These positions are approximately 20 hrs./week (or longer, depending upon business demands), including Sat trom 8:00 -1 :dt) p.m. and are available immediately, through September. Flex ibility in scheduling is a mustl $ + commission. Applications for these positions will be taken 9:;0o0 a.m. - 4;00 p.m. through Wed. April 20 at the Lincoln Journal Star, 2nd Floor. 926 P St.. Lincoln. Ne. or call Tracy at 473 7456 lor more information. Now hiring delivery drivers. Call or stop by. Pizza Hut, 2652 Cornhusker, 464+1600 Assistants in wood specialty shop. Experience In wood working and knowledge of tools required. Full* part-time. Flexible hours. Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd. Attention Students! Gain valuable experience and get paid. The Lincoln Journal Star has two part-time temporary classified ad visor positions available immediately, through Septem ber. You will be helping our customers create effective ads to sell their items through the pages of the Journal Star Classifieds. In addition, you will gam valuable experience working on various special promotions throughout the summer. This position requires an outgoing personality, pleasant phone voice, PC/typing skills, and a highly motivated Individual with a strong work ethic. Previous telephone and/or sales experience preferred. Perfect for the college student. These positions are approximately 20 hrs.Tweek (or longer, depending upon business demands), including Sat from 8:00 -1 :(X) p.m. and are available immediately, through September. Flex ibility in scheduling is a mustl $ + commission. Applications for these positions will be taken 9:;0o0 a.m. - 4;00 p.m. through Wed. April 20 at the Lincoln Journal Star. 2nd Floor. 926 P St.. Lincoln. Ne. or call Tracy at 473 7456 for more information. Now hiring delivery drivers. Call or stop by. Pizza Hut. 2652 Cornhusker, 464-4600. ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR/START MAY 16 Girls Incorporated of Omaha seeks person to recruit, train, motivate and supervise program volunteers. Full-time one-year position funded through national VISTA pro gram. Pays annual living stipend of $7,068 and health insurance: after 12 months of service, choose a cash stipend of $1,140, or an educational award of $4,725. Must be available May 16 for week of training In Denver, and have access to car to use for work. While yourfriends are sending out resumes, you can be gaining valuable work expenencel Send, deliver or FAX letter of interest and resume by April 18 to: Patricia Gaines Executive Director Girls Incorporated of Omaha 2811 North 45th Street Omaha, NE 68104 or FAX to (402) 457-3013 Pteaee, no phone eoMal Camp Program Assistant seasonal resident position May 23 to August 15 at girl's camp near Nebraska City. Responsible tor implementing summer program activities for girls 5-17. Minimum age t9. Current lifeguard training certification required Camping experience preferred Salary: $2000-$2300 Call Debbie at Homestead Girl Scout Council, 476-7539 or 1-800-487-2578. (V/TDD). EEO/M/F/V/H. CHURCH NURSERY SUPERVISOR to start May 1st (year-round position): $5.25/hr. to start. Small church school seeks loving person to care for infants to 3 year olds during church school and worship. Contact St. Marks on the Campus, 474-1979, for application. Clerks, late afternoons and nights. Apply in person, Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd 4 O. Concession help needed, part-time summer help for concession at bool in N.E. Lincoln and weekends at Pioneer Park. Person at Pioneer Park concession must be ableto work Aprii-October. Only responsible people 18 8 over need to apply. References will be checked. Call 488-4646 to set up an interview. Interviews will be held on Thursday and Fnday, April 14 & 15. Need Extra $$$ 10 Telemarketing Positions Open. Day & eveninq hours To starttoday call Duane 464 0286. Camp Program Assistant seasonal resident position May 23 to August 15 at girt s camp near Nebraska City. Responsible tor implementing summer program activities lor girls 5-17. Minimum age 19. Current lifeguard training certification required Camping experience preferred. Salary: $2000-$2300 Call Debbie at Homestead Girl Scout Council. 476-7539 or 1-800-487-2578. (V/TDD). EEO/M/F/V/H. CHURCH NURSERY SUPERVISOR to start May 1st (year-round position): $5.25/hr. to start. Small church school seeks loving person to care for infants to 3 year olds du ring church school and worship. Contact St. Marks on the Campus, 474-1979, for application. Clerks, late afternoons and nights. Apply in person, Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd A 0. Concession help needed, part-time summer help for concession at pool in N.E. Lincoln and weekends at Pioneer Park. Person at Pioneer Park concession must be able to work April-October. Only responsible people 18 8 over need to apply. References will be checked. Call 488-4646 to set up an interview. Interviews will be held on Thursday and Friday, April 14 A 15. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson IOOL AT 10JHOW COULD AHN OUL GLT SD DIRTN AT 9CU00L’ l GOT TU\S D\RT< JUST TRIlNG 10 WALK IN TUL FRONT door.' a1 CATAPULT BUTT WAS LTIMG \N WA\T FOR ML. *Eli, \T DOESHT/i DfrTlf?, MATTER.. lOU'D n t>r«n*. BETTER GET \N BUT IfS THE THE TUB NOW MIDDLE OT kKIWAI TUE AFTER NOON/ '(ES, BUT I HME TO GET IN TUE SHOWER BEFORE toUR d*d GETS HOWE. 90 s-< HE ON TN£ OHE / KM AU. M BMVS? IS THERE 33ME EPIDEMIC GOlHCr ABOUND* », -if I TOLD SOU TU1S WORMIHG WERE GOING OJT TONGUE ROSMHN y|\\JL BE UERE M 4 00 If A?J Afllll IiLllllilllrt&lFCff&fei! I! I! I! HII l! I fl! HI! Wl Loo^TnmTy 10U DOKT UK£ " ROSMH, BUT SHL'S TUE ONtf S\TTtR t IlyCPULDGET AND HOVJ C£WtN8ER OUR TALK. AFTtR VWAT KAPTCNtD LAST TME, DOMT H(*)? r 'tiw hc*j OK HOUR BEST-A BtHAH\OR TirskiinuT S'lOVJ DO CXWTU.N VJUKT SHt miS VOJ. I OOHT WMT TO COWL VOMt ANDUEAR ^ UORftDR J5TOR\tS,0^’ titwih 3000NES5, , CM.MIN! ftEWU RE. 'toM PKSS TVE flfitfi Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0424 ACROSS 1 Fuses • Deride 10 Derek and Jackson 13 "Love Story author Segal 14 Storage spot 18 Form follower 18 Singer who played a secretary in “9 to 5” 18 Modern office machine 18 Healthful bean 20 Winter-hat extension 21 Tops 22 Italian motor city, to an Italian 24 Very softly, in music SSSS 78 88 tZSZXSS 2« Like two peas in 2* Where to find Secretary Island Truckers’ rigs Gael’s land Eur. land Gateway City Actor Armand Jackie's second Medical comb, form Sigmas Secretary in Bond novels “Bonanza'' role Baton Rouge inst. Singer Robert Soda Casual drawing Cable-TV service ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 62 Binet-Simon measures 63 Perry Mason's secretary 66 Schisgal play 66 Ryan or Tatum 67 Cuban patriot-hero 66 An O'Neill 66 Jacket or collar TO Heating lamps DOWN 1 Ties the knot 2 Slangy suffix 3 Comedienne who played a secretary in “9 to 5" 4 XIII x L s More diffident 6 Chandler’s detective 7 Numerical prefix • Whirlybirds • Author Kesey 10 Type of toad 11 Buck heroine 12 Grayish blue 14 Chili con 17 French bread 21 Spring mo. 23 Hate, in Honduras 28 Bel -— (soft cheese) 26 State of India 27 Of the oil industry 20 President of Pakistan: 1978-88 30 "Private Secretary" star of 50 s TV 31 Some are in shorthand 32 -up (go formal) 34 Chop (Chinese dishes) 38 Sassy 3* She, in Stuttgart 41 Wimbledon name of fame 44 Luanda resident 47 B.P.O.E. member 48 Knotlike 49 Namesakes of actor Brynner 93 “-Entertain You" 94 Throw over * S S 3 55 Lateral predecessor Invitation inits. Spread in a tub VHS competitor •1 Elevator name 63 Anonymous John 64 Squealer