* The Show That Dreams 4 are Made of! orlcfl Famous West Coast Calendar Hen Wednesday, April 13th 7:30-10*30 p.m. •18 and ovar show Ticket $8,00 at [>< door Man admitted attar 10:30 GENTLEMAN JIM’S f> 56th & Cornhusket Walk this way... 1— ' • Mikcy can’t find his way. He fervently desires friends, fortune and fame. He is aimlessly wandering in search of a better way of life. Find this way at the... Neb°raskan The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications tor copy editors, photographers, news, sports and arts & entertainment staff reporters. Pick up an application in person and sign up for an interview at the DN office - 34 Nebraska Union. Applications accepted through April 18. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all Federal regulations pertaining to the same. Brohawn Continued from Page 9 about 75 or 80 percent. I am still not close to where I can run lull speed. “But 1 wanted to play, and John (Sanders) said it was my call when I wanted to come back.” The Huskcrs won four of their first five games with Brohawn in the line up to reach the .500 mark. But Brohawn said he might have provided little more than inspiration. In his first five games, he hit just .167. “The hard part was seeing live pitching for the first time,” Brohawn said. “I guess everybody is a little bit ahead of me, but I think 1 should be able to come in and hit right away. Although he struggled at the plate, Brohawn said he played himself back into shape. And it didn’t take Brohawn long to get into a groove on the hill, throwing a perfect game through his firs* six innings Friday. Despite striking out 12 baiters, Brohawn said, he still wasn't quite at midseason form. He gave up two nits, tnret w5 For more into, call 472 5644 BRAG DAY Did you know UNL s College of Journalism and Mass Communications ranks among the top 10 In the country'’ Come to Avery Ha* room 217 between 9am 3pm today and see why Cash In a Flash at the Caeh Depot Delayed check cashing. The Mile brown house at 2012 South 10th. 476 7212, Monday Friday. BOO a.m. to 6.00 p.m.. Saturday 900 a m 2:00 p.m. You may even get paid for reading it • After all, this book from MasterCard offers lots of useful tips on finding a real r job, and it’s written for students by students. To order your copy for $9.95, call 1-800-JOB-8894. MasterCard. It’s more than a credit card. It's smart money. Yarmus Continued from Page 9 But through treatments and a stroim desire to live, she won a temporary victory over the cancer. She had been in remission until August. “My mom’s a fighter.” April Yarmus said. “She has a strong, pos itive attitude so she just won’t give up. “She will never walk again, but she is still fighting.” And, Yarmus said, her mom is still fighting for her while she fights her cancer. ^ “She tries to keep me positive be cause I have always been a negative person,” Yarmus said. “But I am get ting better.” After watching her mom’s cour age, Yarmus said, she has no choice but to try to remain optimistic. “My mom’s illness has made me look at things differently,” Yarmus said. “I realize how fortunate I am to be able to play sports or even just to walk. It gives you a new perspective and shows you what is really impor tant. It makes me really thankful to be healthy.”