OPINION Netiraskan Tuesday, April 12, 1994 Jeremy Fitzpatrick Rainbow Rowell A de ana Left in. Todd Cooper Je(/ Zeleny. Sarah Duey. William Lauer . Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska Lincoln Editor. 472-1766 Opinion Page Editor Managing Editor Sports Editor Associate News Editor Arts & Entertainment Editor Senior Photographer Edmoki w Costly benefits Health care plan effects must he studied Many students conic to college to find careers where they won’t be expected to flip burgers or deliver pizzas. But if President Bill Clinton's health care plan is approved, even some of these low-paying, part-time jobs may not be available to college students. The plan would require all small businesses to pay up to SO percent of insurance premiums of all employees. To pay for this, the business might have to eliminate jobs, and most of these would be part-time jobs. Mark Lutz, chief administrator of the Nebraska Restaurant Administration, said “Anyone who works in a restaurant is going to be hurt.” This will include students. Students often don't have time to work 40 hours a week, so many rely on part-time jobs. Clinton’s plan could make it difficult for students to find jobs. Before adopting any health care plan, we must make sure it will help more than it will hurt. If Clinton's plan cannot pass this test, it should be rejected. However, we should not reject the plan just because it may inconvenience us if it will help the country at large. No reform will help everyone. Any plan will ask for some sacrifice from parts, maybe most, of the country. But if this sacrifice will improve the accessibility of health care in the United States, we should be prepared to adjust our lifestyles. Justified air attacks American bombs will save city's citizens Imagine if tanks and artillery surrounded Lincoln and started shelling the city. Imagine this city being devastated after a two-week siege. Now you have some idea of what life is like in Gorazde. a city in the former Yugoslavia. Gorazde is made up mostly of Muslims. Bosnian Serbs have been attacking the city for two weeks, doing their best to kill everyone who lives there. Under United Nations orders, Gorazde is supposed to be a “safe area” for Bosnian Muslims. On Monday, NATO warplanes dropped bombs for the second straight day on the tanks and artillery shelling the city. The mayor of Gorazde said in a radio broadcast that the air raids did not halt the shelling of the city. NATO and the United Nations need to keep up their air attacks on the forces surrounding Gorazde until the city is safe. Gorazde is not a military center. It is made up of civilians who arc being slaughtered. The planes making the attacks were American. The risks of further military action will largely be to Americans. But through air raids, the United States can do a great deal to help the civilians that arc being slaughtered in Gorazde at little risk to our pilots. The genocide in the former Yugoslavia simply mast be stopped. If the United States can save lives without putting its pilots at significant risk, it should do so. till I < > l< I \l IN >1 l< \ Stall editorials represent the olTicial policy of the Spring 19*14 Daily Nebraskan Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents lulitorial columns represent the opinion of the author The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan They establish the UNI. Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students I I NIK IN >| |( \ The Daily Nebraskan welcomes briefletters to the editor from all readers and interested others Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all inulerial submitted Readers also are welcome to submit material as guest opinions The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property ofthe Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned Anonymous submissions will not be published Letters should included the author's name, year mi school, major and group affiliation, ifany Requests to withhold names will not be granted Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, .14 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St , Lincoln, Neb 68588 0448 /can't &m\ ste the 6AME-- "THE SIGN IS SO MORRIS L£/ * CAU'T BELIEVE. 5ocv\ A KILE THING I SVEN IExiStS % FORtVlAW OF ITS INCARNATE ENilL