The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1994, Page 11, Image 11
Art & Music Lincoln Orchestra Association/Shirley Irek 8 Robert Chumbley. April 19, 8pm, Lied Center. Ravel, Poulenc, Mussorgsky. Advance tickets 1/2 price with UNL Student ID. Student rush $7. 472-4747. Attention Heath Aide* are leaders on Campus! Now accepting applications for Heath Aides for the 1994 95 academic year. Responsibilities include: •Must attend and participate in all Training activities •Must attend Peer Health 230 both Fail and Spring semesters •Provide minor first aid care (receive first aid/CPR certi fication) •Act as a Heath Center Liaison •Act as referral and resource person for Living unit •Other duties as assigned •Applicants mu9t liv#.on campus for the 1994-95 Aca demic year "Health Aides receive a small stipend for services pro Applications are available at the community Heath Edu cation Department, Room 12. Lower Level, University Heath Center. For more information. Call 472-7440. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. Attention Occupational/Physical Therapy Majors Anneia Sitvius, Creighton University - Director of Admis sions tor Allied Health will be discussing requirements For Occupational/Physical Therapy Programs . Wednesday April 13. Room 102 Henzlik Hall. Presentations 9:00 8 10.00 a m. DARTS ANYONE? Come participate in Alpha Delta Pi s "Take Aim Dari Tournament at P.O. Pears on April 16 and 17 at II :30 a.m. Open to all UNL students. For more information call Kristen at 436-0997. Last day to enter is April 12. DAVID SPADE of Saturday night Live" will perlorm April 20. 9 00 p.m., at O Donnell Auditorium, Nebraska Wesleyan University. Lincoln. Tickets are $7 and are available at Roy G. Story Student Center and at Twisters Music and Gifts. 1401 "O" St. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT • Make up lo $2,000 $4 000»/mo. leaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or South Korea No leaching background or Asian languages required. For infocall: (206)632-1146 ext J5778._ INTRAMURAL KICKBALL Tuesday, April 12 is the entry deadline lor the Men s. Women's, and Co Rec Intramural Kickball Tournament Don t delayl Enter your team now. Call 472 3467 lor more information._ INTRAMURAL EVENTS The Men s. Women's, and Co-Rec Powerlifting Meet will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 13 and 14 in the Campus Recreation Weight Training and Condition ing Room. The Men s. Women s. and Co-Rec Air Rile Contest will also be held the same days at the ROTC Rifle Range in the Milrtary and Naval Science Building There are no advance entries lor these events. Sign up is at the site on the day ot the event. For more information. call 472 3467 or pick up a tlyer m the Office ot Campus Recreation LEADERS WANTED The Emerging Leader program is seeking upper class students to be teaching assistants for the 1994 95 E merg mg Leader class. Applications available at the Office lor Student Involvement, 200 NE Union & 300 NE East Union. Deadtne-Aprl 18. MST3K Thai s right— Mystery Science Theater 3000 HERE III Come work as event stall, and get an MST3K T-shirtl Besides, it's tun, 8 tree cheese I Call Bryan, 472-8146 or 436 6031. OUTDOOR TRACK MEET The Men s and Women s Outdoor Track Meet will be held Sunday. Apnl 17 at the Ed Weir Track directly west of the Coliseum There is no advance entry lor this event For more information, call 472-3467 or pick up a llyer in the Oft ice ot Campus Recreation Rainbow of Culture 1994 Student Art Show April 18-22. 1994 Pick Up Entry Form at Culture Center. 333 N. 14th or Student Involvement, 200 NU For more information, caM 472-5500 SKYDIVE Jump out ot a perfectly good airplane Call Crete Skydiv mg Center. 464 2929 Study Abroad Information meetings. Wednesdays al 4 00 p in Interna tional Affairs, 1237 R St. Summer Retort Job* - Earn to $ 12/hr ♦ tips. Locations include Hawaii. Florida. Rocky Mountains. Alaska. New England, etc. For details call: 1-800-807 5950 ext R5778. UNO Aviation Institute Ore registration update: Lincoln classes available Call '.54 3424 or 1800 858 8648 215 Meetings Student Education Association Meeting! Tuesday April 12. 5:30pm, Henzlik Hall, room 107. Interview Fair, awards banquet opportunities PLUS "What the Heck is Nebraska 2,000?'" Final meeting of the year I Come smell the excitement AEAC Officer Elections, FREE PIZZAI Rm. 45, FIC. 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 12. Pre-Dental Club Meeting Wednesday April 13 at 7:30pm, second floor of PO Pears (9th S M). Bring $.75 for sodas. Questions, call Scott 436 6107. Psi Chi New Officers elections Monday, 8:30 p.m., City Union. All Psi Chi Members Welcomel 220 Greek Affairs AY Congratulations to Brother Eric Linvall on your pinning to Jana Beddow - Delta Zeta at Weslyan University. Rest Wishesl Your Brothers of DU LINDA, AY You have been a great Housemom to all of us. Here s a special day tor a special Housemom. Love, your Sons of Delta Upsilon ro>B Congratulationsto : Angie Richter Mortar Board Notable. Julie Koch Mortar Board Masters Week Chair, Bethany Bergmeyer - Mortar Board Selections Chair. Sigma Chi Fight Night April 16th, 7 p.m. 4-H Building at State Fairgrounds. Theta Xi. Nothin like a good neighborly cookoutl Thanks for the burgersl The gals at Gamma Phi Sig Ep. Thanks for the tall, trosty, thick, rootbeersl Next time B Y.O P. - Bring your OWN partyl The women of Gamma Phi Beta 230 Student Government STUDENT GOVERNMENT CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Positions open on 29 campus wide committees and tor the Senate position to represent the Dtv of Continuing Studies Applications available in the ASUN Office, 115 Nebr Union Deadline tor all positions is April 15. 1994 240 Personals Eddie. I've missed you since the Alters hock I May I have the next dance? Meet me in the Pound lobby Wednesday at 5 p.m Jennifer 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted CRUISE LINE entry level onboard pbsitons available Great benefits. Summer or year round. 813 229-5478 (Florida). 60* Telemarketing positions available FT ♦ PT Flextole hours, paid training >5 50hour Apply Tuesday Thursday t-3pm Express Services, 6031 S 58th Suite C 421 -2)00 Are you a Special Ed or El Ed major? Looking tor experience tor your resume7 Try thisl Summer activities program or daycare program in Ashland We offer flexible hours, lull time/part-time hours Pay $5 00/hour mini mum Thmk you might be interested7 Call Julie at 438 5734 for more information, leave message Assistants in wood specialty shop Experience in wood working and knowledge of tools required Full* part lime Flexible hours Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N 23rd Camp Program Assistant seasonal resident position May 23 to August 15 at girl s camp near Nebraska City. Responsible lor implementing summer program activities for girls 5 17 Minimum age 19 Current lifeguard training certification required Camping experience preferred Salary $2000 52300 Call Debbie at Homestead Girl Scout Council. 4 76 7539 or I 800 487 2578 (V'TDD) EEO/M/F/V/H CHURCH NURSERY SUPERVISOR to start May 1st (year round position): $5 25/hr to start Small church school seeks loving person to care lor infants lo 3 year olds during church school and worship Contact St Marks on the Campus, 4 74 1979, lor application THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON u “Dave! Ain’t that your horae that kid is messin’ with?” Clerks, late afternoons and nights. Apply in person, Mike's 0 Street Drive-In, 22nd 8 O. DATA ENTRY Several full and part-time positions are available. Day or afternoon shills, flexible schedules. Previous data entry experience and skills with a 10-key numeric pad are required. Word processing skills desired. Call 475-2525, 9-5, M-F NATIONAL RESEARCH CORPORATION Gold • Galleria, 4th Floor1033 O’ Street Delivery driver needed. Mon-Frl, t:30-5:30pm. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 S 9th. Don & Millie’s "The Home ol the 99 Cent Margarita" 5200 S. 56th Street We re growing and need heb In all positions. We offer great hours, f)exble scheduling, competitive pay. and many benefits. Apply after 11 a.m. Gentleman Jim’s Now taking applications for wait, bartending, and door man positions. Apply at 5600 Cornhusker. Grill help needed, noons and some evenings. $5.00/hr Apply in person 8am-2pm., Must be 2t/older. Royal Grove. 340 W. Cornhusker. HELP WANTED Thetollowing positions available: Irrigation System Main tenance, Grain Handling Equipment Installation, Weld ing, Shipping ft Receiving. CONTACT NORTHERN PUMP « IRRIGATION, Henderson, NE (402)723-4501. HELP WANTED Underground lawn sprinkler installation crew. Contact Northern Underground Sprinkler, Henderson, NE (402)723-4572 Hiring for summer lunch and dinner waitery help. Part time dishwasher also needed. Apply at The Oven. 201 No. 8th. Individual to help instruct gymnastic classes. Experience required Apply at Prairie Life Center, 1305 South 70th St. a Kerrey’s A A Flexible PT/FT Hrs available lor p.m. Iiquor/food server, bartender, and grill cook. 10 20 Hrs./wk. Please Apply 2 9 p.m. Knoll’s Country Club Immediate positions available in Pro Shop and for noon dining room personnel. Experience preferred but will train Call 423 2843 for appointment Flexible Hours Enjoy afternoon, evening, and weekend hours at Super Saver, 48th 8 O', Friendly cashiers are being selected. You must be 19. See Crystal or Tamara. FT and PT toddler 8 preschool teachers needed. Apply at Krayon Campus, Inc. 6001 Normal Blvd. Leaders Progressive company new to the Midwest seeking ambi tious, enthusiastic leadership to capitalize on incredible market. Individuals ready for responsibility call nowl 489 8406. Need Extra $$$ 10 Telemarketing Positions Open. Day & evening hours To starttoday call Duane 464 0286. Needed: Truck driver for custom grain harvest, through November. Must be able to drive tandem truck; will help obtain CDL. Farm and mechanical interest helpful. Good wages plus room and board. Great opportunity to save money. Call for information sheet. 466-3859. Mark Heil Harvesting. NOW HIRING ASSEMBLY WORKERS & MIG WELDERS Looking for individuals to be placed at leading manufac turing plant in northwest Lincoln. Several openings tor Assembly Workers ($5.75/hr) and experienced MIG Welders ($7.00/hr). All positions are 40 nours/wk. Mon day thru Friday. At MSP Resources, we offer: 'Long-term assignments 'Choice of snifts 'Vacation 8 holiday pay 'Weekly paycheck 'No tees Qualified applicants must be 18 or older and may apply weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. MSP RESOURCES, INC. Suite 436, Greentree Court 210 Gateway North, Lincoln (East of J.C. Penney’s) EOE Rent Exchange Exchange I8 hrs/wk at tront desk lor living quarters The Rogers House Inn, 476-6961. STUDENT EMPLOYEE COMPUTER OPERATOR University Housing Dept. Effective July t, 1994. Academ ic Year 15-20 hours, summer lull-time. Computer 8 Office experience preferred. Salary — $5.00 per hour. Contact Linda Mason. 1010 Seaton Hall (472-3561) for an appli STUDENT TEACHERS EARN EXTRA CASH THIS SUMMERI $$$$$$$$$$$$ Currently taking apllications tor work in vaious areas ot production 8 assembly, lawncare, electronics 8 ware nouse. Short term and long term assignments available to fit your needs. Apply now before the rushl ID 8 transportation required. Apply M-f 8:30-11:30am or 1:30 3:30pm. Sharp Personal Never A Fee. EOE TAP Into Lincoln Plating Co. with our new Tuition Assistances Program Lincoln Plating Co., the largest plating company In the nation and Lincoln's most respected and fasted growing business, is currently seeking reliable, hard working individuals to fill part-time electroplater and polisher positions. Full-time hours are available throughout the summer months. We offer competitive wage of $6.00 an hour plus an additonal $1.00 per hour towards your education. For the best employment opportunity apply between the hours of 9:00am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday at: 600 West E. Lincoln^Ns 68522. TUTORS NEEDED! Excellent opportunity to gain teaching experience ins diverse educational setting. Become a tutor for the He wit Academic Center lor student-Athletes next fall semester. Pay is $5.25/hour. Hours are flexible and variable. Applicants should be upperclassmen or graduate students with s minimum 3.0 GPA. Apply in person at 300 West Stadium. Want A Job? Profit sharing P-T 8 F-T Brokerage Firm Call 488-3970 We need two people who want to workl Must have reliable transportation and a clean driving record. Full-time. Part time, and On-Call positions available. $5.50+ to start, depending upon experience. Apply in person at Signature Professional Cleaning, 3300 S. 6th St., Lincoln, 68502. 310 Child Care Needed Need a responsible non-smoker to sit with children ages 7,10 and 12; run errands and help with household duties during the summer. Must have own vehicle Approximate ly 34 hours/week, Monday-Thursday. 489-2596 Sitter needed for 4 children (12, 9, 8. 8 7 yrs ), Monday evenings 5-11. Throughout summer—possible other times, ft interested call 476-6758. 330 Summer Jobs Part-time and full-time positions available for a licensed summer childcare. Experiences with groups ot grade school children a MUST. Knowledge of sports, crafts, music and on the spot creativity are a plus. 475-0805. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson COUNTS LlBRARS? SES, DO TOW RASE MS BOOKS on nowemde Bowes? TUATS WUAT I 5A10. I NEED A BOOK TMAT L\STS SVJPPUES AND GWES STEP BI-STEP \NSTRVJCr\ONS FOR. BUILDING, RlGG\NG, AND DETONAT\NG TMEM. WEV1 V(UAT ABOUT SOUR OTUER BRANCHES? DONT mY NAME ANS BOOKS UK£ TNAT ? BOS, V*US AND PEOPLE BONDER k\ds done READ. r -^ J I 5 I I IM FREE! IM FREE! K LAST ' HOME SWEET HO.. TTi ! ~v~ 31 Hoo HOO' THAT WAS A \ A HOUSE WKN A GOOD ONE.' LOOK HOW ) TGER IS NEVER FAR WE LANDED ' ,—A HOME. ^ 1 ! i Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0422 ACROSS 1 Formal neckwear 6 Kenya s Daniel — Moi 10 Pop investments 14 Andean animal 15 Dry, parched 16 Long, loose garment 17 Hot-weather headgear 19 Thought 20 Diminished 21 Turn right 22 Retail 23 British welfare 25 Western mountain lake 27 Error 31 Hanging ornament 33 Food fish 34 British bye-bye'’ 35 Two times 39 Hold firmly 41 Rock-a-bye baby on the 43 Oktoberfest item 44 Abel or Wiesel 46 Raison d’ 47 Collegian 49 Completed so Commence 52 Money exchange item 54 Prefix for plane or space 55 Pale ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 57 Weeping woman of myth 61 Heavy hit 62 Cloth of Calcutta 65 Boatswain, for short 66 British gun 67 Screen star Gene or Grace 66 Some flock members 69 Work for 70 Type of bar DOWN 1 Matterhorn is one 2 Chopped cabbage 3 Miracle site 4 Arabian gulf s Domesticated 6 Wood for skis 7 Active chemical substance 8 Comedian Johnson 9 Spanish coin to Gaelic fabric for suits or coats 11 Cowboys jamboree 12 White poplar 13 Aquatic mammal it Takes as one's own 24 Sprang 2t Poker payment 27 Fr. holy women ft* g 28 Fontanne's partner 29 “Picnic" playwright 30 Creations for mesde moiselles 32 TV's "The Game" 3« “Leave Beaver" 37 Foot ailment Foil's kin Against Eye part 45 He swam the Hellespont for love 4« Ill-advised 50 Under 51 Notched, as a leaf 53 Sows’ sounds 54 French secular cleric 56 Square column 58 “On thy cold gray stones, -1” 59 Invoice 60 Actress Raines 63 Roadside refuge 64 Marlowe contemporary