The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1994, Page 10, Image 10
For persons 18-29 only. St. Paul United Methodist Church Sundays, April 17th & 24th. 7-8:30 p.m. 1144 "M" Street. Call 477-6951 to register. 1M SPAGHETTI, WORKS. Great Food at a Great Price Oodles of Woodies • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings • Al the spaghetti you can eat smothered with our Original, Thick Italian sauce^ • Piping hot garic bread fit 5alad Bar Al for $2.99 Please present coupon when ordering F.xp.5/15/94 Cal about' our party rooms 475-0900 228 M 12ttriJncoh • Just 2 Blochs from Campus TANNING PLUS NOW OPEN! 4703 Prescott, Ste B Tanning specials: 1 FREE Tan w/ the purchase of 5 @ $14.95 2 FREE Tan w/ the purchase of 10 @ $29.95 3 FREE Tan w/ the purchase of 20 @ $49.95 One month UNLIMITED @ $29.00 To tan NOW, stop by or call 484-8311 for Appt’s. Open 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. - M-S * UNL students bring this ad for 10% off all tanning packages. We re Rolling Back Prices on Pizzas • Hoagies • Cheese Steaks/^ Any 6" HotHoagie Any 12" HotHoagie 8" Cheese Steak 12" Cheese Steak [79 Medium Cheese Pissa Medium Combo Pizza 399 6" Call (laVii^ciV da Be s»t . Call for Quick Pick Up 13th &Q I*:. 434-7055 OrAuyOthcr daVinci's Location Annlvfnary Dikii apply to dim In or cany out only- Dowtry avillabla al raoular pnei. MUSIC REVIEW “My Ass-Kickin' Life" House of Large Sizes Columbia Records House of Large Sizes, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has added to the na tional explosion of recordings by M id western bands. “My Ass Kickin’ Life,” the band’s debut effort, refuses a simple label. It is easy to throw it in the “grunge” pile and forget it, but there is some thing more involved. The ’70s hard rock influence is evident, but so is an almost country feel. Or maybe it’s just punk. Whatever label you choose, this band is full of talent. Besides writing interesting songs, the guitar-based power trio makes the songs work The attitude of the music seems to be summed up in the memorable song “North Cedar,” when the band sings “we reserve the right to bum any thing." HouscofLargc Sizes’ reputation is based on its live show. Unfortunately, its February show at Duffy’s Tavern was canceled. Lincoln fans will have to keep their eyes open, as the band continues to tour in the Midwest. In the meantime, “My Ass-Kickin’ Life” will keep fans, and their neighbors, awake at night. — Malcom Miles “March of the Pigs” Nine Inch Nails Interscope Records So you like your music loud and pissed ofT, huh? And your stereo is still in shambles caused by the devas tation ofMr. Nine Inch Nails himself, Trent Reznor, and his latest release, “The Downward Spiral.” You thought the worst was over. You arc wrong. “March of the Pigs” is a seven song EP that was released about a week before “The Downward Spiral,” and America’s favorite psychotic musician uses those seven cuts as a bridge between h is last two EPs, “Bro ken” and “Fixed,” and “The Down ward Spiral.” The EP begins with the title cut, “March ofthe Pigs,” and doesn’t slow down to lake a breath. Although Reznor has steadily wan dered away from the pop sounds that underlined his debut. “Pretty Hate Machine,” “March of the Pigs" is not quite as raw as “Broken” or “Fixed.” While it still retains that razor’s edge in both searing guitars and vocals, Reznor’s voice is much smoother and easier to understand. But he’s still pissed off. Whether you’re a die-hard NIN fan or just someone looking for some good loud music, run to your favorite record store and pick up this EP. — William Harms “Linoma” Compilation Compact Disc -ism Recordings Fire Records Lincoln and Omaha almost meet ing halfway makes “Linoma.” It’s the most accurate document thus far of what Nebraska has to say about music that tightly or loosely revolves around the word “rock.” Thediversified nature of “Linoma” is evidence that Nebraska’s most in telligent rock musicians spat out the word “grunge” like gravel dust from their mouths a long time ago. The release represents a sketchy basis for the musically passive to asso ciate Eastern Nebraska rock with other regional lags. “Linoma” is a 20-band compila tion with as many songs. The compact disc is available at Twisters, Recycled Sounds and The Ozone, thanks to the lip-biting patience of the sole proprieter of -ism Recordings, Dan Schlissel. Despite a glitch at the end of The Millions’ track, the compilation is well-produced and commendably packaged with local artwork |by Ron Albertson and Paul Tisdale. — Chris Heine Sweet Continued from Page 9 He said some of Ihc fury came from the problems he had dealing with his rising popularity. The cynicism on “Altered Beast” goes far enough to make Sweet al most guilty ofhus darker side. “It’s a good thing if you can hang onto your childish dreams and de sires,” he said. “I don’t think I live in a dream world, but as I learn to under stand and accept everything as 1 get older, I can keep a youthful attitude about it.” In relation to Sweet’s personal life, the happiness and warm fuzzies in “Girlfriend” have balanced out the angst and evil in “Altered Beast.” “Yeah, I’m happy. I’m in an even keel, which is good.” Sweet will be performing twoshows in his native state. He will be opening for another Midwesterner, Kansas native Melissa Etheridge, tonight at the Orpheum Theatre in Omaha. Tick els arc $29. The doors open at 7 p.m., and the show starts at 8 p.m. Sweet also will be making a special performance in Lincoln in conjunc tion with radio station The Planet’s one-year anniversary at the Comhusker Hotel. Tickets arc available at area Twist ers record stores and arc $8 with a can of food and $ 10 without. The canned food drive will go to support the Peoples City Mission in Lincoln. The 1 ndians w ill open for Sweet. The doors will open at 8:30 p.m.. with the show beginning at 9 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX 472-1761 8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 H Street Lincoln Nebraska 68568-0448 $3.00 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $4.00 per day for 15 words on non sludeni ads $.15 each additional word $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m Weekday before publication The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin T he Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan 00s Egr^ale 5 Bicycles For Sale 1892 Trek 1000 Roadbfce 19", black. Call Kevin, 228 7216. 20 Furniture For Sale For Saleblacfctul size Mon sola. 8tler black bookshelt. black TV VCR cart, elereo cManet with glass door, dark wood chair, round wood kitchen table with two chairs, small wood telephone stand AR 4 months old. Must sell by April 28th. Price negotiable. 435-0652. 65 Stereos TVs For Sale For Sale: VCR w/remote. $85 excellent condition, works grew Also, COLOR T V.. $75. 486-8520 100s Senjces 100 Adoption Adopt ABC s, Bed!mne Stories. Mugs and Kisses. Loving, well educated couple will provide caring home S bright tulure lor your newborn Expenses paid Easy to talk to Please call us Judy end Eric, 1-800-645-1932. Carng couple hoping to adopt nevrtxorn Happily married, very loving, we oner your chid a wonderful home, excep tional education, and bright luture Medical/Legal ex penses paid Please call Ruth and Alan I 800 301 2429 Loving parents, puppies, a beautiful country home and unlimited educational opportunities await your child. Medical expenses paid L egal/contidential Please cal Suzanne and Bob (-800-261-6585 Loving, active mid west couple wants to adopt a baby Stay at home mom Warm home with lots ot trees and grass Waiting to share toys, books and laughter Cal to talk. Pam ana Bob, t 800 793 4218 T o love and be loved is the best gift m bte Our happy home Is tilled with love and laughter All expenses paid. Lets help each other L ets talk Call Ray or Carla 1 800 841 6031 Warm, loving. Doctor and wile, longing to share a bright future tilled with, love, laughter, music, sports, our two cals and our caring extended family with your precious newborn Were easy to talk to Expenses paid. Helene and David t 800 453 7230 We are a warm, loving family. Imancially secure, with an abundance ot love and affection Await your newborn/ toddler Expenses paid Susie/Steve 1 800 484 7097 code 1665 148 Hairstyling Perm special I $29.95 with Gina only. Haircuts, specialty wraps, and long ha* extra. Call Gina at Sahaira 464 87^7 jl 70 Misc. Services Your Money Matters Thomas K. Stephens, by appointment, 476-3041 Independent Taa Preparation Service 178 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand ^es^regnancy teat, please call us lor appoint 188 Tanning Tanning 30 day unlimited special $29 96. SaHaira Call 464-8787. 195 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Is now at Sears 20 copies Nationwide database $34 95 464 9537 Writing extra. All types of word processing L aser printing. $1.25 dou ble spaced page Call Dana. 466 4400 Alltyping needs tilled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave Resumes By Ann Quality resumes. professional writers Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed $ 15 plus tax Daily NMveeAsn. beeemer* of foe Nat*taka Union 200s Notices 210 Announcements $MONEY$ The CBS College Tour Is coming to UNL. The University Program Council needs workers to run this event It you can work anytime April 20- 22. stop by 117 NE Union or call 472 8146 This is a paid position ‘PICNIC* Pi Mu Epsilon Wednesday April 13th & 5:30, Van Dorn Park Initiation, Officer Elections, and Funl For all members « anyone interested in Mathematics. J Days 1994 begins April ftth and ends April 15th. There will be a Cottage ot Journalism A Mass Communications Into booth in the City Union Monday through Wednesday, a Brag Day protect display m Avery Hall 217 on Wednes day Aprs 13th. and on Friday April 15th them wtl be an Honors Convocation In the City Union ballroom at 9.30am Come see what you've been missing Come to Avery Hall April I Ith 15th and experience J-Days. AA Cruise ships now Wring. Earn big MS ♦ travel the world I reel (Caribbean. E urope. etc) Summertoermanent positions available Guaranteed success I Call (fl! 9) 929 4398 ext C307 __ ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT— Earn up to $8,000* In two months. Room andboardl Transportation I Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206)545-4155 extA5778. _ Cash In a Flash at the Cash Depot Delayed check cashing The little brown house at 2012 South 10th. 476 7212, Ctondav Friday. 900 am. to 600 p.m . Saturday 900 a.m. 200 p.m. Cellular Phones ARE attordablel Emergency/Securly plan only $ 14 96/month Easy payment and phone leas my available LT4T Cellular Agent Must be 19.432-8050 tor appointment CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING — Earn up to $2000*/mo on Cruise Shps or Land-tour companies Summer a Full Time employment available No experience necessary. I oi intormation call I 206 634 046o ext C5778