The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 28, 1994, Page 2, Image 2

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    By The
Associated Press
Edited by Kristine Long
Monday, March 28, 1994
Tornado kills worshipers
PIEDMONT, Ala. — A tornado
caved in the roof of a church crowded
w ith Palm Sunday worshipers, kill ing
17 people. Two other people died as a
scrics of twisters and violent thunder
storms tore through Alabama.
At least 90 people were injured
when the roof of the Goshen Method
ist Church collapsed about 11:30 a.m.,
state trooper Byron Morris said.
About 140 people were in the church
five miles north of Piedmont in east
ern Alabama. Rescuers had feared
others were buried, but all were ac
counted for after more than 100 search
ers dug through the rubble by hand
and called in a crane to lift the roof.
The storm knocked out power and
telephone service, hampering rescue
efforts. Passing motorists helped ferry
the injured to hospitals around Pied
mont, which has about 5,000 resi
dents and is 72 miles west of Atlanta.
The National Weather Service had
issued a tornado watch for the area
earlier Sunday morning. The weather
service issued a wamingsayinga twist
er had been spotted on the ground
about the time the roof collapsed.
Charles Pope, supervisor of the
Piedmont Health Care Center nursing
home, said displaced residents were
sent to the Piedmont Civic Center.
The National Guard Armory was used
as a temporary morgue, said Dclois
Champ, a spokeswoman for the
Calhoun County Emergency Manage
ment Agency.
Elsewhere in Alabama, tornadoes
killed one person at a park and anoth
er in his caL
A tornado also damaged the Ten
Island Baptist Church in Ragland and
injured an undetermined number of
people, Calhoun County sheriffs dis
patcher Leon Hill said.
The severe storm system moved
into Georgia and South Carolina with
several tornado touchdowns reported
in those states. Two homes were de
stroyed and at least two people injured
in Long Creek, S.C.
Bombs interrupt Turkish elections
ANKARA. Turkey — Abombex
plodcd at the famed St. Sophia muse
um Sunday as voters took part in local
elections considered a key test for
Prime Minister Tansu Ciller.
The bombing at the Istanbul land
mark. in which three European tour
ists were injured, was the latest attack
by Kurdish separatists determined to
disrupt the elections. Death threats
forced at least 15 candidates to drop
out of races in the Kurdish-dominated
southeast. Dozens of villages boycott
ed the election.
The first returns were expected late
Sunday, and final results could take
days. At stake were more than 83,000
local posts including mayors, provin
cial assembly members, city council
members, village headmen and neigh
borhood representatives. Voters
chose from 13 parties.
The vote did not directly affect
Ciller’s coalition government, which
has been in power for nine months.
But heavy losses by her True Path
Parly and its allies could increase
demands for elections before her term
expires in 1096.
Critics hold her responsible for the
nation’s deepening economic crisis,
which includes rising inflation and a
70 percent devaluation in the Turkish
lira. Some Turks have been forced to
lake second jobs to make ends meet.
At the same time, the military has
been unable to control Kurdish rebels
seeking autonomy in southeastern
Security forces guarded 127.000
polling stations, but failed to stop
rebel-linked violence.
In Istanbul, the explosion at St.
Sophia injured tourists from Spain,
Germany and the Netherlands. The
museum, once a Byzantine church
that was turned into a mosque, is one
of the country’s top tourist sites. The
museum did not appear to be dam
An anonymous caller to newspa
pers said the attack was carried out by
the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK,
which recently tried to cripple Tur
key’s cruscial tourism industry with a
spree of attacks.
In the southeast, eight people were
killed Sunday by land mines believed
planted by Kurdish rebels. Two peo
ple died m clashes in western Turkey.
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Bosnian Serb leader
threatens counterattack
Herzcgovina — Government forc
es attacked Serb fighters in north
ern Bosnia Sunday, leading the Serb
leader to threaten a counterattack
and hardened negotiating stance.
Bosnian radio claimed govern
ment forces had captured key
Bosnian Serb positions near Maglaj,
killing 70 Serb fighters. The report
was not confirmed.
Belgrade’s Tan jug news agency
said Bosnian Serb military sources
reported “intensive” attacks by gov
ernment forces, but claimed the
attacks had been repelled.
On Friday, U.N. peacekeepers
destroyed a Serb bunker near
Maglaj, 50 miles north of Sarajevo,
after a seven-hour battle. A few
days earlier, Bosnian Serbs looted
an aid convoy headed for Maglaj.
Speaking to his Serbian Demo
cratic Party in Banja Luka, a Serb
stronghold in northern Bosnia.
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan
Karadzic said the government’s
“spring offensive must be broken.”
“If they do not stop this offen
sive, I will order a counteroffen
sive, and then they shall not be able
to get the territories they would be
able to by political negotiations.”
he said, according to Tanjug. “They
can never gel the lerritorieson which
they are now killing our men.”
Another round of talks among
Bosnia’s Muslims, SerbsandCroats
has not been scheduled.
For months, all sides in Bosnia's
two-year war have threatened a
spring offensive, but it wasn't clear
if the weekend fighting was pari of
that offensive or an isolated attack.
It is much easier to get around
Bosnia’s snowy, mountainous roads
in the spring.
In Sarajevo, meanwhile, ethnic
Serbs loyal to the Muslim-led
Bosnian government held an as
sembly and asked that their repre
sentatives be included in peace talks
since Bosn ian Serbs led by Karad/ic
want to form a separate state.
Ljubomir Berbcrovic, assembly
president, praised the new Musi im
Croat federation for beginning “the
process of stopping the war.”
Charles Redman, President
Clinton’s special envoy on the
former Yugoslavia, attended the
assembly session, as did members
of the Bosnian government and rep
resentatives of the city’s ethnic and
religious groups. Redman said the
assembly was a sign that “the polit
ical life of Bosnia-Herzegovina is
still alive and well” and that "peo
ple are starting to think about the
things that go with peace, rather
than with war.”
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Consumer scams
rise in Nebraska
OMAHA — The number of com
plaints the state attorney general’s
otTicc rccicved from consumers who
thought they were defrauded rose sig
nificantly in 1993.
Consumers filed 53 percent more
complaints than during the previous
year, most alleging telemarketing
scams, the attorney general's Con
sumer Protection Division reported.
“Although Nebraska was once
thought lobe immune to the ‘big-city
seams’ of the coast and major cities, it
has become quite obvious that proles
sional fraud artists now consider the
Midwest a prime location,' Attorney
General Don Stcnbcrg said.
The Consumer Protection Division
in Nebraska received 3,800 calls re
lating to possible consumer Iraud in
1903. It handled 726 written com
plaints, up from 475 in 1992.
Telemarketing scams accounted lor
109of the written complaints in 1993.
The division was able to gel con
sumers at least partial refunds from 70
percent to 75 percent of the compa
Senior consumer specialist Dan
Parsons, who has spoken with con
sumer protect ion offices mother Mid
western stales, said fraudulent phone
calls have increased throughout the
But most of the companies, he said,
operate outside the Midwest, mostly
in Texas,California. Florida, Arizona
and Utah.
“They usually don’t prey upon vic
tims in their own states” in order to
inhibit prosecution, he said.
The increase in scams is particu
larly bothersome for Nebraska.
‘‘Telemarketing means a great deal
to Nebraska. It’s a huge industry.
Parsons said. “Unfortunately, the in
dustry’s image has been tarnished
because there are so many unscrupu
lous telemarketers out there willing to
do anything to gel money from con
Ed Taylor, executive vice presi
dent of Sitel Corp., one of Omaha s
largest telemarketing companies, said
a person could tell in the firs'. lew
minutes if they were being scammeU.
Sitel doesn’t ask for a credit card
number or accept credit card numbers
over the phone.