20 Furniture For Sale Waterbed King size, semi-waveless matlress, heating system. Oak Irame, new liner, plus all linens, $185. 488-6802 40 Misc. For Sale NEW forest green birkenstocks, 38 regular, Romas, $50; PV TNT 160 bass amp, $300. 474 1582. RARE VIDEOSII Stones, Beatles. Hendrix, Janis, Zepplin, Doors, 8 Morel Huge Catalogl Send $5.00 and SASE to Custom Mailing, Box 80104 Lincoln NE. 69501 60 Sporting Goods SK IS: K-2.200, Salomon bindings, poles, boots/mens 10; and Spaulding^ 160, Salomon bindings, poles, boots/ ladys 9 Also, 2 ski bags for traveling, Ladys jacket and bibs/7-9 size. Bought in Aspen. All very reasonable. After 5.421-2085. 65 Stereos TVs For Sale Eor Sale: VCR w/remote. $85 excellent condition, works great. Also, COLOR TV. $75 466 8520 VCR with remote, $90 or best often Cordless phone; $35 o.b.o. Excellent condition. 476-3915. 70 Ticket Exchange RUSH Kansas City Kemper Arena April 5th. Call Ticket Solutions 438-5966. 90 Vehicles For Sale 84 Honda Accord. 4 door. aulo. A/C, cruise, miles aver age for age, clean in and out. Must see. 781 2241 78 Chevette 4 door hatchback. Good condition. $425 476-6496. -_ 1990 Mazda 626. 4 dr.. 5 speed. $5250 or offers. 1989 Nissan Sentra. 2 dr., auto, loaded. $3950 or offers. 1989 Nissan Sentra 2 dr., aulo, loaded. $3450 or offers 1986 Nissan Sentra. 4 dr., auto. $2450 or offers 1985 Mazda GLC 2 dr. 4 speed $1750 or offers. Baer s Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third, 477-6442. Super Sharp! 88 Bronco II 4x4 XLT Auto. Low, low miles. Power windows/locks. Sportyl Reasonable. 792 2757(Htckman). 100s Services 100 Adoption Loving, active couple wants to adopt a baby. Stay at home mom. warm home with lots ot trees and grass Waiting to share toys, books and laughter. Call to talk. Pam and Bob. 1 800-793-4218. To love and be loved »the best gift m Me Our happy home is tilled with love and laughter. All expenses paid Lets help each other Lets talk. Call Ray Of Carla. 1 -800 841 6031 We are a warm, loving family, financially secure, with an abundance of love and afleclion Await your newtoom/ toddler Expenses paid. Susie/Steve 1-800-484 7097 code 1665 120 Bridal Services Cy rafts a Exquisite Photography Beautiful weddng photography with a creative touch Packages start under $2®). 435-2016 146 Hairstyling Perm special I $29 95 with Gina only. Haircuts, specially wraps, and long hair extra CaM Gina at Sahaira484-8787. 150 Health and Fitness MASSAGE THERAPY 477-0138. 153 Insurance For al your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474 5077 American Family Isurance-Renters. Auto. Home, Health, and Lite Hey Smarty! H you re a student getting "B's* or better, you may quality tor our Good Student Discount on your auto nsurance Call Joe DuFtam today and get the tacts on our money saving Good Student Auto Policy Joseph H DuRant Insurance Agency 5930 S 58th. Suite C. ■Lincoln Trade Center" 434-24*4 170 Misc. Services Responsible middle-aged woman available to houses it alter April 15. References available. Call 423-7298. Your Money Matters Thome# K. Stephana, by appointment. 476-3041. Independent Tan Preparation Service 178 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available Cell lor an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite t2t 475-2501_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a conlidantiaJ halping hand. Frae pregnancy last, please call us lor appoint ment. 483 2609 188 Tanning MONTH UNLIMITED $34.95 Northern Exposure Tanntng, 4242Comhusker, 486-3826 195 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates Evening, weekend hours 435-7264. AH types of word processing. Laser printing. 11.25 dou ble spaced page Call Dane. 466-4400 _ Resumes By Ann Quality resumas. professional writers Over 12 years experience, proven results 464 0775 Resumes Professionally typeset end laser pnnted $15 plus lax. Omity NrbreeAen, basement oi foe Afebrsafts Union 200s Notices 200 Rides Do you need a ride to St. Louis over Spring Break? Call 489-9450. Share expenses. 210 Announcements Are you and your group not communicating? You can't find the right words to say? Call Group Challenge. 472 I780. We can Helpl Taking Fall reservations now and some spring available. Attention English Students! Sigma Tau Delta English honorary will have a meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday 3/17 in Andrews 229. GLSA Elections Stop by the Gay/Lesbian Resource Center this week, room 234, NU and find out about our election process. All offices are open and training is available. Cash in a Flash at the Cash Depot Delayed check cashing. The little brown house at 2012 South 10th, 476 7212, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL MANAGERS The Manager Meeting tor Co-Rec Intramural Slow Pitch Softball will be held Thursday, March 17, at 5:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Each team must haveone represen tative present tobe eligible for competition. Call 472-3467 for more information. AA Cruise ships now hiring. Earn big $$$ + travel the world freel (Canbbean, Europe, etc.) Summer/permanent positions available. Guaranteed successl Call (919) 929 4398 ext. C307. “Ode to Joy” Young Artist Competition finalists with the Lincoln Or chestra Association. Beethoven Symphony No. 9. select ed operatic excerpts. Friday, March 18, 8 p.m., Lied Center. Tickets 1/2 price w/UNL Student I.D. Call 472 4747. __ 1994 Student Organization Awards! It's not too latel The deadline for submission of nomina tion forms has been extended to March 18. Get yours in today, at 200 NU. Questions? Call Gerard Francis at 472 8143. HERBIE HUSKER & LIL’ RED TRYOUTS Any individuals interested in trying out attend information al meeting in Ne Union, Wednesday March 30, 7:30pm (room posted). Important meeting II Come see wnat representing the Huskers is all about. If unable to attend call Norma, 472-7063. INTRAMURAL SOCCER MANAGERS The Manager Meeting tor for Men's and Women's Intra mural Soccer will be neld Thursday, March 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one representative present to be eligible for competition. Call 472-3467 for more information. Attention Residence Hall Students Residence Hall Association Elections April 5, 1994 Filing forms available at all hall desks and RHA Office. 237 NU DUE: March 27 by 6:00 p.m. ????: Call 472-1095 •GET INVOLVED** (Congratulations to tho Nebraska basketball team: Big Eight Champs 93 - 94. Good luck tonight against Penn I Go Huskersl Steve Kruse, Universal Promotions CRUISE SHIPS HIRING- Earn up to $2,000+/month on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. Summer 8 Full Time employment available. No experience necessary. For information call t-206-634-0468 ext. C5778. Earn hundreds weekly from home or dorm. For details send $2 and SASE to Custom Mailing, Box 80104, Lincoln Ne. 68501 CAMP CHALLENGE Summer Leadership School So you didn't sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a paid six-week summer course in leadership training. No obli .galion. Ragtstsr today. Call 472-2468 lor dstsis. Graduate Assistantships Office for Student Involvement Graduate Assistant appli cations for 1994-95 now available in 200 NU, 300 EUC, the Culture Center or the Women's Center. Priority screening begins on Monday, March 1, final deadline for receipt of application is April 1. HAROLD'S THE POPCORN VEST. For those whose life is running so smooth it's boring, try adding a few bumps to your everyday existence. Like the textured landscape of our exclusive popcorn cotton vest. With its sleeveless freedom, dramatic side slit and casual button front, it might just bounce your spring favorites into greener pastures. One Pacific Place. Omaha One Pacific Place. Omaha