The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 03, 1994, Page 10, Image 10

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JUMmw nm Mwn
491 Draws 8
89 (Cocktails
£ 5.
sot OH All Imports!
P.O. Pears
322 S. 9th Street
Lincoln, NE 60508
(402) 476-0551
jlevei Ever A Covery
Looking For A Good Time?
Join the Party
Lie Awake
Friday, March 4, & Saturday, March 5
F.A.C. Specials; Only $3 Cover
1228 P' Street
“Jar of Flies”
Alice in Chains
Columbia Records
Alice in Chains may have toned
down its style for its new album, but
“Jar of Flies” still has a lot of buzz.
Departing the heavier sounds of
“Facelift” and “Dirt,” “Jar of Hies”
brings out the mellow side of this
Seattle band. Orchestrating their songs
with violin, viola and cello, Alice in
Chains pays a visit to the softer side of
The laid-back tone of the album is
set with “Rotten Apple,” a long song
that is relaxing as well as energetic
(sort of like a cup of Quaalude coffee).
“Nutshell,” a song with dominant
lyrics, is balanced by the band’s first
instrumental piece, “Whale and
Wasp.” The eerie wailing of the lead
guitar clashes wonderfully with the
buzzing of the bass.
The first release off the album, “No
Excuses,” is a well-orchestrated song
with some great guitar licks. It is Alice
in Chains in true form.
The lyrics are also exemplary of the
band’s creativity and eccentricity.
“Drained and blue/1 bleed for you/ you
think it’s funny, well/ you’re drown
ing in it, too.”
“Don’t Follow” may make hard
core Alice in Chains fans lose hope for
a return to the old grungy ways. This
bluesy piece incorporates the harmon
ica and is slow enough to be mistaken
for a soft R.E.M. tune.
But the final song, “Swing on This,”
has a definite “Dirt” sound to it. One
of the best songs, and by far the heavi
est, it hints that Alice in Chains will
return and that this time the band may
let the flies out of the jar.
— Joel Strauch
*<*• vm^mt&$$**
“Stone Free”
(A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix)
Various Artists
Reprise Records
The idea for this album, according
toexecutive producer John McDermot,
was “to showcase Jimi Hendrix’s con
tinuing imprint on popular music.”
To accomplish this, McDermot
said, “artists were encouraged to not
only record one of their own personal
favorites, but also to put their stamp
on Jimi’s songs.”
The Cure, for example, have made
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m
Weekday before publication
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, mantal status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the f>olicies and judgments
of the newspaper.
Dauid Mamet's
Mamet's Obie Award-winning drama
uses the coarse and often profane
language of the street to create a
gripping and exciting play.
March 10,11,12 & 15 thru 19,1994at 8:00 pm
Studio Theatre - Third Floor Temple Bldg - 12 & R Sts
tickets: $9 General Public, $6 Students and Senior Citizens
Group Rates Available
Box Office: (402)472-2073
hours: Noon to 5pm and three hours before curtain
CALL 472-2588 FAX 472-1761
8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday
34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68588-0448
00s For Sale
5 Bicycles For Sale
Baal tha heal Gat your spring bike tune-up* today at
Cycle Works, 27th and Vine.
Women s U2 Jail Vo* age tor sale. Great condition. $ 160
16 Computers For Sale
IBM XT. 230M hard drive. 5 1/4 floppy, color monitor,
keyboard and mouse. $475 OBO Call Susan. 476-1432.
40 Misc. For Sale
AA Cruise ships now hiring. Earn big $$$ * travel the
world (reel (Caribbean. Europe, etc.) Summer/permanent
positions available Guaranteed successl Call (919) 929
4398 ext. C307.
60 Sporting Goods
Stairmaster plus with video. Ready to tel. Best offer. Call
70 Ticket Exchange
OESPARATELY WANTED: One ticket to the Meat Loaf
conceit at Kansas City. Mo on Sunday Am wiling to pay
$30 or more. Please cal 436-6434 or 472-2688 and as*
for Mite Lewis.
90 Vehicles For Sale
86 Whle Ford Escort, runs great. $1200,463-5796.
1983 Jeep CJ7. Hardtop A/C. 6-speed. $ 1750.477-0638.
88 Honda CRX-FM. 5-speed, great MPG. one owner,
superior condition. $6296. 489-8817.
89 Nissan Sentra. 2 door. auto. air. AM/FM, 43K, clean.
$4260. offers. 86 Nissan Sentra. 4-door, auto, air, AM/
FM. 84K, nice. $2650. offers. Bears Auto Sales. 1647
South 3rd. 477-6442
“Purple Haze” uniquely their own.
Robert Smith’s haunting voice com
bines with an industrial beat, some
psychedelic guitar and synths to cre
ate a darker version of the song.
P.M. Dawn revamped “You Got
Me Floatin’” by mixing samples of
Hendrix’s own guitar with a hip-hop
rhythm and their own more polished
brand of vocal harmonies. Pat Metheny
also deserves credit for bringing his
smooth, electronic sound and style to
“Third Stone From The Sun.”
However, most of the performers,
like Eric Clapton, the Spin Doctors
and Living Colour, all do covers sound
ing much like Hendrix’s original ver
sions—which isexactly what’s wrong
with this album. After all, Hendrix’s
material has all been remastered to
compact disc.
This album rates only three notes
— not because of the quality of the
material (which is excellent), but rather
for the lack of imagination on the part
of those artists who, instead of putting
their own twist on Hendrix’s songs,
merely gave us a carbon copy of the
— Todd Ellington
MAugust and Everything After”
Counting Crows
Geffen Records
Ever since Bruce Springsteen made
“Nebraska” a musical triumph, not
100s Services
100 Adoption
ADOPT - A stay at homa Mom and financially secured
devoted Dad looking to provide your neetoom with love,
security, education and a great future Huge family and
loving puppy. Please call Elaine and Bill, Med ./Leg. paid,
t-800-220 §355
Caring home, l*etime of love ft security await your infant/
toddler Let us help. Medeal/legal pd Marianne/Nick 1
128 Child Care Services
Pul-time Child Care. 18 mos. and up, licensed, food
program, fenced yard, N.E. area. 4664713.
148 Hairstyling
Sculptured nails, full sat. regularly $35. only
$17.50 with Sarah. 466-1603
150 Health and Fitness
Family Dermatology
EJtiot L Rusted. MO. Specialized treatment of ail skin
and scalp disorders. Complementary medications tor
acne patients Evening and Saturday hours. Convenient
location. 3901 Normal Blvd. Suite 102 483-7806
153 Insurance
For il your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077.
American Family tsurance Renters. Auto. Home. Health,
and Life.
Hey Smarty!
If you're a student getting -8 s’ or better, you may quality
lor our Coed Student Discount on your auto insurance
Call Joe DuRant today and get the tacts on our money
saving Good Student Auto Policy
Joe*pit M. DuRant Insurance Age... y
5930 S J.rtth. Suite C.
’Lincoln Trade Comer’
1170 Misc. Services
Advanced BooMteeping and Tax Services. Reasonable
Electronic filing 486 3148
Your Money Matters
Thames K. Stephens, by appointment. 476-3041.
Independent Tax Preparation f
178 Pregnancy
Confidential counseling available Call for an
941 0 Street, Suite 121
475 2501
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential
hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us lor
men). 483 2609
188 Tanning
Northern Exposure Tanning, 4242Comhutker. 480-3826
The Tanning Place. 333 N. Corner, 484 0001. 10 tans/
$22 50; unlimited month/$31 SOthru 3/31 with Student 10.
$2 00/Sundays. 10.20,30-minute beds.
195 Typing & Resumes
Action Resumes
Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service,
affordable rales. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264
All types of word processing. Laser printing. $1 25 dou
ble-spaced page. Call Dana, 4884400.
For affordable laser printed papers and resumes, typed
fast and accurate, call Kristi at 4884753.
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 yean
etperience, proven results. 484-0775.
much has been said about our little
latitude of the world — that is, until
Counting Crows came along and de
cided to make a song called (sorry all
you Lincolnites) “Omaha.”
On their release, “August and Ev
erything After,” Counting Crows fly
through with a sound of dedication
and harmonious emotion. Groovy
songs with a hometown feel mixed
with songs about loss and solitude
make “August” an album that will run
the charts longer than a month.
With heartfelt lyrics by singer-lyr
icist Adam Duritz, “Omaha” defines
the essence of the heartland: “Omaha
... Somewhere in the middle of Amer
ica/ Get right to the heart of matters/
It’s the heart that matters more/ I
think you better turn your ticket in/
And get your money back at the door.”
Duritz’s voice is soothing, almost
resonating, but powerful. The unique
use of Charlie Gillingham on organ
and accordion gives the songs a twist.
It’s an emotional album that shows
a lot of pain and confusion while
providing songsofhappiness and hope.
It’s an album made by those friends
of yours who hang out in the basement
and jam above the noise of the water
heater. OK, so maybe they recorded
this album in their living room in Los
Angeles, but they acknowledge the
heartland. Somewhere between the
ocean and the prairie. Counting Crows
could nest in any home across the
— Paula Lavigne
Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax.
Daily Nabraakan, baaamanl oi the Nabraaka Union
200s Notices
203 Spring Break Trips
SPRING BREAK '94 Jamaica- from (469. Cancun-from
$469. Other destinations available: Daytona $ Panama
City Beach Cal Student Travel Servtees at 800-648
4849, Alan at 438-1859. Shelly at 436-7769 lor more
205 Career Events
Government $ Other Alternatives Career Fair
Thursday, March 3
UNL City Union
Visit with over SO government 8 non-proln agencwslll
210 Announcements
Attention Business
Increase you chances lor success by attending
the CBA4tft Annual Corporate Partners Lead
ership $ Professional Development Seminar.
Thu 2 day interactive workshop features lead
ing area executes 8 various exciting topics to
make you better prepared for a future in busi
ness. SPACE IS LIMITED - Ca# 472-7773 for
Free Travel Abroad
6:30-7:3Ckxn Tuesdays March 8 t 15 at International
Affairs, I&7 TV St.
FY1 UNL hae • dental office In the UrUv. Health Center,
eervfcee provided for aMUNL students, staff, S faculty
ler Into/appt. caM 472-7406 _
Graduate Assistantships
Office for Student Involvement Graduate Assatant appli
cations lor 1904-95 now av stable In 200 NU, 300 EOJ.
the Culture Center or the Women's Center. Priorty
screening begins on Monday. March t, final deadline lor
recent or application Is Apr! t.___
Office tor Student Involvement Student Staff applications
for 1904-95 now available m 200 NU. 300 ECU. the
Culture Center or the Women's Center. Applications are
due March 18. interviews week of April 4-15. A variety of
positions wil be available, salaries range from $4 z$
$4.75 per hour. Please return your application to 200
Nebraska Union.
The Men s and Women s Wrestling Meet will be held
March 7-9 in the Campus Recreation Center. No advance
entries are required I nines wM be taken at the weigh-m
times lor eech weight dessf Icahon. Schedules for weight
classifications and wstah-ln limes are available at the
Office of Campus Recreation. For more Information, call
472-3487 or pick up a Dyer In the Office of Campus
Looking lor something
Think about becoming a UnNersty Program CouncH
member for the fan semester. Beginning March 7. appli
cations wM bt available all 17 NE Union, 200 NE Union
and 300 NE East Union. The deadline for al applications
Is March 18
On March 8 al 600 p.m bt the Union, you have an
opportunity to voice your concerns and suggestion* to the
l/iilvoreRy Program Courted. Come prepared with In
formation and warn lor future programming.