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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1994)
Unbelievably close. 3-bedroom, 2-bath with finished basement. Pets OK. Available April t. $650. 477-2949. 440 Duplexes For Rent 3335 N. 5th. Brand New 3,4,5 Br. units, 2-baths, 2 garages, appliances, Family Rm. $750-$850 +.432-0415 450 Apartments For Rent $199+. Neat and Clean, close to campus. Century Management Company 476-2500. $50.00 Move-In Specialll While they last, 1 A 2 BR. $304 and up. Lndry. Min. from UNL, 2301 A St.- 640 South 20th - 475-7262. ”620 S. 20th. Nice 1 Br.Nopets. $265. 489-3550. Leave message. 1830 E. One bedroom efficiency. Unfurnished. Heat paid. Security doors. Available now. $220/month. 438-4480. 228 So. 17th EFFICIENCIES Perfect for students! Near town & UNL. Short leasi available. Laundry, heat S water paid.$210-$275. 475 3111,435-6690. Nice efficiency apartment, close to campus, with porch area of 25th and R, call for appointment 475-1449 or 435 0255, $250/mo. NO DEPOSIT! One bedroom, heat paid! 1107 L. Just remodeled. Studio. Only $260. 1336 D. Studio, plus utilities. $240. 3179 R. Wood floors. Only $260 2100 B. Only $295 Two bedrooms. 136 South 29. Large and roomy. $340. All neat and clean. Call Phoenix Properties Management Inc. 474-5327. NO DEPOSIT! One bedroom, heat paid! 1107 L. Just remodeled. Studio. Only $260. 3179 R. Wood floors. Only $260. 930 S. 16th. $260 * All neat and clean. Call Phoenix Properties Management, Inc. 474-5327. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS Make your summer exciting! | •Professional training and experience •Earn $3,000-$5,000 Campus Concepts will be conducting interviews March 1-2. Contact Student Employment for interviews or call 1-800-931-0007. Need 5pring BreaK bucks? Donate plasma for fast casN • New customers cam $25 on first visit (call for appl.) • Return customers cam $15 first donation of week and $20 for second donation within five days • No parking hassles- Park IfKlili at the door! Earn more at N$*i BioMedical Center _474-2335 _ 300 So. 17ih St. expire* 508 S. 25th. Two bedroom. Neat apartment. New carpet. Leave message, 483-2357. Claremont Park Apartments. 3-Br. apartment available immediately. Close to campus and downtown. 9th and Claremont. Call 474-7275. Clean 2-bedroom apartment, close to University. $280 $290+electric. Call or apply M-F, 8-4:30.5700"R-St, 467 2371 or t033 "0" St. Room 50,434-2610. Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments. Energy efficient t and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able with fireplaces or woodbuming stove. Professionally managed Call 476-6200 now. DESIGNED FOR STUDENT LIFESTYLE Newer 1, 2, 3,8 4 bedroom apartments close to campus available for August '94. Swimming pool, workout facili ties, dishwashers, microwaves, private patio/balconies. Avoid the rushl Reserve next year's home todaylll 474 PARK. CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS EFFICIENCY. $240, newer building, dose to campus, unfurnished, no pets, 1824 M Street, 438-3132. Embassy Park Apartments -31st A Old Chenney. 2 8 3 bedroom, $470-$595, swimming pool. *515 W. Saunders. 2 bedroom, $430. •Pine Tree Apartments, 231 Adams, 2-Br., $465. 483-1130,483-6057. It’s cold outside Heat paid inside 1-2 Br. Apartments, close to campus. 2504Vine *1-Br. Apartments, al appliances. 2nd floor available now. $330. *2-Br. (Huge/Unique apartments) A must see. $450. 1109, 1121 N. 28th. *1-br. apartments, sharp decore, lots of closets, pool in summer. $350-$365 311 N. 24ttt, 2920 P St ‘Call this duplex home, private and warm, available now. $325-3350 4300 Cornhueker HWY * 1 -2 Br. Apartments, our newest, frost grey or light beige, ail appliances, private balcony. $415-$520 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 March rent FREE 2740 R. Three bedroom, two baths. Newly remodeled Laundry, parking. $450. Jerry, 437-6328. Need Privacy? Fully furnished one-bedroom wt Very close to campus and route with Star Tran Bus. No pets, non-smoking, and tree water utility only. $200/mo 474 6473, call Tues. or Thur. evenings or weekends or leave message The Quality You Can Expect At Prices You Can Afford (Special Student Financing Available 12th &O St *476-8561 Gateway Mall • 467-2509 1100 Adoption ADOPT - A stay at home Mom and financially secured devoted Dad looking to provide your newborn with love, security, education and a-great future. Huge family and loving jjugp^Please cal Elaine and Bill. Med ./Leg. paid. Caring home, toetime of love & security await your infant/ toddler. Lai us help. Medcalriegai pd. Marianne/Nick 1* 800-453-6039. Pregnant? Want to UUk with someone? Cal Betty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valley Road 463-7879 100 years of adoption etqaenence 105 Alterations & Sewing Alterations and Design. Close by andqulok. Alterations of all (rinds/Hem and taper blue jeans. 7 75 “P* Si Studio » 3, 115 Bicycle Service Blue's Bke a Fitness. Si* blocks from 1128 Child Care Services Ful-tim* ChM Cm 19 nx». and up, Icanaad, food program, fenced yard. N£. area, Att-6713. 138 Employment consultant A lot nrvora than just a resume. Complete job March counseling, Caraar Managamant Services. 466-9427. Ua«QNM 47*4111 Greeting cards, gift wrap. bows, balloon delivery, novel ties. jewelry, party favors, and much more. Mere then ever. More then a bookstore. You Can’t to Miss It! South Padre Island Condominium ■•$99 $ 139 par person. 7 nights Per Person 5 nights Full kitchen, living room balconies, 1/2 block to beach Including: S/7 nights lodging avoSotot Outrageous Ft** Party and Food Package (Fiee BBS's. Beach Partios. S Breakfasts) Plus Much Motel Call Immcdiatoly: 1-800-HI PADRE (1 -800-44 7-2373) 148 Hairstyling * Sculptured nails, lull set, regularly $35, only $17.50 5 > with Sarah. 466-1603. ] 150 Health and Fitness EMot Family Dermatology L Ruetod, MO. Speeialiied treatment ot all skin and scalp disorders acne patients location. 3901 483-7806 REDUCE STRESS AND ANXIETY Learn skills for managing stress. Workshops: Tuesdays 2-4 p.m Rm. E UNO Health Cenrer. No registration required. STRESS MANAGEMENT WALK - IN - CLINIC S - 4.00 p. 153 Insurance For a* your Insurance Needs. JUn Wallace 474-5077. American Family IsuranceRenters, Auto, Home. Health, and Lite. it you're a student arc? ■0S* or on the mer, you may quality your auto Insurance facts on our money MW S. 58*. Suite C, Lmcolnjrrete Center 155 Instruction Tutor ing PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION/RENTAL AND SALE8. 2«0*s Studio. 468-2430 170 Misc. Services Advanced Bookkeeping and Tax Services. Reasonable Electronic filing. 486-3146 _ Your Money Matters ThonawMl Saighena. ty^oppolntmwit.^478 3041 178 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. Frargregnancy tact. please caN us for appoint 188 Tanning 3 Tam. $5.00; 10 Tans. $20.00. Through February SunnCapsule Tanning Center Mr. WsT 1417 <y. 477 I3S2. Student Tan Special On* month unlimited tan 29.95 Offer good through Feb ruary 2$. SaHeira, 4644797. 195 Typing & Resumes *Later pnnted papers, resumes; applications done also Spetl/grammer-checking, minor editing. Centrally local ad. Dependable Cal VfciMi, 4774417.___ Action Resumes QuaMy resume*, cover tatters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates. Evening, eeaiiand hours. 499-7264 AH types of word processing Laser printing. SI 25 doo dle spaced page. Cttf D»ta. 499-44)0._ For affordable laser-printed papers and tesumaa. typed last and aocursta. cal Kristi at 496-4753. Resumes By Ann QuaMy rsaumes, profesaronal arrtars. Over 12 yearr. experience, proven results. 494-Q779._ Resumes One month unlimited sun tanning for $27.00! • Appointments available 8am-lam • Offer good thru March 1994 • Good at LaunDRYLand 1440 N. 56th only LaunDRYLand 1440 N. 56th 466-8353 Summer Editor In Chief The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications for the 1994 summer editor in chief. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan, and be a student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln this spring, summer or tall. The editor in chief formulates editorial policy, determines guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hires the se nior editorial staffs helpi determine the __ content of the editorial page, prepares the editorial salary budgetand reports to the Publications Board. The Daily Nebraskan is published weekly during the two five-week ses- ^ sions plus a New Student Enrollment issue. ..a Applications are available in the Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Union, and must be returned with up to five writing samples by 3 p.m., March 2.