The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1994, Page 2, Image 2
Associated Press "^T|h \A/Q T^Y|Y^tTh QT NelSaskan Edited by Kristine Long JL H I 1 f V kD JL/XVJJ_X Tu««d«y, March i, 1994 Russia retaliates; fires U. S. diplomat MOSCOW — Russia expelled a U.S. diplomat Monday in retaliation for the expulsion of a Russian intelli gence officer accused of involvement in a Washington spy scandal. The expelled American diplomat was identified in Russian media as James L. Morris, a counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The U.S. Embassy and officials in Washington refused to confirm the name. The exchange of expulsions — Russia’s diplomat was ordered out on Friday—was reminiscent of the Cold War and threatened to chill U.S.-Rus sian relations. “We have received a request from the Russian government to withdraw a senior official of the embassy. We expressed our great regret and con cern over this action,” the U.S. Em bassy said in a statement that did not mention Morris by name. In Washington,aClintonadminis tration official who spoke on condi tion he not be named, suggested any tit-for-tat gamesmanship between the two countries may be over for now: “We have no further plans at this time to take further action.” The United States had expected the expulsion of an American from Mos cow since Alexander Lysenko, the chief of Russia’s intelligence station in Washington, was declared persona non grata on Friday and ordered to leave the United States within seven days. U.S. officials said Lysenko “was in a position to be responsible” for CIA officer Aldrich H. Ames and his wife, Rosario, who were charged last week with spying for Moscow since 1985. Ames, who once headed the CIA branch in charge df Soviet counterin telligence, allegedly sold secrets to the Soviet Union and later Russia for more than SI .5 million. U.S. officials believe the informa tion he gave Moscow may have led to the execution of as many as 10 Rus sians who were spying for the United States. Also Monday, Russian President Boris Yeltsin fired the head of the Federal Counterintelligence Service, an agency that was formed when the KGB was reorganized last year. But the state news agency ITAR Tass said the firing of Nikolai Golushko stemmed from his failure to prevent the release of Yeltsin’s hard line enemies over the weekend, rather than from the Ames spy scandal. THE WHY HONE BOOKS • Astrology Tapes • New Jewelry & Stones • New Rainsticks & Incense 3231 SO. 13th In the Indian Village Shopping Center 421-1701 Hours M-F: 10-7, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 "SINCE 1986 YOUR FIRST CHOICE FOR INTERESTING MUSIC A BOOKS" Free Computer Classes! The Computing Resource Center is offering free microcomputer classes to UNL students. The classes will feature an introduction to Microsoft Word for the Macintosh and WordPerfect for IBM machines. No reservations are required. jlntroduction to Microsoft Word for Macintosh Thursday, March 3 3:00 - 4:00 Andrews Hall lab U.S. downs Serb warplanes BELGRADE, Yugoslavia — NATO struck for the first time in the Bosnian war Monday when two U.S. F-16 fighter jets downed four Serb warplanes that U.N. officials said bombed an arms plant run by Bosnia’s Muslim-led government. NATO said the planes ignored several warnings to leave a U.N. imposed no-fly zone over Bosnia or face attack and then were observed dropping bombs on a Muslim-con trolled area. Bosnian Serbs first denied in volvement. One Serb army official, who spoke on cond it ion of anonym ity, confirmed that four of their planes were shot down. Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic said Serb pilots might have been mak ing “training flights.” NATO has frequently threatened intervention to back U.N. resolu tions during the 23-month war. Monday’s attack was the first in stance of NATO using military muscle anywhere during its 44 years of existence. NATO and the United Nations say they are neutral in the Bosnian conflict and will act against any side violating U.N. agreements. “If the Serbs did this, I see no justification,” said Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev. Grachev said he did not think the incident would escalate the con flict. U.S. Adm. Jeremy M. Boorda, the NATO commander for south ern Europe, said the lesson to be learned was simple: “You ought not to violate the no-fly zone.” He said NATO would not hesitate to fire on any other violators. Boorda said U.S. pilots detected six planes by radar and broadcast three warnings for them to immedi ately land or leave Bosnian airspace or risk attack. No response was received, and the Americans then saw the planes “make a bombing maneuver” and witnessed explo sions on the ground, he said. One U.S. plane then shot down three planes with air-to-air missiles and a second U.S. plane downed a fourth, Boorda said at a briefing in Naples, Italy. The two other planes escaped by flying west over Croatia and then north and back east over Banja Luka, NATO said. Bosnian no-fly zone The United Nations has authorized NATO warplanes to shoot down aircraft that violate the Bosnian no-fly zone, which has been in effect since October, 1992, and covers all of Bosnia-Herzegovina. i—w—'—• ^ .. ::-1 Dealers are skeptical as Brady law takes effect The federal Brady law took effect Monday, turning firearms dealers in 32 states into a first line of defense to keep felons from buying handguns. The mechanism varies around the country. Some gun dealers call a state agency toll-free, others have to pay, some will fax or mail in forms. Some states, such as Colorado and South Carolina, are promising instant background checks. The alternative is for gun shops to wait five days for a background check by the chief law enforcement official in the area where the buyer lives. “That’s the big fly in the butter milk,” Bill Carter Sr., owner of Cart er’s Country gun stores in Houston, said. “Determining the proper justifica tion is a big problem for us. If we do it wrong, we violate the law.” In Mississippi, a seller will send paperwork by certified mail. The five days start when it’s received. “Is a felon going to come in and identify himself with a driver’s li cense? He’d have to be stupid,” Den ver Woodcock, manager of Riley’s Sport Shop and Shooting Range in Hooksett, N.H., said. States that already have back ground checks report they have stopped thousands of criminals from getting guns. The National Rifle Association argues the law is unconstitutionally vague about who must enforce it. The NRA is backing a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Tucson, Ariz., by Graham County ShcrifTRichard Mack. The Brady law is named after former White House Press Secretary James Brady, who was wounded dur ing the T981 assassination attenti on former President Reagan. Brady and his wife, Sarah, have since been lob bying lawmakers for gun control. Stoney Continued from Page 1 The federal government needs to adopt some of the Nebraska Constitu tion’s aspects—including an amend ment that would require lawmakers to present a balanced budget, Stor.ey said. “We can live with (the balanced bud get amendment) here ... we can make it work at the federal level,” she said. “We should apply the same common sense that we use in our lives to the federal government.” Stoney said she would support a 25 percent cut in congressional staff and would not support pay raises for sen ators. She said she would also support a measure sending drug dealers who deal to minors to prison for 10 years. She said 10-year jail terms to felons convicted of using a firearm and 20 year terms if the gun is fired would help curb crime. Stoney said the Clinton health care reform plan would be a step in the wrong direction. “The Clinton health care bill Ls the wrong medicine. In fact, it is finan cially fatal,” she said. “We should kill (the plan) outright.” “The United States has the best health care system in the world, Stoney said. She said the Clinton health care plan is the epitome of government intervention in American’s lives. Congress should start with a plan improving affordability and access, she said. Stoney said the country did not need to give another one-fourth of the Gross National Product. “Remember, these arc the same people that gave us the $700 toilet scats and 29-ccnt stamps,” Stoney said. The health care system needs mal practice and fraud reforms in addition to improvements in access, Stoney said. “Price caps and government knows-best reforms are not the an swers,” she said. “Let’s admit Wash ington needs reforms.” Call 1-800-FINDS Nil (in Illinois, call 708-491 5250), or fax (708-491-5660) or mail this coupon to Summer Session ’94, 2115 North Campus Drive, Suite 162, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2650, for your free copy of the Summer Session ’94 catalog (available in March). Send the catalog to Q my home O my school. Name School Addrm City Stole ~ Zip Home Address City Stole Zip Northwestern is art equal opportunity educator and employer Net>m£kan Editor Jeremy Fitzpatrick 472-1766 Managing Editor Adeana Leftin Assoc. News Editors Jeff Zeierry Stave Smith Editorial Page Editor Rainbow Rowell Wire Editor Kristine Long Copy Desk Editor Mike Lewis Sports Editor Todd Cooper Assistant Sports Editor Jeff Grleech Arts & Entertain- Sarah Duey ment Editor Photo Chief Steel McKee Night News Editors Jeff Robb DeOra Janeeen Melissa Dunne Art Director James Mehsling General Manager DanShettll Production Manager Katherine Pollcky Advertising Manager Jay Cruse Senior Acct. Exec. Sheri Kra|ewskl Publications Board Chairman Doug Fiedler 436-6267 FAX NUMBER 472-1761 The Daily NebraakanfUSPS 144-060) it published by the UNL Pubkeabem Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R Si., Lincoln, NE 685860448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions Readers are encouraged to submit elory ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a m and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, oonlact Doug Fiedler, 436-6287. Subscription price ia 650 for one year. Postmaster: Bend address changes to the Dally Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St .Lincoln, NE 68588-0446 Second class postage paid at Lincoln, NE ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT _1664 DAILY NEBRASKAN