Opinion Net>raskan Friday, Fabruary 26,1904 Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jeremy Fitzpatrick.Editor, 472-1766 Rainbow Rowell.. .Opinion Page Editor Adeana Left in.Managing Editor Todd Cooper.Sports Editor JeffZeleny ...„ .. ... . . Associate News Editor Sarah Duey.Arts & Entertainment Editor Willian Lauer.'.Senior Photographer ()[ oils Oi lm w i i k *7 think students have a hard time with (incoming NU President Dennis) Smith because he is very direct, and he lays on the table what he thinks. Some students respect that, and some have a hard time with him. ” — David Kesselman, president of the Associated Students of the University of California-lrvine “They manhandled us. They have owned us with their physicalness. They are holding and clawing and grabbing the whole time, and they do a great job of it. ” — Nebraska basketball coach Danny Nee, describing the Oklahoma State Cowboys “Canned ham for everyone who votes for him. ” — The no. 7 reason UNL business management major Gary Doyle thinks students should write in David Letterman for president of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska “The man worked like a dog, and it rubbed off on everyone around him." — Sen. Scott Moore of Seward, describing outgoing NU President Martin Massengale “My girlfriend persuaded me to donate. I don’t like the sight of blood, but I still feel it’s for a good cause. ” — Shane Ham, a junior mechanical engineering major, after giving blood to the Red Cross “But they are kids and they ’re still playing with toys. ” — Sen. James Monen of Omaha, opposing LB1166, a bill which would protect high school newspapers from prior restraint “All I know is I am lying here with a damn cast on my foot, and April seems more like it is five years away than five weeks." — Nebraska All-American baseball player Troy Brohawn, who will miss five to eight weeks of the season because of a broken foot "You have to throw out that cushy morality and think, ‘It’s me or him. Who’s it going to be?’ You can poke out his eyeballs and put them in your pocket ” — University of Nebraska-Lincoln police officer Joe Scott, at a self-defense workshop held as part of National Rape and Sexual Harassment Prevention Week “The teen-ager gets an image, the tobacco companies get an addict. We must fight back. ” — Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, declaring that smoking is an adolescent addiction “Obviously Elvis didn’t meet any of those criteria, nor would David Letterman. ” — Mark Byars, director ofASUN's electoral commission, explaining why Elvis and David Letterman were not eligible to win the ASUN presidential election “A lot of people don’t care, even the president. He couldn’t care as much as I do.” — Eliot Partridge, lead singer for Daily Blues I m i< »i Natural love In response to Matthew Wegener’s “majority rules” letter (DN, Feb. 24, 1994). I would like to inform Wegener that he does not represent the bel iefs of the majority. It may be true that 90 percent of the student body may be heterosexual, but it is only a small percentage who feel an alternative lifestyle is “disgusting and animalistic.” 1 believe I represent the majority of heterosexual students who understand homosexuality for what it is... natural love, no different than heterosexual love. I understand the anger and igno rance Wegener displayed. Perhaps this comes from the frustration of being a freshman, another minority on cam pus. In the future I suggest Wegener think more logically about who or what a majority is. Jon Nockels sophomore psychology Doyle for prez It looks like Gary Doyle has too much time on his hands. I f Doyle were truly concerned about the workings of student government, I would think he’d run himself. Surely a go-getter like Doyle would want to jump in and get his hands dirty. However we don’t sec Doyle work ing toward change. We don’t see Doyle doing anything to perfect the already well-running machine of student gov ernment. One would have to ask, why docsn’ t Doyle throw his hat in the race? I can answer in one word — unclectabic. That’s right. Doyle can’t cut it, so he’ll see if David Lctterman can. The DN, in their characteristic confusion over what constitutes good jcfcimal ism, has mistaken Doyle’s cry for attention as genuine news. Joke candidates are last ditch ef forts of those who arc unqualified, unpopular and unable to perform as a student leader. I suggest Doyle give up his Letterman fetish and move over to 1.1 I I I US IO | II! I.DI I UK make room for his well-qualified, electable peers. Shane Tucker junior biology Kai Wilken/DN Bar owners A proposed bill would change Ne braska’s Driving While Intoxicated law. The bill would change the accept able blood alcohol content while driv ing from .1 percent to .08 percent. As it stands, it holds bar and liquor li cense holders liable for the actions of their customers once they surpass this limit. So, if they serve you past .1, and you go out and get DW1 or in an accident, you can sue them for damag es. As a member of the beverage in dustry. 1 find it absurd I should be liable for so many people for the ser vice I provide. Granted, I work for one of the more responsible bars in Lin coln, but it is impossible to ask bar owners to be responsible for their en tire clientele. A 150-pound woman will reach .1 after four drinks in one hour. A 110-pound woman will reach . 1 after one beer. Now 1 don’t want to get killed by a drunk driver any more than any other person, but will this action really sol vc the problem? Bar owners pay a lot of money for their licenses, and they pay a lot of taxes, which, 1 might add, will prob ably go up in the next six months. Why are we holding them liable for the irresponsibility of the general public? The city of Lincoln sold more than 270 liquor licenses in the last three years. That seems 1 ike a good chunk of the local economy. The city has a responsibility to those taxpayers to protect their interests. If I am a business owner and I can no longer serve you more than four drinks, legally, regardless of how you choose to get home, then just what exactly arc my rights? The only way to reduce drunk driv ing is through education, not a frac tion of a reduction in the legal limit of alcohol content in blood. We should stop letting people sit their time out in jail without any alcohol education programs. In a perfect world, people would be more responsible. This is not a perfect world, and people will always drink. Reduce the 1 imit to .04 if you want, but take the responsibility off of the bar owners. Darla Hermancc junior psychology Assumptions Jason Don Salazar (DN, Feb. 24, 1994) wrote, “to assume things about me in a campus newspaper—such as where 1 came from, who I am and what I know about discrimination — is insulting.” He also wrote “neither man (presumably Sam Kcpfield and my self) has ever been a minority and will never be a minority.” It appears Salazar is quite willing to make the same assumptions he attributes to Kepfield and, indirectly, to me. How does Salazar know “where I came from, who I am and what I know about discrimination?” Robert J. Tobin graduate student geology P.S. Write Back -mx The Daily Nebraskan wants to hear from you. If you want to voice your^ opinion about an article that appears in the newspaper, let us know. Just write a brief letter to the editor and sign it (don’t forget your student ID number) and mail it to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street, Lincoln NE 68588-0448, or stop by the office in the basement of the Nebraska Union’ and visit with us. We’re all ears.