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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1994)
rvnpnenced bartender needed. Morgan s Upstairs, call 4774242 after 500 p.m._ Godfather’s Pizza wnw hirinq delivery drivers for evenings and weekend shifts Apply at 5220. S. 48th location. No late nights required. _ '_ Uachprs needed for sorority. Must be dependable. Food plus pay. Call 486-6189._ Hi UNLI Did you ml»# me? It's a qreat new year and we are ready to start it off right We enjoy our student workforce and we want morel Come on in to Carol Wright Sales Inc. Would you like a job that only works 2. 3.4, or 5 nights a week7 Would you like a job that allows you to pick the nights that you want to work? HELP us TO FILL OUR 1994 ORDERS. We are now offering positions in the production depart ment of out direct mall order facility. Duties include picking, packing, taping, sorting, and loading orders for shipment to our customers. The hours are 4:00 p.m. to Midnight. You could work Monday and Tuesday, or you could work Monday. Wednesday. and Friday, or, vou could work Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And combination! YOU pictt the nightsl These are temporary positions with the possibility of benetits after six months of employment. If you are interested In this offer, please fill out an application at: Carol Wright Salas Inc. 340 Applecreefc Road Lincoln, Nt 66528 (402) 437-2254 Monday to Friday 8.-00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Evening hours available to apply. E0E M/F/D/V K’S RESTARUANT Cooks and Day Bussers positions available. Flexible hours. Apply at K's Restaruant 1275 South Cotner. Looking for I nendly, outgoing individuals to guide tourists on horseback rides through the national forest land of Colorado. Reply to Sombrero Ranches. Inc. 3300 Airport Rd , Box A, Boulder. CO 8030 K___ Matrixx Marketing Has A Job For You! WATS Marketing has recently merged with Matrixx Mar keting, a Cincinnati Bell Company. With more than 7,000 employees in 18 centers worldwide, the newly expanded Matrixx has opportunities lor you. Matrixx Marketing Is currently hiring tul-time and pad time telemarketing sales representatives. Join the new generation of telemarketing and let us show you how you can earn great money whle using your communication and people skills all in a professional, friendly environ Full Time:Mon-Thurs. 7am-4pm;Fri 7am-1pm or Mon-Fri 12:30pm-9pm Part Time: Mon-Fri 5-10pm; Sat 9am-2pm. Minimum 20 hours/wk. Set your own schedule. We offer paid training classes, casual dress code and a competitive hourly rate plus sales bonuses. Apply at our Employment Office 8:30am till 6:00pm Monday - Friday 468-8211. MATRIXX MARKETING Building 1-D Gateway Center (S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center) 2nd Floor of the Comhusker Bank EOE/M/F/V/H NANNIES WANTED Posxions nation wide, summer or year round, eioerlence not required Great pay and benefit, free travel. 812-643 4399 NE Volleyball Team IS seeking a manager to begin March I of 1M who would like at least a 2-year commitment. We wil train, but experience In management is helpful. Please contact the Volleyball office to sal up an Interview, 472-2399. NOW HIRING ASSEMBLE WORKERS ^ & MIG WELDERS Looking for individuals to be placed at leadina manufae A«omKian,u!in "onhwest Lincoln. Several openings for WeldersfsTM/hiM aii'7^'' > and e)(pe^ncec?MIG ■ •-.ivhs, nc offer: Long-term assignments 'Choice of sniffs 'Vacation & holiday pay 'Weekly paycheck _. ■». . 'No fees Qualified applicants must be 18 or older and may aoolv weekdayslietween 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m V W V MSP RESOURCES, INC. Suite 436, Greentree Court 210 Gateway North, Lincoln (East of J.C. Penney’s) EOE ^ (afternoons only) for a receptionist with some clerical duties and customer sales, agrtcultural i<a^9c0unf Pre,erred but not required, apply in person, Milter Seed Company, 1600 Cornhuskerffighway; RUNZA We have opportunities to earn great wages and start an exciting career for outgoing, friendly people. We are currently accepting applications lor full/part time day/ evening positions that offer: 'Flexible scheduling 'Opportunities to advance '1/2 price meals 'Bonus and Scholarship program Competitive wages Come join our winning team. Stop by the 13th 4 E Runza and apply today 11 Runza’s Newest Store is Now Hiring! 27th & Superior St. is the site of our newest store in Lincoln. We are excited to begin hiring the best employ ees for the NEW storel We will pay you above average wages for day time availability a kitchen experience. If you Ike working at a fast pace, are friendly, dependable and hard working, then we want to talk to youl We offer: 'EXCELLENT STARTING WAGES 'Super flexible hours Paid vacation '1/2 price meals 'College scholarship program 'Paid training 'Advancement opportunities ‘And much morel APPLY TODAY AT THE tITH * CORNHUSKER (BELMONT) OR 27TH • SUPERIOR RUNZA LOCA TIONS! Sonoma Cafe, Lincoln * only Southwestern style restau rant it opening soon under new ownership on the site ot the old Rio Grande Restaurant. 5600 S. 46th. We are now accepting applications tor all positions between 10 and 4 daily. We need umpires lor baseball and softball. Lincoln Little Chiefs. Call-434-7587 or 423-5191, leave your name 6 number. 310 Child Care Needed Babysitter for three boys 2-5pm. Monday-Friday 477 Lookingf or reliable person to care for children in my home afternoons. References required. 423-3565. _ Part-time nanny for school-age children, Monday-Friday, 3:30-7 p.m and full time In summer. Must have own transportation. Cal Lu 434-7000. 320 Work Study Jobs Needed student with wodt study voucher to work in economics department. Duties include typing, computer, and copying skils. Must be dependable and attention to defalUi&hr. Call Carol at 472-6387. 330 Summer Jobs Summer job openings for Assistant Pool Managers, lifeguards. cashWrs. Call Lincoln Parks and Recreation at ||__1621_OSt:_Uncgll^_NE__| Every Friday t Saturday 10PM -12PM | THI FAR MM By GARY LARSON “Well, here he comes ... Mr. Never-Mskes-e-Dud. CAMP CHALLENGE Summer Leadership School So you didn't sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a paid six-week summer course in leadership training. No obli gatlon. Register today. Call 472-2468for details. CAMP COUNSELORS - OUTSTANDING SUM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance. Sllmnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20+. Seven Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT MASSACHU SETTS. PENNSYLVANIA, CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michele Friedman 947 Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere, NY 11581. 1-800-421-4321. Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp 1 Platte RWer, is seeking Kltakl, located on the I __ applicants for the following positions: Counse” lore. Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors. Adven ture Trail Guides, Nature Director. Archery A Rif lery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P St, Lincoln NE 68508; (402) 434-9225. OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. TIMBERLAKE RANCH CAMPS, a large Christian youth camp located near Central City, NE, is accepting applica tions from qualified students. Basic requirements: per sonal relationship with Jesus Christ, enjoy working with children and youth, servant attitude. Paid positions in clude: counselors, cooks, wranglers, first aider, house keeping, ski instructors. Application sent upon request. (308) 946-3871. SPRINGiBREflKv Say Adiot to School Si' W intori Cancun' With R/T airl South Padre With outrageous party/meal package! Florida Sand, sun and cheap! Bahamas/Cruise Includes some mealsl Call Immediately1 Contact Travel: 483-2561 ©8 era era era era era ora ora era ora an ora ora e 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. 400 Roommates 3rdfemale roommate wanted. Large, comfortable House. Between Campus. $250, util. pd„ 474-8134 —^r“M4/omens— Services P.C. ABORTION CARE Safe»Affordabl&Confidential Abortion Services Provided During All Legal Stages • Awake or Asleep • Outpatient Care • Birth Control • Total OB/GYN Health Care • Board Certified OB/GYN Physicians 201 S. 46th St, Omaha, NE 68132 CALL TOLL FREE • 1-800-922-8331 Immigration Lawyer STANLEY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limited to Immigration Law a on cm cm cm cm tsacm cm cm cm expiici 2/M/9-) Give from the heart • New customers earn $25 on firsl visit (call for appt.) • Rciurn customers earn $15 first donation of week mPB 1 and $20 for second donation within five days • No parking hassles- Park FRKK at the door! Donate PLASMA for Vatentfre's Day cash InSi BioMedical Center QQ @3 ©5 ©0 $5 ©9 <S> ©S> ©9 03 ©9 03 ©9 ©9 ©9 ©9 Calvin and Hobbes Clean, spacious, close to campus. Central Air, washer/ dryer, etc. Need non-smoking adult to share 4 bedroom duplex. Private bath, storage. No pets. $150 + utilities. 435-5576 Dave. Desperately need a roommate, $150 + 1/3 utilities, close to both campuses. 477-2119. Female roommate to share large house near campus. Call Julie 475-6540. Female, non-smoking roommate for 2-bedroom apt. with fireplace, balcony, laundry, security. $237.50/mo, utilities included. 477-7512. M/F to share very nice 2-story, 3 BR condo, 5 min. from Campus, with 2 UNL male students. $200/month + utili ties. Call 438-1337. SWc KKMW hm NnmoML ufOMunoN & manamoM 1’800'SUNCHASE by Bill Watterson Test. 1. Vlhat important event took, place on December It. 1773 7 I do NoY B&UEVE iN LiNE^R +iME. TWERE is No P<*S+ QNd fy+uRE: qLL |S ONE, QNd ExiStEMCE iN WE ttMpoRqL SENSE iS ilLUSoRY. TVjiS OUESt»oN, +WEREfoRE, iS MEqNjHGLRSS MpoSsibLE <WSwtR. NUEN IN DOUBT, DEM ML TERMS MAO OEE\H\TAONS Y 1994 WafHKSon D»»t by LKw*fi*i P'«w Syn<KaM 2-H * Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0223 ACROSS 1 Caribbean island • Hemp derivative 19 Sour liquids 19 Loss of power to understand words 17 Recent ring retiree 19 Houston player 20 Some wins by 17 Across 21 Pangolin s meal 22 Epic translated by Pope 24 High, in Hebrew 29 Spice and staff 27 Symbol of nudity 31 Dine 32 Della and Lizette 35 Mars: Comb, form 35 A Wimbledon champion: 1981 35 Descendant of Fatima 40 Kind of bond 41 Modernist 42 Pleistocene mammal 44 Kyle and Tobin of football 40 Manager Piniella 47 Elbows or shells 4# Adonis's killer 51 Ouse feeder 52 Diminish 50 N B A. scoring leader: 1960-66 50 Minimally oo Bade ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE i. t. i_rrrn . i_ i_ irr—rrr- i- i- i •1 “Our hope (or -come*: Watts 62 Wimple wearers DOWN 1 Pedro’s house 2 Small one: Suffix 2 Command of a col. 4 Edible mushroom 5 Christmas singers 6 Part of E.T.A. 7 Prefecture of Japan • “Herring Vender" artist • Morris’s “The Naked-" 10 Full of shallow spots 11 Twain’s boyhood home 12 "The Hun the gate!": Kipling isBors and Kay 14 Owned 16 Hebrew letter 23 Peek-a-boo phrase 24 Spring feasts 25 Grass type 26 Millay's "Second-" 27 Steve Martin role: 1979 26 Perfume component » Spanish kings so “Wonderland" bird 31 Confidence game 33 Conductor Whallon 34 Short for Long: 1931-35 37 Devotee 30 Tights named for their creator 43 Biblical seamstress 45 Inscribed slab 47 Knave of clubs 48 Early Christian pulpits 48 Orthodontist's concern so Earthen jar si Clouseau's servant sss Rhine tributary Rank Means' justifiers? 55 “Swann's Proust 57 ODE'S predecessor 5i“-tu,” Verdi aria